4 THE UNIVERSITY OGE MJCHlGAI' DAILY. i ENRAING!, WVE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their respective sizes, in CORK~cr- ST=TZES. lPlates wiii be kept by' os for oor pa- I rolse, onless we are reqoest- edl to return saine. Ysiir Namne toil Copper lahte and 100) cards, $1-50. Eery Settior wiii want themt in HAVE YOU READ D/avid Harlin, Mr. Dooley, Aylwiii,' Whleit Kniighthloodlwas. in Flower. WE HAVE THIEMV. SHEEHAN & Co. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERIS AND) ENGRIAVERS, ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. Shirt Waists! Weimlaspei tcclty of tiioirving tem. Sat" isiaton giisitutt ti Dons c ar td or u ip by pon. Student's Laundry ffssociatior, Agt..Ofo andLaundry,tDetroit. 202 S. Slts St. New 'Phone, 441 A TRIAL ORDER. That is all I ask for lilyLautidry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel. No. 1179. 607 E. Williamn St. MORE NEW RIGS ADDED TO OUR STOCK THIS WEEK. PHONE, 106. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. JOS. W, KOLLAUFI Foreigna and Fine Domestic Wonolents. 214 East Waitingtona St., near 5th A ve- ANN ARBOR. W. J. BOOTH, PRES. W. Aittasts. ittVim ci P J. V. SHEEHAN, 24Vic t. S IIN JOAN. .C. WosLTn,, Att. Cnc ier02' VI BRANK Attention!I 10 Rambler Cigars for 5 cents 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 5 cents 11 Alfonzo Cigars for 25 cents 6i Lord Chesterfield Cigars for 25 cents The absoegoods Siave a National eputanic Old Numbert 4450O. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Smokers! (i Segaret Cigars for 25 cents EBill Anthony (cigars for 25 cents '4 Brunswicik Cigars for 25 cents 3 Nat Goodwin Cigars for 25 cents ion ndi btt fe euas itis market DEAN & CO0 D~r. 1B. A. Hinsdale will give tin Priigramin party at Grtanger's to- addvreco at the First Methodist church, iighil at 8 o'clock. Stunitay evening, Mtay 28,tinder time ____________ auspices of the EpworthLIeaigtue. At the LUiarian chitichliSuntlay Subiject, Sonic motive Forces III Modern Educastion. morvning, Eev. Mr. (Crocker will preachl on 1 A New Era of Amtericaii F'ovisisl earl-hiaiidled knife, on Resosiboility.'' Wastmienaw avenue. Oiviir prove Iproperty al lhisi-office and pay for The Revised Schedule.. niiie. -- - May 27, Northwestern at Ann Arbor. Prof. *W. IV. Beiian, time inter-. C{30, Wioconsin t lDetroit. national examiiner in algebra and Jutne 1, Beloit at Ann Arbor. geonmetry of the literary cepar iient, , Consell at Ithaca. 'left for Grand Rapids yesterihay, to < 5, Lafayette at Easton. attlentihie international ineetin" iof 6, Pennsylvania at Pliilatdeltthia. thZon7ensCrsia )Asca 10, Notre Dante at Ann Arbor. the oungMen' Chrstia Asscia- «l1(, Cornell at Ann Arbor. ltino. 17, Cornell at Detroit. Te campus viewso in time itic- vntetsiau for 1899 will be unique in 'Te Wearers of theON~" in the havinig never before been published. M iiccmetuoivtmt. They will be tintedl in different colors _________ ans il viii h lemsselves fotrmt isvaa- asble souvenir of the college yemar. WANT-Position as umtronm. Don't Throw Your > EGlasses nto matter how badly Aw y will repair eye-glasses and spectacles while you wtait, tut lond you anotther pair wvile - yottrs arc beiitg lixedi. Nstljitg bttt thts lest mtaeriatls, expertwok sttk- asltip anti hotnest prices. Eyes examined free of citarge. Transacts a general Banking lousiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK in ro CptlQ10. Surutsandtotits, $90,0i00s rrn ts o r~nrlut-i. astines.coign crcedit. E. iD. KINE,tPrcc. tHARRaISttN cittt S. xv. CLAGRKttNta-tier. tsr. MoatittiHrun Streets. Catitat, 15000. Surplu",X300,000. T'rants u R, KEnMF, Pres. CtRiE. tt, Vtc.tte FFnt. HB Sutsit. Cashietr. Th1R11n flr~or Savings Banh Capitat Stock. $meson. Surplius, 5150,00. Resocurces. $1t1t0,000. uf tttts State. Receives ttetotits, )13-i anii ir exchnge. tritonstt uthe)itltie othe Unt~titeds Satfety udepotsit toxts tost. ttiCrits:vttri,stnRack. Pres.;Wi. .Itarri man is tc-Pre.; vtast. E. Stiscoci..CasierttIc' J.Fritz AssitusttCasthier. LAMB &SPECR Fancy Grocers rWe keep everything usually kepit itn first-gttss Grocery and hlakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. IFACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE. TreatmoienttoiptestBack- tieadis, Etc_ a tscitalty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. It. TiiOJAsO'aSst. Prop. 322 5. Statte St PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER SHOP Dueyou desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George, and Harry at 332 S. State St.. ENOH lIETEDI, nra Embalmer and Calls attended Day at Night. Nos. 161 E. Libeety Streest. Residene 533 S Fourth Avs, Phone 329. TISENOB BY SUITS. MIL WARD TOSTATE ST 1DOU BLE-BREASTED FROCKS. GOLF. ~CLOSING OUT MEN'S FURNISHINGS! On account ttf the ltargs increase in oar Tailoring Business, we have decided to use otur entire store for Merchant Tailosring, and will close out our ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS. This means that you have now the opportunity to boy any and all of the many articles included in a complete Fur- nishing Goods Stock at 75 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 29, AT a P. M. AND CONTINUING 30 DAYS, when what is left of the stock, together with the fixtures, will he sold in a lump so that we will have time to remodel our store for the Fall Tailoring Trade. We have not waited until the end of the season, but give you this Splendid Oppor- tunity while our stock is complete. NECKWEAR-All shapes and styles. Linen Collars and Cuffs (except Cuett and E. & W.-which are contract goods.) Men's Hosiery, Washable Ties, Gres Suspenders, ewa, Golf Hose, SiCaeWhite Shirts, Belts, Umbrellas,FacShrsColrBtn, Canes,FNgligetaitsCola uttoLns It will be money in your pocket to buy Ngie hre ufLns what you need atthis time.W AER 0 8 Store will be cloaed Monday until 1:00W A N R & O. p.m. 123 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.