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May 25, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-25

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94 PaiIl


Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washingtox St ,
We have recently fitted up
a commodious photographic
dark room, complete with
trays, lights, etc., and offer
its use to the public free of
charge. Anything needed
in the line of supplies, or
chemicals we would e
pleased to furnish.
WILDER'S Pgl ic yfW
006D Du N&
Durisg the resi of the colegeysear we
wilsre nc Ihes at al hoss, day o
night. Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and
R. E. JOLLY & Co.,
308 So. State Street.
Green Slides...........40c gross
W hite s c............0c
% No. 1 covers.........8c oz.
INo. 2, sq. covers ...5c o.
Boxes for 100 slides... 30c
We will MeetAny Price'
Calkins' PharmacY
You cn't do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices are right.

Goes Thro' the House by a Vote of 84 to 4. Sen-
ate Must Act on Slight Amendment.
The bill increasing the University tax from 1-6 to I mill passed the housee
this afternoon by a vote of 84 to 4. The only real opposition which thec
the bill met came from the Legislative Farmers' Club, but every point in
opposition which was presented was met by the friends of the bill, and after
a short but active debate the bill went through. The bill as passed will in-
crease the annual income of the University about $90,000. The hope of
getting the specific appropriation for the new hospital and laboratory has
been abandoned, as the increase in the tax is supposed to meet these needs.
Weil- the building will perhaps be delayed for a year or two, the annual
increase, however, will soon make these buildings a possibility.
Secretary Wade, Dr. Copeland and Dean Hutchins did effeetive work in
the lobby, and presented very strong arguments before the committee of the
whole why the bill should pass.
The bill as passed will give the University an annual income of $276,-
D. A. C. WINS n.A. C.
,. AleR.. c. .7A.E i.
'Varsity Hits in Great Form. Dingwall,3......5 2 1 2 7 1
Bell ss....... 2 4 1" 00
D. A. C. defeated the 'Varsity Tuomey c... 5 1 2 t3 1 0
yesterday by hard hitting and a Kelsey, I f.. 5 3 2 0 0
bunch of errors in the first three Baconf, .. 4.. 0 1 3 0 0
Deearme, 1b.... 400 9 00
innings. Four singles, three two Guiney, 2b.......4 0 0 3 1 3
baggers, by D. A. C. and 5 errors by Needham, r f......2 1 1 1 0 0
Michigan gave thecn 9 runs. After ary, p....... ..3 31 o 0 0 0
the third inning the 'Varsity settled Guthard, p........1 0 0 0 0 0
down and played good, steady ball. 38 10 11 27 9 4
The batting of the team was even Innings .........1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9--n.
more than satisfactory to the Michigan.........0 1 3 1 0 2 0 3 0- 9
"knockers" for they secured a total D. A. C...........3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 *-10
of 12 hits off of Barry and he has Three base hit-McGinnis. Two base
a great reputation as a pitcher. hit-avies, Barry, Dingwall and Bell
Bases on balls-Bly Lehr 2, y Barry 1.
Michigan began her scoring ic earn- Stolen bases-Matteson, McGinnis (2),
est in the third innicg. Two errors Blencoe, Davies. Struck out-By Lehr
and hits by Blencoe and Mohr re- 2, by Barry 4. Passed ball-lohr 3.
sulted in three runs. In the sixth Left on bases-Michigan 6, D. A. C. 5.
Matteson started with a base on balls Umpire-Sank Condon.
followed by a three bagger by Mc_ NOTES ON THE GAe.
Ginnis and a single by Lehr netting McGinnis made one of the prettiest
two runs. In the eighth Davies hit catches of the year in the eighth,,
a two bagger down the left foul line, capturing a slow Texas leaguer back
McGinnis drew a basee balls, Lehr of second base after a long run. He
followed with a hit scoring both men. also batted 1.000.
Then Flesher not to be outdone made-
a nice single to center and scored The 'Varsity had a streak yester-
Lehr, tying the score. In the last day and showed her ability to bat
half of the eighth Sullivan after a out a loosing game for the first time
pretty stop of Barry's grounder, over- this year. Michigan used to be
threw first and Barry took second oce famous in past years for her ability
the play. Dingwall hit a fly to deep to pull a game out of the hole. As
center and McGinnis made an ideal Notre Dame's football captain said
throw hoce, but the ball hit the last fall. Notre Dame lad the bet-
runner and the winning run scored. ter team, but Michigan's nerve and
The 'Varsity rallied in the ninth. determnination to wise won the game.
Snow and Blencoe led off with a hit-
apiece. Snow was caught at the Director Fitzpatrick gave special
plate on Mohr's grounder and Blen- attention to the pole vaulters yester-
coe at the same place on Davies', day and both Adams and Runnells
and Matteson flew out to center field cleared 10 feet 6 inches easily.
ending the game 10 to 9 in D. A. C's
favor. Gun Club Score.
MCA. .O . . The following scores were made at
Flesher, 3b.......5 0 1 1 4 0 ihe aun b shoot yesterday:
Sullivan,e a .5 1 0 1 2 1 BROKE. LosT.
Snow, rf..... 5 1 2 1 0 1Coln
lencoeb. 0 2 9 0 1 .....................21................4
M oh r , l . 5 0 1 04 1 0 .. . . . . . . . . ..1 ........... . . . . . ...7
Davies,1f.........5 1 1 3 0 0 Oliver, Capt...............16...................9
Matteson, 2b......3 3 1 0 1 3 Whittlesey..................15...................10
McGinnis, c f...2 2 2 4 0 0 A program party will be given by
-Mrs. Ros Granger, Saturday even-

Daily Applications for Admission
Have to be Refused.
The hospitals of both the regular
and homeopathic eepartmeets are
filled tee their fullest extent. Judigicg
from the present crowded condition
of the hospitals, and from the num-
ber of patients waiting to be accom-
modated, it is evident that there is a
very pressing need for more and
better hospital facilities. There are
at present quite a few patients who
are obliged to seek lodging at private
houses in the vicinity of the hopitals,
and from there make their daily
visits to the hospitals for treatment,
this is not only to their own discon-
venience, but also to the people in
charge of the hospitals. It is not
only difficult for^ the patients to
reach the hospitals, but a great many
times when they are wanted the
worse for clinical purposes they are
not there. Every day brings letters
inquiring into the chances for ad-
mission but owing to the crowded
condition it is impossible to give a
definite answer, and the persons are
told they must wait their turn. The
patients either do this or go to some
other hospital for treatment, and
thus the hospitals lose some very in-
teresting cases for the clinics which
would have come here had there
been accommodations.
The hospitals at the present time
could each use from 25 to 50 more
beds, if there were a place to put
them. It makes but little difference
as to which school receives a new
hospital, but one thing is certain
something must be done to relieve
the over crowded condition.- The
increase of applications for admission
is not a temporary affair, but has
gradually been increasing for quite a
time in the past, so that thes resent
condition has been a steady growth
and will remain permanent. If a
new hospital should be built on a
suitable site, so as to allow the regu-
lar school the use of the two present
hospitals it would greatly relieve the
present need. There is no doubt that
in a very short time both would be
fully utilized and there would be no
room to spare.
All members and former members
of the Choral Union, are requested
to meet at the School of Music,
Thursday, May 25, at 7 p. cn. sharp,
to arrange for their annual social
and dance, te be given in Granger's
Hall, Monday evening, May 29th.
A full attendance is desired.
Zoological Journal Club.
The Zoological Journal Club will
meet Friday, at 7:30 p. m., in Room
11 of the Zoological Laboratory.
Recently Prof. Carl Pearson has pub-
lished several books and papers deal-
ing with the application of mathe-
matics to certain biologi-al problems.
These works have been perused by
zoologists with the greatest of inter-
est. The mathematical treatment of
problems of evolutions being espec-
ially interesting. These works will
be reviewed by Mr. A. M. Whitney
at the meeting Friday evening.

Up Town
state t.

Down Town
Opp. Court Noose

39 9 12 24

11 6 ing, May 27.

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