4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ANNUAL SHIRT SALE!I WE EN0GRAVE VISITING CARDS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-" hIthier respective sizes, so ANNUAL SHIFT SALE! Plte wllbeketMORE NEI Plaes illbe eptby us for ourpa trons, unless so are request- ADDT ed to returu same. A D DT Your Nanie oni Copper Plate antd R 0 a 100 Cards, $x1.50. Every Senior will wanst thesm in PHONE, 10. sendinig out their inivitations. A ttentioi HAVE YOU READ 10 Rambler Cigars for 4Pitteburg Stogies for David Harums, 11 Alfonzo Cigars for :2 Mr. oole, 6 Lord Chesterfield Cigars- for2 Mr. DoleyThe aove gooms have aNationa Aylwiss,' When Knsighsthsood was Old Number: in Flower. 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. WE HAVE THEM. _ . "The Bond-Horton Nuotial mu Ar N St. Assdrew'o church was thnes flHEE & CO a very pretty weddling last ev the contractinig parties beissg Cc BOOKSELLERS, Bond asnd Rev. Hensry P. H STATIONERS AND ENGRAVERS, assistasnt pastor of St. Asi church. The floral decorations ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. the chsaincel rail were cop( bessutiful, line two pillors at t trassce of the sactnusrybeing bed Shirt Waists ! with pink aind white peoniesin a barc grosndsod Mee. iss We marena spec~is iatoflanying thenr. Stn. Bossd sister to the bride acts isfatinguarntee Dro us mad or rinog us nup by phome. bridessmaicd. Miss Hall, Miss Student's Laundry Asnociatior), Bossd, Miss Reid and Miss Hi Agts. ior Grand Laundry, Detmoit. were mainlo of Issuer. During ths 202 a. Sate at. New 'Phone, 441 isolsy Prof. Kesnpf gave Mass intersmezzo very effectively. A 1TRIAL ORDER. followisig were the usbers I Tatlock, Smsith: Edmssunds, Aind, That is all I ask for Morfie, Whitney, Latimer ity Laundry Agency. Parker. P C E YE R The track team will have its P.C. ME ,R takess at 1 p. in., at Randall' Tel. No. 179. 607 E. Wiiliami St. Wednesday. MEHLHOP, Mai ~AnnuaIlSirtSal!JOS. W. KOLLAUF0 w All $2.50 Andesson's ScotchT -Cheviots at ... ,......$2.00 TH N l 175 SilkBosomnBody and 137 TAILOR, w Cuffs to mnatchb....13 a .5 AMachas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 "i1.50Cheviots, 1 pr. Cuffs 1.00 DRESS SUITS. EAH 0 e 7cMachas-no Cuffs ,.50 " 75c Pere leo, 2 Collars g~j0 ansd 1pr Cuffs......... .50.......ant Washington So., near 5th Ave } v. SO . BOOTe, PES. sfT MD. A.TINKER & SO NW.AH.snt, d VIe.n ' " " mJON. C.5WALTn, Asnt. Csihbe r fVINGS~ N RIGS )UR STOCK THIS WEEK. J L[ TI~ 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. n ! Smokers!i 5 cents (6 Segaret Cigars for : 25 cents 5 cents 0 Bill Anthony Cigairs for 25 cents 25 cents 4 Brunswick Cigars fur : 25 cents 25 cents 3 Nat tGoodwin Cigars for 25 cents al reputationnnd havebutifewequal~shin ahi akt DEAN & CO0 aEngineers Notice. ;ceneof Tisere swill be a special bussinss sssn, eeting of the Essgineerissg Society ecileA. inth eading roosn of use Engi. Iorsn sieerisig buildissg Wednesday at 5 p. ndrw .m, for the purpose of closing up tbe sabout year's busissess. All officers and csom. )ecially mittees still be expected to be roady the en-.wst lls reports, so that the bills and decked accousnts agaist thse society sisy be iland iii acted upon. Mausd JAS. C. Aussvoxu, ed as 184 President. Bessie WANTED-By a smiddle aged swid- orton, usw, a positioss as snatron ini a sorority iecere- or fraternsity. Best of references. ;agnio Address "'U" Isnland~ Press. lessrs Tbere wilibe a ineetingoftse recep. tlro iou cosmmittee of the senior class, arsn, Thursday at 4p.in., in Roomn U. and 'C. C. ADAMS, Cbar. photo The Revisedi Schedule. 's, on June 10, Notre Dams at Ann, Arbor. ? t16 Cornell at Ann Arbor. sager. j=17 Corne..llat eit.i Transacts a general banking .business. FIRST NATIONAL B ANK frmAro Capital, g,000rs. Surplus and Pronts, $40,005 .raonsacts a generaol binking bsoines. Foreign enchngognhtand snld. Furnishn eerof credin. E. D. KINNE, Prens. HARRISOSuOULE, S. W. CLARKSuN, Cashir Cnr. Main oisand urnStenets. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000.T'natsla general bankingibusinenss R, KEMPF, Pre. CE. GREENE,Vice-Ps. FRin. H. BrnSE Cashier The flan flrbOr savings Bank Capitnn tok.$505,000.OSrplns, $150,000. Organizn edneSthennrlnk inig Laws o OhisState. Recennsndeposits, Obnysndsisells exnen t he principali nities o nueUnited Stoatiesrfts cashsed upon propeidentification Ssfety dienosintboeno ineont. OrricEns: Chrintiasn Mnck Pren; W.D.uneen man, Vine-res.; Chase. E.hiscnck, Cashie; M, J. Frinz AssiisttCashier. LAMB & SPENCER, .THE,. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a fist-clans Grscery and Bakery. Coll and see no. 318 S. STATE ST, FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Treatmnnt forePimples, ninek. heads, Etc., a specialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prnp. 322 S. State St. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER inOP st N& ELY'S BAR ER HOPIf you desire first-clann work and csurteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ~ Emblmerand ENOCH uiIETERLE Funeral EblmrDirector Calls attended Day orNSighs. No. 161 E. Liberty Street. Riesidence iii 5 Fsorth Ann, Phone 129. $iSUITS.[ TAILOR STATE STr LOU BLE-BREASTED FROCKS. GOLF. HUNDREDS OF SHREWD PEPL H0AVE TAEEN ADVANTAGE OF OBR CLOSING OUT SALEMO MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS during this past sweek. Each pleased purchianer brings tssonose. This accounts for our daily increasing sales. onir stock is still quite complete, including Ilne many useful anrticles that every gentleman needs. NECKWEAR-A.11 shapen and styles. Lnnen Colars, Lnnen Cuffs (except E . &WW and Cluett-which are contract goods.) Men's Hosiery, Cuft Links, Negligee Shirts, Golf Hose, Collar Buttons, Washable Tids, a Golf Garters, Shirt Studs, Underwvear, Beltn-(a very 'fine assortmnent), (ihoves, Garters, Suspenders, White Shirts, Handkerchhefs, S u mbrllas, Fancy Shhrts, Mackintoshes, Cmrlans, Night Shhrts, Etc., Etc. Our Closing Out Sale means that we are selling the goods mentioned ahove at WHOLESALE PRICES until July lot, when what is eft of the stock, together with thQ fixtres,'will he sold in a lump. We have dechded Is use our enthre store for our largely hncreas- r ing Tailorhng Business. We have not wahted unthl the end of the saon ut W G E 0 ,. ' give you thhs Splendid Opportunity WAGNER &toc COcoplee. ', It will be money in your pocket to buy 1 23 5.. MAI N S T.! ANN ARBOR. what yen need of us end at this time.