THE: U\ IVE'ESITTY OF ,IICHIGAN DAILY 4 TIlL LNIVEIiS1TY OF MICH1GA2~ DAILY 1yANNUAL SIR[FSALE ! VISITING CARIDS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- Ini their resp~ective izes, in ANNUAL 'SUIIt lT SALE! ~Annual Shirt Sale! a: All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch SCheviots at .......$2.00 N " 1.75 Silk BosomiBody and M Cuffs to match........... 1.37 < l11.5"achas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 i)n4 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pi. Cuffs 1.00 -" 75c Machas-no Cuffs .50 ion Percales, 2 Collars n and 1 p~r. Cuffs........... .50 JOS. W, KOLLIUF1 Foreign and Fine Doinestie Woolens. 214 East Washingion St., ne ar' 51.Ave ANN ARBOR. I W. J. BOOTH, PRES. ty) D.A. T ' N (/ ( ER l & SON W. ARNOI.I7, l6t Vice-prey w J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice:-prey JoIIN.C. WALTZ, A66t.Cashier STRITE SiWINGes BRANK CORR CTs MORE NEW I Piatstokiiltlibe kept lby it to our paADD ED iTO OUR S1 troii-solle.s iie are irequest 1 1(to 1returnosalve.t .. Yoi-sNamstil ttCopputi1-1,t tttl PHONE, 106. 100 Cardl!s, $1.50. se~i~i U in i s n A ttention !I sedi ,ou tei Iviaton. 0lit s er (igars fur conts I tilt I ihug 'to es foi cents H-AVIE YOU R EAD 11 Alfoiso igais fir 2 et David 6 tolt ttC(eslertield ittgsrs for 25 cents David Martial, Tls sabonc hoodns ae aNational euai -r.11%mDiley, Old Number: S. Aylssio, Vliein Kniglitliioiill Wil AN N ARBOR. MICH. ini Flower. WE HEAVE THEM. Frof. Scott is ini New 'Fork City. TOOK THIS WEEK. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. Smokers! Transacts a genterat Ytanking tusiness. FIRST NATIONAL RAN K lyAn Ab Caitial, X0{0.55rlu~s and1 P'oft-,15515 ,roinllellSs gnlmlllsill,-l1)M1merss. FScsme 11111 1551ogh ad ol. tFurnishlet1111r15of Ei. 0. KIiNNE, I'150. IIARiSii .Sit UES ViceFree iSegtiret Ctgsrs for 25 cen1ts 5. W.c.AllSiiN, Ca is. 0 Bi Anthony Cigars for : 25 ceints -_____________________ 43 Nt owngras or 2uientso j hljs a in adhv u qalon inttoio mariet. s -~T Ciipit ol ee000.. Slurplus, ~.010. . 'lrnsct R_ , KFr, Prs. Ot.oIi. REN,YVie-Pre Notre 1Daime soit the triaimilar FREi.iH 11 Oii' II Cash~ir iieet hielid it Laftiyette. The Scure Nrere Notre Dame 78, Pilrdac 34, ThI leaM lror savinus Banh bloiiie iii 1{lirtpCitisCal., hiis fattler S nF F H N & V, _t eing it lie poit oif dah and Indiana 26. -v - 1. A.1=iiliisoii,'tilte, hut^leftccil- Tlle presideot of the '01 late class . OOSSLTE1ti, hs ipoite F . oter hrak 6lege to ticcept the polsitil ifflassist- Kinimiel, C. G. Ferris, L. A. 11refs, STTONR lil GAERat city eniginleer ait K~dlltiltlciii. antI 1H. C. Fedolerseit, as a cciniittee ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. te ioes imsrelltie11'tiioofer titli theIbasebtall teaiiito _______________________oest______challengeany decidle on eilors, imonoitgraml, etc., tti board111 ittihose tol ailbaseballl 1ga~ me. t lil steliter'S hallcails. Shirt W aist~s ! Aidritit. I. HLevy, 708 Cliuritti_______ it 5151"hu itn il stret. __________ hilological Societu. isfacton -imilt 0 Dop ii,-11,11a caror 1115s Ileimry NV. ,AsilN, (rnerit le n- t lte listilileetiig iof the Phitlo- tiger if lihonne.tiirti't le iea c' i e t'tty a lppe'till11Siiiie As- Student's Loundry Association, agrtfytihessdAim ur rIlro i iotIIiytiiao A I i 0r11rad1Laudly, Det11111. vamceil stuttents iiittiedm ii tluuct K tytiltoy't as read iil Ii~ r.Laiigiloi. 202 s.State st: Now Pnsom 441tiof political ecoittmys antd histoiy ofThIle tliscusion1111which followed Nwas the University oii Some it thli e rc ilite anitmiiteud. It was leil by Profo. A T R IAL ORDER. tical Prolemis Solved iii Railroad raig, HIli, l)'fOmge andlt Kelsey. That .m .sk ~ Aidiiinistirationt. Mr.Aseis'a1 After the iregiilairhiisiiiess tif thesos- Thtisal skfr giradtute of tile literarydatmeitiicity hadbiil esn trutiisacteiltte electioii 111JAL lt(lr1 Agency. if the University with the clalss of if othies for the ensuiog yealr fol- P. C. MEYER, 1879. hiowed.1 itif. F. N. Sctt was etectetl priesitdent tiitl lMi. Ienioissii see- Tel. N0.1725. 607 1E. WiliamuSt.o Wt ri--POS~t1si eatr'on i etarvv Capitltolek.$50,000. Surpus11150,0sie. of tils Staie.Recesivsdepois, huys nd se1 tlls exchange onlithesialcitliis ol e talited Slts. iiraflts ased5uponpropersi dntifictions Safety depoitibot etil. Opicmnlt: Chriin laek.Prs.; 4Y. 51 Isi man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Ilinetes , ClasSi J.Fritz Asistnit Csier LAMB &SPENCER, I THE Fancy Grocers We keep everythingnosialy kept ino first-class Groeery and Illlkery. (ll and oe ue. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Tielllat011for1111p1es, ilake- heallds, iEt., a specillty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP ad BATH BOOMS. J. R. TlOJAnOwKi, Prup. 32 S. State Si PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street is Dns&ELY'S, BARBER SHOP If you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH. UILILIILL1Funeral Drector Ctalls attended Day or Night. So. 161 E. Libelty Streat. Residesce 53 S Fourth Ave, Fhosi 129. THOSE SUITS. CLOSING OUT MEN'S FURNISHINGS! On sncount of the targe increas in osr Taitoring Eusinens, we huave denidedl to oneor entire store for Merchant 'Tailoring, and willt etose out our ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS. This means that you have now thse opportunity to toy any and all of the many articles inctuded in a conplete Fur- nishing Goods Stock at 75 CENTS ON THE DOLL AR, COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 29, ATz P. M. AND CONTINUING 30 DAYS, when what is left of the stock, together with the fixtures, wilt he sold in a lump so that we will have time to remodel our store fsr the Fall Tailsring Trade. We have not waited until the end of the season, but give you this Splendid Oppor- tunity while our stock is complete. NECKWEAR-All shapes sod styles. Linen Collars and Cuffs (except Cluett and E. .& W.-which are contract goods.) Men's Hosiery, Washable Ties, Gres Suspenders, Underwear, , GreGolf Hose, Suit Cases, White Shirts, Belts, Umbrellas,FacShrsColrBtn, Canes,FN liSh Sir ts, Csla uttoLns It will be noney in your pocket to boy Ngie hrs what you need a this time. WAGNER & 0C -9 Store will be cloned Monday until 1:00p.. I 1 3 i MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST DOUBLE-BREASTED FROCKS. GOLF. 123 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR., i k SAM . a a.. aMUL-al3w V