BAIRD RE-ELECTED. _( Those Cornell Games. EXPECT TO WIN.
GW IfLD Manager Baird i experiencing
G. fl W I CO.Athletic Board minds up the Bus- great difficlty in iraching satisfac Pro. Trueblod Tells oft His Vsit
~Vllaiiioicetht e av nw As the iieetiiig. of the athletic manager for the baseball games to to Notre Dame.
board lastueveninhwasweliiivotnthebe played ini the \es. After the Prof. Trueblood tells the followim-
received our Spriiig and Summiier last sue of the year, iiiichiminportait Cbil iaigrsei ~~ t th stry bot his visit to Notre Dam
Wooens Oa stck or he ncois-busiiiess was traiisacted. The reports would accept the oter of tte IUiver. last Saturday, wvheii le acted a.:
Wooles. Or stok on the icm n tes last trips were that sit the ity club of IDetroit for the gamie fdei the anual oratorical con-
ing seasoin is the largest we have ever Eaterii trip the basbll teaiii made there, Mr. Baird telegraphed them og i
a profit of $57.45, and onl the aiid they replied that the oter was test.
shown, is exclusive aiid coifned, in trip to the Intercollegiate iieet the no longer open, aid that they swold lie said:--The coitest was very
hot foeig aid ometicgoos, ndtrack team cost $354 30. The iiaia- not stand by it nos.Tlis aiswer close aid se of the harnest I :ve
gers for net year sere theni elected.wsfrare ot Faa arlyyeser- trieid to judge. The irt four wer
is composed f the best fabrics in Ass't football, Harry K. Crafts, '01, day morning a telegraiii sas received extremely close on thought an thit
Ausi l. aeal''rs .Ln froiiitheii askimg swheter te Grand wiinir Wiss ieciiei on delivery. The
evey lne hatcanbe btaned Wecaslire,'1)01 e, Detroit; track, Car- Rapids oter sas still open. Mr. prie sas a $50) medal which will be
carry the largest liue of Woolens us euce B. Ripley, '01 sot, Ilinisdale, Ill; Bairud telegraphed Grand Rtapids aid preseited tu Mr. Paul Ragan, t-
tennis, George ou Nieda, 190001, received ani afirmative reply, and so winer, at conmeinweit tue. Mr.
the city. We iiivite you to emllmnd FagN'. nescoatc rhriformed Cornell. Upu is going to Iagaus is also htisball mnage. F.
inspec the siiie.G. Broweie'02, Bay City. The va- press e hail received us reply to his _X. Carmdy '1), woissas a mr-
caispyccaseie by he resigiatiane proposition to slay t(Graind Rapiss,ter of the Uniiversity debating teaiib
AI* Mr. Browevimauedis recirinhiiigto secreta ry 1athoughi le extected oiie lst nirht. in '96, hs charge of the work anl
H U fl 33 wasO fileut by the electioii of .. A' It is nt theiiknowni yet shetheler iss arouseid great interest in or-tory.
Oppenhimer, 1901.(here is nowCrniel will accept the Granid Rap. Thluy live udefeateut Idianaplis
COtmeacant irn bthtn the in.ard isofralthoughu it is most coni IUniversiy ini debate on the sme
108 E. Wnashiugton St ,Yya
ANN ARBOR. dietrvaimawh u ttelatCll, Notre Daume having the sm
te inext iieini~g of the boatud by the Ai course of four ilustratend li suPhennsvlanian int. there an,
P HOTOG RAP HIC electiiou of a imati friiiiueachu f the tires on military surgery, basedl uil five or six hundrendtuiente at Noitie
twvomdepartmueuts. actuaml experience, sias recenty coou Daumeoliiug imnlormitries on themu
DARK ROOM. The impouurtanut bmusies of thu- tletedl inithemeduuical idepartmuenti hiy-college- groumns. TFt oys are couw
Wehv eeut itu m vuimugwas tie lectionm of gauuate Dr.(Chias. B. 'Nuuemloa. \iumaly itgeheur, eetiuag i nciu
textavyear.ntBeforee tvemeg upeg rad _ d - ~)ii iculeas to a grot
i commodious photographic udirector for net-eaI efreth dafEveryboudy knosw.
dark room, complete with eectionm took titmce Mr. Bairud at- r. B. A. Hilmosdale is preparinug a
trays, lights, t., and offer nouced thamt he ws-msomii m candinate muoougraphlosumtie Trainiguof everyoy-else andc ths arouuses aum
its uss to tepbi reo o eeetoi esnlraosTahr n theUiedSae . T i iterest ini college afttirs. 'They mum-n
ctarge. Anything ne orreedetd u, ms mesuutot eaoillTacersriotmeUuMteictats.gaut
in thime umus uplies, or migtn mmme it i rimurm tieuuldc for L'm is oneucof -a seiesor fiftem , -very aseiasw ol e t eanhr fe al.7 90 rpseie yPo.Ncoa et6turuxiu n -iiiu numu iclm evi
peased to furnish. howmever he mwoulsuilingy say untiTMurray Buter of Coltuumbhiau Uuivr- cetfrt to dlo so. 'l'hey fel cnfident
1Sthat timme, andmutanmage tie footbal ity for the .Pis Exposition, of victory' mand if they winu, cams eaim
he chammpionushi as vse have de-
l]D R PIRI~ rsu utdgttebasebal and track featesonluandsgetoruthl, eumusylv-
stared.Thereasn wy r".Baird We mre in receipt of a plummummihet - - pietc aI orbehoovesltie v estudents t
is not simm-cof remininug iduring all on 'Lamnguage Rivary intui Speech-tino,
F or ten Days from June 1 next year is becauuse he oes mut wishm Ditterentiaction in hutie Case or Race- standmltgether andutatou out im
PIPE SAL.-All Pipes Sell- to remaminunmmless positionu is made Mixture," being a paper by Prof, umyStiultamlsiummaetm
lug Bhs Cst Lnces SdaPerimanment. Uter tie tresent ar- George Hlemp of tie Uuiversitea miii ayi-s e irmbest game for they
Water, Flops andt Soft Drinks. rangeumeuttie athletic boardl annualy It is extracteud froum the traunsactionss
R. E JOLY & o.. elects tie grauatie director. lie of the Americanm Philological Asso- siuntism a great addichtionu to the Ui-
R.E OL Opsto ol esimuuum. versityandmmucmhi cf tie scces of
308 So. State Street. plait by iwhichi the 1 _uuu siuh i their tletics is due tim it. Besides
musclehrmanent is iii ae tie re- -prertehaei
gents sulsiort tie grauuate director fle Ho MHermnu Kiefer, regent the Gymuumumsicumurumme tme-1av'u
Uauundmkethtumcmember f thus of tie University, recently presentedh large eclosure 160 x 110 feet bumlt
SLIDES and3 facuty. Fle sentimment of the bouard the generalh library itt fifty-fisticof plaium brick with udirt tfloor. I'li-
seemed to be agaisimt this plu. ot volumuues of the Gerumanm publication h is Iarge enough o ucumueecii
COV ERfS. comurse Mr. Baird sas unanmoiusulyIUeber Land umnd eer andu thirteeni'poondlamd tie busebal teauu mitsnhve
3electedl to hold office until humu. 1 votumes of Uuterouctuugemu ur indoour practice at mumy timme. They
Whtte "- - -fl~e If the regents at this time umke hieNmtrehre des Meumochuceumulduer lsoOae tennuis instints mruketsut
Green Slides.. - ...40c gross a mmenser of the faculty, he ill cer- 'hire, lrg. vonm Jac Mosholst. ther. It scus ii ths Gyimaiums
I tauly ruumaus, ht scll mst humuge huethamt they belci their tianmgular mmmcc
No.it covrs - Sc in. mnlyetmeancuicsttw ime s t nerheu lhe museum of humurumoiosy mithm Chicagom timd Illinouis. Fle roof
No.es2,Nsq.2coversq.s1c0ocoerbody.lItesis p.m.s.b30e 5c ozt huey.mIievenc-s humus poceiveeerefnos thatime Uenituwill ftretesdeisrabenttar60efeet fromthe timeeguoates is abnt
Boxesfor 00 sides - -.30c mitsi evum i t~m regmmcshum mcmihikeuletartmcuutof abgricultue+ecamucole- magaslery runus ll urunduultiehbuitch-
this maction. tionm of five lundredelduiteretnt kinds mginub btel iy hupir.. ema
Wewill Meet Any Price-_ of econuommic seds. Th'iese seusmiii this is the runnumig track mhc ii-
I Corers Lost. beusedcinmutie depairtument of lulur- 'banukedt mt tie corers cii that in
Caelkin.s' gos o prossofivetg- umakes a fine bicycle track- WheI
ClisPharma y in Contrary to the annmomucemment that ti onoy o prtpesicgf andventi terd heGymnausiume I tlremw mu
( the Michigouuensiouu wouldlbe placed tfor perimentat otaher n see ihmy h-nds nsti mished that Michiganm
HIT TH E BALL ! on sale againm today, the editors arefocolarsncimote haul one like it. They recently d-
You an'tdo t wttout elea caustpoe the coesmcm se e-t Positions oft Unherstq Graduates. feateud Chicago it Sucti Bend and
You an' doit ithut case te cver whch eresen tohave taken doswnmthe score oard and
"iLOUISVILLE SLUGGER" BAT. Chicago for stamping have not yet Mr. A. Van Zsausenburg, formerly placed it its the Gytmniasium a a
Neither can you play a winning returned 'They swere shipped from of Hoand, Mich., thas been aponted Tehv enpatcn
gam o TENNIS without a Chiag Tuesday and have beens lot to the charge of metalurgicali studies trophy. Thy hv beipratiin
gae .:incg mmtie Uniona Corresipondene Scol, especially batting practice so that
WRIGHT 6& DITSON RACKET. or delayed on the way. Tracers have New York City. For soue years hesas they can solve Militer's curves if
Our Stock is complete and been sent after theum and -s-len they supertntendent of smelting works at possible. I enjoyed my visit very
or pice ar riht.arrive it will take but a fesv ors to San Lous Potosi, Mextco, amd last year
e hetd the Stearns fellowship of re- muchu amdsas very favorably ins-
or prces re rghtput them on the books. They are search in University of Micheligan. An- pressedl sith Notre Dame.
W A expected on the noon train, and the other member of the same family, Mr.__________
W 1 1 . remainder of the books will be out James G. Van Zwauwenbug, of this
tomorrss. University of Michgan class of 1898, The Athletic Board has challenged
ANN ARBOR has lately accepted the psition of the U of M. DALv board to a gamne
chemist of the Canadan Copper Coin--
Up town Down Town The next issue of the DAL isllehhany. working an ore of nickel and of baseball, at a ate to e arrange
StIP St. Opp. e,4°n s wivll be on Friday, June 16. copper at Sudbury, Ontario. later.