2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Pubished 'Daly (Sndyecepted) dring the College yea, ac THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Olomz: The Inlad Pes, Htenig Block. Both lPhoe 17. The Past Season in Baseball. Tile baseball seasol which has just closed has1 beenl the most suc- cessful one Miclhigaln ever had, tk- lng into cosideration tie Iumber of games wonI and also the excellent financiali showing made. Followilng the successful plan of the year before, Mlichigan inaugu- rated her seaoso this yeir with a series of games with a teaml~ from a professional league. Last year our opponenlts were the Baly City teaml of tile Internaltionall Leagie, but this year thle Toledo teaii of teIter- State League, a miucli faster orga-. ization, was engaged. Tell games were scheduled, but owing to ilnleull I ent wetther only four were played, of whichi tile 'Varsity woon tiree. With this scanty practie the 'Varsity started oii its annu~lal srig trip. 1'I'ie first Hanie scedulnled was with Il lilois at Chiamlpaign,ht Irinl preveteds, anid the 'Varsiy Iwet Io Beloit where they w011 by at score of 4 to 1. 'Thcy were beaten ill both games withl the Mlwau111ketem lan~ld also ill the first galic withl Wiscon sill' ht rdeemledl tbemlseles nobly by defeatinlg Wisconsinl 21 to 1 in the lext galle and heatig te strong Notie Daiie teaiiIoil the dlay follow Usnfortunately tie 'Varsity took a slumplifnl the first gnile after t he spring trill and(1Iinii~s seemuel to lineno11 troiuble illdeeutig11s by a 52s10e(f 7 to 3in l a giime Imiark d b siharp) fieldingo1til e prt of Ilinois and wretcedeworklel fy the 'Varsity. Bat thl 'V'airsity ricolveredl fromllit hllilnp ibeforete 1n lext gugle 111111de featedIlilinoisiy ti Iscore 'f 2 to 1, in one of i liespretiest tell ininlg giamles evl-rwitiessedl on a CIlege ediamlonid. A fer this victryy irlo- gilllstck wetillcoisierlbly 1111 least split eveii withI Illinois. Bot whut was everyonle's srprise wh Ie the 'Varsiiy defeatedl Illinois ill bothl giames on11the ltter's Ihomle groun~ds by sores of 4 to 3 aid 4 to 2. Thie llhiioodoo ad iat lst beei brolkenl and lMihiganll haidefetedt Illinolis. 'The \icOtlillgains at Detrokitlew a lrge cr~wilul Michiganl won11tie tiird slnd decid- iag gamie iftie series with tle Badgers, byitI score of 6 to 1. 'Ilic gale s 1atfiml d 1o 11ile limb' fll title of ''VesterlI Camplios,''a Illinlois defeatedi (fiicginllthree gam~les ot of fiir. 11h0 followig Thursday we crossed hats wiho Be- loft anud, cotrary Ill general expec- tation, e wefe ldefeltedl 4 tl 1. Overcoilfidenice and Adins fine pitching did tie trick. Thlen followed tie Eastern trip, illI wihich tile 'Varsity was sccessful beyonid our fusnest hlopes. Three gaimes were played with Cornell, La- fayette and1 Pensylvania. tree of tihe best teamns in tie east. Of these we won two, defeating Cornell and Pennsylvania and losing to Lafay- ette in a game ciaracterized more by our hard tck tian ayting else. After this successful trip the 'Varsity did not diappint its ad- mirers, but defeated Notre Dame for tile secondl tinoe by a score of 7 to 4. Tovo gam~es remained to bae playedI with Cornell, one in Ann Arbr and one at Grand Rapids. But tile 'Var- needed to clinch the series by defeat- A E i i i~ in~g Co~rnelIt) to 7 in the first garne. The crowd at tis galme was oiie of WHAT FURNISHINGS YOU NEED. tile larogest ever seen on 011ts Fieldi. In tile next game We were You canBu Them No at Reduced Prcs defeated 10 to 5, Cornell shoin~vlg ByNwarcs great liking to Lehr's nerves." Tile thing most gratifying to those who hlaee follwed Minchigaln's work dulrinlg the season1 is thait all hler suIc- cesses Ilave been onSill the face of mlost discouragiiig hardlulck. The + ++++++ +++"4 +f f loss oif Vol ',tile disaobling oif Mat. teson, Snowl, Sulliveanl 11n11Lehr, osi l ao-Liht Wegh eOercoat or af wereell~elgi t Iolisoonrge 11stStuommer Suit. We still make tile price teamsl, butt inl spite oif all this tile*+ termo las heein succensfoh and her + righlt on tilat, too. suncess is 011 thwt acnouint doubly*+ sweet. +***++4*++46+***+,**f++*+*4 +++ 'To estimate tile results of tile sea- 001n woul elim lpossible at tile pres. en~t. Ilhey are sis far-reselling thait their effects wtill long be felt. Suftfice it to oily thoat ore havle shlownItflit thin XVest can compete successfoully wi11111 tile East and11thuat ichinlganl pro-~u daces telams file eqfials of thuose oftc ' 4 q { q aiiy othler colege in tile countr.f,.1) I6EMRY NGVELTY 6OMPANY iuI\ trollOATto.l K (If C. AKERSO, Manager. I~li,_ A simple, accurate ted! IS lliii easily adjiust- k _ PdPOCK{ET CAS1KI REG- III VII II I ten is fnvool- I'tII uabls at ~i~iftIGOLF, WHIST, or A SthitU''Ii elON TEST, and obIviates this necessity of a score card lot aB ASE tBALt*Gamle. Mande of Aluinum; oeighttloz. Size of a silvor dollar. Will taot for years Ui. S. Pat. tFeb.2tst, Canada. pending. vent to eny address postpaid, upon no ceipt of notes. 2,5c. 'To stutdents wishing a quick-selling anid uosefut Ioveimy, to handle dtuing t hei r voaafon, this wtoultd prove a ml ney- niaker. 01 uite for terms and prices. Mt'd by 'The CEN TU:Y -NOVELTY CO., Pox t014, Pert Hturon, Mich DAN DALL, State Phone '44. 1 ntMrOlleqiate Bureau 01 Costumle. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANT,mN. Caps, Gowns. ond Hoods made to order and rented. Also Clanw Canes, Class flats and Capo, Class College Pius. Address WV. C. OLEit. Western Mnegr., maskell Mutseum- Unsiv.of Cicaoeg. ABOUT RIGHT. A corntiry road tis seooth onsd haord A elouidle" sky and atademfleetl. Ntit asttllgirl fer atp dalinoc tald, 1.comiataion iethtshaelito0bra1. We rent tandems at this followung rates. Per hsar, 35c far lst heur; 20c per l hour thereafter. Forenoon, 7 to 12............. 75c Afternoon, 12:30 to 6.......75c Evening. 6:30 to 11........15c Afternoon and Evening......$1 25 Fall day.....:................. 1 50 M. Staebler's Bicycle Emporium 119 W. Washington St.. Phans, No. 8. COLLEGE STUDENTS TIHE CCUNT1.tYfj 0O'1iltI SMOKE ITIdlOiiTOi5AND MANUFACTURERlS OF ClI01ICA L aunt PHYSI CAL APPARATUS. MCCI08COPI C FIN DEN GS. Ileadquanrters fornill Labora- tory Soitotolies 112 S. MainStrieet. Ann Aroelt ich .ear a UMI T)? 73CRULTISE tale lac COAST LINE -toMACKINAC NEW STEEL The Ctestefectison PASSENGER itt zitainedisa tonoo STEAM ERS. felesnclonu Luesnosa .. COMFORT .5 nishiof, Eacoestsonand AxnSAFETY. Effcient Semen. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Case Trips per WeekOtiBeteenray nd i II Oevi'eo ReoPe ToledloDetroit and Mackinac evr a n DETROIT AND CLEVELAND rTOSsaE, 'THan 555, SI'CE le iore , $1.O tr ,$.5 AD isDULT. Cleeeland, iConetios c$0re x e.Clev lih sOon RATOS o ctu,..reque Pixti, and Pet-itt-Say 5Eriest Trainsafirea01 pointsEst.South Return., IludnMel. s,.and,,.0Beh. Ateox...i and Toindo. and Sotwsda Det.roitfr allin ts Toleo, f0. r;om. Detroit, $st.il.OSunday Trlp e , dole.00, As Sead aenonlnustrated P 2oph iel IAeI I r ( uOWNItSpebea i OtobOly.0 lomofi A. A. SCtaseoc. G .a 5l. MCH. DlolS ndtrni LtO,,i OMan If your Bicycle INeeds QftFINB R O8. TO BE RPAIEDNew lSlae 'Phane 397 TO BE REPAIRED, No. 113 East Liberty St. - I R MA 11' ! Manuacsturerof DentalIntruo'ments Go to B RM N S Spialnsd Floe Machinery. peilAttention gloes to Bicycle Repairing WV. Iaslntuptot. A Fall Lion at Bicvcle Sundeies in Stack. W e are in it Wheit it conaos to BICVCrj.E e are it 5$L 'O. Sell atty time atid all the time, not oniy for cycling, blut for other purposes. Somethinig new. Call and see them at fiPRILL' SSHOE STOR, AssAh