i r Q AIV Raft VOL. IX, No. 190. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1899. Senior Lit's Class Da. She disclaimed, however, any inten- . .0a LDution of being a ,c hi".whch e s, The senior lits. held their class day perhaps, some litt,' hope for the class w i u exercises yesterday morning at 10 poets in the ya's to cow- , HysterayuuulMiss Nelle Miner, of 'bandie Te:s, o'clock under Tappan Oak. The wa Miss Nproi as oShef wnasu oite program was an unusually good one acceptable in this casa iv. The prop- Will announce that we have now and joined with the fine weather eCy was written n tyie ta , making' 3 . mple allowaie for pon;tic and pro- received our Spring and Summer made this class day a most enjoyable phetic license, was a icc re ltean -'prou- one. tion. Woolens. Our stock for the incoms- President Leonard D'Ooge Verdier As this was not th to tatherin of Woolns. ur sockthe cas, there was not grie onels a lug season is the largest we have ever opened the exercises with his address. "good-bye" spirit prevalent as it the It was only moderately long, but was other class daye eerci's. President n . f ad Mrs. Angell r e(-"cI the class at shown, is exclusive and confned, in full of thought and showed at times re- afternoon tea this afte'noon from 4 o markable feeling. In general it in- f o'clock. both foreign and domestic goods, and pressed upon the graduating class the . . obligations of society which are de- Program o Exercises. is composed of the best fabrics in mneofteclgeraueatr sanded of lbs college graduate after Below is given a program of the evey he tat an e otaiedWes he is out its lbs world engaged ii his rmii every line that can be obtained. elife work. Ie spoke in part as fol- emaiig exercises of commence- lows: ment week: carry the largest line of Woolens in "It is the bitter sweet of every col- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21-ALUMNI lege career that associations must be DAY the city. We invite you to call and formed only to be ended. And yet who DY can measure the good that we have re- Special reunions of literary classes of inspect the same. ceived from them? Has it not been a '49, '59, '69, '74, '79, '89, '93, '96 and other part; yes, has it not been the most years. valuable part of our education to have 1:15 p. m.-Annual meetin'g of the I Co Lcome in contact and to have associated Alumni Association in Room C, Uni- with three thousand bright, active fel- versity hall. H.low students, each like ourselves, each 3:00 p. m.-Unveiling of monument to different from us; each having some- Dr. Frieze, at the oFrest Hill ceme- 108 E. Washington St , thing to teach us, each having some- tery. thing to learn from us? 4:00 to 6:00 p. m.--Reception to liter- ANN AIBOt. "This I take to be the aim and the ary alumni, in honor of class of '49, by ideal of education-that it should make Mr. and Mrs. N. Brown, Kingsley st. men and women of value to human so- 8:00 p. m.-Senate Reception-in the Gciety. It is not for our own selish ends Waterman gymnasium. Reception by PHOTOGRAPHIC that we have been here; not that ve the President and the University sen- might be enabled to attainsriches, or ate to invited guests, graduates, former DARK ROOM. honor, or power for ourselves; but that students and friends of the University, the talents with which we are endowed Cards of admission can be obtained at We have recently fitted up might be brought out and developed, the Steward's office, from the secretary it commodious photographic to be employed in behalf of our fellow- of the Alumni association, and from the dark room, complete with men. Society might rightfully demand deans of the faculties. trays, lights, etc., and offer of us that we shall now begin to give THURSDAY JUNE 22, its use to the public free of some return for the splendid oppor- charge. Anything needed ttunities that we hv" enyjeyed at her The Fifty-fifth Annual Commence- in the line of supplies, or hands. It is to a life of service, then, me.t, chemicals we would be that we are called, and let us remember The graduating classes wil form at furnish, that nothing one does for his brother- their respective buildings, under the pleased tofman is so lowly that it will not reflect direction of the class presidents. The W LD RS f& T honor and glory upon his name for procession to University hall will be II IYIl V having done it. under the direttion of Harrison Soule, "We often hear that it is a cold, un- Chief Marshal. feeling world in which the young grad- 10:00 a. m.-Csm'mencement Exercises uate must struggle for existence. But, -In University hall. Oration by Nich- Frten Daysfrm une as I take it, this is an age and a coun- olas Murray Butler, LL. D., Professor F or tenDay from JU I try which is calling foe active, ener- in Columbia University. Conferring of PIPE SALE-All P getic young men and womn. It is an degrees. iies Sell- age and a country in which every man 1:15 p. m.-Commencement Dinner- ing Below Most. Lunches, Soda has equal opportunity to advance him- In the Waterman gymnasium. Tickets Water, Flops and Soft Drinks. self; in which merit, and merit only, may be procured at the Steward's office, is recognized and rewarded. It is an price 50 cents each. Ticket holders will R. E. JOLLY & CO., age and a country which takes a man assemble at 1:00 p. m., under the Tap- 308 So. State Street. for what he is and what le dos; not pan oak. for what he can do ad does not do, oc ee0 in anig f rchat his father has dones before ReCede a Fine Painting. r~dtecashsoy ssaid that eriterday msorisng g' oui ynt ease- ~ Li DES andrbb s Fisher Delbridge, of Detroit, This Board of Regenits nmet yes- SLID ES a drtdtecsshsry Hesdthtedymong but could not raise a ever since the first course in history quorum.. frightened the then freshman class fnure * (lVE R~ S years ago, they had learned to look at A 5uorum was Coolly reached in the the social, political and intellectual as- board of regents in the afternoon at 2 pect of eeything From these thre o'clock, and routine business was taken Green Slides...........40c gross the class of '59 uas about the only one up at once. The regents present werec White " ............G " to speak of that had been in college Dean, Lawton, Cook, Kiefer and Flesh- a No.1 covers........ .8>c oz. ms recent years. In fait, as the histor- er. A fine engraving by the famous ., c . ian revealed one latent quality after John Stratton of a painting of the first I No. 2, sq. covers ......5oc oz another which had been developed by Boxes for 100 slides,.... 30 the class of '99, it became a serious medical faculty, made years ago by question in the minds of the audience Professor Bradish, was formally ac- W will Meet Any Price. o the University ever existed before cepted F. Pistorius, of Ann Arbor, dio- i Ttheclassooration asac gen by Ulyde nated the University a copy of the i. Webster, of Eaton Rapids. Like the "Code Napoleon," in the original Calkins' Pharuacy ymsenior literary orator of '98, ie chose French and German. Professor Reig- for his subject the Philippine question,h although he took the opposite side from hard vas alo-ed the use of some books T IE the orator of last year. Mr. Webster and apparatus from the University to laid down two main reasons why our carry on his investigations at Put-in- You can't do it without a government is in the Philippines a d Bay, Diplomas were voted to 241 sen- "LOIVIL SUGE" wh.I -y it mst remain there, I.. Bcause frlw n h ereo atro LOUISVILLE SLUGGER"BAT.it is our duty to give the people of those or laws and the degree of master of Neither can you play a winning islands a just, fair and free system of laws was conferred on John P. Camip- government. 2. Because it is for our in- bell and George Kingsley, Jr. game of TENNIS without a terest commercially as a nation, WRIGHT & DITSON RACKET. Miss Bertha IdlI Vin -ut read a very original class poem.i I r sibject was, Instructor John W. Dwyer, of the Our Stock is complete and "Pota nasitur non fit" ''Poets are aw department, is compiling in or prices are right. born not made"), 'f h em w ias at s conunctionwith ProfessorOtto of satire on th irdn.tr3 cass p',bu isjncinwll rfssr Ot AW hepootess hse'-slf silumitied that she Skisiner a tcxt-book of cases on pci' came in for part of tte approb-iimun- vate international law, which will be WS r main theme ws summiced up ii her pulshed durig the summer, roaoral, as follows: puase uigtesme. ANN ARBOR "My homely advice is :n accents upol- . ised: With this issue the DAl1.Y discon- Up tow. Down Town That the class poet'i office henceforth ~tt. s. Opp. CortlsiI be abolishe-5." tinues publication until next fall. THREE CET Dr. Vaughan's Lecture. The senior medics assembled yes- terday morning in the lower lecture' room of the medical building, hus held no regular class day exercises. Instead they listened to a lecture by. Dr. Vaughan. Dr. Vaughan took as his subject "Cel- lular Education and the Continuity of1 Life," He spoke of the progressoil scientific thought in regard to the rela- tion between cellular development ansss life. He began his address with the familiar quotation with him, "Man ixE a bundle of habits, and fortunate is the- man whose habits are his friends "When I am asked," he said, "when the education of a child should begin, I an- suer, 'with its grandprents'" Con- tinuing, he said in part: "One of the many scientific achieve- ments of the latter half of the present century is the overthrow of the doc- trine of spontaneous generation, The- principle that all life proceeds from life seems to be an established fact. By, this I mean that under the present conditions of matter there is no suct thing as spontaneous generation; at least no such a phenomenon is demon- strable. This, of course, does not an- swer the question as to whether, under- some past condition of matter, spon- taneous generation did or did nit oc- cur. For my own part, spontaneous generation is a logical necessity. Where I state that for me spontaneous genera- tion is a logical necessity, I mean the- coming into existence of some living, thing, the endowment of a given bit of matter with life, without the existenes of a preceding bit of matter also en- dowed with life, and having a casua relationship to the one in question, It means that some one bit of matter wasw the first to be endowed with life. "The question is sometimes askedt Are there any discoverable lws principles that determine the average- duration of life? The relation betoseen' size and longevity is known to be se variable as to be worthless for the pur- pose of discovering any general prin- ciple. It is true that the elephant may live for two centuries or more, while- the maximum life of a dog is about 2a' years, but that of the cray-fish is as- great. When we consider the influence- of size in man upon longevity, we f0nD that bith theoer-sized asilthi' noer- sied are rhjected by life insurance- companies. Giantism and dwarfism are both diseased conditions, and in euch the disease has its seat generally in the same tissue. "Heredity is, however, only one of the- avenues thrughwhich the life of the iace may be influenced The giod s- ample of one may not only cause his neighbir tu be a better man, but ve in that neighbor's chiliren Our rn- vironment is not altogether a materiaS one. Indeed, in its most important part it is mental anid moral, Even oi- thoughts are firms f energy, and cc- such are indestructible. They are peb- bles dropped into the mid-oean of ife and the scarcelyn erceptible ripples whch arise arounid them will break only over the shores of eternity" Senior Dent. Class Da. The senior dents, after a va ainco - about 2 weeks met 'Tuesdsy afternoon at 2 o'clock to hold their class day exer- cises. The exercises took place in the dental amphitheatre, and were well at- tended. The faculty occupied quite a portion of the program and gave tIfL- graduating dents many pieces of gd advice and related many incidents of interest, The president of the class, Hellnmuth Philip inzel, made a short address in which he spoke highly of dentistry as a profession. Profesor Taft, dean of the depart- ment, gave the class a short talk. The- class history was read by dnsi Mrold Shannon, of Tara, Ontario, M~xts-- Flora May Spore, of West Bay City the class prophecy. A short address-: then followed by Professor Watlsg, David C. Martin, of Crosswell, Mch, recited the class poem. Henry Wiliams Harvey, of Worden, Mich., the clams- orator, followed. After an address by Prof. Dorrance, the exercises closef with the valedictory by John FItyd Sortore, of Detroit.