Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. laruioc: The Inland Press, Hleaning Block. Both Phones 147. MAidNAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L.. BUSINE SS MANAGER. O. 51. IANS. '00 L.. EDITOS. athletice ditoe, P. W. JoNas, '9, T. B. WOODnOsW, '00 L. A. 1H. MeDOscAssa,'01 E G. D. HUDNUTT. 'Os B. J. B. WOOD, '0c, C. L. Ntras. e'9:y, C.ID. Co'o L, '99, LJ.MOsesOersct,'ll, W D licxeox, W 115, A. G. BROWNEs, '02. Thea sciption price of theDL isa. t2.50 lor tho calle-e,seilh a regular delisery belore soon ecdsday. Natices, c ossunicatios, sod elthematte' intencdee rcblicaio muct be Chicago Commons Scholarship. ++*4*+ + '+*+ The Students' Clhristians Aosocia- tion agains offers a six weeko' sclaolar- C I L ship isn social, i. e., settlemnent wcork, at the Clicago Commsoons durinsg the summer. Thlis scholarshsip is open to members of all departmsents of ths University, both messasnd womens. Any awhe are interested should con- for wits the committee of the faculty, S H tJIR'DTS. Prof. H. C. Adasns, Prof. F. N. ± s. 7111.) Taylor, and Dr. C'. H. Cooley, whoi sill recomesndes the resident to be ~ semit. The commliittee mscets Wednes- day, Juet0 14, anid conferesices shossid 1+++++.+ ++.+++++.+.' be (lad biefoere that date. '('le lmanaigemnlt elf the Chiautass- SEE quai, N. Y., Assemebly (ins engaged I WINDOW Pr1of. T. C. Trueloodse to lecture there'Jsily lon "Wendell Phsillips,j DISPLAY ' the Oratoer of the Emansecipation." $1.15 For your choice of any $1.50 Neg- ligee Shirt in our store. Every one a "Monarch" or "Gold' Shirt, sold thse world over for one dollar assd fifty cens. sanded ilose ee.DAILYfis~elice ees p. m.,sor mvailed to teeeditor beforee 3cp. in. of the day FRr1I- lIe. tlO'cmr Is ilel s towhichstilesareexecotedlI lil toitX ir II~eeclll Iesper s7 e l tes ~sioee,' Ivi Iripod , foue' ple'holders, Meyers, or SolIlel's ileeil, Ior wcitBsins (cl, )criiig 1ratece, lampsle, ters Manager Subscibcees will cosfereacfavor by il f roring eclnpI at 51tIis office soy failserelf t2'8 ald a O'm lcemicls, at ii very oarrere to lelser saper.lwpieif ae.tone nur All chan~ges len odciis" eatie us e .1 i ee(111 )lke 5110.sl711 tbe sofee by a4ep. in. oIcth e ay.prioueestoltht {i05N . 4theave. onwch hev arto vc. .'. 3lo~Skr cu-3oL ,I1 W1isi. , ''sIsis ..'slse...._ _..e ... Y . w.. . h . _ - - - A~: COLLEGE STUDENTS F SoeWobration. 'l . THE Most cof tile mioney for the celeraitioen Wedaesday nigiht wasercised by piibsrip. - COUX'rII I' tiana50m05al;ltce studente, Isowever, many I'_ _ 1OVERt oftemr. nssoe hi yptyby responidiecg libcerally. Thle students SMK those who sblscribed. 1tolisdonsated % the wageoete and11roe. 'those who " Su ru'GtlllSGt6 slonated 1111110 wstre. It.. F.Jolly-& li., fj 5. A. 'linker & III, J. It. Niehols, J. It. i'i ;____________________ '__" 'fro'acccwski, Lambie&,, 'Ienelbr DIs Dos-.A $K -~^ r in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rnee, RanIsole & Randolpch, It.J.(i _________Calk-________________________ c no, I . i M at"es , ,'c iico rd, N oble , I .t11f _______ rtiiJoe 1D001100 Fredi Ileeillel W JML l , EABDV 0LO. 0 T' l. 0l. Stiruson,.XWilder Phadrmacy, P. Cs. IMPORTERS ANI MANUF0ACTUBERS OP Moyer, Joihec (oeho A Sos, Slashier ACEIA aaiPYIALAPRTS lie., iUnslen'oheitt &ApA~fel, Joicn (oetz, A A n Ll=CEIA n HSCLAPRTS Jo., ladblails, R(yaln & Reulo XX Lin AND~lL 5L MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Heattsiarters for all Labora- Gwinner, Stccloti, Geic. 'ilalr, Sch icedoe, ' tory Supplties Tucttle, h): liti & Eiy, Calkins, m. G. State Phone 144. 1115S. Main Street. Ann Arbose. Mich. Ii ync )do. ____________________________________ Staff Positions. Tlie folieoiing apploiintinemnts sfrll tuhis yer juior ed lliclil class hieve beese ecacli for thie roslislgyeisr: (They are foIr lice recelar edeical ochiool, anld slot for the omceoep'athic, 155 5w00 siln- tlciltA ini yesterday's Fr'ee Pros. Di. Dock:-C. H. l.ll5Iinl C. F. Hyde, T. A. Hiohi W. A. Covesitsy, B. K. Vbil atoli L. N. Upjohni. Dr. Wa rthiii C. L. 'lissgnard, F. C. Hyde Julia f Kimbsall Qua, Harriet faker. Dr. Ibartiss -1st semsester, I. K. Johnison, W. L. Hisidley, Misses Snyder and Colver. 2nid semstoer:-Franak Holsavortli, B. C. Eaelee, Miss Dithsridge, Mrs. Cleaves. Dr. Carroee':J. B. Freund, B. F. Green, Johsn Stoddard, and Miss Helen Affeld. Dr. Herdsian :-Miss Kate John- son and F. W. Nayler. Thae remaining staff positiosss will be ansnossneed later. An attesmpt was made Wednesday to play the finals (singles) in tensnis. Danforth and Rnssl had each won a set when it commenced raining. The final set has been postponed indefi. nitely. _______ I. S. Latthers, '99, will deliver the commencement address of the Ecorse high school, June 16. IntcrGollowiatO - Bureau of Costume. GOTRELL 0& LEONARD, Asneose, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also lilacs Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mngr., Haskell Museum. Univ. af Chicago. FOR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES nO TO Win. J. WI3NGE~R HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. ABOUT RIGHT. A countly read that is smosthi and hard A coadless shy and a tandem fleet, With apreetty girl for a po-daling pard, Is a combination that's hard 15 heat. We rent tandems at the following rates: Par haar, 35c far 1 st hour; 20c psr haaur thereafter. Farenoon, 7 to 12............. 75c Afternoon, 12:30 to 6.......75c Evening, 6:301to 11 . 75c Afternoonand Evening .....$1 25 Full day ...................... 1 50 M. Staebler's Bicycle Emporium ssW. Washngton St., Phones. No. 8. Fox- a U1TAJM SfCIUISI take te~ COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfection PASSENGER yet attained insBoastCon- STEA M E RS. truction : Luxuisa SPEED, -,Equipment, Artistic Far- COMFORT tys5 enihing,Decosrationansd ANn SAFETY. Effiiet S ervice. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago NosotherLinsefers a Panoramaas of ile sfequalsvaretyasdisterest. For rsisper Peek BewenDaysand ISighServiceiten Toledo, Detroit andi Mackinac ver at an DETROIT AND CLEVEL AND AND555' "DULUT.'Hasrsen Cleveland, onncts,, $1.50 md t le t Clean diith LWTESto estesne ackeinac snd Put- in - Bay FarliestiTrains fce all eoinsscast, outlh RetrninludngMets ndBethsAproi- and Toledo. adStwses aatetroitfo. alsoit mate osts fanmtCleveland, $150; f ram No rth eorhestO, l. Sg5 Toledo, $16.25; fem Daesoai , $37.Spemberrad O5e,~oeaaerOny. Auut ihSend ocAtsr I55ANtrZerd P.A..phlErse. TOAddrrna, a~amoaCo If your Bicycle Needs BylAPIIi1ROS . I Nsw State 'Phose 387 TO BE REPAIRED, N.113 at Liberty St. B I R MA N'S, sMnfacturrsof e5ntalc5Insotrumsents Go to B ER ANS Spc al nod Floe Machinery. SeilAttention given to Bicycle Repairing WV. W~ashington. A Foil Line of Bicycls Sundries in Stock. " W e are in i" when it comes to BIC'YCIVE ,51 "OF. . Sell any time and All the time, not oniy for cycling, but for other purpoes. Something new. Call and see them at IIPRILV5SHO STORiLa AnnI A=_!°vi St