THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Publihed Daily (Sndays excepted) dring the Cellege year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'rreveE: The InadPFecs, Hening Blok. Bth Phoes t47. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENELHAaRD, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. H. ean. '0 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, P. W JEsea, 'E, T. . Wecean, '00 L. A. H. MDecOUAL, 't E G. D. IllDeTT, c'01 E. J. B. Wo, 't0, C. L. Natw1, '99, C. D. Coo., lt, '. L. J. tMeONTEY,'W, W. D.). ticecy, WtOM, A. G. BeoNec, '12. IN CNE ofToe.,t'roISSlUt L JElMONGOMERY.l SOCIETY NEWS. ALPHA N. Sturdayi Eve., Jutie 3, '99. Grduat'tittg'crios progratm;ttmusic Presidett's address, A. It. Wistrad; Duties ofta literry scity nicmbr, W. r. Gutttliei; Caps and Gowns, M. H. Clrmlody; Trials of ths Sibyl Editor, G. F. Pau; Music; Story, .. C. Bills; Class pomi, Miss Jane Austit; Msic; Class History, H. H. Corwin; Class Prophiecy, R. H. Kitely; Farewell Sibyl, R. M. Wod; Y aledictory, G. A. Oline; Pro. scntatioti ot Diplotas by tie vice president of the society. ADELPHI ISOCITY. Saturday Eve., June 3, '9 Muolc, J. H. Sook; Slect Read. ig, F. Dewey; Imtprioptu, F. E. Bryant; MLAc, J. L. Frenc. Getnral discusiot No. 1. Ques- tion :-Resolo'ed, That tec practice of appointing litrary nient o diplo- matic positiotno is a wisc ote. General discutssiotn No. 2. Qeo. tion :-Resoji'ed, That tlie U. of M. shotld go bc t the idormitory sys. temi. WEBSTER SOCIETY. Fritay, Ev., Jo00 2, '99. Violin Solo, E. Saniders; Current Events, L. S. Robert; Speech, M. Diecihes; Impromeptus, J. A. Mont. gotnery, A. D. Joyce, A. F. Miller; Debate:-eosvee, That "Lynch Law" is justifiable; Affirmative, G. D. Harris, Jolhn . Miller; Nega Aive, Win. Moss, C. V. Wisner; Ateading, Chas. Al. Bush; Critics Re- port, J. F. Haskett. iaculties Will Meet on the Diamond. The faculties of the University :ud High School wil lay aside their 'traditional dignity and decorum for a few hours this afternoon, and amuse themselves and the public, by demonstrating how the game of American games "Used to be played." The last two games have alternatd Zetween the two institutions and each side is determined to win the odd one. Not more than two stops will be allowed between bases so that some phenomenal base running may beexpected, and both teams are strong with the bat. There are so many former baseball stars on the faculties that a large number of sub- titutes will have to be played to give every body a chance. The game will start with the following line up for the University: Struss third base, Reed short stop, Lombard left field, Trueblood (capt.) second base, Whitney pitch, Pattengill middle, E. F. Johnson catclh, McLaughlin first base, Bogle second base. The highl school faclty schoisi board baeball team, being coniosed of general all around players rater thaau specialists, it has been decided that it will be better to rotate the players and allow the public to judge at the ed of tihe contest as to which position each player is best suited. The gameewtill opente hi the follow- ing players it the positios indicated Jocelyn, first base, Beal, pitcer, S ringer, catcher, Lady teachers substitute, short sotp, Slaitseet, second hase, Wines, third base, Sieehat, left field, M~ontomery, cetter fielt, Mills, right fiel. During the progress of the gamte Mesrs. Chute aut i Huekes wiii re- lieve widiei players. Mr. Scott ias The proceedo of the gmeiwtill go to thec lrmory futid atd it is hoped atnd expectedl that a large crowdwillii turn ouct. The gsme xiii be called at 4:10. 25S¢ EACh- 'HONITA D ANDALL, State Phone 144. - lltrGoIleiate Bureau o1 Gostume. GOTREL.L & LEONARD, ALBsANYo, N. Y. ' Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and aps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. HERN, Weterns Mg., Haskell Museumn. Uiv.of Chiag. F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES GO TO Win. J. WENGER HIGH GADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. ~I~h.IXEIIINe StatePhne 397 N. 113 East Liberty S. Mntacturer oosDetsa Isrmess and Fins Mahier. Special Attention given t Bicycle Repairing A Full Lineaf Bvle nd aries in Stock. i f your Bicycle Needs- STO BE REPAIRED, Go to BIERMAN'SI W. Washington. SSP9ECIAL SHIRTS. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. $1.15 For your choice of any $1.50 Neg. ligee Shirt in our store. Every one a' Monarch" or "Gold' Slhirt, sol the wvorld over for one dhollar attd fifty cents. COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COU TEE 1)1OVER SMOKE CHEMI1CAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquanrters for all Labor.a- tor Sagples11205 Main Street. Ann Arbhe Mich For a L1 MMI ? CRUISE take the COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL The Greatest Perectgion PASSENGER ytlattained in BnatCon- STEAM ENS. .-nestucion :Luxurouss. SPEED, Equipmsent, Artistic Fur- COM FORT ' niahing, Deoraion and AND SAFETY. Efcient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noeothee Linoffersah'anoremaof 60tiE lesofeul valtrietyandineet. Fear T'ri ppr WeeknBetwn Day5'rn'4NightSerice Between Toledo, Detroit andi Mackinac hh Hae d n DEITROIT AND CLEVELAND anETSKEacTRne COO." aeaqrcTEr.Fa're, $,1.0Each Diectio5.n. ' 4 TE Cev lad Ber55ths, es. 1 Staterom,$1.75. sANDULUTHa. .eea , Conectiornareae st Cerelsnd ,with LOWRATES toPinturesque Mackirncand Put- in -Bay Isrlest Tine. tee all pointsaEast, Sotel Return,aIncluingnndeas ndBerrs. Asense a nd Toledo. anrd Southwes, ndt Detroit faltpoints mate C.o.sfrom Clvela,,5 $105s.5; fomNrtSndsnertheJnJst ydns5 Toaedo>, $6.5lt; freom Detroi> et $1. September Jne, JobeAst, Send 2e, her Ittantented Pamphlet Addres, ' U' Tandems Crescent Combination (for Laity and For ent.Gent) Tandems for rent by the hour For Re t. orday. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Phones No. S. 119 West Washington Street. "W aeinit When it comes to BICYCIIEF all the time, not only for cycling, but for other purposes. Somethiug new. Call and see them at 11 ahng~n 5t., RFIPILL'S SHiOE STO AE, A