2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY SUMMER TOURIST RATES AND ROUTES, TO THE NORTH AND EAST. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the -Send to Michigan Central ticket College year, at office for this little book. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIRn: The Inland Press, Henning Block. WABASH R. R. PASSENGER AND Both Phones147. INFORMATION OFFICE--615 E. Williams St., Ann Arbor, Mich. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. P. A. Senior Notice. Boone Gross, '98 1, of Chicago, is All seniors of the Literary and spending a few days in town. Engineering departments will meet at 9:30 sharp Thursday, June 22, on Gen. M. Chandler, '98 e, arrived in the steps in front of Tappan Hall to town this morning to spend senior march over to the Commencement week. exercises. L. D. VERDIER, Pres. - . Nothing Better Can be furnishd than what we are now puttingforth in the way of Hot Weather Drinks at our new Soda Fountain- Special cooling apparatus and everything new, clean and at- tractive. J. J. QUARRY Campus Drug store. GO TO Stabler's Art Store Art Novelties and FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. 217 S. 4th Ave. Phone 173. "Eddy'' Shields, '96 1, of baseball fame, is in town and witnessed the Cornell game yesterday. Dr. Angell will deliver his annual baccalaureate sermon to the graduat- ing classes of all departments, in University Hall, tomorrow evening at 8 p. n._ Successflul Financiallia. Yesterday's game was a thorough success from a financial standpoint. With the exception of the first Illi- nois game and the Notre Dame gauge, both of which barely netted the guarantee, it is the only game of the season that paid. The receipts were abont $800, netting each team about $400. Simons to Speak at Chatauqua. Mr. Chas. Simons, '98, winner of the University and Northern Ora- torical League contests last year, and a member of the victorious central Debating League team this year, has had a number of very flattering offers to speak. On June thirtieth he is to deliver his oration before the National Asso- ciation of Elocutionists at Lake Cha- tauqua, N. Y. He goes to represent at that meeting " A Typical Western College Orator. " Next January he is to deliver the graduating address for the Detroit High School mid-year commence- ment. Hon. H. D. Estabrook gave ahe last address on that occasion. Wonderful Operation. Dr. Nancrede, assisted by Drs. Darl- ing and Spitzley, at the University hos- pital yesterday set out to duplicate the celebrated operation upon Mrs. Bunce, when half of her stomach was re- moved. Another lady came to the hospital treubled with cancer of the stomach. The surgeons waited until the condi- tions were right, and yesterday an opening was made in the abdomen. It was found that the cancer trouble was located almost entirely at the commencement of the duodendum (the first of the small intestines), and that the trouble practically closed up the intestines so that the ordinary func- tion couid not be had. Instead of removing any part of the stomach or the passage way leading therefrom, the surgeons decided to al- low the afflicted part of the stomach to remain, but they proceeded to manu- facture a perfect _ opening from the stomach. A cut was made in the lower part of the stomach, and also one in the intestine at that point where it nat- uraiiy passed this part, and the two openings were then grafted together. Thus an entirely different part of the stomach is made to perform a function that nature did not intend should do so, and a considerable length of the in- testine that would ordinarily do its duties is cut off by a short circuit. Michiganensians reserved for sub- scribers but one day longer. I s. m. and w . I Subscribers to the Hichiganensian may get their books by leaving names at bookstores. CENTURY NOVELTY COMPANY [INCORPORATED.] EARL C. AKERS, Manager. A simple, accurate and easi y adjust- CASH REG- ISTER or Game Coun- ter. W eI t ornval- ubeGOLF, WHIST, or L I I l Now is the Time to Save $$$ Owing to the great Success of our HU- AN-IC SHOUwrES for Men. We have decided to discontinue handling some of our other lines and will close them out at greatly reduced prices. These lines include some of the best Men's Shoes made, they are on the very latest lasts and we have them in all kinds of leather, such as black or tan Vici Kid, Rus- sia Calf or Patent Leather. It will pay you to look them over. Wi. C. REINHARDT 21 2 So. Main St. Ann Arbor. 1 A SHOOTiG CONTEST, and obviates the necessity of a score card at a BASE BALL Game. Made of Aluminum; weight % oz. Size of a silver dollar. Will last for years. U. S. Pat. Feb. 21st, Canada pending. Sent to any address postpaid, upon receipt of RICE, est. To students wishing a quick-selling and useful novelty, to handle during their vacation, this would provea money- maker. Write for terms and prices. Mf'd by The CENTURY NOVELTY CO., Box 1014, Port Huron, Mich. ANDALL, State Phone 144. Intercollcatoe Burcau of flGadelllIG Costumeo. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N.Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mngr.., Haskeusi nnso Uiv ofC lhcago. F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES GO TO Wm.J. W ENGER HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. ABOUT RIGHT. A corntry road that is smooth and hard A cloudless sky and atandem fleet, With s peetty gifoe a pc-dalisg pard, Io asconbinatio that's hard to heat. We rent tandems at the following rates: Per hour, 35c for 1st hour; 20c per hour thereafter. Forenoon, 7 to12................. 75c Afternoon, 12:30 to 6 .......... 75c Evening, 6:30 to 11.............. 75c Afternoon and Evening...........$1 25 F ll day........................... 1 5 M. Staebler's Bicycle Emporium ea W. Washington St., Phones, No. 5, F ' H' H h F F II FRESH3- Strawberry AND Pineapple r1h I S For a iUMMER1 CRUISE take the COAST LINE to MA CKINAC NEW STEEL The treatest Perfection PASSENGER s- et attained in BoatiCan- STEAMERS.-.struction: Luxurious .. SPEED, --. Equipment, Artistic Fur- CO MFORT ., nishing, Decoration and AND SAFETY. Efficient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No other Line offers a Panorama of 960 miles of equal variety and interest. Faur Trips per Week Between ay and Ni tService not ween Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac E a DEITRTOIT AND CLEV[LAND SNight etween are, $1 .50 Each.Direetion PETOSKEY, "THE SoO," MARgUETTE Cleelad ert, I $1. Stateoom, $1.15. AND DULUTH.mv a , ectionaesaen a Clevelandwith LOWnRATE cresrque aknac..andPut -in -Bay fariest Trainsra 1expo.i,.ns a,South Re nclud~.tig Mealasr arh. A~pproxi. and Toledo. and outhwesrt, and Detribtforall pints Senda.(orNIllustratedoPamophet. Addes, ' h A. A. nsCHANTZ. G. P. A., DETT, OIiMICH . Den! lhltrNeeds1llflt hhltlBtRlO8 f your Bicycle Needs GHA IN BR~O8. New State 'Phone 397 TO BE R EPAIRED, No. 113 East Liberty St. Manufacturers of Dental Instruments Go to BIER M A N'SJ Spc and Pine Machinery. G v Special Attention given to Bicycle Repairing W. Washington. A Full Line of Bicycle Sundries in Stock. Manufacturer of ICE-CREAM. Special attention given to Socials, M acW h ite Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. Quality and Prices Guaranteed. Both Phones. 110 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich.