THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++....f+++ff~+++f+f~f++®+o~++++++ 4++++++++++ HILDEBRAND, THE NEW TAILOR: 110 E. WashingtonSt -4+ MIGHI1fiN 6[N~TlfL CORR% EC( AND STYLISt H TILOROFING ..AL The Niagara Fails Rouate."1 i CENTRAL STANDARD IME1,.adIIIS~ ~ I Taig I r (.1 (II We oper ate the finest tailoring trade in tihe city, and. Ma GOING ESTugA.0W~R~l Nail a nd pe.....i.... 41. X l 1qalany in the State. A OETRTS N.& n .sr epe ......... .. . SAEELEMUICSTR astEstr ...... ...........9 43 ' We respectfully solicit your valued patronage.SH BE EMSISTR AtatcEps..............7 45 A.i' IVpre.e Deroit 35 h Eapress ........55 Al grensmd y skpressediN . and iln repair for 114 lWest Liblerty Street, Ann arbor. GOIN wEr. oe yar.Only 3 doors from Main Street. Mail a Express.... ..... ........310 A. 5M. o e y a. - -___________ Bosto. N. Y &Chicgo.....8 13 "' Fast Western Express .... 3. 131z P at. 1a 0.1R & Kai. Esee~s ... .... tO5 1 06E. Htiront.New State Plaomie 43. O a tlI s Psitca l :.rrt !s s9....... . .12433. i Paciic xprE S ................ t2 0 A M.FUNERAL (.P.e RUGGI S. .II. .HAYES, G.lP.&eT.Ae',icago. Ao.'tAnnArbor CALENDAR.- Notice. DIRECTOR Satnrdas (anditlates for tihe All-freshmni Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fouthl .,. .SatudayOct. 15.-Michigal) vs. football teamn are reques ted to report Ave. Aimbuance night and lay. Ies- e ' vestern Reserve, to 'Ikey" Clark at tite athletic field ideoce 302 Fifth Ave. t 1 da y _ + aturayOct. '22-Michigan vs. each afternooln. An ot of towel Notre________ schedule islbeing tarruaned twhicet till Fiiday, Oct. 21.-Jas. Whitcoinh be pnblished sooni.dokaI TIME TABLE. Riley otn the S. L. A. Cotirse. HARRY B. Poc'Ewn, Manager. aln IrcMyI,19.-Rcutspatd O R Iilf Trains leave Ann Arbsr by Central Stand- "The Girl I Lett Behind Me" at the 'there are a large ntumbler of vacan tisi h .o .Rfe.AyW.NORITHI SOUTH Athena. cc nth " ~ Rfe.Xn'.Anl, Leading ______ _______ men desiring t join beit the meet- ewle * 83 :i. ef ehn M, ing of the comnpanly, Friday evening GT- OU 4.31,. it. ao:e401. tliichi opened yesterda~y afterniooni at at 7:00, Room 0f, Uiiversity Hall. G TY U as0A1M.1.8i.07P. t. the Whitney Grand, is lpresenitedl13 bysl.iFit~ *Rlsnbetwseen A nrormideon0Tledoimo1l. 01e tof the best 1and11 lilot eveily bal- tees~l Toledo sand owel. All nthier trains aiicedl companies that 11hasbeen 10oAMr. Cli ftoni H. Briggs, M. S8'<0 daily exiep(t Sunda.(a1ee 1lced1)3te akeA N. S. liiLIlTOtiEAgent. that hiouse this yeair. There seems to iobe eeti rteP eA H1. v. RENNETT,G. P. A. be anindiiiullillinterest aniletffort Davis & Co. fellowsohip it th in.---o hIpr ftedffrn ebr vriyo N ih~a.Te in w we . 'r-u ' 'L anid the whoil~e lerforiillaice is char- from this felliosiip is $5011. Mr. 3i3is So. Slate Street. acterizeil by earnestniiiss aiid good Briggs twilldevoIte his energies to -- DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR= weork. The play, although an old slpecial research iwirk iii pharmnacy. OUR PHOTOS onle, if glod thinigs do really age, is N otice l BOR RAILWVAY. stroll5andbright. Teaction Alicptlii...11 IAREllgrel. ca. gaslae o erota~ qatrrabidanod the story 1(1(0 (f interest. footblllteasiliwsill 1lease neliet isi PETNSYEADFNS ('r eaefr erit(aqore hetiction takeo lace ini the Black- lii U, ~nversityHallEatECTH SYE ADFNS after every hotir. becining ;at 7:15 a. foot country liiigaooosl y'ciknoxt9, ie Hayll, ria11111 in. aned ti to 14:1;-)p. in. For A'poolilill~ the Indians. 'here is ai strong third ocl knx M ndyatr o. at a quarter before lie liourrrup tn 12:435 iiret 1 fF.XW. POTrER, a m t~rp eav erlir Wltiii sld Sldi~nAssistant Minaiger. e r ry mai Studio aui m. 'sleacre r 11Wsle tliwndsatis de'fending the post againist Man ts icet n al a 3rwnsoverwlieling odds is restned loust it Hetiry C. Alliiiiis, Professor oft 1 12 West H uron St. Driig Store. the last miomlent lby, thCemarival (If Political Emonie in till'lUniversity hneI' reniforcemienits It ins haid to par-is just comiplletedl lis hook onlthei ticultarize- tiheiwork of this comipiny, ''Scieiie of Fimarl.' The wolrk i it is all of sacli equal melrit.News.P comprehensive treatmient of philic A.G. SPALDI NG & BROS. THE. .- .reves-el5 aid ex leliditlires. It SeAiiites.ii~tie KIN ERG AR 1 E N T'i Aii ro liel elluld ortliy of1note thiat 121 his dlSiscussin = F F O A D of means o3f revenill) tro~f. Adamts Ft101 BA1.I. CIGAR STORE felted the lDetroit high cliool yes- 'ddae h olrilxti ( J~~ t ts o vr; ( h ralo I. obno, , 111)nni f telrlay 13y the scorle cot db to 0. 1131 itel-stateco m re llia utie"s >alth C igas an hto 1o(((1510 ,i I (50(111 A c0ance1 MleArmborlittn e tias compiarai tively oonle (i ((11105, 11ii heavy, wheu thie t o Diii i1( t was 11110Wldo t Mauiiloliui still histhe y (l letic cII 1(311, -i. 102 E. HURON ST. very lighit. Thie featuireofo the preferenuce. Thuetsie (Co. loniWWlsh-Spalding's O5fficial Inter- -- - --- - - -- gamme 0930 the wrof (1Jamtesquar- lsgtoli St,' ive.a fl ine s r tll collegiate Fant Ball U. of i.Shavi Parlorsad iJBath Rooms 3 ter-b~ack of Detroit. Guaranteedslow asii$12.00. 1 1n1SOitGco1nf ll . Albd ail ter ladin Q 1 1 322 SOUTH1 STATE NTR*ET. La ies'r iish ire Oesi-i rpr-v r r vn r c r s "^ nr r r finsl-11l inl. NStb c o z1(li(i 110ne. R ---- Kent~chehr.the ' I1"hotarnn~uhor New at iertit tile Thmon -iu5ildinlg. Only First=Class Barbers Employed. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER SHOP Ity & desire first-clans work and courteous5 treat nient try George and Hlarry at 3:32 S. State St. flITI ac and ENOCH LIILl LLL F eraleDirenior. C'lls atended nay oe Night. No. 101 E. Liberty Sireeti. Residence 533 S, Fourthi Ave, P'hine 129. ! q IntcrGoI1oqiatC BUMeauohflRGadCMiG Gostume. r GCOTRELL & LEONA\RD, n ALBANY, N. '0. l-%pS, Gowns, ind Hoods made to order and rented. Also ( hiss c(sloT) or. Opalding'a Official (Fnot Ball Guidle, 11051~s~i iit+hadlllt,-iTy is.,789trueswilin At News Starid 607 E. William St. Give11he a1t i i. First chassworts and Protinlt t ervine. r 4UL MEoYER. W. C KER, weternUn n' '~~ F.J. SCHLEEDE, Haskell Mausran, Univ. tf Chicago. .14(1S. Slate SC., Blis l,(k3 ((r 250.mido t~iipwar&, indd.tolt RAW A(LLTHE=yPHOTOG}'RAPHER, CA L.N Every ind aena bntin'afriSail I[L 4L FI 1E ' p U 1 ~i~ ! $ + I K 1 1 9 W e s t M .. i i ol S t.' E L R I I , A l l L in e n P a p e r , 4 l b }s , f o r 5 0 C , WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR, Roth Phones, Nn.1. A t rbor.Filnest StallimsiA 010 ilytheicittlwestiprie. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.