THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 rHE ATEN LEATHERS XC$3354.5.$sS SOLE AGENTS (HANAN SHOES.) I; OODSrUgDSd. u 119 SO. MAIN ST. MAIIAN CE-LRT1& CORRECT AND STYLISH_ TAILORING. "The Zs'iaa Falls Route.'_! CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Efiect January 29, 1899. GOINGEAST.We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and Stall and Express . .....3 47 P.niM 1 r N. Y. & Boston Special........4 5so equalan in tue State. atatexress.............9 43 " ~ We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. DeriNd aidstExpress ....... 510 " Al smae uanfo Grond aidhtExpress ..........1o1 Algarments aeby uskept pressed adin repairfo, Mall & Express ....5..... 40 A. Mi. one year. Boston, N. Y. & Chicago....... 9 10 Fast Western Express........ 1 30 P.M. G. R. &EKatExpress........5 45 Chicago Night Express .........943 P'acific Express............12 20 A. M.. 106 E. Huiron. New State Phone 43 0. W. RU OGLES IH. W. BAYES, ___________________________ G. P. & T. Agot, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor You can get the "Victors" either Michigansensian on sale Thursday. n t Sheehan's or Ann Arbor Music Homneopathic Hospital Guild. Co. or Schaeberle's. Send a copy to The University Homeopathic your friends. Hospital Guild will meet at the home _____________ of Mrs. Harrison Soule, 708 S. Uni- TIME TABLE versity avenue, on Thursday after- Taking Effect, May 1, 1899. With the eumnmer, coomes tagna- nosn at 3 o'clock. Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Stand. tion in the sheet music business, con -________ ard TInre. sequently the Ann Arbor Music Co., Michigaension on sale Thursday. NORTH SOUTH are reducing stock by cutting still 0:43 A. M. *7:25 A. Ml. lower their Saturday low prices. The secondl edition of the "Victors 5 :05 A MI 11:25 A. M. 12:40 P. M. t 8:015rP. ___M.____ March" was printed last week. 4:5 P. Mi. 8:40 P. M. Orders for it come fromn all over the A committee of the University of cuty ________ *Ron between Ann Arbor and Toledo only country ______ tRun between Toledo and Howell on Sun. Michigan visited the highl school at elay only. Cesaadatratoog xm- TaAnAbrMscC. a All oth er trains daily except Sunday. Cesaadatratoog xm- TsAnAbrMscC. a E. S. GtLMORE, Agent. nation placed it upon the accepted out of "Victor's" Marches last W. H. BENNETT. 0. P. A. University of Michigan list. Saturday. THlE DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN ________________________ ARBOR RAILWAY._W Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti i ans '- h and Detroit every half hour beginning CDItblrth Vb'otograpber. at 6:45 a. mn. U. of Mt. car leaves City Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater. L ____ Special cars for Baseball Games from Court Houne Ann Arbor to Main En.-_______________________________ trance of Baseball Grounds, Detroit. U. OF M. LINE. Nn Baggage, express and 'Students' sup- 1 plies received anod delivered. Waiting EN rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, SHOES FOR W..OM N Ann Arbor, 1ll Griswold street, Detroit. CHICAGO N Diin Cre : THE PURITAN I" Wabash Fast Trains snake it pnosible for ynn to take breakfast in Ann Arbor, Din- FOR STYLE, COMFORT AND QUALITY. nor in Ot. Louis, and Luncrheonilea First- Class Dnng mr nrute. You leave Ann Arbor725 a. m.;Ar- A PAIR I ALL rive St. Louis,6:251 p. im.; Arrive Chicago $ 3 .6 _____ STYLES 3,00 p. In.; Kansas City 7:15 a. in, Omna- ha81st imetnraa-rIyOeNgtOt The :Ann Arbor Branch has a Fine Line of BootsIand Oxford Ties for The Continental Linitad,WoenwinSck A superb fast' train, magntio~ent'service, 110pEast Huron St., Near" Cook House. between Detroit and. St. Louis, Chicago, Niagara Foles, Boimelo, New York and M~eon. Free Aeclining Chair Cars on T eef All Trains. You will go hoine for vaca- e*jIioe tion soon--b r' writie to us 'for a new ( F. A. PMAtiat, A. G. P. A., Chicago. INCORPORATED. C. R. Casra, G. P. &T. A., St. Louis, Mo. R. S. GRsiaziwOoo, M. P A, DETROIT STORE, 18 ANO~ 20 GRATIOT AVENUE. Chicago and_.Ann Arbor. THE $5.0 GRAPHAPHONEE That we sell now TALKS, SINGS and. PLAYS The same as the hliher-priced Macblocs, and GOES THE SAME RECORDS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. Win. ArnoldLedin The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berrymoan Studio I1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 119. A. G. SPALDING &t BROS. New York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outfitters to all the leading colleges schools and athletic clubs of the country. The Spalding Binycle, ridden by the Intercolleglate A. A. A. A. Chanmpions, and all the leading college riders. Every equi- site for Base Ball. Soot Bai. Golf, Tennis .Athletics, Gymnasium. SPalding's Official League Bali Is the Official Ball of the National League and anl the leading college associatlons. Handsme Catalogue of Athletic Sports Free toany address. a aldn s Official Bass Ball Gulde for 1890, Match 30,10 Cents. A. di. SPALDING & ERMS.. New York. Chlse AT THlE FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARD! Hu row Si.BEast of P. and M. Beek. GREAT SALE ON WHITE'.DUW(TRUSRS 790 A PAIR See them in our Windd~w. Large Assortment of Trunks, Dress Suits Cases and Tele co es. 20y 0 .MI TET.0TJ~RY~AO.