THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~CLEARANCE SALE. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE FOWAR AT CUT-TO-THE-QUICK PRICES. =m: Y2 C mrateOn Cos: 7a- FceR~jYIBA~CKZ 7A.R Es e S- wA l ' Vn~nTT= E == ONEY, } Men's $.00 Patent Leathiers.................. $4 80 < 5.00....................425 One lot6 5.00 (small sizes) ....2 15 5.00 Tans, any style .................. 4 15 One lot 5.00 Eng;lish toe ................ 30 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL BICYCLE AND SPORTING SHOES. SOLE AGENTS "1HANAN SHOES." Men's $4.00 T.ans....................... $3 15 5 .50............... ....2 80 One lot 3 .50 " sizes 0 to 8 .............. 2 35 << 3.00...........................2 30 ; t 2.00 t (any style).............. 1 57 ; OASII ONrJIY. GOODSPEED'S, 119 M a ~ in Street. ww v wv. wvv vw Mvw " ""i." "' M M i i" ww " . .r.i. i i. ^ i nn. w " ^' "":'niw.i. i. .r. . r . "n i , "TeNaaral Rue"HI G R C ORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING. CENTRAL STANDARDn TIME Taking Effect January as, as99. Mail ad Express. ...0... 47 P.M.i N. Y. & Hoston Special....... 4 58"Ieq FsEatr..............43"Atlantic Express ........... 45 A. nM. Detroit Night ixpress .........50 Grandi Rapids Express..........15 Mail & Express..............840 A.5M. on( Hoston, NY. &Chicago . S.......t1 Fast Western Express.5......130 r. as. G.11. A&iKal. Express..........5 45" Chicago Night Express .5.....943" Pacific Express .........1 20 A. M.10. 0. W. RUGGLtES H. W. HAYES, 1 G. P. & T. Aget, Chicago. Ag't Ann Artsr TIME TABLE I TakingSEfet,3May 15 n899. pre. Trains tease Ann Arhor hy Central Stand- a rd Tine. NORITHSSOUTH 8:43. . 35. 7:25 A. M ow, f 5:5 A. AI. 11:5A.M.I or 4:50P. M. 8:4P.nM. Ad nRunnbetwseen Ann Arhor and Toledo sniy S~an hetween Toledo and Howell on Sn- clay only.I All other trains daily except Sunday. Ref E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. o. P. A. reci THlE DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANNh - ARBOR RAIL WAY. F Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypilanti> and Detroit every half lions beginning at 6:45 a. m. U. of M. ear leaven City Hall, Detroit, every night after 'Theater. Special cars fsr Baseball Games from - Court House Ann Arbor to .Mailn En- trnnce of Basebsll Grounds, Detroit. C. of H. LINE. Baggnge, express and Students' sup- "H plies received and delivered. Waiting ~ rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, 5 Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit. Wabs-Fat-rais- nae t assibis atr nr I-f LnsndLnir n ~rt EYou tlavebe annstiAr nn7 rbora.inA- rive St. Louis, 6:25' p. m.; Arrive Chicago 3;00 p. in.; Kansas City 7:15 a.,in.; Oma- ha 8:11 a. m. Fast Time ts On~sha-Osly Onss Night Out. The Cosntinental Limited, A superb fast train, magnificent service, between Detroit and St. Louis, hicago, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, New York and Boston. Free Reclining Chair Cars on All Trains. You will go home for vaca- tion soon-better write to us for a new folder of Wabash trains. F. A. PALMtER, A. G. P. A., Chicago. C. B. CRANEa, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. B. S. GaEENWOOn, M. P. A., Chicago and Ann Arbor. We operate the finst tatilorinig trade'in the city, anid oal any~ in tite State. WVe respectfully solicit yotur valued paitronlage. All gatnients mnade by 5us kept pressedi andi in repiritfor le year. 0f E. H inrs. New State Phsosne 411 Clasp Meeting. Prograim party tonsighitill Mrs. ThIe junlior miedics will Ioid aituinet. Graiiger's. today lat 1 p. ms. in tile loweer lee. The treasulrer still be in the Stesw- re soom, of the mledical building.tid's office Tuiesday afternooln fromii4 to 5 to receive class tax. Invitations is impi~ortanat that every mieniber he nusy iso obtainietd at thse same tiiie. esesnt. H. Rt. HvnnLeIT. All niembers of '01 baoeball teasm, WVANTEn-B3y a middle aged stiel- incleudinig Hlselton, Ayer, and Mois- a psosition as miatrollill a sorority m1111, still have their picture takeni at fratersilty. Best of referenices. Rentichler's studio Sundasy at 10 a. iii. ldress IIA" Inslanid Press. FREEMIAN, Mllngr. The best tiiie to bily is whlen the LOSe-Black braided blue jacket. seller is most anxioils to sell. The teurts to 910 Coriswell Place ttniilAlsi Arboir Milsic Co. hasve too muechi celve resward. 81 stock anidswaiit to sinloadl. Buysiowt. THE $5.00 GRAPHAPHONE Thaot we sell nowe TALKS, SINGS mid PLAYS The xam:e ass the ihigiher-sriccd Stacinies, aod USES THlE SAMtE RECOaRDS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Libserty St. 0. M. MARTINI., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ress- idence 302 Fifth Ave. . Ainadocks! 'IC1IiIl1'Pinl Winm. Arnold, Leading The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS . . .ARE .. , PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Stud io 1 1 2 Weal Huron St. State Phoes1a9,. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official ostfitters to all the leading colleges schools and athsletic cluhs of the country. Ths Spalding Bsicycle, ridden hy the Itetrcolleglate A. A. A. A. Chasmpios, and all the leadilag college riders. Every Requi- site for Base Hall, Foss Hail, Golf, Taunts Athletics, Gymnasium. Spaldings Official League Ball Is the Official Hall of the Natisnal League ansd all the leading csllege asscations. Handsme Catalogue sf Athletic Spares Free to any address. Spaiags Official HasHall Guide for i899; March 30, 10 Cents. A. G. SPALDING A BROS.. New York. Chicago BOYS I STOP ! AT THE KINDE8K6f1KEN IFOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS- Huron St. East of P. and M. Bank. lf~cntschtcr, the ibhotograpber, 41 NON SHOESFOWME "THE PURITAN! FOE STYLE, COMIFORT AND QUALITY. $360A PAIR! ALL " STYLES The Ann Arbor Bac has a Fine Line of Boots and Oxford Ties for Women now in Stock. 11 0 East Huron St., Near Cook House. TePuritai? 81oe Qo. INCORPORATED. DERI TR.1 ND2 RTO VNE