THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ENGRAV ING!ANNUAL SHIRT SALE! S fi WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS . - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- ,:AnnuaIlhitSale! T All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch I- Cheviots at............. $2.00 N " 1.75 Silk Bosom Body and - Cuffs to match........ ...1.37 F 1.75 Machas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 I 1.50 Cheviots, l pr. Cuffs 1.00 = 75c Machas-no Cuffs .50 and75c Percales, 2 Collars o and 1 pr. Cuffs.......... .50 i , - ' 11u A TILIIIf 0 (Q_ fl AI mU. A. 1IN l l \Cr Z( UNl In their respective sizes, in ANNUAL SHIRT SALE ! CORNWCR ST~Y-J~_~E3S- MOE.E. RG Plates will be kept by us for our pa- trons, unless we are request- ed to return same. Your Name on Copper Plate and 100 Cards, $1.50. Every Senior will want them in sending out their invitations. HAVE YOU READ David Harum, Mr. Dooley, Aylwin,' When Knighthood was in Flower. WE HAVE THEM. SHEEHAN & CO. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND ENGRAVERS, ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. Shirt Waists! We make a specialty of laundrying them. Sat. sfactio guaranteed. Drop us a card or ring us o p by phoe. Student's Laundry fAssociatiop, Agts. for Grand Laundry, Detroit. 202 S. State St. New'Phone, 441 A TRIAL ORDER. That is all I ask for my Laundry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel. No. 179. 607 E. William St. ADDED TO OUR STOCK THIS WEEK. PHONE,106.15y.LIBERTYSREET PHONE, 106. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. I Attention! Smokers! 10 Rambler Cigars for 5 cents 6 Segaret Cigars for 25 cents 4 Pittsburg Stogies for : 5 cents 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 25 cents 11 Alfonzo Cigars for : 25 cents 4 Brunswick Cigars for 25 cents 6 Lord Chesterfield Cigars for 25 cents 3 Nat Goodwin Cigars for 25 cents The above goods have a National reputation and have but few equals in this market. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. EA1 1 Track Team off for Chicago. The Alpha Nu, Webster and The track team leaves this morn- Jeffersonian societies have election ing for Chicago on the 9:10 train. of officers at their regular meetings Besides Director Fitzpatrick and this week. Manager Mehlhop, the following men The daily receipts for May 12 at will go: Capt. McLean, Hatch, the University hospital were the Hayes,Westfall, Breitenbacb,Thomp- largest on record, over $900 being son, Teetzel, Barrett, Wood, Conger, taken in. Runnels, Flourney, Adams, Avery, Lehr, Caley, Sproat, Bjork, C. C. Girls. Wood. The annual Lawn Fete of the Wo- men's League will be held at Mrs. Knox $3.00 ostraw hats reduced to Angell's, Saturday evening from $2.19 at Goodspeed's seven to nine. All the girls are very Anti-Saloon Club Election. cordially invited. Every one come. The annual election of officers of Prograni begins promptly at seven. the Anti-Saloon Club will take place Mrs. Hussy, the first president of the at Newberry Hall this afternoon at League, will talk to the girls. 4. All members will take notice. On Saturday evening at eight o'clock, in Room1" G " of the law Normalites. building, those members of the senior Normal club meeting at the home law class, who desire to be class ora- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Key, 1034 E. tor, will compete for that honor. Huron street, Friday evening, June This contest is free to all those who 2. Election of officers. desire to attend. J J I e c t l f c A 1 r 1 J r JOS. W. KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR, DRESS SUITS. 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave W. J. BOOTH,PFES. STflT16 W. AsNOLlt Visce-preso J. V. Na, AVice-prest . Jona.C.WAeT, Asst.CeshieI7 BflNK Transacts a general Banking Business. DA f Ass Aebee FIRST NATIONAL BANK .r nize 163 Capital, $10000. surplus and Profits, 140,000 eansacts a ceera! baking buseness.Feeig' exchange bught ad sold. Frnish lettes or cedit. E.D. KINNE, Pres. HARRIsON sOULE, S. W. CLARKON, Cashier. Cor. Main and uronS tieets. Capital, 50,000. Surpus, $30,000. Transacts a general banking business. R, KERe, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres. FRED. H. BELSER. Cashier. Tle fln A for Savins Bank Capital st 5,000. rplus,150,000. CaialResurce, $100e~00. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives depsitsbys ad sells echange o the picipsli sis sf the Uied States.Drafts cashed upon proper identification Safety deposit bxesato set. ;W.D.Harri OFICRS:oaChitiasSlosh Pro.;W.Osr ma, Vice-ees.; Cha. E. P'iscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz AssitatCashir. LAMB & SPENCER, .THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see u. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Tretmet fer Pimples, Black- heeds, Etc., a specialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. R. TROJANOWsKI, Prop. 322 S. State St. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS- BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BAR ER HOPIf you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. fITD Emnbalmer ad a ENOCH DIETERLI., Fn l Director Calls attended Day or Night. No. 161 E. Liety Seet. Residence 183 5 Forth Ae, Phne 18. THOSE N OBBY !I SUITS. MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST CLOSING OUT MEN'S FURNISHINGS! On account of the large increase in our Tailoring Business, we have decided to use our entire store for Merchant Tailoring, and will close out our ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS. This means that you have now the opportunity to buy any and all of the many articles included in a complete Fur- nishing Goods Stock at 75 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 29, AT i P. M. AND CONTINUING 30 DAYS, when what is left of the stock, together with the fixtures, will be sold in a lump, so that we will have time to reniodel our store for the Fall Tailoring Trade. We have not waited until the end of the season, but give you this Splendid Oppor- tunity while our stock is complete. NECKWEAR-All shapes and styles. Linen Collars and Cuffs (except Cluett and E. & W.-which are contract goods.) Men's Hosiery, Washable Ties, Garters, Suspenders, Underwear, Golf Hose, Suit Cases, White Shirts, Belts, Umbrellas, Fancy Shirts, Collar Buttons, Canes, Negligee Shirts, Cuff Links. It will be money in your pocket to buy what you need a this time.W A N R0 8 Store will be closed Monday until 1:00 WAGNE R & O. I 123 S. MAIN ST ., AAH M1GH. GLF DOUBLE-BREASTED FROCKS. GOLF. A k kaLm as.w.a s .aa A"