THE U I VERRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE Ufff f~1NIVERSITY ff MICHINf DAILY. 3NfN++++~ff+4 AND FANCY SOX ARE SWELL A t $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00. ~ XFRDS o~r~~MI T FO:A SOLE AGENTS HAAN SHOES." =_--++4+411944 S0.4444MAIN ST.4444+ "The Niagara FalE ot~ CORRECT ANDI STYLISH TAILORING. E CENTRAL STANIDARI) TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Rail ad Express . ........ 475P. N. Y.& Boston Special .......4158" Fast Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Espres............... 5A. 1M. Detroit Night Express.......... 55 Grand Rapids Express .........110 Mail & Express ....9.....840 AM. Boton. N. Y. & Chicago....... 9 t10 Fast Western Espress........ i 38 r. M. 0. R. & Kal. Express..........5 45" Chicago Night Espress .........943" Pacific Esprrss ....0....1 250A. rM. 0. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Ihiegos Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effeti3ay 1, 1899. Trains leare Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tine. NRH I SOU1TH 0:40 A). 01, *'1101 A. M. t9:05 10. 1:25 A. IM. ' 1--:40P. M. t1805 P. 0. 4:50 r. . 8 :40 r. M. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onls tRun between Toledo and Howell onSan- day only. All other trains daily except Sanday.' E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cams leave Ann Arbor for Ypilanti and Detroit every half boor beginning at 7:15 a. to. U. of M. ear leaveo City HMall, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U. of M. earn for all extra occa- siono. Baggage, exprenn and Stodentn' nupplieo received and delivered. Wait- ing rooton, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 1ll Griswold treet, Detroit Wabash Sast Trins maet mpossiblrPor yon in taken hrakfst ia Ann Arbor, Din- You leave Ann AArboo 7:2o a. to, Ar- rive St.ILouin, 6:25 p. to;Arrive (Chicago 3;00 p. to;Kanoas City 7:15 a.tom.;ina- ha Fast Time to Omaha-Oqlp One Nigbt Oat. The Continental Limited, A superb fast train, magnificent nervice, between Detsoit and St. Louis, Chicago; Nia-gara Falls, Buffalo, Nesw York anod Boston. Free Reclining Chair Cars or All Trains. You will go home for vaen tion soon -better write to us for a new folder of Wabash trains. F. APALM R, A. G P. A., Chicago. C. R.CRCNcE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. R. S. GRtEsWOOD), 1. P. A., Chicago and Ann Arbor. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO BowflingGrceen, Martiettto, Findlay, Athens, Columbuss, lVlidllmeport, and Chsarlestona, W. Va. Columbus trains use Lake Shore Cnioi Station at foledo. Through trains with Sleeping5 an( Drawing Room caro from Detroi and 'Toledo. MOULTON HOUKE, General Passeenger Agot. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any in the State. We reopectfully solicit your valued patona~sge. All garsments made by ns kept pressed antl isirepair fot one year. 10(6 E. Huroto. New State Phonse 43 Sophomore on a Scientitfic Expe- CALENDAR. dition. FRIDAY, APRIL 26-Reception to Leois J. Cole, a soph~omlore bio- Graduate School at Ctle residlence of logical stuldent, left for Seattle yes- Preoideiit Angell, 8 p. to. terdisy to joinl an expedition bound Thuorsday, May 25-CO0 L. vs '00, for Alaska. TileImenmbers of this at Fair Grouns, 4:10 p. in. expedition go as floe gouests for the Friday, May 26-PP9 vs '02 M., at sumioer of Mr. E. H. Harrimn of Fair Grotunds, 4:10 p.- 11. Nesw York. They will proceed up Friday, May 26-Dtlal tennis meet the inlside pass o~f the Raunto to thi vthl Northowestern, 2 p. is. Lynn Casnal. Froml Litka the party Friday, May 26-Prelimninaries in will explore the west coaot to Ya-ku- High School m~eet at Athletic Field, ta Bay, and Hook's inlet. A scienl- 4 p" i tific stuldy of tile biology and zoology Satulrday, May 27-Inter High of this regioni wili he lmalde. Sclhool 1110S at Athletic Field, 10 Mr. Cole gties as assistaont to Dr. . n C. Hart Mariall, of Chicago, Chief of Saturday, May 27-Michliganl vs the Geological Survey. He secored Northwresternl, Athletic Field, 3 p. 15. Iis position througil influeiitial friendo at Washinlgton. Somse of the Funlny college veroe ill the Mocho- more promnlen~t menHill the expedi- annsan tion are Prof. W. H. Brewer, of POSITIVELY 'All sittings for thle Yais, John Blurrougiho the sWell. Lawe class photoImust be toads be- known author, Dr. W. H. Haet- fore June 1. i. IRANDALL. 74 note, Dr. J. Elliott of the Marshlai Field Museuml~, Gee. Bird Grinnll The Psi U's odefeated tile Dekes editor of .Forest und Sfreaom, Prof. in a sell ployed gaiie yesterdaty by a WV. E. Hitter of Caiifornlia Univer- score of 9too 6. Camipbell & Dwight sity, and Prof. Wiii. Treleaoe, Direc- swersethebattery for the Dekes loud for iif tile Miooouri Botanicati Garden. C sultils asnd 1\eilhop for the Psi U's. II Rentschlcr, the Ilb'otographct. i THE 500 GRAPHAPHONE Toat w ell inow TALKS, SINGS atod PLAYS The sane as the higer-riced Macinles, ard 8U01S TH5E SAE 0REtCORtDS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idenie 302 FifthiiAre MIRTM alocs! Win. Arnold, Leading The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 338 So State Strest. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 I12 West Huron St. Stair Phn t19, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorh - Chiag. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outitters to all the leading colleges schools and athletic clabs ofi the csuntry. The Spalintg Biclen, ridden by te Intercolegiate A. . A. A. Chaso pions, and all the leadinsg colele rider. lEery tReqi- site on Base Bal, boot Ball, Gl, Tennis iAthletics, ymonasissui. I Spalding's Official League Ball Is theOfficial lll of the Nation~al ~eagan acd ol the leaingsco::lege tssctiots. lasdsossr Catalogoe 01 Athletic Sports F'ree to any address. Spalding's ofical IBas Bal Gide for le99, Mlarchs 30 10 Cets. A. . SPALDING & BROS., Newn Sak, Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. I Only Lia la Hseng Unon emn potsin BothmTldlo and Clnmus. NO TRtANSFERS TO ANY POINT. 3 lona rain Setweeta 3 Above Cities. 3 S ates always the lowest and accom- d modations tile bet. Fo aticulars call on loctl agents, or address L. W. IANI)MAN, Gen' rto. Agt., 67l Woodwtrd ave., Detroit, Mi. NMPORTANT NOTICE. U.OF M. S'1'I)N S are wanted by a reltable educational in- stitution, to represent them. No books. tDrawing acct advanced. Address JAS. TI. WOOD WARD. E91 East Adans. DTROI, MICt r 1 V 1 i n d it lkIBi l 1Rttphlln I:,S in z .Iiz~a _" ifihID:Z~i.P _7[ I . :C M H H^ H- } } a H /1.. . ', H H N H }Hr H M H M N H N M H tiH M .L+ N H H +N HMN I+Fi H M M PURITAN FOR MEN AND Ni I SHOES wi H H HH H H H 0 ME H w Spring and Summer Stock Complete. New Shades of Tin and Russet Leather. Controlled by no. ALL STYLES$35 Ann Arbor Store 11 0 East Huron St. FACTORY: BROCKTON, MASS. Near Cook Hoase I: N: I [= 7 i n.oIo.'Z mW ilorr=-nnTIT=T oTTT 5h1TI ZZSI I