Aah.Aftm--A .Whr lt~~ ~a of9 aIV* VOL. IX, No. 178. ANN ARiBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MAY 29, 18 99. THREE CENTS. LARG ( Osborne, IDetrsit, cond;*\Wodrum, L.AR'GE CRO W ~D GOIJNG Ann Arbor, third-heilit, 9 feet . G. H W ILD D T T-AFTarter ie biycle-Nnmely, G HS. Mt. H.lem dns; Bittoit Tine,V TO WISCONSIN GAME ATD OT TOMORROW AFE-S.;0:52A-5H Dod, eti. XWill announce that we have now NOON. One nile-Naammcly Alt.(Ciemi- received our Spring and Summer ens; J. C. Dosdds, Detroilt;. ppley, Woolens. Oar -stsck for the incon- The game which will practically ilecile the lbaselball clhampionship of the Saginaw, W. S. [ie,13:1It ing, season is the largest we have ever XWest wiltltbe played] tomorrow afternoon, at three o'clock, at Bennett Park, Ilwo mile bicyclve-Knaipp, Adrian; Detroit, between the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin. Th le stil Nlmicly, AMt. (Icon n laplcy. shown, is exclusive and confined, Il deiit hody generally -cciii tii have the idea that Michigan will have a walk- Sagiuiaw XW. S.ITisme, 5;0' 1 - :. both foreign'andidomsetic gonds, aind awayt in this gavie, bait time managemient aoil players are lby uio iiiaiisso [lie offiils oftlItc met ire as is compoasedl if thme iest fabrics in confiiden t of ttie resultt. ft imuist he remleimbtereid that Jackson, lWiconsin 's follows: every)'lhue that can be iiltaiiieil.We shic twirler, o lii has sit beenin timthe iosiumee eheld diin icii hmigminitii (lerkeif (iiurse- . C.( Adams. carry tic laiigest hune if Wiiilenin our lute in thec gaime Wisconsin wion hy a odors of 6 tii 4, will pitch the Assistants-TJ.13. in 1 l, itegel- 1ginme. He 1has leeni in steaiit traininug, hiiwever, auui throughi the ailid f mIiiliicee Turner. thre city. We invtte youto a ml1 anii limo striiug right armiitscouiniexliects to iii out, as lie is the only hitcher Starter- keelle itpntriek. inspect tie saiie. the teams gives steaidy siippiirt. The XWiscioesin pilayers leave a replluttionfur Jiudges oi n uishi-MirI tiummi i, 111. "stiayers," it binig a ivell-knon i fact that they are alwsays in the gaimeu- Hlbltroiik, (Cmis. Wiulmui G.H IL O ii the last muanmmis out. Tiiirs-I)r lhiticttige, Sit1. 6 . H. W I LD CO. , The imianmgemienit las worleed lard timalke this aunnal spiring excuirsimn lard, Ilut iins. agreat success, aiid they loive lieeii iell reivarileil ty a large sale if tick- Fielid J iiiges-Fl()iiirmoy, A very t08s".Wntshing toil St , ticlkets, wehichi are loiver in price than ever before, aing inly Xi1.25 fur the Runnels. ANN A~BOI. roundmi trils, incluiding general admiission tiithiergnme. All arrangements haulge of XWalk-Dr. lalietlige. AN A BO . have lieen completed, and the first excursio train will leave the Michigan Scorer-Carl Green. Central idepiii at 9:10, with the secumnud folluowing at 11:10, returning toinlir- Aiiuiooncer-H. 1B. Potter. row night at 8:00 anud 11:30. Tineiiet wcas a great fiiiancial liss PHOTOGRAPHICThe haul aiid a fall crew of yell-masters and rooters will attenid en mmasse andi it mo hoped every loyal Michigan supporter wiii turn imit aiid cheer thegfus roth e Aheti ssimudenttlas tvir- DARK ROOM. Yellimvand Blocetil victory, aiidltime hasebail championship of the West.gifoe ilth eeansomeold it a ee W~e have receiitlyfittedcip heTickeets hcaiiinhe secu.red at Slceliui's, at time tiaiii, or friiii any imemiier if .mloim od, silver anuid bronzeuice memls namariled thme successfuml a commodious photographic tieAltiBorl dmark room, complete with c______ __ ontestmamts. Bmt it is lioipedl that trmays,lihtst, etc., and otter - - the multiimmte-resuit mmlirimigimng gosd its mse to time public free of th ar oseoctemet 'nigathletes toi Michigmniltl dutbly chmarge. Anything needed SECOND ANNUAL MEET tieodihorse oitsmmmccmemk euancshdfiny. it inheiclsne w orlIbeldwn to the imeetlasmmt yearmimilwinin muy kindil if good hweatliei-. ius ii plemmsed to cornish. (Of Mictiian High-SchuoloisFinished intohu, mandiiits shomwimigthus t liie is sum woiuld111miilun ldbly haivelbeeci Satnrdaij ?afternoon, time resumlt of ciinsistenmt triinug this clemaredl, as cuomsidlermmle minet is *1 oRS usping. AnmmmArboir amuilsaonmg ibeinug mummuifetedin iihigh sva-ltiiimam Thle secondmu a im lMiciganmInter- evenlhy-lanmicedhteamm. etics ere. Thley ammi ubeiomintcm sciiilIasticGmes, beel umumer tme Phme siunmiummies iii tme finmimls werie vary nieceosmary femture if Ciivaersity- aupcsot timeAthletic Asiocimationitsfoiloiiis:athletics mmmiii iciic-i evra p wecc inismliedSmaturilay mt Regemit's lt0-ymrddims-Elhis, IDetrout, frt er eid(tlr senO d n K il. Teufvrbewahr'hm o ti m- ecn; nlsinymdreveloingu mitgravtietesihhcg Durith rstofth cllelyeat1 ecauel thmeim toi le pmosponuedlfroumDetriiit, third--tinie, 1:113-5m. fautimie teams. XVithcarifutiman mi-i.Fl in fiiecigares, aned - t e m tlokil heilrmuntuin-tw 22-yars dshm - Ellis,IDetriiit, mgeuuicit, mmtimleI oimny g 1 cmimiui- iaccmuml te fluermnion, whien mi theime firot; .Thompusonm, Ponumtiac, secud;mila;imtesimughit tii110secimedveilacmihiyear.- R. E. JOLLY & CO., ditionm of time track, it oeemedcl maceo- hiicheu,AuimArhboi, thirud-time, 0:23. 308 So. State Street-. Ostty to uulmt themm oif for a wveeke. Bitt 440-ymards ulms--Ciun, Annu Arbuor, a clearinug-mup shell cmausedl lhe unianu- first; Finuch, Adiriani, secoundl; Mker, * gemeuut tou Imull limemm oiffmt thu-cc.Detroit, thira-tiiec, 0:58 4-5. S ado'cluck, tou tme geuneral satisfamctionumofut Hamlf mle runu-Dublois, Atha Ar- SLD San ll intrested. hoc, first; Bamrlomw, Greenuville, secondmu; COVERS. lime truck as heavy mnd cmausedl Avery, Homwell, third-tune, 2:18 3-5. CO ER . slowmmtmue itn all thme rains. Bait time Mile runi-alowrum, Greeniville, agoeunumbuer at countestanuts ummmdue first; E.XWhitlark, Annm Arbour, tiheum chose andu excitiung, mwithi timesecound; Hitchumaum, Detroit, thiru- tireeni Slidee-.......4c crone exceution of thme sprints, wehich llishm time, 5:04 2-5. White-------------t0o of Detroit hamd no trubliue iii captur Mile mal-Perry, Annu Arboar, tNo. 1 covern-.....83c0/.mg 'lime mwinniung school was ini first; Kinyoun, Annu Arbuor, secondu; INo. 2,osq. covero. . ... co. douhtumntil [lie finuish of time bruoad Lindwmald, Adriani, third-tirume, 9:18. L oxes frn100 sides .. . 30 jup, h ateet2wihgv e 20-yards hurdles-TuckerTAnn trout 6 Ipomunts amid time meet, mith time Arbor, first; Standishm, Detroit, seconmdi; We will Meet Any Price. follomwing tcore: Shotmeell; Detroit, third-time, 0:19 q Detroit, 43 1points; Ammo Arbor 36; 1-5. Clemns,13;Grenvile, 1; esttiac, first; James, Detroit, secoind; HIT HE ALL Saina, 5 Laning 3; Hoell 1;Crane, Grand Rapids, third-timme, Hrn RaTidi1.0:29 4-5. TompinsandChritopertheSmsAnntArors, Asec oHughs,; Neiher can to ply tawi nninga wo th r abse negiin gne w orLnr is 0 nes. s co d H gh s gameOfISITENSLwithout A Tchncre elis, hweerodpicatesby onHammerthro-eing,3 e-t Nith Tr&can Tyo Np aRaCKE nngt. h i p e mnce, ofi last earc po r-e r ot, f0i rchst;C. e a si g e o d Our Stock is complete and ing four firsts with a total of 20 Wilcox, Adrian, third--distance, 76 or prices are right, points. He has true 'Varsity form feet 4 inches. and with careful training should High jump-Ellis, Detroit, first; A fJJ ~ make a 10 second man without any Barlow, Greenville, second; Dawson, W A H W troble.He will probably enter the Pontiac, third-height, 5 feet 3 in. University next fall, when under Broad jump-Ellis, Detroit, first; ANN ARBOR Fitzpatrick's watchful eye, he will Thompson, Pontiac, second; Osborn, tm rown Down Town doubtless develop into a star per. Detroit, third-distance, 20 feet 3 in Stat St Opp Cort ain S former. Barlow of Greenville was Pole vault-Seiffer1 Adrian, first; Oute if timeresults ofiuemIn[mter- schoilmastic umet, meihiwaill iprobably hamve a far-reaching effect itt brinug- mug the high schoolns ut Micigninu u- to closer relmatiaonshuipummiiaiad Ieveoiig bamsebluil andulfoomtballhnIemmmdiielr ' Var- sity supemrvisiniu, moma liii foirmmttuumumf us tmmunty-cltubheaugue, thec inhimal steps. tuf wehichi uere taken Smatumrday, mmmii mill be fully fourmuluatedl hiy fall, Mbicmigan illviibe uliviuheudoffintoiufuui uistricts, as follomws: Northwmestern- Muskegonm, Grandu Rapuids, Big Rap~iuds amid Grceenville. Northmeastern-Saginam, East and amid West, Bay City, amid one other. Soutwester-Kalamazoo, Plaimi- mwell and tmwo others. Southeastern - Detroit (central), Detroit (mwestern), Adrian, Pomntiac, Ypsilammti, Jackson, Lansing, amid Ann Arbor. Each district is to decide the chain- pionslmip for the district. Then the champions of the districts are to play for the championship of the north and south halves of the state, and finally the winners of these are to piay for the championship of Michigan. This will apply to both football and baseball. The deciding games are to he played in Ann Arbor on Thanksgiving and Decoration days, the University Athletic Associ- ation to pay all expenses of the teams in the final contests.