12 THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 34 f 3i I, of nature's curves and curls." 2 Pablished Daily (Sandays excepted) daring the "GPonfar.Siene;Sn to tCI "oofarSinesonttheCollege year, at shall natore yield her idle boast."EC A THE NIVRSIT OFMICHGAN r Dr. J. NV.(ilover4 THE NIVESITYOF MCHIGN. "ow mathematics turns all stu- 'ris~raE: The IslandPreces, Kenssing Black, dents bls, -of1N- ooe Both Phons,147. Yet holds the eel of science by the tail." MAA~N5 DOO. "Not a chip of the old block, F. ENGaLHARD, '01 L. But the old block itslf." o . s. N' 00 L. Tile committ~tee liavitng the mnagc- EDITORS. waenlt of the banqulet itn charge woo Athletic Editor, P. W. JoNas, '10. comlposed of tile followring tilel.l. 14. f+ 'T. It. Wesasow, '00 L. A. H. Mcflaeaass,'Ot E B. Beattie, 'e79 il., Emanuel OIIIlder.- c. LD. Nes. '0, 9, o .C. 1. COOLs, 's. 501, '99, W.H. McKee, '99, J. F. SEE L.J.Ma'GOERaea,'Od. W. Di. HICKEY, 't0000. Wiilur, '00, S. B. Cobb. '00, W. C. ID A. 0. BROWNE, '0. Saartont, '01, G. ID. Huodnut,'01, IDO J. 0. Enierson, '02, B. IV. Ba~chtel, DISPLAY. '02. lallx1401 ta a rolelt $1.15 For yottr choice of any $1.50 Neg- ligee Shirt in our store. Every one a "Monarch" or "Gold' Shirt, sold tile world over for one dollar atii fifty cents. Prof. E. F. Johnson of the law de partiteni, will idisctiss "'Super'stitiotn and Religion," hefuire the Busness imnieeiateiy atfer the lmolrninig's serxvice, at tihe Cotigregational church. Mir. L. G iles Lewis, iresidet of ,the Michiigani Aluiini Society in Chicago, will sipeak upon tlie Coiii-, gilorcilil side of Phiarimitcy, at 10 a. Mo., Miondtiy, Jiiie 55, in Roo011 B. ' Ch'ieiical Builiitg. Engineer's Banquet. 'Owing to the latenless iii the ecil- Iege yeair the niinth anutal b~anquiet of the Eingiineeriing Society was tnt Largely attended last evening. Howe. Over, those whii were tihie to bie presenttatre loud iii their praises of everytintg thiaf pertainedi to the satiqitet proper. Hangsterfer catered attd served ini Elk's Hall. Thle billi of fare was elahiorate fiii an affair of tlois naltuire, especialiy at this seasoti of the year tucre is little or noi gamei to lie hail. Tue programlloii toasts under the slIireclion iof Chias. A. La Fever, '99 eas toastmnaster was quitle enjoy- able, atid not the least ot the enjoy- iient was founitinh the happy mainner is which each and every speaker was introduced. - hie foilowitig mienu oils served: ('iam Bouililon. Oilives. Salted Alimotnds. Roast Turkey. Wine Jelly. Potato latties. }.x tongue. Sliced Hlam. Claret Punch. Chicken Salad. Dolls. Fruits. Nuts. Confections. ,Srawberries. Ice Cieaui. Assorted Cake. Coffee. Cigars. Cigarettes. THE TOASTS. 'Toastutaster, ClHAS. A. LA FEVER. "'You may twitch at your collar and wrinkle your brow, But you're up on your legs and you're in for it now." 1902 ......... ... ... F. W. Cummer "The eagle suffers little birds to sing.' 1901 ......... ...... F. H. Lancashire "The opening promise of genius to be." 15100........ .P. A. Dratz "With faith in what I hope to be, Not in what I have been." 18919. ............. E. W. Conable "We end only to begin." YELLOW AND BLUE-GLEE CLUB. 'Ihe Technic. ....C. W. Whitney "Books should one of these four' ends conduce, For wisdom, piety, delight or use." Prof. C. E. Greene "From whom all blessings flow." Mr. C. G. Wrentmore $3.13, it Goodspeeii's. (L i,,~i:lt,' S ,vcooic i t hce, Yor. Athlietics, I I~ratertoities, I Orvaiuitiiiss. 500- DRAWINGS- 500 HuoosCalendar, 'The Victors 'Marchl. Suhscribe at Once and Secure a Cospy. I MICHIGANENSIAN, Edition de iuxe, $1.50. Rtegulair edition, $1. Stale Phone 144, IIltoreolCeaiate Bureau o1 flGadeouhi GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALANYas, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERON, Western Mngr., Hasket l Mseam, Univ. of Chiceage. FOR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES 00 TO Win. J. W ENG ER HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. ABOUT RIGHT. A coantry road that issmosoth al hardi A cloudless sky anodsatandemsfleet, With a pretty girl Car a pedaling paid, tooacctmbination that's hard is heat. We rent tandemas at the following rates: Per hour, 35c for 1 st hour; 20c per hour thereafter. Forenoon, 7its 12............. 75c Aternson, 12:30 ts 6 ....... 5c Evening, 6:30 to 11........ 75c Aftersoos sod Evening.......$1 25 Full day ...................... 1 50 M. Staebler's Bicycle Emporium irg W. Wahington S., Phones, No. 5. COLLEGE STUDENTS OVER K SMOKE IMPORTEBS AND 0MANUFACTURIERS OF CHEMICAL ande PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FIND)INGS. Headquarters for all Labora- torySnuplies112 S. Rain Street. Ann Arbor, Eich Tor a 0UM11z?VRISE take- the COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW TEELThe GtstslPerfection PASS NGER ,. _yet attained in Sot Can- STEAMERS.atruction l Luxurios . SPEED, - Equipment, Artistic Fur- COMFORT ni a shing, Decoration and ANn SAFETY. Effiiint Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Foripsle' riMekhetw n~een oDay.ndtMul.Sernie Bel wen Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac F.Pr a n DETROIT AND CLEVELAND innesne, "ltS 50, saoyruts levlan, mre, $1 .50 Fe.Deto's n,. PETSKE, 4TII SO," ARUETE C6V~an~ Bet,.,1.StaSeroo,,,,$1.1. ANs DULUTH. , Connectons are nodeaClad with LOWnRATEt picturesqe a kiacat.a and Put -in -Bay tEarliest Trao r l oi n ts c ,,outh~ Return, including Mealatnd Brthcs. Aproni- and Toledo.ancd Southwest, and atDetroitiforall pints nate Cost tfrom Ctlevaelan,,$1'950; fron Nrthand orte stJ~n 0. S 'oe,1,0,,$1.01; frm Detroit, $13.75. SptembrSn aTrsOJun, Jul, Ornly. 5r~( b(}( nd 2se . CarItantrated Pamaphlrt. Adderasad ctbe A.A ua' , a. ETROa. , In res , c.D~oi onUl 1Iivi(mIoUNava tilon collpxny If your Bicycle Needs 0" H f'II4NeS sR'POn . TO BE REPAIRED, No. 113 East Liherty St. Manufaceturers of DestInstuets Go to B1 E RIMIAN'Sc Spcalnsd Fiss Machinery. SeilAttention gisen to Bicycle Repairing WV. Woashimgton. A Full Line of Bicvcle Sundries in Stock. "We are in it" le tcmst I~I, $HOES. Sell any time and all the time, not only for cycling, but for other purposes. Something new. Call and 'see them at RFItLL'S SIHOE SOR&ILOIAssnArborgtn t.