An THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY --___ r fnbithed Daily Sandays escepted dring the Cllege year. at THE UNIVERSITY O MICHIGAN. 'rrsc: The Inland Pres, Henning Block. Bth Phne1a7. MANAGNG5 EDITOR. F. EassAn, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. OH. ANS. '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, P. W. JeONE, '99, 7. R. Wennaw, 'B0 L. A. H. McDaUeAs, 'at E 4. D. Beewecs. 'ec E. J. B. Wan, 'c0, C. L. NEa, '99, C. D. CanL, 99, LJ. MNMaa n,'100, W. cD. HCnEY,'0eM, A. G. Bown. '2. The eatbciptin priceoalthe DAIL s 2O50Cfe the cnlege ya, with a reglne delicayeoree men each day. Notices, cmemunicatin, and otheesattee intended fee yublicatin msarlbe handed innattetDAILY ffheee Sapmo mailed t the editr befoee 3 p. sa. f the say arevinne t that n which they ae epected In Suhsriptionsmay be left at the DAsLYofface, .eyer', or Stefilet's ewtnd, or with Basiness Manager. Shcitees will eonfer a faoe hi eportng promptly at hitoffiea any flinesof ,cariers cc deliver aier All change ic adertising neter mset be in theofflcehby4pa.t.e day peeiust that onwhich vth e to ccDccc. C. L. NILES. Miss Maud Ebert becomes Mrs. Egbert L. Vale. 'ne of the lovelit weddine Ace Arbor scey ver witnessed was th of Dr. Edward L. Vole and Mliss Maud Eggert, eolemnized lot evening at 8 'clock in St. Andrw'o church. The unique features. of the choral service mada it of epecial interest. The church itself had been very gracefully and daintily decorated by friends of the bride, the wedding being a pink and Whie one throughout. The alt clothe of gld and white acd the luxuriant blossoms of white peony were aided in t heir effect by the delicat gren foilage of the syringa-the flower of the wd- * ding prty An arch, galandd with the same flower, crssed the chacel , railing, which was further beautified by *great bunches of stately white peonies ripk bid1 rooes. The altar wan a man of pink and white peonies, while *-usters of the same mked the pews aesred for the 'house prty. The last *thing bfore the crermony, when the .,hh wise filled with a large and fash- onlale gathering a grop of the brides hem Then cm the vsted choir of especial friends, the Aphi Phi's, were es- cortdto th front pwa rsevdfor X40, deading the wedding paty and sing- ng fht mot bauiu hymn, 0 PV fltLove.' Folowing these came the four ushers, Mesr. Hr Brown 'Claren~e Witney, Fred Larned and 'Wlt Foster. Next the maid of lon- or, Miss Louise Eggert. gowned in pale (ink, eewa folod by .the bride with her father. The wdding dress wee of atin, grniur with perl and characterized by rare simliciy and lelganc. T aed oratins, without a d bitheamst beaut'ifu tat ae ever been seen at a hrch .wedding in Antn Arbr, were defeged and arangedl snder ah directon of M. C. S. Mi- len, asi ed by Mr. Wosdbridge and. Mrs. Dr. Nclzst. The party Was mt at Ue'ciaicel by the groelzuattelhis best man, MOr. Harry Htlelsisso.The ltz$~eve carrPage ersinony wka V Ar- 'Arkledby the Rev Dr. Tatlbogi, uring whiiic the beautfletralsa of 'the Tresntele, paed by organ and vie- iin&U, loIeatel trouh theshurh. As :te estiiat t tsl"ied sway te firt ioteh cof'the I.s9ien~in wvedng nhaacic 'aI 4 eM n~tic.orgaic at.hed lie *ditng "-y atewdrinth altar as the chr- 19q} IdsYsg the *Md L (~i. Ius th~ie sital releeiioh 'that o4*0k at the home of the bride's parents oc Packard st.wa attended by the wed- ding party and a few friends. Miss Hg- bert wan an ax-'99, ned Dr. Vaile gradu- ated from the dental department about two years ago. Aong those present from out of town ware Mr. C. pgert, of Ownsso; Mr. Harr Farr, Misses Nona and Loue Farr, olf Brockville, Oc1t.; Mrs. H. C. Cunningham, Brockville; Miases Certte and Mrguerite Toeslay, of Brockville; Misa Bertha GOlbhes, of De- troit, and Miss Dodge, of Donning. J. M. Thomas, '98, has secured a position for next year as the principal of the Manistee High School with a salary of $100 per month. Musical Clubs Notice. There wili he a meeting of the Glee, Bacnjo and Mandolici Cluhs at 7 oclosck sharp, in Room 24, U. H. Officers for eat year will he elected. W. C. BOIO TON, Preas. MICHIGAN ENS IAN. Regular edition, $1t Edition de luxe, limited to 100 copies, $1.50. ON SALE THURSDAY, All the buildings on the campus. SUBSCRIBERS will leave their NAMES when purchasing. DANDALL, "'a State Phone 144- I f 1 a E t 1 SPECIAL SHIRTS. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. I $1.15 For your choice of any $1.50 Neg- ligee Shirt in our store. Every one a "Monarch" or "Gold' Shirt, sold the world over for one dollar and fifty cents. COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY _SMMKE IMPcORTERSAND AlNUFcAaCTURERS Or CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headqusarters for all Labora- tory Sucpplies 112iS. Rain Street. Ann Arbor, Mich plterGollciate Bureau of tisadeuhiG Gostumne. GOTREL L & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Clans College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Westera Kagr., Haskell Munseum, Uisv. of Chicago. FOR BICYCLE REPAIRING F AND SUNDRIES G TO Wn. J. WENGER HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. 'FOURTH AVENUE. AABOUT RIGHT. A country road that is smooth adhard fr We rent tandensa at the following rats:s Nr houi', 55a for 1st hoar; 20c per hear. tsrefter. Freanoo7t"2l............. 75c Afternees12 30te 3....75c Fesiday . . . ............. 175 0 ~. Staobler's Bicyclo Emptop'im 1a9#:'aaijitlt 9a t., N464ae. No. 8. For a iWUMM18IR CRUIS-E take the GOA8T LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL Ttse GreatstalPerfectian PASSENGER yet attained in atat Con. STEAM ERS. atruction: cLuxurios. SOMEORT, Eqaipment, Artistic Far. COMFORT.yonasing, Decoratioa and AmSAFETY. Effcioest Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, fleorgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No tse*rTieoffesaaramaa nd mls feu a rni etynnters. ToleoIvoroyanDayckaand DETROIT AND CLEVELAND niAcN esULT. Cleveland, Cnnectinns are smade at Clvlnes t h LO5W RAT" t esare agqa a.aoland Put. in.Bay Earlest Trnc ser 01pnsc ss&oct ass, a sr eand Toledo. ase os arm oasseo, 1050;frm oly A. A. 5555t/TZ. a. P. A.,OsTEoi't1l. Mses.Derl nGeemu1Uvulo cmun L Jf your Bicycle Needs Q~t1f1lF'1N R 8 Ot Qbr DfDA I nrWNe State 'Pha'ke391 EU Il flL~iE fLE5 Me. 1115st Liberty St. Go to BIftM NSpAclal dFie ~achiea 'So~alAttentin givenl t Bicycle Repairing WW Valuhgtsau, AF511 Ln be s~acle lSesIa tack. "W e arelin , i When it -comes tou v $HOET3c Slly-'time and all the tme, 4et only for cycling, but for other purposes. Something new. Call .and see them at