4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. r xo6 S. MAIN ST., and WA~TRMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MA E T A KAll around the worldl. IAI ~ ~ ~ I0 S. STATE ST., Cr.WllanS. We v.WETMORE 4 .SAES. o.WlimS. CARRI ES UNIVERSI rY TEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, MTJN1OJI, Hans receeived a new and serviceable line of Goodsfor TROUSERINC. liest if Workmanship. AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. a21a Eati Washiingtnn St., near 5th Ave. T SO ZE S Ti = TG0- J>T A L We tart decided tn satisfy a lang felt want tor- an np-to dante tnrn out, and no t avt added to nur stitch nf hutnesn and carriages, a rtALLY-laO,wh settt tate Lfont-teen persotn. Coaching partien wilt now be in eerder. Seeure a date foe the Y Tally-lio. Call np - T4OT MTR I TTFR V CT A L 'iL 'Y W. AnNOLD, i-i Vice-pe SITE J.oVnnCEL'ATea, AccCashier SAVINGS JOHN C.WALZ, Ast. INK Transacts a general E 11 V -' a-.-.-, - H Banking lBusiness. Every One Warranted for ® Telephone 106, 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0 1,I.ZT~iYears. LFIRST NATIONAL BAN K of Ahnto,16 LACM ST UD E NT Cptal iooooSupu adPoftX4,0 L 'aereitneoebouglhl and cold.FIris-itleitee- of D)on't bte dcc-ived by fake signs We call attenition to our complete line of (tenter Dealt Nickel Plated Lanips, credi.- aint ladvertisemlenlts offcring liii- Wol- ranginig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. Thiese Lamps are of the latent attil . - - ',Prs HRRSO ice-SOUL, erenan einc frotmtiX1.01(nip, as there 0isiost impjroved patterns and makes, Including "The New itoihester,"'"The s. W. CLARS~ON.Cashier. nit Watertmati Pen mladlelit tihait price. Yale," "The Royal," "The Berin Studeit Lamp,"'"The Perfection Student We have thie sit-called Wtermaiii Lamp" If you want the beat Lamp fir the I eef ic ne come Slid see us iE n &1khai~ n Pn h lilchtis extensively advetie-ld' Nme _______ aitt whlichi leadis thei unisutopeitin 44 so. SIA IN ST.. E N0 NCptlS,0 anadHrnSres utblii- Io believe that they arcetcelteltt ANN ARuOR, MICH. D E 5 0~ ~ cilO(o Sler.o lncc- the AA'aterman Idelt 1tis ertiitrki-- gerabnkgbwis. bly lost-price. At asit itte prospec-, tiRK Mn l Et-. ChE itit-t Vice-Pees. lye tilt iuyers hatve is fees' Isillellts Pcnnstslcania Debate. YOR SAtLE CrlA-A large sine wit-Fero. u.Bij tiit, Cashier. -llttesueicCale ill gladly show temtheli e 'ft illtioll foridebatolistllBay State Gutalr; ltl sd all ssiilcthti cnglclilrllcPennoylvalnitsis is folloes: Rlesoledc, 3it E. Huon Si t. 201 I T he A flIAror dVle BankI upntepbi.ITat ciddter exisltig condiltlions, the LOSTa.---A blue niackinltoshccape. Calitltockie. $50000. Surluso, $150,000. til~I thatbi.boitioni by all civilized natioins, of Leavse lit Steswardls office or 011 Bill Rlesoitcesi. $,100,00. ther a'ineS nd naves the tan t, 8 Ogai-cldtiidteie nteallBanintg Los ~ ti~il it lll~5 tutu itaves olier thai St.18 fit ills-State. tRtcte ti e lit-depos its avtsiaidcells SilL [lfiN &thoieac10111111d for dotimestic poslice, is C i exchaitt-con teprliciplitiethee ilUi nitedl lv " eb ,, lvtigitCasndocedf ate s fin soetiplatie leati ttles. Ulitsiccacsi-edtil"po tipeeriidinitficaitioni. meet on caltpsus ear livitidaily atfo i~oil ;tit ee uts University Boolksellers, Statiotncrs, sis 1'iTllat tl e edii4 p . it H.L. BGe- at. AicautlCaserisccee asir;M and lEnigrav-ers, Aim Artier ionMarch 3d, in Univer- - J-- ap itziolc.tCln.S ieccC-ic;M sily Hall. The Iprelimnaries for this Gener'al Agencry for Detroit, Clii 320 S. State St., Anns Arbor-, Mit-h. debate wilitegin imiimediately after cligs, New' Yorkcandledo [AMRa&pPFrsE ==ithnikspivitip.lit 121 N. Mi tOeaHue S F C R (Suet'Lecture Annociation.) At Newvberry Hall, Sunday imorn- inp, Dr. W. B. Hiinsdlale, demntif till Hoiiiojiltliic Colilege of Meiine, will deliver an address before titi Sitideits' Chiristilan Associationi,at 9:15 ('clocek. W. B. Lloyd, '99 L., cwiii sing ist tieiectig. Entrance Phgeice. Nests Depiot. - I -. -. WVW -1111 o. Try the Portlansd Cafe for boardl, T .T IIER eirst-class, aitd ionly $3.00 per week. Meals anlunells at all hoitrs. Open dnc G r e s eday tand night. - Reserve seats fur the S. LA.er 'coturse wiiilibe011stile Oct. 20, 9 a. We keep evry-thieg usually keptiniiia it., at Wilder's 011 Slate St. a111 first-clas Grocery and Bhakery. Call IGoodyear's tin Mails St. Price 50 etc, and see an. A clans itn preparattiry pheysics cvil Loox-Open-foe giiltd watcha with lie fotrimidlatnd eiet for the first part of cliali ttachecd. leitials F, 'I'ickets for the entire course'tire lttle SMonuday, Oct. 17th, at 3:15 p, F. C. Flider please lcave at 003 E. nsa-o setle it Wilder's, on Stite St. r., in tliectuec roomti si the Phsys- Liberty aeid receive suitable rcewardi. ansd at Goodyear's, on Main St., or c ral Laboratory. 15 they mlay be had froen studeest solic- K. E. GUTHE. Bureati of Last, Washingoos h rc sol 20.C nomto e taig toiithe I yo ar fod o Pue HmeLacws of the Unsitedl Stastes, of fle Tchink of hearinsg Made Canitsc,rail at The Sugar sever-si states taetd teiritosries of the RILEY Boewi, whetre they tire nmade Fresh Uie ttso oeg onre Every IDay by-prtacticail workmen.urisedStstpof appictigeountie For 20 ctas- Bee ae-e Ito of titr leadineg Novsel- irtsns eut spiaits ' ties for tioday: Pecani Kisses, it Reeimsber thse ipuce where youe BOU RKE COOKRAN thiee flavotrs;tsnd iDelicious Itailian cait save mess i 1 l soe repairiing. For 20 cta., Chocolate Creamis. "They are all Shoces fixesiht your ocntecaisfatitti. rigiht."' Try theii, as the proof if Shottlappiedl, 54c. andti60c. Ruthber I N N ES' BA ND the peidding is in tse eating. ALBER heels, 40~c. aitd 50c. Brinig your For 20 ctg, or A. MARSOHALLi, Maitfe tif Higit workwcetyetuviamtie to tite P. 0., ' Gradie Conifectionis, 206 So. Maint St. to A. Levy-, U. tfAl 5. Shoe shop, 2171 "IIAN MACLAREN"t 18 1N. MaieiSt. 18 For 20 cts. 318 S. STATE ST. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. Will. VOUGHIT-WM. It. FOX, THE GRAND LAUNDRY, The best high grade lcindry in the State. The only macineidomsiciistsin the Wesi. Glite fi-i ihalsgiven. All wrthpeomtly, neatly anti ecefuilly-tase. The Excelsior Laundry Co,, OF' KALAMAZOO. Collars........ .. . . .. .lC n IShirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Either finishi. Satisfaction gtaranteed. Give usa trial Office 2osS. State si. Residence 610 Lawrence it. New State Phant. 441. Jaimes Whitcomsb Riley will open the course Oct. 21. Tue other dates Hit the Pine will sonsbe iiade public. Watch theine L 4, A ~ I %/B Z U. Bord.K E SELL PIPES. M.r IIWD~ JkdASIT STREET.