2 Published Daily (Sundayscldd) dring the Colle yea, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. 7FP'a : Tbe Iland Pess , Hening Blck. Both Phones 17. MIANAGIN'G EDITOR IISIYE2.00MANAGER. . 1. IIANHSat'00 L EDITORS. Athielie Edito,P Wb oNse'W), T. 11t.WoaDnon, '051 L. A 11.MeiDOUGAssL l 1 G. . iIlaNe, '01iE h.i. W10ObOe, 'G C. L. NrtE,'9, C.D Cow., '9 L. J.MoXTOeoonEa,'00, W.51). llo~,e EM, A. G. Blos n,') INao, naeo TODAY i ' OuR attetoias lost beena called Ia the. fact1 tihIt aboult twol)undrited dlla01 of the sbcriptonltis tie Atli letie Asocia tionleiioee last all have Dot lie n pid.te It is high tie that tisese susaciptlion blil).1111Those whosubIlscribed itdtilsoitl full kiowoledeOef 11h11ir bliations, 0111 aris.ounill aliiliortsi pa y them.i Anisithe 'time .ti 110y'tis no101155ble- fiiae,'tile yost' loes.Thte asscitiosn hist 'ss2OQotnie wsichbfallsiduhe ii a little ovei iseek,'siiiithe'unid'a sublscrition il lt suffilce tsiieet it 'aosilift soismich itfsaiload1 ofithe finan51c1iliiiurlent of'atltict-. Prize Essays The rz f 2 eedfl bIi~elsithlei Dsigh- ters toatt. AmeiOcan10ORlvtslstlil~olsto te .1unior00girt st the UClb 1itb ii icifi. ccabbefor te te ssil 10110it subt 0Io soatv to Tte Relution, ws w"o iy Congrss. Alit' syos Delroit iithe testamnalsiof 'X10 wast asward ied i- tloughthe 01',ott lilfel sContemlatOsell bat ain-te p101e0Therec were i cor- petit01s 10 thisit cotettNie other insitulettio rceilse timtilart ofaler d'cssm Lhs Dasogtter fthelsAmerian' Revolution.1 Pronl.Johnson Talhs Upon Super- stition. Pea. hL. I. Jhnso, ofthte law de- partment of the Univerily a of3ihia, discussed the subject at "Spertition and Education" beore the bsinesa 10m0n's clas at the Congregational chureh yeterday. He s0ated that all men ae more or leos tinid in the prs- enee at pw rs which they cannot meaure 00 0omprehend. LWa i strange that Clumbus could pruade the wild men o the toest ta comply wih hi wiohe under the ehibitn at an Oclipse; that primitive man should have canceived lbs idea that the very ev- ens were filed with Ed, when e daly and nightly obsred their vari- ous phenhm ena-the rsngEand etting afth Ls un-the more sriing occur- rences,uch as camt, meter, the aurora ith ita arch and pulsating sirer-the lightning, rainbow, the mighty wind-wihotlknwing their single cause or ram whnce they came or whither they go? A government auch aa ouro baas more La ear rom the ignorance atfthe 'mase than the bad moivea ot our ruler. The dangera to t ree country liso more in the viesa at society and the common pepe than in' the bad adminitraian at it ruler.1 ad lawa can son be made bter it the minds at the people are right, but a bad people, whae mind are filled with sspertiton and ignorance, iaa condition at things which ia hard to cure. Rulera in a ree country are aort lived, but the people liv on forever, Rulers may plot michie, but an en- lightenled people will thwart it It the people are right, our~ satety ia secred. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Mbanyo'fatthe 0001ldas gi ate7 bheroes have been lmisecable eonwaeds01pan ohi cold enoeie ndoyls otNothing Better held at battle. Hannibal and'Nalpoleoncolcnqe e ad mprsbu 00e0e 0nale sto 0c10q(0e'0themelves. Ellzabethbanid Caiheriecul uc ello ' Isl d hanb gl-hal noon anodsway' lingdomos, but 01ouchoed ace 11000 puttinotlio tll in impiotent sci 'atotei w loot of Hiot Weather Drinks iiooaion ' :s at Important Medical Meeting. Drlt VeitrC. V 01 ll \Vilflam J. 1101doolnand iltGol 5Dock atthe moedicali deparItmt o thtUoiverbity meeting 11"fiithe Aiaeriecon Mbedical siso-ta ciatio it LliClolm tsJuine6Is9.,Dr Vau hao'tislubtjIcot ist to idlIFever Anlon-,,"the oe iptsat Chicaleuega; Deid tarl's Th 0' o e Iell Expect 'it' nett, andi Dr.Dock'ist The U se of Qulininec iif 1 iceeeutiv'o, olliliittee ot this atto- citti. Ile tiiiloi eattndith(le meet' il,,lif'theiiAmercaon AcaeuoTheald iin Ciiolmbui tlecediiing tue lmietif itheii Atletic:, Firaternities, 0Ouniatiaos. 500 -- DRAWINGS - 500 HueosCalendaor, 'The Victors abrch. Subacribe at Once and Secure a Copy. MICHIGANENSIAN, Edittiode loney$1hit. I Regular edition, $t.- DAN DALL, 1% State Phone 144. intereoIIeaiatO Bureau of Costume. GOTRELL & LEONAORD, ALBANN. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented, Also Class Canes, Clans Hats and Caps, Olsn College Pins. Address W. C. KEEN, Westerna Mngr., H~askell Mueseusm, IUniv, of Cicago. F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES GO TO Win. J. WENGER HIGH GNADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. Steeial c:oolin~g aaats anl ev'eythlinlg 111w10,01011aodlat1 J. J. QUARRY Campus Drag Store. i _ GO TO Stabler's Art Store FRArt Novelties and FR Fine Frame Mouldings. '217 S. 4th Ave. Phoene 173. Strawberry.:~ii~m Pineapple r l S Aete Great and Satisfying -' Success of the Time. She falkindsl, witho maineo aiod without,ar knockig at the doior for adm~lissionlito l lic tavar, BUT NEVER FORGET! SOROSIS LEADS THEM ALL. ItwathFisanOnyWmnsho ailae aIlae fo teaself. It was a regul1100$5..00 11i 011 O sthalee in tile fine retail stores un~til tile mlaker lleterllillelltel sell it thele(1:1over at THE POPULAR PRICE OF $3.50. T1hoe. profit ' islmall, u hele s Slaime. Itf)y outeStylhe. 01111Com11o11 If auyl oled shoe stilts yosi, try tloose they call 00just as good.' We wish you tos buy youar lnext pair of u~s. Soreisoshloes iae sod exclunsioely in Aunn Arbor isy WILLIAM C. REINHARDTJ 212 S. MAIN ST. ,For z3 Z'111 ? IZCRUISE take the CO0AST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL TheoGresateetPerfection .PASSENGER yetlattained in Boal Coo- STEAM ERS. -- olneelino 1 Luxurious . SPEED, "w Equipment, Artistic Pue- COMFORT yJ nisobhing, Desoration aod ADSAFETY. Efficientleerice. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noaother Liaeoea ara m a of 460mie o aaieyanadintst.al FouTrpe 1 r Re we n ynd N i ghnServiae BOleteen Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Nigt eeene ERI N I[II Farex reasoeenn t05 eea. eo, $. 50 ~cItaoomea, e AsD eULUTIL Cleveland, BOetha,.,01y lsnoOws oneciieoareenmade atiClevelandw110 LOW RATES to Picturesqae Macineacad Put- in - Bay Elist Teansafee all roints F asto Reun nld ng me l eth. Ap1,eai. a dT ld . and Southwetnnd atetroit flpoinsl mae os r Cee landn$19.50; fro anNoe o rtsehndlNrhwest. Told'o t0-a aa, $6 eri, $13.. S lanSandi eJaneo, ly.isl send a . ear lluselrtedPnphtAdenfbrbIoI llollNIiOUConv A.A Quu~ . Paphetno. R1TeIns. saioi aniu ninsoans asi oman ABOUT RIGHT.,ff your Bicycle INeeds Gy-1flPIN_5R08. A lon dle t sky sad otnand a rd R ~New lslae'Phone 397 Acolessyaatha ndemllooeesadOkarolREPAIRED, Es iel I With a peetty gili toe a pedaling parod, T LNo. 113 EatLbet- t Isa cobination Itoat's hoed no heat. Manuturernse Dental Instruea nts We rettnesathefloigrts B IERMiiAN9S sod ConDMahinery. Wern adm ttefloi g orato: .9Special Attention glve 1o Bicycle Repairing Per hoer, 35c for 1 st hoer; 20c per 'W. "Washitngtons. A Pull Line of Bicvcle Sundries in Stock. hour thereafter. _________________________________________ Forenoon, 7 1o012............. 75c Aternoon, 12:301to6.......75c Mntcue fIECEM lernadEvening 0t 1. $1.... 5 * f Special attention given to Socials, Evterno ning, Eve0ning.....c..cY12bSoieteMand c, o SorttcReA. Pull day ................1 H.EI1D5 Quality and Prices Guaranteed. og W. Washington 5t., Pbones, No. s Both Phones, 110 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Michi.