THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.. 3 PATEN LEA HERSEXCLUSIVE SHAPES. CLOTH OR LEATHER TOPS, SOLE AGENTS (HANAN SHOES.) o ODSrMIO'S. 1.) 119 SO. MAIN ST. AXICRIGAN C ±~CREIADSYIH TIOIG "The Niagara AFalTYLISRoAIte."G CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effert January 29, 1899. Mail ad Express ............. 47 P. M. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 585 Past Easterns..............9 43" Atiantic Express............7 45 A. M. Detroit Nigzht Express........ 5 55" (Grand Rapids Express ..........110 Mail & Express ....0...... 40 A. sM. Boston, N. Y. & Chicago.......95lo10 Fast Westerns Express........ 1 30 1.9M. G.R. & Kal. Express..........5 45 Chicago Night Express . 5...... 943 Pacific Express.............12 20 A. M1. 0. W. RUGGi2LES, IH. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ago., Chicago. Ag't Ann Arhor TIME TABLE Taking Rfet, MEay 1, 0899. Trais leave Ass Arhor by Central Stand- ard Tisne. NORTH SOUTH n:43 A.MA. *7:25 A. M. t 9:05.A 11. 11:25 A. Al. 'i1:40 P. M. 50:05 P. M1. 4:50P. M. 8:40 P. M. 'lRss hetween Ass Arbor and Toledo osiv tRus hetweens Toledo and PHowell os:Sos- Jlay only. All otiher trains daily except Snday. E. S. GtLMORtE, Agent. WV. H. HENNETT. G. 1P. A. THE DETROIT, YPSILANTI &c ANN ARBOR RAILWAY. Cxrs leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilaoti ood Detroit every half boor begiooing at 6:45 a. m. U. of M. car leaves City Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special cas for Baseball Games from Court House Ann Arbor to Main En- trance of Baseball (Grouods, Detroit. U. OF 51. LINE. Bsggage, express and Studeots' sup- plies received asd delivered. Waiting rooms, coroer of Aoo asd Main streets, Ann Arbor, 1ll Griswold street, Detroit. CH ICAG0 ---- 01r" M I W~abash Fast Trains make it pssible tar you nta'take brealist in AnnaArbor, Din- nerrinSt. Louis, andsulieorhnnnasFirit- Class 1)inin.g Car e nrouteI. You leavao Ann Arbor 7 :25 a. m ; Ar- r'ive S1. Louis, 6:25 p. um.; Arrive (Chicago 3;00 p. in.; Kansas Caity 7:15 a. in.; GOia- ha 8:11 a. m. Fast Time Is Onsaha- Oply One Night Out. The Cooitali.ItlLilitedl, A superb fast train, magnificent service, between Detroit and St. Louis, Chicago, Niagara Falls, Hoffalo, New York and Boston. Free Reclining Chair Cars on All Trains. Yon will go home for vaca- tion soon -better write to us for a new folder of Wabash trains. F. A. PALMIEs, A. G. P. A., Chicago. C. It. CnANE, G.. P. & T. A., St. Loois, Mo. H. S. GREENWOOn, M. P. A., ____ Chicagq and Ann Arbor. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowlinig Green, Marietta, Fitusilay, Athsens, (iuliaius, Mildleport, and Charleston, W. Va. Colunsbus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at ioledo. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawing Room cars, from Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOUK,eneral Passesger A-I. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any in the State. We respectfully solicit your valued patonIage. All gaomnits muade by us kept pressed and ill repair for one year. 106 E. Hitroni. New Staote Plsimie 431 High Schools to have a Dual Meet. Tie .llichiqaiicosisac, fuill if funnsiy AsisiArbor High Schloiwais11:11colilegc anecdiotes. qulitOe satisfiedi over its ohioving is: the Saiturday meect, and lSaiturday even:ing A Modern Miles Standish. m~adle a propsiions to the Delitro:it A imodeurn 'Cou:rtships of Miles Nigh Schlo for a dtual track ansd Staniiiii'sh will lie givyen iinIpanto-. field ieet. The oflfer waosiaccepitedi,slime at Newoberry H~all, this cevii- and( the inoeet swill lie held on the ID. isig, Mlosidiay, at1 8 o'ciuock. Tile liro- A. C. groundlts, ini Detroit, ,Junie 16. ceedls of the cnttinmenlt goin 5 The Iseetxviiill icilude a basebaill gamesc the genierail funsd of the S. C. A. tos asid a t01111s5tou~rnamenot. Twesnty- sendsdlegatecs It: the susssser conifer- five 11e01 wviiibe antered fromssAnnsi cre. A mst merrty exeinglo is .Arbor, andi a rematrkably cluise con- prom:sised. Auision is 15 cenits. test is prosbable, judigisig froii the oslowinig madue by the twvo schools in Saturdaq's Ball Games. the Interschiolastic. R'aveso d 8-s ,,sl 1 (1 nm) ._ The Victors' Marchl by Lotus Elliel in the ]l'ic/igonsesico. Pennllsylvaiaha11001a salk awaiy ill thle initercollegiate fielsd 11100 held att Berkley Oval Satulrday, capturinig 9 of the 13 evenlts. Kraenmleinl coveredl 24 feet 45 incheeo in tile broad jumpll, andi Clapp of Yale vaullted 11 feet 5 iniches. The scoreosxvere as followvs: Pennslylvania 57, Harvard 28, Yisle 221., Princetonl 11, Syracuse 10, Cornell 5, Colombia 5, Wililalos 3, Georgetown l1. O.berlini 7, Bleloit 1. Corniell 9, West Poisit 0. 1Dtmthi~li 8, Brown~ 7. T1o RI -A suite a roosill for lighit house keepinig. Ladies preferred. editing seasonl fir the sOilume schiosl. 808 E. Huronl street. A slightly usetd Washiburnl mand~io- lini, originllricne $18, call nosv be hail for $12 ait tie Annl Arbor Music Co. THE $5,00 GRAPHAPHONE That we sell nuow TALKS, SINGS and PLAYS Thec sasse as lihe higier-riced Macilas ansd USES THlE SAME ECOtDS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambuilnce night sd da. lRes. dence 02 Ffth Ave Win. Arnold,Jeaeler The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 33 So. Sate Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I1I12 West Huron St. State Pho~ne 19 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yrk - Chicag. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offical outfitters to all the leadig colleges schools asd ahetic clubs sif the contry. The Spalding Bicycle, ridden by the Istercollegiate A. A. A. A. Ulaspisiss, ad all the eadisg college iders. Every Requi site foe Base Ball Foot Ball Gol, Tesis Athletics, Gymnsasums. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Oicial Ball of tiso Natioal Leaguas asd all the leadisg clege associatos. tandsose Catalogae of Athletic Sports Free to any address. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide fisr 159, Mlarchb3S, 10 Cets. A. G. SPALDING & EROS., New fork, Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Line Haing Unione Depts is Both Tled snd Clmnbus. NO TRtANSFERS TO ANY POINT. 3 Hour aivs Betweem AoeCities. J Bates always the lowest and accono- modations the best. For particulars call on local agents, Or address L. W LANDMAN, Ge'l Trav. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mih. BOYS! STOP ! AT THE KINDHIOII1ThN FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS Huron St. East ohfR. and M. Bank. twl.lw 1Renubcher, the Ilbotograpber. r, J ulBBB~ftI~l 71 fiff HBs-ssli d N~Nr My H H N H NO FR _ SHOES FRWOMEN "THE PURITAN! FOR STYLE, COMIFORT AND QIUALITY. A PAIR!1 ALL $ . ~ _ STYLES The Ann Arbor Branch has a Fille Line of Bloots anid Oxford Tlies for Wonmen n10w in Stock. 11 0 East Huron St., Near Cook House. MN "H M V N The Purita9 81joe Q0" INCORPORATED. DETROIT STORE. 18 AND 20 GRATIOT AVENUE.