2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I Published Daily.(Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: The Inland Press, enning Blockl. Both tPhones 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENaELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. WooDROw, '00 L. P. W. JONES, '99, A. H. McDOUALL, '01 E F. D.EAMAN, '01 L, C. H. LUND, '00 M, G. D. HUDNUTT, '01E. The subscription price of the DAILY is 2.50 fo he collgee year, with a regular delivery before nooneaAh day. Notices, coaaunications, and othe matteriateded orepubicatione mut b handet inia tIthe DIoafie bere lees8 p.m., o mailed tte edittr beoe 3 p. m. tofSie dt pretat to that oawichth ey re expeted t a ear 1ubsteeiptios may be let at the DILY offiee Meyert, or Stoflet' tnewteud, or with Butines Maage, Sahbscieet willcnea favtorteb reporing prsoeply at thi offeeaany aiue o carriers to deliver paper. Allchanges n averteig mattesmust he ie the otfiee y 4 p. m. ta the ay peioos to thai on which they are to appear. IN Cu oAE OF TODAY's ISSUE P. W. JONES. The October Alumnus. The first issue of Vol. V, of the Michigan A lumnus has appeared. The general style of the magazine is the same that it has been during the past year, with the exception that the size of the printed page has been perceptibly enlarged, thus making a considerable increase in the amount of reading matter.. James H. Pren- tiss, '96, continues as editorm-chief, and Prof. Fred N. Scott, '84, as uni- versity editor, Shirley W. Smith, '97, succeeds L. A. Pratt, '96. as manag. lug editor. The Department of Ne- crology will e looked after y Prof. I. N. Demmon, and the news of the graduate club reported by Norman K. McInnes, '98. Frank S. Simons, '98, will have several pages each month devoted to the athletic situ- ation in the University. The Under- graduate Assistants are R. H. Ells- worth, Margaret Mason and Euphe- mia Holden. The present iumber presents as its initial article, "Tue University of Michigan as seen hy an Outsider ,"s'yt. " ten by Prof. Wenley. Among others may be mentioned "The First Year of the Alumni Association and What it has Accotnplished," by W. N. Brown, '70; "History of the Chemic- al Laboratory," by Prof. A. B. Prescott, and "arly Days of the Uni- versity," y Winfiled Smith, 48. The first of a succession of biograph- ies of prominent business and pro- fessional alumni, is that of A. A. Robinson, C. E. '69, and M. S. '71, president of the Mexican Central Railway Company. The different departments have each been filled with interesting matter by their respec- tive editors. A prospectus of the magazine for the year is printed in this initial number, and presages a useful and successful year for the Alumnus. Among them the most interesting features, will be the "War Number," which will appear in December, and be devoted to Michigan men in the late war. Suiton Van Pelt, A. F. Everett, R. M. Fox, C. G. Newton, A. L. Harris, Fay Woodmansee and F. F. Gillen, all '98 E., are on the U. S. Deep Water Survey, Champlain, N. Special Lectures in the Medical De- partments. A special series of lectures has been arranged for the Medical De- partments of the University for the present year. In the Department (if Medicine and Surgery, Secretary Ienry B. Baker, A. M., M. D., of the State Board of Health, will pre- sent the subject of the Administra- tion of Health Laws; Dr. William A. Edwards, Superintendent of the Michigan Asylum, Kalamazoo, will lecture on insanily as will also the following: Dr. James Munson, sup- erintendent of the Northern Michi- gan Asylum, Traverse City; Dr. Edward A. Christian, superintendent of the Eastern Michigau Asylum, Pontiac; Dr. Samuel Bell, superin- tendent of the Northern Peninsula r Asylum, Newberry; and Theophil Ioingman, special pathologist to the State Asylums. In the Homepathic Medical College, Dr. O. R. Long of the Michigan Asylum for danigerous and criminal insane, located at IOia, will treat the subject of Mental Di- seases. The DAILY is in receipt of "The Groundwork of Science, a Study of Epistotnology," y St. Gerge Mi-' vart,tM. D., Ph. D., F. R. S. (New York: G. P. Putiam's Sons. Lon- don: Bliss, Sands & Co. 1898. The Science Series.) This book is a seri ous attempt toexpress the fundamen tal assumptions of the most general nature upon which science rests at the present time. Its value is in bringing clearly to consciousness, upon a dualistic basis, the fact that the universe can be explained only as "the action of an all-pervading intelligence," that is, that it is ra- tional. The weakness of the book lies in the fact that this intelligence is regarded as "unimaginable, that is, as separate from and altogether 'unknowahie to the humanl mind. The author has not advaiced beyond tte position of contemporary English thought as represented by Spencer and Huxley. A Nen Geological Work. "Rivers of North America" is the title of a work soon to appear from the press of G. P. Putnam's Sons. It is the fourth volume in the geo- logical series by Prof. Israel C. Russell of the University. The titles of the first three volumes-are: "Lakes of North America," "Glaciers of North America," and "Volcanoes of North America." In character aid scipe this last voluie is very similar to those that have already appeared. ATHENS THEATRE.1 Monday Evening, Oct. 17. BELASCO & FYLE'S Popula war Drama, THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. Pricese,25, 5and 70cents. seats on sale at Watr s. on Man St., and Hangsterfer's, on State St. UNIVERSITY School of Dancing Granger's Academy. 3onPhauone 54. wE ARE... SEXCLUSIVE - AGENTS FOR - FINE SHOES EALS SHOE STORE - a.e i e e o r I t 1 ^ Those $15.00 Serge Suits are Tailored Like Custom Suits And contain every point of fashion that belongs to Suits this Season. In Double or Single Breasted. Silk Faced for One Dollar more if you want it. IMPORTERS AND MANUFAOTURERS OF CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Labora- tory Supplies 112 S. Main Street, Ann Arnor, Mich. Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. If You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter how small or how large, a obof WE CAN DO IT Printing for you. Call and get acquainted. The Inland Press, Henning Blok. [UI 340 S. STATE. CALLAGHAN CO., Opposite LawBuilding. Law Book Publishers and Importers. Second-hand books for next semester cheap. Special bargains on Wilson, Baeon and Burke's Works. Erskine, Curran and Webster's Speeches. Great speeches by great lawyers. Roseler's Political Economy, etc. Call for new catologue. Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I st. h' SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET., OLD GUNBOATS can YOUR FANCY, litFIACS By COURTESY CALLED SHOES. YOUR FINANCES. W. J. APRI LL. 119 E. Washington St.