2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY rublished Daily (Sundays enceped dring the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Sren: The Iland Press, Henning Blck. Bth Phoes 147. MANAGING EDTOR. F. EssaneARDn, '0 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. H. HANS,. '0 L. EDITORtS. Athletic Editor, P. W. Jones, 't, V. . Woonoe,'00 L A. H. McDoGAa.L,'1tE Q.. D. HeDNnTT 'Si . J. B. Woo, ', '. L. MILES.,'9, C. I. COO, '9, f,. J. 3ONTGoucn,'00, W. D. tsonEY, '0 M, A. G. Boowne,'0. The sbhccription pice of the DILYtseIs $s.5 for the college year, wits a regular delivery efore 'oon each day. Noicos, comucnications, and 'ther 'aier intended for pliation mst e tanded in at the DAssY office befors S p. n., or mailed to the editor befoer3pI.e' of he ay areviooo to that on which they are epcteced to dpps r. Oohoeitioce 'ay ite left at te DAsLY ofice, Iteyres, or Stloto tsewtnd, or with Buosincss Manager. Shscriter will cofer a favor hy reporting roptiy at thieoaice any filtre o ecarnest to deliver poler. All changer to adertisgomater mot e in the office y 4ip. t. on theay prviotts to that on which the re to apoear. ie CARaEo TOAY'o tSocE W. D.HItCKEY. Tfhe DAILY realizes the atxiety with whictihie studett body will look for sews ott next Saturday, botis front our 1.11 gamte witi Cornell at Itaca Rod the Western Itercollegiate track meet at ChIicago, detertmises to at- isfy thisoant and so will have a man ona each fiel, senditg it telegraphic reports. A second editiot of the pa. per, containing detailed acconsts of the conttests, will appear about 7:15 p. s., and will be stld at thit post. office and State street. Siort bull- tin reports will be lposted in Sheean's window. Read two Papers. Dr. J. N. Martitt ireseete tot pa. pers before the Michigan State Medi cal Society, wici oas in session at Kalamazoo the past week. One pa. per was on "Excerptiosns acd Deduc tions fromntie records of six thous. ancsd cases of diseases of women sd two thtousatnd operations which have green performoed by himt. The other Taper owas a report of a special case 'witht resmarks on the same. Beloit Arrives. The Belit team arrived at 9:40 last evening acd are quartered at the 'Cook House. Ten players are with the team, besides the coach and ,manager. In all probability this will e the best game of the season, and the' Varsity will have to play chai- _psonsiip ball to win. Beloit has de- - feated Wisconsin in two games, and sias also defeated Illinois, and should they win todays game they might be said to have a fairly good claim upon the championship of the West. The team are hard hitters they having .ecured 10 its off Miller in the first game of the series. Adkins wo held Michigan down to 8 its in the same game will be in the box for the visitors. While they are not over 'confident of victory, yet they consider it one of the possibilities. The fol- fowing is the batting order for the two6 teams: Michigan - Flesher, Sullivan, Snow, Blencoe, Lun, Davies, Matteson, McGinnis, Miller er Lehr. Beloit -McMasters, E. Brown, Slater, Adkins, Straters, . Brown, Eaton, Blewitt, Merrill. Gun Club Scores. 'Te following scores were made in the Gun Clutb shoot yesterday: BRfOKE.i LOST. Oliver, Capt .......13.......12 Norton................. 20............ 5 Collins ................21............ 4 Whittlesey ........21............. 4 Thse scores iso doubles: Norton.................17.......13 The club will hsld a handicap shoot on Saurday at 9 o'slock. There will he regular shoots every Wednesday after. noon at for octock. Steamship Tickets. Trans Atlantic steamship tickoets, alt clasoes, to and from Europeon points, can be purchased a lowest rates and reservations made Michigan Central ticket atics, Ann Arbor. Baggage checked to steamer docks at New York. Full information given at Michigan Central ticke-t office or eon be obtained by addressing H. AV. Hanyes, MI. C. Ry., Ann Arbor, Micb. I iCyi ar!et ia9 Comsplete Scoenrir of the Year. Fraterstities, Organoizationis. 500 -DRAWINGS - 500 Huoeroun Calendar, The Victors March. Subscribe at Once and Secure a Copy. MIOH'IGANENSIAN, Edition de luxe, $1.50. Regular edition, i$1. Nothing Better CaonIce furihed thatt what ore are now pttingtforth io the coy of lHot Weather Drinks at our new Soda Founta- Sipecial coolitng apparatus and everything cow, clean and at- tracte. J. 1J. QUARRY Campus Drag Stare. Strawberry r h s GO TO Stabler's Art Store ' Art Novelties and FR Fine Frame Mouldings. 217 S. 4th Ave. Phome 173. . : t M .,.v,,,n,.,/-1 . - p O p: O ! t SoRosis SHOES Are the Great and Satisfying Success of the Time. Shoes of all kinds, owith names and withiout, are knockinsg at thte door for admnissions to public favsr, BUT NEVER FORGET ! SOROSIS LEADS THEM ALL. It owas thte First asnd Only Woman's Sltoe thtat snade a place for itself. It ovas a regular $5.00 antd $0.00 shoe in the fine retail stores until te maker determninedl to sell it the oorld over at THE POPULAR PRICE OF $3.50. The profit is sttall, btut the sale is large. If you oant Style and Comfort, Wrrm= 3OROSTS ! A1 NDAL I,.If any old shoe suits you, try those thtey call "jutst as good." We wish D i = you to buy your next pair of us. Sorosis shoes are sold State Phone 144. excltusively itt Ann Arbor by Inter~oliOalatC Buroall-t Gostumn6. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns. and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mngr., Haskell Mnsenum, lUivofCcaego. F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES GO TO Win. J. W ENGER HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. Gffl'NBROS5. Dee Statse'Phone 307 No. 11 3 East Liberty St. Manauaureso eno tstal ntruments and Fine Machinery. Special Attention glvean to Bicycle Repairing _ 5 Fall Linealf Diesels Sundrigs In Stonk. 1f your Bicycle INeeds }I TO BE REPAIRED, Go to BIERMAN'S, W. Washingtonm. WILLIAM 0, REINHARDT, 212 S. MAIN ST. F or a 6umMTECRULISE take the COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL The Greestu Perfection PASSENGER yet attained in Doat Con- STEAM ENS. atrucin lLuxuriousa SPEE, ciEquipment, Artistic Far- COM FORT }u ninhin, Decrto and AND SAFETY. Effcient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Nto oter ine offers a t'onoroaaoc60lteisso evarety and interest. Four Trtps perWeeketeen D nd0NightSericeBetese Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac biht DteTeInNDCIV[. PETOSlnt, "s~en5so," manqensen Rare, ;$1.50 OEtshOtrection. R Clvlnd Berta., 75s.,.05. Stteoon,$s1.6 AssDDUUTH. ee , Connectioce are emado atCleend withs LOWRT oas tuestrquee akincaned Put-in - Day IErliesatTraits far all poinsEstoSSetl Returun,cudn e ats atndOBerts. Approxt. and Toledo. and SouthwestondnattDetroit foral poats Toled,1.5 ; . fromu Detroit, $13.t5. SpebrSu nne e A uguns st, Send 2c. ear Illuscrated Pamphlet. Address,flinlsi lelncInanlo CIV A. A.SCAseG.'s. A. , ETROIT, MICH. Detro itadsiacue eaususn omn Tandemns Crescent Combination (for Lady andi Gent) Tandems for rent by the hour Ford Rent. or day. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.' Phnmes No. 8. 119 West Washsingtom Street. Manutacturer of ICE-CREAM. I o Special attention given to Socials, M a cW h it Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. Quality and Prices Guaranteed. Both Phones. 110 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich.