4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. } All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch Cheviots at............. $2.00 Cuf omatch ............1.37 WE ENGRAVE H' . " 1.75 Machias, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pr. Cuffs 1.00 VISITING CARDS % :9 5 Machias-no Cuffs .50 75 Percales, 2 Collars - --FOR.-s, andl1pr. Cuffs.........50 i0S3 W. KOLLAUF, Foreign and Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave AZNN ARBOR. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN '~fW AATI-TIT.1 f c4 T peas . In their respective sizes, in ANNUJAL 'SHIRZT SAL! MO0R E NE W R IG S Plates will he kept by us for our pa- ADDED TO OUR'-STOCK THIS WEEK. trons, unless we are request- cd to return same. ,H; ' X _"%7 :? ~ YousrNatiie oil Copper Plate asid PHONE, 10e. 515 E. LIBERTY STREET. 100 Cards, 81.50.; Every Senior will want them in .IntO'GolIOuiatO Bureau olf RGadom]G Gostule. sending out their invitations. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. HAVE 1 "'ape, Gowns, sod Hoods made to order and rented. Also Clasa H A VE YO0U R EAD Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KEEN. Western SMagr., David Hlaruin, Haskelltmuseam, naaiv. af Chicago. Mr. Dooley, Aylwin, or, Whens Knighthood was A t e u ~ J. V. SHEEANns, 2d Vice-prey JOHN. C. WALTZ,Acct. Cashier UT SR1VINGS BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. WE HAVE THEM. 10 Rtambtler Cigars for 5 cents 06 egaret Cigars for 25 cents 4 Pi'ttbrg Stogies for 5 cents 6 1211 Anthany Cigara for 25 rens 11 Alfonzotigers for : 25 cents 4 Brunswick Cigars for 21 cents SHiEEH1AIN & CO 01stheuabov nod aea t~oa eputationnde a btfe qualthsmakt BOOKSELLERS, 4 e aiNST, DEAHN_ & STATIONERIS AND ENGRAVERS, -Nor 1 T- ttranI all onan e Eitu i nus nlGek ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. Peii. Mottled lorrel. $2 reward. senltedtlpu Trns" nGre Re______________________ tutrn to 8ib S. State S1. '70 on Monday eve. Shir ~Xaiss ! Cupid's Awakening is the latest andiTel he' Vieturs" Marcel was almiost X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~~sl nkaicai facta in hs sai 2,BakBs ielts ou at Sheehan's yesterday. A istaea saeiatof ijeau dry hma t ana d beat song,'20e., Cleat'] tan Mtircli, lew huniitreid limr scill tein todaty up by paoae. Sousa's latest 25c, , as -Ann Artior hwvr Student's Laundry (Issociatiop, Music Co. Agt. fr ran Landy, etoit TThe Ren Sheulisedi.N Schedule.iper laeNo.2 .1ta043. Nw Ahoeblacko.39racerback r withit Mlay 27, Northswestern at Ann Arbor. aluminoui fiished rius, fitted wcith A TRIAL ORDER. That is all I ask for naly Lausniday Ag'eney. P. C. MEYER, Tel Na. 179. 607 E. WiSlams St. BOYS ! STOP ! AT TSE KINDHIRfIRThN FOR A GAME OF POOL. OR BILLIARDS Huaron St. East oatF. and M. Bank. I~...AND~AnStatePhonle 144, 10, Wisconsin at Djetroit. June 1. Beloit at Ann Arbor. " , Cornell at Ithaca 5, Lafayette at Easton. " 6, Pennsylvania at Pheiladelphia. 10, Notre Dante at Ann Arbor. " 16, Cornell at Ann Arbor. " 17. Cornell at Detroit. The Aiin AiborRt. S.illtsoll xuso tikeis foe thecfoltowintg meeotings at ones fara fte u undltrip: ItnsationauCnenionesTAl. CAuofNoarth Ameriase, Grand Rapid, Mlch. Tickts on sale Mat a4 and 25. SRetues ithisMay as. AnnuaCunv'enion TraeltesProeciveAsso- ciaiain atAimeica, Ltuitsile, Ky. ickiets us sale Moy 15 aiid 10. Retsrn limati May 21. Annual Meeting GerianieBapticts, utoanoke, Va. Ticketse on cute May it, as, 20 and 21. Reu- turn limitiJuneutd. Nationlsat pistAnniversaries, Sun Franiscoee, tat. Ticktes on cute .'ity 14, 15 and 16. Rturn timit July tO. Meeting Did iOrderermnBapticts, Status Bridge, and. Ticksets us sate May 10, 19, tO and 22 Retlurnlmiti June 2d. Freties AssualMetineg GeseratAusemnbly Preosbyten chiuich iniUttted States, Minne. aputis, Minm., at unee'fataco teeuniid tit~s sales May 15, no and1, ithrltScusesltmit June 3, i8a9. Plenr racing tires, 22-inchn franie, (Brossni"'saddile, clark handele-btsrs, inn. chain. Atuotlier lot of '' Victors" Marches will arrive teeday. Get a copy at Siteehain's. At the Fair Grounds Saturday p. in. a large and enthnusiastic crowd sawv ann excitling aitd fast game of ball, in which the fainoucs Rude's Imnposvwere defeated by tine Kinergtnrten Babies to the tunic of 24 to 8. The sworks of tine batteries wus a featinre of the gaine They scre-for the "Devils," Miller anid Stucco, anid for tine "Inn- fauts," Braley and Mcllenry. Law Library for sale. Write L. E. Stewart, Albion, Mlicli. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OrsAnn r16 Capiuan0,000eo. Surplus and Prouits, 840,n0' rasasnageneeralbankeingbuiness. Foeign excngsesuougtand sold. Frnise ters at credt. R. D. EINNE,res.iHARItSOeN SOULE, 'Sice-Pres. 5. XW. tLARKS~ON, taseier. tur. Mainand HnneSsteets. taptal, 8GOON. Surpelus, $3a0.oe rasasea general banking busitnees. R, En, Pres. t.E.GENEsnVice-res. Iflo finn Mror Savings Banh Ctaltocel. $50,000. sSerpeuiec$50,00t. Riesourees. $1,100,000. Orgaeeod unethie GeneratBasnking Lan ot tieesine. ERecees epie.te, bueysen ells excheangeuonithepincipeaetcitiescofitihetUetted Statces.Duaftse casheedupn topeieetcation Saftly deteositbelto enletce. riiencneER4tteerisiae MackPrecs.; WX. I). Harrie meun, Vice-Pes.;Cts. E. naiscucee, tashicer; t. J. ritz AscsitaCsier. Faancy rocers We keep everything usually kept ina first-lass Grocery and Biakery. Cnall and aseus. 318 5. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Teatisenttfor Pinmples, Glackt- heads, Etc., a specialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. J. E. TOasOsswaSK, Puss. a2a 5. StatuenS. PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOP isBuss A ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Barry at 332 S. State St. tails attended Day ue Night. Na. i61 5. Libeety Street. ResidueuceOtt Furth Avei aanets. OF '99{ ?a IMIL WARD ITAILOR STATE ST Sprisng and Summnaer Make an styles aus in. Early Selection. W01\.DC)RFUL VALUES ~2 et " " " 4UNDIR-XIE.AR _A Garmaent. RF L1x E H R~jeli ble Makes, IFast Colors, WAGNER &0CO93 ______123 5. MAIN ST.