A meeting of those interested in
athletics was held in the Trophy room
Will announce that we have now last night to make plans for a big re-
ception to be given the team on their
received our Spring and Summer return from the East tonight. The
Woolens. Our stock for the incom- following conmittee was given
charge of the affair: Potter, chair-
ing season is the largest we have ever man, Cook and Vernon. A commit-
shown, is exclusive and confined, in tee, comprising the following, was
appointed to collect money for fire-
both foreign and domestic goods, and works, etc.: Lancashire, Bennett,
.s.b Potter, Brown, Weinstein, Wood,
is composed of the heat fahrics in Cook, Crafts, Childs, Groesbeck,
every line that can be obtained. We H. Potter, Niles. Evansian. The
committee will go around amongst
carry the largest line of Woolens in the student body touiorrow and will
t .y to call an turn in the cash by 4 p. in., in order
the city. We invite you toaa that the chairman nay know how
inspect the same. much he has to spend, so everybody
please have the money with them.
CDOWMr. Cook will also visit the business
Gmen. The plans for the reception
9 are as follows: Those who can will
108 E. Washington St , will go down to Ypsilanti to ride up
with the team, the band will be at
ANN ARBOR. the M. C. depot, and firewors will be
in evidence when the team arrives.
PHOTOGRAPHIC A suitable platform to speak from
will be prepared and lighted by
DARK ROOM. torches. Speeches will be made by
We have recently fitted up different members of the team, and
a commodious photographic then they will be drawn to the cam-
dark room, complete with pus, where they will depart for their
trays, lights, etc., and offer homes. The teti has iade an ex-
its ties to the public free of hms eta a aea x
charge. Anything needed cellent showing down east, having
in the line of supplies, or defeated both Cornell and Pennsyl-
chemicals we would be vania, and losing one game to La-
pleased to furnish. fayette. The reception will go in a
small way to show that the student
WI fLER'S URAY body is behind them- The commit-
tee wishes to urge everybody to be
present and help give the team a big
Fnr fn Da v frnm June 1 send off.
their studies than those of any other
uiversity I visited. Especially, I
think is this true of the students in
the law department. I visited a
lecture this afternoon and the atten-
tion paid by the students. to the
lecturer was truely amazing, con-
sidering the heat and sultriness of Michigan Walked Away With The
the day." As Prof. Weulersse has W ae.
visited all the great universities of Game.
the country this favorable judg-
ment of our students is most FIRST TIME SONS OF PENN LOST
In speaking of athletics Prof.
Weulersse said: "Being a native Of They Couldn't Do Much With Miller's Curves.
France and having always had to do
with the schools there, the interest tiriiadetphia, ta., June 6.-tii.)
in college athletics it this country is ichigan %tn ftro Pennsyuia in a
a novelty to me. In France colleges gnethttws rtggs Itandbriiaint by
steaks. This is the strt gne tat he
have no teams as they do here and of hoie tarn has tses on their grounds
course no such athletic interest is felt sime Aii, andi theytp bt up a strong
. ..unit 1tti'hy Rent tm t' .rc v their
there as here. I think it is a most in' m pluty ig h ittr vere too
healthy spirit and think it should be gust dand uwui not be denieii. The
encouraged."bttl was chiefly bee esopsing
Beside being a noted educator with Soruiss" Miller. He had nine
Prof. Weulersse is also an education- str e-otts usa gore six bats onb als,
al writer of considerable repute. I" nhile irovst-rust ot-ieautsguve
six bses. The lisherrs tere, ioever,
the last number of the "Pennsyl- taske n up at times by fast ieling and
vanian'' appears a translations of his seral runs re thus et off, white
aork entitled "A French Experi- Lust's cuish of a high foultin t' irt
work p ws the finstteem seen lire.
ment in Education." This work has For Miitgan, Fisher at third tand
been received with great interest by soseitsleft diii the bss urisniwbe
American students, and its transla- hit frseint toua. therunner.
tion will fill a want long felt by those aichigan stnated atter t-e anse in the
who do not read Frenchf.it iingu'c itslit baseson
buts, bittteas rut .h t iscstnt.
Prof. Weulersse on his present Snow sin le, bu t s r i at setdi
tosir has been in America four by M iler. .lierie sit to doni a
months and expects to stay aboutss-dt'bitt an ,."Iin'tiisees
St Hy atdsste of b'lto 'ss runit der
four months more. From Ann Ar- dI tie soon ansthem run was a .dds.
bor he will go to Boston and from 1,ttSon drsw for bas and went to
there lie will continue his tour of 1 thneis ydisltsun fs nst0 tise e's
American educational institutions. then hit the sall to iaidten, who let it
go hrough him and tiate tiesor'd.
D Aiehigan then went out in one-two-
DENTS CHAMPIONS. three order tii the ighlth. StNinnis
agai n wahed; snow bunted safely, but
Prob God Mu-Hes, rwnothought it wise to thrwseto first,
roe ood ud-ens ant in ingsohrew ail dboth
The '01 d. defeated the '02 tm yes- net . This ent h n
terday in the final game for the class Pennsivania's only run camne in the
championship. The result was some- third, when Brovwn waaie, elist econt
what of a surprise as everybody vies 'hasdmotayetsrof ReiD als a
counted on the medics winning by a till June 1, when on acun t Suli-
good margin. van's split thumb he ha move tiuto
goodfieldmargishort. Considering the tact that h has
The field swas a sea of uual ansi cs- Isa tenoram in thsat pi sition, his
sidering that, the game was well piying on the trip has been excellent.
played. Franz was unable to con- thisngumeaetises herom(eant
trol the slippery ball and gave 11 the team has rnade a remhrkably good
passes. The dents hit the ball op- recor in defeating Corneli and Penn-
portunely and this connected with syvnla on their own goud. Te
p yitl arrive home Xvetnesttuy at mid-
bases on balls won the game for night. sore:
them. The game was close and ex- seittutAN.
citing and a good crowd was out A.B. R. am. i0. A. E.
considering the bad weather. The MGinis, c. f. 2 1 0 0 0 0
score fllows:Snow,1. f...-....3 3 4 o0 tt
score faustws: Milter, p............. 4 1 0 0 1 0
Innings...........1 2 3 4 6 7-Rn. Flescher, 3b.......4 0 0 1 6 0
Dents...............3 2 0 2 0 0 3-10Lunn,3...............4 0 011 2 0
Medics...............2 0 1 2 0 0 1- 0 Mattison, 2b........ 3 1 0 1 2 1
Bases on balls-By Franz 11' by Sullivan, r.f,.... 4 0 1 0 0 0
Herig 2. Struck-out-by Franz 7.' Davies, sa s......... 3 0 0 0 1 3
Blencoelb......... 4 0 0 10 1 0
Mrs. Bunce who had about half of Totals.............31 4 4 27 13 4
her stomach removed at the Univer- PENNSYLvANIA
sity hospital about two weeks ago is A.B. R . O. A. a.
rapidly improving. She now takes Ramsey, s. s.....2 0 1 3 2 2
nourishment through the stomach, Frazier, 1. f......... 5 0 0 0 0 0
consisting of four ounces of milk and Gillinder, 1b....... 4 0 1 10 1 0
eggs every two hours. If she con Sherrill, r. f..1.... .1 0 0 0 0 0
tinues to improve as she is now do- Hayden, 2b.........4 0 0 5 5 3
ing she will be well enough to leave White, 3b........... 3 0 0 0 2 0
the hospital in two weeks more. Flavell,c............2 0 0 8 4 0
Huston, c. f....... 2 0 0 1 0 0
Every loyal supporter of ath- Brown, p.........t.. 3 1 0 0 3 1
letics is requested to turn out Totals.............28 1 2 27 17 6
and meet the baseball team at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12:30 tonight. Michigan...1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-4
WILLIAM L. DAY, Pres. Pennsylv'a0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
PIPE SALE-All Pipes Sell-
lig Below Cost. Lunches, Soda
Water, Flops and Soft Drinks.
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Green Slides...........40c gross
*White "...........60
Y8 aNo. 1 covers...... Ste us.3
No. 2, sq. covers ..... 55c o.
Boxes for 100 slides....30c
We will MeetAny Price.
Calkins' Pharmacy:
You can't do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices are right.
Up row. Down Town
State St. -' Opp. Court House
Bin Sts
A Distinguished Visitor.
Prof. A. C. McLaughlin has been
entertaining Prof. Georges Werlersse,
of the University of France, for the
past few days. Prof. Weulersse is a
Fellow of the Ecole Nonnate Super-
ieme in History and Geography. He
also holds a Travelling Fellowship
from the University of Paris. It is
in pursuit of the work of this fellow-
ship that he is making his present
tour of the United States. He is
engaged in an investigation of the
general sociological problems of the
country, and is interested especially
in educational institutions and the
social life of the workingmen. The
most distinguished title which Prof.
Weulersse holds is that of Professor
Agregi de l'Universitel de France,
hich he obtained two years ago.
This is aa 'hottor totally unlike any
in this coumrry. Every year an ex-
amination is held at the University of
France. The ten who pass the best
examination obtain positions as teach-
ers in the Lycee. As these examnina.
tions are taken by the best minds of
the country to he one of the ten
chosen is a very great honor.
In speaking of the University of
Michigan in particular Prof. Weu-
lersse said that what had impressed
him the most during his brief stay
here was the earnestness and honesty
of purpose shown by the students.
He said: "I think your students are
more earnest and honest in pursuing