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F, C.AL*
VOL. IX, No. 19.
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DISCOURAGING and after a few exchanges of punts Junior Lats Elect Officers.
Streeb returned the ball to the The 1900 laws held their class
Was the Work oil the 'Varsity in middle of field, and on the next play election Saturday morning and had
Saturdayi s Game. Whitcomb made a magnificent run of no trouble in electing officers but
Although the game with Western 50 yards for a touchdown. Streeb one ticket being in the field. The
Reserve Saturday resulted in a vic- kicked good. The next kickoff was following were elected: President,
tory for Michigan by a score of 18 carried back 25 yards by McDonald, John S. Webster, of Cynthiana, Ky.,
to 0, the game was a disappointment 15 more by Blencoe through center, first vice-president, E. P. Kirby, of
in the way of showing tho improve- and six more by Whitcomb to the 30 Grand Haven; second vice-president,
ment in the 'Varsity's work which yard-line, where Teetzel tried his W. H. Failing, of Baldwinsville, N.
was expected from the excellent work third place kick and narrowly missed Y. third vice-president, Mrs. Emna
done in practice last week. The it. '[lie called with score 18-0. S. Tyndall, of Newberry, Mich.; re-
eleven showed true 'Varsity form for Line-up as follows: cording secretary, S. H. Van Horn
only about five minutes near the end MICHIGAN. WESTERN REsERVE. of Three Rivers, Mich.; financial
of the second half. Western Re- Dye, Smith...................Donley secretary, Edward J. Daeliler, of
serve had a much lighter team than F MacCleary Portsmouth, O.; treasurer, D, H.
Michigan, but played a quick game, ane..............r. g. Stripinger Thomas, of Chesire, O., toastmaster
and time after time succeeded in Caley .............eagle Ralph Parker, of Kansas City, Mo.;
Steckle Mcllonald,.. .r. t......Laub
tearing up the 'Varsity's interfer- Wood, White......... t..........Brown athletic manager, Chas. F. Crothers,
ence, which was slow in forming and Snow...............r. e..........Howell of San Jose, Cal.; sergeant-at-arms
very loose. Teetzel.............1.e.Mek..... Mook R. B. Kramer, of Elgin, Ill.
Western Reserve's light eleven Talcott..........q. .Wickham After the election the class sub-
tnak anyonatrtalarahe, Whitcomb.. 1. h. . Meham, Capt
were unable to make any material Widman, Blencoe.....r h......Hodgman scribed fifteen dollars to wipe out
gains through our line and accord- Hannon, Keena f. C their share of the indebtedness on
ingly played a kicking game. In all Streeb......... .. C.m, Cobb last year's Washington's Birthday
fourteen punts were made by the Toucldowns-Whitcomb 2, Widman celebration and in response to a stirr-
visitors and our line did not succeed i. Goals from touchdown-Keena 1, ing appeal from one of the members
in breakin ethrough and blocking a treeb 2. Titeu of halves-25 and 20
in gtadlg iit minutes. Referee-K. 1M. Simmons cntributed nearly $40 more to place
single one of their kicks, while on Umpire-G. H. Ferbert. Lineman-H. a team in the field for the interclass
the other hand the Reserves blocked T. Clarke. Attendance-1000. football series. Practice will begin
one of Keena's punts and compelled at once and a strong team will prob-
him several times to make a poor Whist Club Meets. ably represent the class. The elec-
kick. The Whist Club held its first meef- tion was one of the most harmonious
Undoubtedly Michigan's score ing for the year Thursday evening. in the history of the department.
would have been larger were it not A large number were present, mostly
for Teetzel's three attempts to make visitors, so that no business was tran- Fresh Lit Politics.
a goal from a place kick at the 20 sacted and the evening was spent in
and 25-yard line. He did not suc- miscellaneous play. The first regu- The presidential fight in the fresh
ceed ii any of them, although the lar meeting for play will be held lit class is getting hotter and hotter
last one narrowly missed by about next Thursday evening. The club and the split in the class is daily
one yard. has secured the parlors of the Ma- growing wider. While the Benscoter
Reserve kicked off to our 10-yard sonic Club, on State street, and its faction and the Thompson crowd
line. Hannan punted 40Oyards and meetings will be held there during were trying to get concessions from
Micligan got the ball on a fumble, the coming year. Any persons de- each otier for the Michigan ticket,
but lost it to Reserve by a fumble siring to join are requested to appear a strong combination was formed
on the three-yard line. Reserve at the meeting Thursday evening and headed by Brown of Ann Arbor and
kicked to 40-yard line. Michigan give their names to the secretary. composed of several men from out-
steadily worked it down to the two- The officers for the year are: Presi- side Michigan, notably Chicago.
yard line and there lost it for hold- dent, L. T. Flansburg; vice-presi. Every means is being used to win
ing. Reserve kicked to the middle dent, P. I. Murrill; secretry, W. votes by all parties and an exciting
of the field and got the ball. Mich- D. Ellsworth; treasurer, L. D. Ver. caucus is predicted in a day or two.
igan held them for downs. Keena dier.
kicked to the 20-yard lice, where - -Tennis Results.
Reserve made a fair catch, returning Notice to Freshmen.
the ball to the 45-yard line. Keena Coach "Ikey' Clark of the All- Gore beat Ripley, -t 1-c --4
punted to the 20-yard line again and Freshman football team earnestly de- Nis eat MacNeil, 6-i, 0- Rip
Caley got the ball. Teetzel tried a sires every man in the freshimanley a'd Ashcaft beat St. John and
place kick, but uissed, and Michigan class, no matter what department, Wherry, 6-2, 1-6, 6-2.
got the ball on the seven-yard line. who thinks he can play any football The contest has now narrowed
On the next play Whitcomb went at all to report to him for for prac- down to the finals which will be
over for a touchdown after nineteen tice at the Athletic Field every aft played today. The following will
minutes of play. Keena kicked ternoon at 4. This is a splendid compete: First-class singles, 2:30 p.
goal. chance for aspiring players to get mn.-Ashcraft vs. Gore. Second-
Ihe next kick-off was returned to some excellent coaching and besides class singles, 4 p. m.--Niles vs. Earl
middle of field by Keena. Reserve this an attractive schedule has been or Lester. Doubles, 4 p. m.-Ash-
made a fair catch and kicked to arranged which will well compensate craft and Ripley vs. Wilbur and
Michigan's goal line. Keena punted all men wht make the team for their Felker
out of danger, and the ball was time and work. If not enought
worked down to Reserve's 30-yard freshmen show up to warrant Mr. Saturda's Games.
line, when time was called. Score, 6-0. Clark's expenditure of time he will Chicago 21, Beloit 0.
Keena kicked off to the 10-yard turn his attention to some other class Northwestern 11, P. & S. 2.
line and Hodgman returned the ball which will be willing to turn out Wisconsin 42, Rush Medical 0.
to middle of field. Widman, Caley enough men. Only a few freshman Illinois 16, De Pauw 0.
and Teetzel advanced it to the 30- have shown up so far, which is dis- Pennsylvaiha 40, Lehigh 0.
yard line and Teetzel missed another couraging to the management. Yale 6, Newton A. A. 0.
place kick. Some lively punting on B B. Hodgeman of last ear's Harvard 28, West Point 3.
both thires gave Michigan the hall at B.B Hdo ',o las yers Hrad28-etPit3
othe 4 a e.Midhiantmade 25 reserves, played fullback for the Primceton 30, Naval Academy 0.
yards5aroudlinr.igh nmSteck2Adelbert team Saturday and put up Brown 41, Coly 5.
yards around right end. Steckle a star game. Some of his punts Cornell 27, Buffalo University 0.
touched center for 10 more. An off- were excellent and he tackled hard Carlisle Indiana 17, Williams 6.
side play gave Michigan 10 more, and well. He shows the effects of D. A. C. 25, Olivet 0.
and Widman carried the bail over and.well. He shw h et0.
the line. Streeb kicked goal. Time, s Michigan tramig. Ralph Roper, '98 D., president of
12 minutes. W. A. Chamberlain, '98, D., is his class is practicing in Santa Anna,
Reserve kicked off to 20 yard-line jracticing in Racine Wis. Cal.