4 THE UNIVYERSITY OF MI1CHIGAN DAILY. AV ~ANNUAL SHIRT SALE AnnuAal Shirt Sale! (w All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch SCheviots at .... ..$200 M"1.75 Silk Bosom Body and H Cuffs to match .......1.37 r1.75 Machas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 S 1.50 Cheviots, 1Ihr. Cuffs 1.00 z 75c Machas-no Cuffs .500 75c Percales, 2 Collars and 1 fir. Cuffs.......... .50 JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Foreign and1( Fine Domestic Woolens. 2114 East Washinsgtont St., ne ar 5th Ave ANN ARBOR. WE ENGRIAVE VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their respeie sizes, in CORJ=C1T S=-Yom,=S. lPlatst(woiill kptleIy-l 101s 00ur1 t ru o nl11(; oso .ire ocros lost- (A to r1l(41110110m. Yom-rHlm itteol pcti-ePlate stttd 100 Card~s,$1.450. Ever- Senior wil 1l winttioissH1 s0555li1501 out thseir inlvitaitions. HAVE YOU READ 1)vid1I1'5111111 1 Ms. 1)oley 1 mfn A T'INI:(R R1 Nl IW.JAL. Itc:aPt ADDED TO OUR STOCK THIS WEEK. PHONE, 105. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. J.Y.5V. SEA, 12dViCC-ssus JOHNs.C. WAnTz, A s) Cusier S1RTE SR1VINGS BRANK Transacts a general Banking IBusines FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Ory;Dn 31 (a1)tas, 1100, 00.1111011 ssssd Pros, W.(O55 Trnsct 5111111 1s0lbaii. 51551usin1s-5For1i1,1 InterGoIIGiate I~urean olfRcadenIG GOSUM. reit,lsz lssssd01issssss'1s sl1111,r GOTHEL & LENARD1E D.KINiN". 15-rs.IhtIli'.(1CO'.1st:, AAY, s'N. Y. 5 NV,0CLAiRKSONECa h155 Capjs, G-ossns, instods smade to order and rented. Also Class _-________ Canses, Class Hatsa ndt Capso, Class College Iiss. .address W. C. KERN. Western Mexgr., ~l .l~tftT ~ Htsell assesi, Uni.nofetChisg. c, lini(Ilir,)et )7 A iwin, Wise1n iighthssI osoA te ti n ! S m ke s ilFw.WE' HAVE THEM. 10 1-Rsimsler Cigairs for 5 cents I Segariet Cigars fonc 25ocnts 4 Pisstsharg Stogies for 5 tents i il11Anthssny iCias for 2s ensts r X1.AIfonzo Cigars for 2 5 cents 4 Brunswicks cigars for 25 cents 6i Lord Chesterfield Cigars for 25 cents 3 fiat Goodwin Cigars for 25 cents SHEEHAN . Theilsabsvegfsave ssa Naionasl reputatsion ad avebt fwas its makt SHEEHAN & CO. 4450O.MMN ST.,G EA 0 BOOKSELLERS, STATONETS AN ENGAVER, 'Te electioiiofolfsihers fori the Adinlirers sit the autistic sosik of .. ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. iMsosnicBansquct sil libe'hils1Frisday, A. iii wilsol hasve aaliopportuity _____________ __________ Jiun 2.fillosss somell o if'.Iis best creaitiosl Ptof Lioss ~ E ~ iiyiusyiiings a copy of the Jsliinigss S r W a ts Po.LelnLPnicteach- s'ss.ia 101 3899. J. B.H.asrris siiid Snirt w iss er sit orgain ithei Unniesity Snhsssl tim popudlir Walter Wshiteliess are isfctn 1010 1'pa~il 011llal Dsop o.uss oa c1rsioisringyslerintoinriiiib Iialso lai ge cosntribtosrs 5f sraiongs. bysn 111611" 1 n 1 11 1 10.5 IIIsO Ist lstsi lis s s s n i , S sicrihe at sli'e siiliiinsire iiCospy. Student's Laundry (fssocintio), 510 15,55rsesittil list oesening. Ag-s. losr Grand Litndr Dlsltoi15. Alssgrii scle: oi Chirsisssscisnci, 1Thsnfliriswhichihsibsen in is's- as2 a. ate St. New'Phane, 441 by Pro s. SN nluey Ms Mii urisisnd oess ini the ness'church ssiithe JNsoth - ilsuy wi 5 1ll Appear1 ill11 Susnday's .isle ssill cosntinuiic ssdlsy' and Ississis- A TRIAL- U" anle ro al ont o ie, n 'ltstt is5sll I as81i ftr siil tsudotubteslys proveI(Ise (of the Ossisgto thlinearouis' achiP o~ilf thel itt . Lttttttttty g > 'tt. Imost istevestillg featursir ins Sunda's 5tssurnamisent wiithi Nssriliwsstci'i, tile editin, fnalsof te tenis inglswl ot P. C.I Tel. N. 1St9. H y AT T KINDEII FOR A GAME OF PO0 HuronsttSt. SEantso R NA M.E Y E R, Zoological Journal Club. S 1 11 1 f th en 111oolo sil L ab or "ato ry . lst 1ishd sevsrl bo'oilksoandipapers dbl-s /hull I so erti iolo sdissproblets OEOR ILIARS 1 l Is1115kslav ben psir1usediIIby SF an N. Bnk. zilongisssthillsebobreatesubfsie. F. _tttest.BaTkhe mathematc1a1111 rat nt 41110 ils ,in~tetng.111"1 's'se ssks will bse1rev111511by AllA.AT. Wilititev State Phone 144. at the slee~tingsFi daiy 00011111. be lalyedlunutil snxt ins Is Reception Graduate School. Presidlenst and-Mrs.Assgeli sill en: tertaillimembers05'tof th110graute schol a st thou' resisdence, .i1rislsy evcising, May 26.111Invittonls 15115 bseess issues[, but forsfeii legtstomeil on ahe Ils besie0In oversl05 ooksed,, 1111 genserai iilllO 0l anune i ad hrtloughllt111 0co1lumns5 of the 1)AIts. J. El. Cisonooss, JR'. Pres. Graodsiate Class. SVANTsou-Positilo n o afaron. i i t 5 s 5 f s !i4 t Capitla,$5,0.oa 1Srphs $:0.10 0. 'O ltt l1l z0 eeallning sin' Fas Ii11 1EIsE ash11551. The~ tlimfRrbor Savings Un Ca1111t1l Ssock. 55,000. Sup15 s,515 E 0,0(K) Rie'sslsce'SI $111000 Or~ganized t~ider151e Gene1 al0 3al i ; L awz-.Sss aftist ate. eis e posits, 11'1' 1 Sind 11111 texchangent he5 pricpeal ities110of11th i 111 Statet.lDrafts cashdupnpprldn tf111 11150 ca011 tison Safety depssisoxso n t. ras, Viceo s.10 CIIas. I.tisocll.it .5asier; Mt J. Fritz AssisantICasiet. LAMB &SPENCER, THlE Fancy rocei - We kep eeryhingusully eptin n fioat-class Grocery and .fakery. Cal snd see no. 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE TreautmnllOt flt impl:,1 11011 1ea1s111 ., a0.. peI i alt111y. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. R. TnoJAsoWsossiPeopm. 3122 S. State St. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of Mtste sret BARBER SHOP yisuLnic llO goast-class work and courteous treatnment try George and 1-arry it 332 ..MSate St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fuea ietz Calls attenddnDa011501Nirt. Na. 1611 E inbserty Stret, Residence533 Fourth Av's. Phones1"9. SPRING 9OF '99 MIL W/ARD TAILOR STATE ST 11,Spring antttSumetre Make an Styles aee itt. Early Selection. ®/ WONDERFUL VALUES 2cetI A A 3 51125 UiNDEgRWAR1_A Gen t. ........ ........ . ........ 5 $H IR T$ ~ ~ n Reliable Make, Fast Color, S100 WAGNER & C0-9- 123 5. MAIN ST.