w THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4.0ofut.pIcdtm. Published Daily (Sandays excepted) daring the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrOS: The Inland Press, Hteaning Black. Bath Phaaney4. MANAGING EDITOR.. F. ENGELHARDo, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. B. BAso. '00 L: EDITORS. Athletic Editar, P. W. Joase, '99, T. R. WOnOOW, '0S L. A. B. McDacaALL,'St E G. D. HUDNUTT. 'St I. J. B. WaO, '0S, C. L. NILE. '99, CD. CanL,9 L. J. MoavaON,,'In, W. D. HexeEY, 'IS M, A. G. BROWN, 'St. The subsciption pricer of the DAIis12.R50 for the collate year, with a regular delivery before noxen each day. Notices, communications, and other mattee intended for publication moot be handed in xl the DAILY office before 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. m. of the day arevious to that en which they are expected to pp pear. Sohecriplione nmay be left at the DAILY office, Meyers, or Soolleles newstand, or with Busines Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting proemptly at this office any failure of carriere to deliver paper. All changer in advertising uaiter cmuel ie in the offie by4Op. m.00n the day previosto that on which lbeyvarelotocyar. ICHAR00 0 TOeDA'SoSUEn W. D. HIICKEY. UNIVERSITY HALL Would Not Seat Student Bodtj at One Time. One often hears various estimates placed upon the neating capacity of University Hall. These estimfates as a rule are to high. The fact may not he knows that tire whole student body could nuit be seated at once, hut such is the case. TPhe board shows that tire actual number oif seats is about 800 less than the numr- her of students at present enrolled in the University. The. number of seats in the hall is1 1,540 on tire main floor, and 1,005 in tire gallery, making a total of 2,545 seats. A great- many more, however, might be accommodated hy tire placing of chairs ini the aisles. Philological Societqi. The last regular' meeting of the Philological society for thoe year will he hold tonight in Room E, Urniver- sity Hall at 7:30 p. in. The annal electiorn of officers will be held at this mee0ting, arid it is earnestly de- sired tirat alt intereoted wiii he pres- cut, lire potter of tire evening will be read by Mr. Stephieti Larigdon, iris subject being, "Sortie Aspects of Babylonian, Hlebrewe, arid Greek GO To Nothing Better Stabler's Art Store Coo be fucrised tban what we are now putting forth in the way of Hot Weather Drinks at our new Soda Fountan- FR Art Novelties and Special cooling apparatus and FR Fine Frame Mouldings. eerythring new, clean and at- trctcive. J. J. QUARRY 217 S. 4th Ave. Phone 173. Capas Drag Stare. el_ fl FRSH-'-- Strawberry AND Pineapple ~ SOROSIS " .THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN... 'firhe president oif the,State Homeo- very interesting as Mr. Larogiori has eatici Medical Society wviche is noow been workinrgcinder tire direction of ini cessonor at Detroit mude a very Prorf, Jamres A. Craig for tire past Arrgetit recomimenidationiarid requrest, two years. in tris opening addreos, for tire re- 4orrval of thoe departioenit of iornen- A description of tire University by patry to that city, arid tor run it ini Prof. Scott iii the Michiganenosian. cnnrectiono witlh Grrace Hospital. This iso siply a revival of thre old ques- The Mic/eigaonensiane will contain tiotn whtich bas canoed seemucrhl dis- tire latest pictures of tire football, curssion icn the pat, rind which was baseball arid track teams. Lotus thought to have been settled for. Elbel's Victors' March will be a ever. It seerms that seine parties, feature. See Ire latest innovation, not connected with tire University, "The Wearers of the M." Scibscribe take delight in keeping tip the agi- at once and secure a copy. tation, with the fainat hope that they __________________ may be able to bring abotit a change WA C FO TH in the location of certain depart.- AC O H rnents, and thus gratify their own selfishr motives. The friends of the University have shown by their MICHIGA NENSIAN action that there is only one way to make a University arid that is to TeCleeAna o 89 keep all departments iniact, and it is ThColgAnulfr189 earnestly hoped that this uprising- will meet the same fate as others of a Dedicated to studentr, soldiers and Sailor of simoilar nature. No department alone the war. Bonnd in T Deign, silveroy veloum; stamp- has given tire University thre reputa- cd in gold, green and white. tion which it carries, hut tire high Fetrs:Ahet ,Fratenities,Orai- stand.ard of work ini each departmenit of college iife, novelcamcpusview. biht college has moade it tire foremost school i verse, cever drowings by Bardin, narrio anid thre West, and tire only way which it Sbciea neadScr oy can miaintainitire standing is to keep SucileaOnendecraCoy the diepartrmentosttigetirer. M I C H I G A N E N S I A N Resolutions Edition de tuer, $1.50.ategular Edi~ton, Th'ie followinag resolutions were $1.00. adopted by tire 1900 iedic class, tip. on tire death of William Bellows FO BICYCLE REPAIRING Decker.FO WHEREAS, It has seemed wise for AND SUNDRIES GO TO our Heavenly Father, -ini Iis loving WXV'rn. WXENG ER imidness and mercy, to remove froms our midst our classmate Williamr HIGH GRADE WORK. BZellows Decker, therefore be it, 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. Resolved,. That we ure class of 1900 gRO 'of the Medical Department express. Gl3IlPI1 ',our deepest sorrow f or tire loss- we as New Stae 'Phone 397 a class sustain. Na. 113 East Liberty St. That we extend our, sincere syni. ManufacturernsatftDental iIntrumns pathy to the relatives and; friends in aned iesMachinery thistiteir sadest affliction. 'Special Attention given to Bicycle Repairing That a--copy of these resolutions be Ful ineaamnnorce sndresoixtocok. sent :to the -bereaved family. and a f. your.Bicycle Nbeeds copy be spread upon our minutes..,BE [Signed TO -,E REPAIRBED, P. E. MARSH, KATE MCCLURE JOBHNSON, GO to BIRMANS, W. D. HICKEY. W. Washington. SOROSIS SHOES ARE SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THEY ARE THE EXTREME OF STYLE AND THE PERFECTION OF COMFORT ..Almost every maol brings ire letters of commaendation fromi those who havo beenr Sortuntoelet oblainiag thiso shro andevrywherecwtrn arerwearersof......... SOROSIS cvho thaokhi0s forNarian, plaoced within their reochr erroh beaotiful, stylish anod comafortobie footweoc, ateuch a reosoirable price ..... $3.50 EVERYWHERE / In 'orope or Ameica IF YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBED Your Shoot lie would advise SORIOSIS becase they ore HYGIENIC. IF YOUR FASHIONABLE MILLINER Recommrended a Smart Boot to be wora with a new nut, it would be SOROSIS. IF YOUR SWELL TAILOR Suggested tie Shoes ro be purchased will the Fali Sail, they would hr SOROSIS. W. C.Reinhardt 212 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 1:or- a &LUAMMFR CRUISE take the G OA8T LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfention PASSE NGER yet attained in BaalCon- STEAM ENS. struction:xrosso SPEED .--Eqipment, Artistic Fur- COM FORT . nishinn, tDecortion and soSAFETY. Effiient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noithr i.ia offes al'anoraof 160 milesof 0001 ariety andinterest. Fsou 'r T r fi sh} e nesen a asn rht erBewe ToldoDetoitnd a~naC Irr a nsrd DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Toledo, e sonti akI .Nigt etee SFre .50 ESaL rii. raETSsana 9T 0, ='MRUTEBrhs,, 7.., $1. bslatroo,,s $15.76. ANDD1;U'rl. Cleveland, Connscioncs are m adi Clveand itih LOA TESoav esaar r.qsg ackinacsand Put - in -Bay Erliesi frains for ast raintsPastoutni Seosrs~.,ssur.an,,r~~dsrri,. trr~n and oledo. ouhwest, n tdnerrfrlois Rens~ o , ..dngias ai Berths . Apro. a dT l o. NorhandSand NotheJs5t ritfr sapns, Tole, $,Isaa; afromieroit, sIi.ii5. SetembrsSndy a aOthbrOnly.y Send sfar Iito'tratrd Pitpbet. Addresas,Dfian AA. SCHANTZ. Ga P.a.. DETROIT, MCHn. andaraeOWlulNu[viaaohiomaRY Tan derris Crescent Combination (for Lady and Gent) Tandems for rent by the hour For ent.or day. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Phones No. 8. 119 West. Washington Street. Manutacturer =of .ICE-CREAM. QSpcciat attention given to Socials,# M c W hit0 Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. Quality and Prices Guaranteed. Both Pienrer. 110 South Main St., Anni Arbor, Micha.