2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Suadays excepted)l duriag the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'tFetre: The Inland Press, IHenning Block. Both Phones 047. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. EoNGELHARaD, '01 L. BaUSINEssSS OANAGER. 0.IH. ObAeS. '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, P. W. JOuESt, '09, T. R. WOOaDtOW,'00L. A.tHtEcDoehALL,'tt E G. D.tbHUNeT. '0tE. J. B. Woo, '00, C. L. NILES, '99, C. bD. COOt., '99, L. J. MOTtoeaEcotc,', W. 09. HIChEY, 't0OE, A. 0. BROWN, '00. The suboceiptioncpiice of the DAItYoi001.90 toe the college yeaoe, swithca regulare dlivory hefore noneach doy. Noticeo, comssounications, aad othermstteitendoied foe publication toast he haaded inatcithe tDAstILoco Sbfore 0p.so., o maoilcd to the ecitooe hefore 3 p.,ssn. of the day srevloos to thai on whicha theyaoe exepcted to pppsar Suhsciptioneao oy he left at the DAtLY oflee, Roye's, 0r Stocfbes newstancd, orswtih Busiaesa Managee. Suhscrihbeswill eonfer o faoreby reporteineproomptly ot thic odfice any failurse of carrerse to deices papee. All changes to adecticice omattecomuct he ia the office hyd p.om. oa the saoprpeviouos to that' onwhich they are to occear. IN CHssAEOFeTODAcY'ScISSUE C. L. NILES. Wisconsin Game. Tickets for the Wiscoiisini gaoie are now onsasle by tmembers of te ath- letic boaordi. The rates to Detroit, inocluodinog adoiissioni to the game, has been redoucedi to $1.25. A plat of a sectiso of- the granidstoani is at' Sheehani's for the accommoiicdationi of thooe goinog from here. 'These setats are somte of the best ini the stanids,01011 inav be reserved for 25c. Tite geno- oral admoissiono to the grounsds trill be 50c. The genoeral imipression seemis to have spread arooiid college thaot this gatie will tiot beta very goodi exhiihition of baseball. 'fhise who hold Cthisopin- ion are very liable ho be sorprised The Woisconsini teacm is omich stroger than it is giveni credit for. We oughit to he awrare of tlois, for they hare defeatled Michiganonstce this year. Tihe pitcher who was cn the slab foer thsat gamoe will pitch ito the Decoraotiono day gamle. He has not played in aniy gamte sionce lie del'eatedl Michoigano, so will be iu excellent shiape for the hegamoe. The licisio lntettoothas se- cently Ibeeni doing hini practice tond hope tot spriig itsurprise iipcoi tOusland by dlefeaitntgus1rt~rieth leir reputal- tioni. 'llievy ltre('fiegiters, andti h le gamtoe till slot hetrolluntl 1the host mnis 1out. William B. Declker, '00 M. The friends of William B. Decker wcere shocked to heat' of lois death witich occured at his hoome iso Batle Creeik early yestertlay omornling. He teas a gracloate of tue literary de- ptartnisent, lhavitog groaloatedilo inte cities of '97. The ftolo'ing year lie enteredl the omedical departmenot iso the class of 1900. While iso" otii depsartmoents he proved himoself ani exceptional studenit anid always ratiked high in all his classes. At te heginsninog of the ptresent school year lie focunid his liealtlh fail- tog cunder Cuelheavy straito, anod unoder Che advice of his physician he left schooli From. this timoe onhe rapidly succriotbedl to tie dread disease tuberculosis. Hieteas held ini high esteeooi iy all trio kniew iooanidiespeciaolly teas this trite of, lois claissotates. 'The junsior oiedical class hidlat tietiig yesterday, a commititee was alt. poinitedl tcoiiiaft resoliutions anid to scnd a Otorltofferig. Te literary otiatter ott the loic- ganicetoocotofr 1899 owli beof it sore popular character Cloano ever befoore. There trill be pathetic atid ituoteros tatles of the scar by U. of M. stodeots wrho participottedl;swhile the shiort stories anod verse trill portray te mantoy amotosongotcidients for wthichi college life is toted. Subscribe at otice atndlisure it cpy. Class Baseball Games. Th'le drawings fitsrte fullowitng class basebll gamnes have beeno otade. 'they will lioth lie played at te Fair Grounds at 4:10 p. io. 'Tle winnsers trill drastvwithote 1901 ideotsanti play off tesemni-fintals. OnTt 1hurs- diay, May 25ti: 1901) laws wrill ploy Che loo1tlits. Ott Friday, May 26tho: 1902 moedioctril play '99 lit. WATCH FOR THE MICHIGANENSIAN The College Annual far 1 899. Deodicato'd 0totdets, S oldiersanosd Sailorsofc tie' war. BoundincT Des.ign,iler-gray ellumt; statop- ed to gead, green aced while. Features:Allletile-, Fralernities, Organiza- tio, Humous, oreoef lihe war, funnyeetales ofeaollege lifesnoelecampuscvies. brightoeollege vescleove drawiong's by Bardio, Harriscood Whitehcead. Sabscribe at Osce and Secure a Capy. MICHIGAN E NSIAN Editiona de aaxe, $15.oRaeguarsEdition, Al O n( THESE THREE H ING S S=0O T 1= aD I1T=MST W0TT. B ELTS, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, STFRAW HATS. CHEMICAL aued PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Latbora- tory Supplies 102S. Eats Street. Ass AssestMicia ~THEINLf\NDPRE38S PRINTERS, BINDERS, and Hening BLANK K MAKERS ANN ARBORe, Black BOKMICH. GCRANSGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. For aZI UMMEJ? CRUISE tak-e the BOAST OLINE toMAC INAC NEW STEEL IkeGteatest Perfectian PASSENGER yet attatned in Bot Can. STEAM ERS. struction :Luxarious.. SPEED, s ..Eqipmeni, Artistic Far- COMFORT an ishing, Decoratian and ADSAFETY. Effiin Service. To Detroit, Mackinac,. Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noeothe ineoffesaiPaoaafe46aoilescofoaeualareyad iterect. tate Trips peWkBt weenthDayaan Ns h t rieBetwtt e ~en Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Nip-ht D DIITIIOTaND 1.50 IIAN VETO'ET "TE C, Each0Dtrctisona. ANsDDULUT. ' Cleveland, Reetet,,e.b n~sstrttss~ot,,'u~oos,,~ Put-in-Bay E'arlieTain o a lloint0'ast, South Rturcutinoc ealho thsttAtpyexo, and Toledo. NrhadNrhet S rt'OM s B31nicle tStolen. 'YV_____________________ eOlsuae ot oooCoevf tin, es.0 foltlca I ^do tz.st... OtoberaO y, at Hassy 1. Sporoat, Nvorlobroke Otce ii. Oft 131'YCI.E REPAIRING Stca. A. .ooSeH NTTP.t k.,lDet. Addres a. OWNfaVt 15(1 an1ufi955t10i COME terohignte ecooc ho tu dllori r- AND SUNDRIES GO TO meiile bicycle, att Mihvoacokee Saoturdoaye, bach his clihoper racigtoheelh stlein Wrf.. J. W ENDER Tandemns Crescent Coambinaatiooa (for Lady and froot e Clenorthienttrace o' f thueoongo- nseeringhtuildioig )eslericay moronig HIGH GRADE WORK. Gent) Tianzdems for rent by the hour betoreeln teon asdehleveon o'clock. Tlhso 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. F rR n wrill hiisodiciup Micbigantin itthe 'oec - oo day. Rates IReasoniable. ing luteccollegiude ocneet in Chuieuigo, G WIh1Pf'lN B O .M fABERSBcyl mpru as he 'wihl not halve Ctie to becootucNew Stae'Phase 097luoseN.M.SA LRSBiyeEm ru. accustomoed et oirw tchueo'i. No. 113 East Liberty St. nsN. 8. 119 West Washinegtona Street. Olig to thoe factthauttc" Sailly' "' ManufacuaeessofBDstal Instrumeats Lusnsshd his aIi ot stolenu the daty' and PFineMachinery. ~ Ii ~e tcmst~BcCL~E before tile secoohd galoceorith Ihlioioos, Special Attention given to Bicycle Repairing thSelltanyntimetand iieioesbletslutheisltss A Fall Line at BiecesSundries inSutock. W e are in $it.~ hus otissost tto injure Micheiglan's ash. f Nour B y iNeeds ccig bles. TO BicycEPIE all the time, not only for ccig but for other purposes. Beta Totetor Pt ['totteJ Psii Ktoppa TO B'EPIRD Somethinbg oew. Call and see them at Psi in a hotly coectestel gtaoe of hball GO to B I R M1AN'S. rILSl[8~1~ ll alittnlS. by a scare o'1t.} 1C3h..W. Wakshein tolls. RRL' HESOE 1 ahnnS.