THE UNIVERSITY OF, MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHiGAN DAILY. ENRV 1GyANNUAL SHIRT SALE! WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS-- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - " InI their respective sizes, inl ANNUAL SHIRT SALE! OQGRRECTSr7=-_: Z.~._ ,:AnnuaI Shirt Sale! lU All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch SCheviots at............. $2.00 '5 1.75 Silk Bosom Body and SCulfs to match........... 1.37 1.75 Machas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pr. Cuffs 1.00 T T7ecMachas-tie Coils .50 b 75c Percales, 2 Collars 7and 1 1}r.Cuffs..... .......50 m D. A.TINKER & SON Plates will lie kept biy itsfuror pa- trons, unless we are request. ed to return siamie. Yotnr Name on Copper Plate and 100 Cards, $.0 I TELEPHONE, 106. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. Every Senior will wsant t heci ill A te tinL LS ok rs sending nut their inAvienLao!iS m ker __...-- 10 Rambler Cigars fice 5 cents 6 Segaret Cigars for : 25 cents 4 Pittshurg Stogies for 5 cents 5S Bill Anthony Cigars for: 25 cents H AV E YOU READ 11 Alfonzo Cigars for 25 cents 4 Brunswick Cigars for : 25 cents 0Lord Chesterfield (Cigars for 25 cents 3 Nat Goodwin Cigars for 25 cents David ilarnn, Tue aoveugoods have ia Nationai reputaioniceaid hauec buee quas in e thiscmarete. Mr. Dooley, 01d Number: D A Aylwiin, Wehen Kiighthoodiisl i ANN ARBOR. MICH. D EA in Flower. ___ __ __ -,.--.-NE HAVE THF,1. 1902 Oracle Prizes. Michigan's Next Champions. _____Tle '02 (ilesele Board will giveI All then interested in fouothall are tliefolowngcu prizes:-Teni dollarsj requested to mieet in the T1ruophy story, tenidllairs foui' tie ios0i, Saturday enig at 7:30 SHiEEHAN & Co: beettitptleind suteni udullars for the'clock fr ex bcest tite page traceing. Memcbers . Plnslorciex year will he BOOK SELLE-[iS, of the faculty will act its judges. All talkedl over aiid there will lie ad- STAT)NEIS AD E(; lxvstscontestainis niuict scnd wcrk to the dresses hy Baird, Verdier, Fer- MYanagicig editor before Oct. 15, 1899. bert aiiu others. ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. Win. A. BENSCOTER, A. C. STELcE, ('apt. ______ -_______ _____-. M1laii1iging Editor. _____________ JOS. W. KOLLAUF, THE. TAILOR~, DRESS SUITS. 21t4 East Waeliegle St., near 5h. Ae W. J.iiBOTHPRE;. Sf J.V v E5eseN,.Sd Vicu'prce Jsi. C. va SA odi'ch~ fVING3S BAINK Transacts a general Bankiiig Business. FIRST NATIONAL BA N K °er1 Caepial,tInOi00. Srpiuccaii Prfis,84,000 rraearctsaenraclcbankincg bsiescs.oigs echaege Soghioaid eod. Furihliester cf credit. E. iD. KINNE, Pe. HIS~tiON sidiLE, viceprs S. W. CLARK~SON, Cshe. tsr. SlMi ntilliron Sreet. Caspital, 50,000. Surpios, $30,0. TransctosC' geneiacbukig bsiess. R, KEsar, Pee. C. E.OsEEE, Vice-Pes. FREe. uBELE.CshGtier. The AlinArbor Savings Bank CipialiStckc. 155,000. Srpics, aiis.050. Orgaizied undie theOGeeri Beking Lawe o this Stae. er.ceiscdepsit, busyeandtell exchange on theiincipaiiiiciie of helUnied States. Drftsceethed upoitiesrcieifiction Saety deposit hoe is ree. OriecEes:Critinckre1s.; W.. sri man, Vce-Pres.; Chs. E. hiicockc, Cshier 51, J. Fritz ArittCsiehtr. LAMB & SPENCER, ..TAEE. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery nd Bakery. Cal) end see u. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Treraitment fr Pmptes, Blact- heads, Etc., a specialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP sd BATH ROOMS. J. tR. TescAsNwsKI, Prop. 32 S. State St. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBERSHOP0i DUNN & EL~y's BAR ER HOPIf you desire first-class work nd courteous treatment try George and )=Tarry at 332 S. Stae St. flIEEDIE Embsmrrand ENOCH DIETER E earleDiretse EN llsHattedd Dayor Night. No. itt E. Lierty Stret. Reidene 533 Forth Ae, PhiheseM5. MILWARD I TAILOR STATE S] ~DO UBLE-BREASTEDI FROCKS. GOLF.,M Shirt Waists! We maehpecpcialtyofiiaundry ig ihecm. Sai. Iisacileeguariniecd. iDropiu kcaecardor rinigens sp hy phocir. Student's Loundry fissociatior), Agtc tforcadiLaundry Dtrit. 202 S. State St. New'Phoer 44i A TRIAL ORDER. Thaht is all I ak for' imy Landry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel. Ne. 179. 667 E. Williame St. Norliwstecceleetiei Chcag ~ Lose-A brownt bricidle bull-dog, a ten-linig gamcce cy a score of 2 to wt niebes edwieoitci 1. Hunter hichedl a superb gaicc1e back of neck, lame in left hind leg, adwas cwell scipported. In thce inder please return to D. C. Stomn, aicth wihamnonfrt)ndoeo elta Clii House cud receive rewvardl. third, acid twos ccit, thce Chcicagoc catcher threw en secondi and of course 1. G. Lecwis, Presidenct of the Clii- the winintg rotcscocredi. ,,,,,r,,Al i.,,-t wh.o ,ered efoe' e U. of M. Band. 'lche U. of AT. Band icust turn scit for Saturdays gains. Each nmembier must he at the band room at 2:30 p. cc. sharp. the school of pharmacy Monday, hiought ,with butt a flue photograph of the Chicago Alciuni Medal as a present to the Oratorical Associatioin. 'i'he picture will probably be hung in room 24. HUNDREDS OF SHREWD, PEOPLE HAyE TAKENctADuVAN'TAE OFnOUn CLOSING OUT SALE OF MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS during thcs past week. Each pleased puclaser brings twre more. This accounts for our daily increasicig sales. nice stock is still quite complete, includicng Ice mcany cuseful articles that every gentlemuacn needs, NECKiWEAR-.All steepen end styleo. Linen Collars, Linen Cuffs (except E. & W. and Cluett-whtch are contract goods.) Men's Hosiery, Cuff Links, Negligee Shirts, Golf Hose, Collar Buttons, Washable Ties, Golf Garters, Shirt Studs, Underwear, Belts-(a very fine assortment), GloveoGres Suspenders, White Shirts,Gart ker ifs Suit Caseo, - Fancy Shirts, Mackintoase, Cmbrellas, NgtSitEcEc Canes, NgtSitEcEc Our Closing Out Sale means that We. are selling the goods mentionetd above at WHOLESALE PRICES until July 1et, when what is left of the stock, together"*with'tics fixtures, will he sold in a lump. We have decided to use our entire store for our largely increas- ing Tailoring Businees. We have not waited until the end of the seson, hutG N R0 0 - gi tocku tis cplete.d JA G N ERt&nC O. gie yourthcis cpledtpe ru. t It will he money in your pocket to huy 123 5. MAtIN ST.., ANN AR BOR . whet you need of us and at this time. -