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May 27, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-27

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9hrUt Oo(_9 9111 _
MT. CLEMENS LEADS meeting voed a strong recumrnesea- STOMACH REMOVED.
G._HWIL_._C tion to the common conci to donate _
G. H W 3 U ins 13 Points in the 3icile Races, a ite for a homeopathi college. Dificut Operation Performed at
Tiheiprelisminaries il the 100, 220 the Hospital.
Will announce that we have now and 440 yard ashesancdiali the MICHIGAN LEADS. A very rare amd most diicult
field events were run oif vsteruicy - operation was performeds at tlle Uni-
received our Spring andi Summsuer afternoon. The slight drizzle which Woins Two Out of Three Sinles verity hospital Thurday, lisy Ir
Woolens. Or stock for the sincomi- Ipreceudeud theseet isaslIcthie track From Northwestern. Nncsrede, amssitel by IDrs. Dasriing
lug seassn is tie largest cwc Ihave everleavy, radssi iioulo e(lI 1)diiishiied O)acountof ~the reatensigand Spizley.
shown, is exclusive and consfined, in the crowd. lTei(viit ets' closely weather of yesterday oly a fair sze liie pasiet frs. lissise, ofit' lis
boils foreigns aund domiestic goods, ansd citccl i sss-sik t iiecrowdl witnessedi the tenssnissa b-S hei wsas sfingtfhrme u sestso
is iuispsos itthehsot ssric ~ws smsaue. Dltni ssm ill AnnsiArsotwtees Nortwsesternm cnsdlMiliganh. ti ~slciig iis tiii i
iscmoe ftebs;fbi s imadute eI so isss' i l yy (f the sliss thestomachel. A tr sa isisth s
is rcli su osstse oiut of t e thinee
every lise that cuss le obtained.l.\e schotol s eresentedt.sigls, tey sere asicfoslows: ditsagnss, the msieslssi s 'itiesi
carriy the Ilargest lhne f Wooslenscii in IYt ICES . -sLloydi beat hi-sit lll 6-3i-I 5-7; timepsto thii c-clussiontfur t he onslysssts
the city. We invite youistoi caliasdiThue Ibicle rcsre iuintilsniithe 0-. o iiiiecsh Isle vifoir eplc ati on5li
imioeettuesaise.hisuf smiet rack st Ypsislanti. IW. ) PRiplesy lseat Kennmecdy I6-2; (52 aotuhusiesasc ti reiiitioncioivsiihi
insectth sae.Perritt of ttsc . A. IW., caesdowntesis Danfothtlbe-t Shanfiile i-4;7-h; io caiiis-he nie.er lo
i i ep ia l o r i e th e l h ise t . h to o l
s. H D C t o l lui t is es-sli c a d o s e lls h d u b eTwe e sepp dsilc-o ly a u t h s ieest i -icm a st o t l t
ci the maces. Remarkablshy- goosd csisnt ositnliiosuly oeseositiavi-s
tissicoslosmaisn ithe q tr-msie, hbesnplaydit icshsMichsigansm onhuman sing is givensiniithe Nosy
108$E.Washingtons St , Nummelss-y, f Mt. Cemiens, iuitt 12,Yrk Meicsleco ~ssrd, lDec. 2, 1897.
ANN ARBOR. the thirdt lscsst ins 33 3-5. Alttsliii- o110'iiiisti irirsi' i'1
________________________________evestoswere cosey cesisted, the hBiooica Journal Cub. Calers Seliltter, uf the Uivrsty
srinstoiii the mise being escially Mr. Whsimey gave assiineestimg of/.urih, Ssitsmmis, iiiSpt. 6,
fast. Nummelyss, sof Mt Clemmems, talk lsteeninsg ismsthe smthesmtic-lmh97'butthinspautiet slyl ivedh a
PHOTOGRAPH IC ecarriesh oire.thnrs in ithese evemnts, scomphutionmm of evouhtimn. r.ys'r.im'. his ta s ema slit iihad sben
D ARK ROO vi. svining the quaisrter' sie andmil se, I -iuhes iot s]smlonemsum'gomsrmna siae at this esosphasgusm,su-llsimn
ansecutisug sehusllisthe two-msie, sorkaong thisslie,lut fulocedl asiutmstssschusisutss'itte
We have recently ittedhup swiths aitotlstof 13 poinst. hRappley, ass outline tshisaperof rouf.Pea- sicsushsdus, sr the cisicmeceenst f
a cmmodious photographtc of - biaA.S o 5lonssnadhsthe fistof tessallhiststiines, sisd
dark room, complete wth Sgsam-I.S. cm puisussss ssiredeesors. It is a theusotsmaichs ursemoved
tray, ights, etc., and oter gettinmg seond suinm the quarster-ssile, susyem- theory f ps'baislities, Iit
its rsmsto the public free of mush thirdl is thmile andh tiswoiu-misie. yet ssmue vey defiite ususssuts y bli e thesitc surgeons ins thec 1'esest
chisrge. Anything needed J. C. Dodds, f 1Detoit, gutse-obohtaiued. Wusknt h ietion case httmsemceltis te oera'stios scit wsu
tn the line of supplies, or osndlini the ]stie sasdsh1V. 11. Doddss, o sufcrsirt inasuugsrttedhf'rt tupossoof thsusgtuthItat the aovsmsofsuiuusshepr-
chemisue oswoul he ainwudhv ob opiae
iheusedto ftniis. Detoit, thirdulins the quiartrmiesitrnoteimluy, lut hattr it 555tssulwaus tshl st s huenuiitt'seh
Knuapp, of Adriasi, scullsthes'tcc i-ute. ht tthe sclii'es- istcouil e ap t-hsuitdsmsensstimugs sen thastlts
{flll Stsmnsarie-Nuissisly, M. (lemu- picd to iolouhigy andil toithe kineti ieshshhmesi c-oces ytstrsh
1cels, 1 1.3; uhiapley, SaigisnawssIV. S, ; thery uof gses'.Ago uf gre ts-t slyti'°ucenutf(teIsuf555 c
D o -ds, ; I hIL Dodd ., I ; tota , 4. otality has ee ui rel ed to "ale0 nn: er. A ti t wc) msic :it he
lbginnuisg f the susuth iit nue,
IlhI hetu:o nasussus'-issgc agehosuef swousmn cns he hiuhiseeeudthe stomacushisfrsosmsit.
Dnrn theret o tlecollies ear wc Qoci~nuti- uu us u -s irt /el-W ascertasinuedh sitsaoutue egree os it(, afo. h tmc-afce a
we hr isnc se a u ss cm-.slusnyor JJ. Dodsihl, IDetroit IV histrk, Anmst emtsi sy Tc cs -st i "-i mu tcthen ut silf andl ll f thus'lasige
308 So. Stale Street. Johnsonm, Yscilanti Tisse, :5, . froms this thee a esetimasste the fle smalslt itestinst iiijhis-nue.
V/s-Tru Treact-Pau~pley, Saginawsci\V. chasrscteriticso of oftfspring. CertainuIhisismll itestinesus- bo rught ovtr
S.; Ntumey, lMt. Coemns. Times, skulls Einuope have ueen ricentlyth aboen tuaths'ewjedisugmhi'nTuu
UI:33-5. examuinedulandml s the hbredths houfuusuesc lutu ss uiis
SLIDES and Hall-Numnmey, Mu. Cemses; foreheadl sitNspiles crabhs. lTe curse mmuhtuday telutiet is risig vs-y
OVE S. Esppley, Saginawie W. S.;I. st of mortaity has Ibeensdevisiledl tiltseasy frousstesefeictstofsitmiiheter-
D~oddus, Detroit. lme, :34 2-5, five uditerent curveIbyPrfIPer - tipnss scucdssi uuue hs mmeo
CO EDOe MtIn E-F'irtet--N umsmuey, ssonvwhichicystsrepresentedhlastsovents- ti iulseetemsrs
M t. w ast.C lem es ; W hi t a k, A missA r or; i g i ii conn ection ss ith ii p itur ft hi iireetrem ely rar e ussnd h i
(,ienSlde Ifc ros W . .Dodsu DIetroit; Wiuhuicoeuiu, the '"Danmce inft Deathi. Ins this te ast hemot kllul" ie"ts
Green les.... Gi-oi0c grossise,30012 ir s posreklldb tehme fIssierform uthe uiticult operatioun.
Whie ... 00 ran Rpid. Tme,3:0 15. nfats re illd y te bnesof is A mosre uetailed accounmt sof the
;No 1 covers.. Sit .. . Seoz suid het--J. C. Doduds, Detoit; ancestors amd the curve i extremuey
No,2, sq costes ....5c oz. Mayhews, Amis Arhor; Rappley, deadly, nx came te feser cursecase casasiJeuh for fronts Dr. Nincreue,
Boxes for 100 slides . lie30c Saginawi WI. S. Tisse, 31.. fle third icomsprativlyhamssc, cut Itaogivelyoustein haresslkex.s
Final-Nunmmuey, Mt. Cemens; J. thin fourths is scatleriing, beng rehre- thu-to ieot thinaesttmn
We will Meet Any Price. C. Dodds, Detroit; Rappley, Sagi- sented y aihhbmmnderbuss, mmmiithe tht heoperations washpeurrmed.IlcaW.S Tie3:1fftbyarle Thtlksawoe_,gvasisesnfrhsslne
U so MmLE-13 starters. Knap~]inu tacieresting amd also amninog and -''medical ethics."
Rappley, Saginaw W. S. lime, pear to mierely happen, do so Ihappnm Edtor U. of A. Daily:
BALL ! 502 1-5. because of certaimn definie lacws andi I notice that the managememnt of
Ofical-JdgsGoebekW.frmla._hetrc team has not seen fit to take
Yucan't dlu it without a L. Allen, Bement; referee, W. D.
LOIVLESLUGGER" BT ertL .W;tmr ulvn .D Eaman, '00, of the Miii the bicycle men to this training table
Nihrcan you play a winning satr wf;cek fcusLihga-Pennsylvania dbtn em To say the least, illis a bad precedent
gaeof TENNIS without a Turner and C. C. Wood. will deliver the commencement ad: to establish. They did their full
WRIGHT & DITSON RACKET. dress on June 2, before the grauat- keae ofwningthrteen pointsnout o au
OrSokhcopeeadTo Donate Sight for Homeopathic ing class at Petersburg, Mich., where ewingthrenpnt o
Ou Soc s omleean M. .R.Mcer,'0,i possihle sixteen. They need the
or pice ar rigt. ollge.training, and are being depended up-
A i meeting of the representative principal. on to win points at the Intercollegiate
1~JA I-Icitizens of Ann Arbor was held last meet at Chicago. If any just reason
VVC IInight in Probate Judge Newkirk's Prof. T. C. Trueblood and Fr. can be given why Michigan should
office, to consider plans for donating E. D. Kelley will act as judges in make such a distinction between her
ANN ARBOR a ato for a homeopathic hospital. the annual oratorical contest at athletes, Ilam sure the tudent body
Up row.. Down Town To show theirap eito of the Nt Dame uiest next Wd would ela to knowit
st o i. a an generosity of the legislature, ths neday evening.g FRIEND of ATHLETICS.

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