2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1i f+~i.~ ~ tf, A h U. ol M. Riles. Beo e Buying I mis +t AttemeigothU.oM.Pblishecd Daily (Sundaaayas oep c-) duingthe Rifles last night about thirty appli-FL.S I 0,O E P Cleeya, a ctions for eilistmiet swere received. VITEUIVRIT OBICIAN OVEsdcie t aitanth rTn Qicl I(: a Sal aabinaI P'- I aaacg i.iatiaii anil urill regularly until JulySe ns WegantehetyWokasli :)! ara. 1111111 Plae. ca 1HnnngBlc lo1t.Thelie 110qualifiictions as55for- mIN(IGEiTi. ierly will le isisteilon. All mesa- OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT1 F. Eoia~cca, 1 L. hers mst be not uiiuer 140 pounds ______ F.USSNGELHANAGER1 . ini seight, aS:tiinder five toot eight ® ii ii . xilso L. iiclies iii height A ciiniiittee sash JaTR.appiinted to secure the asufthte Cutting, tI.eyt5 - . Alaetiaior, T. I i soto,'0 L. gyim fr tswo nights each week, if 201-203 Sotlo M1ain Street. P. w. JS.a 70 A. I. Ma-Deaoar, 'iaL, poscsle. MajorSue Souluee a short_____________________________________ F. D. EAWAa,'55 . 1. iitesa,'55 M, speech tio the hays, e oraging their a,.aa'a.,.a..,, ., 0..-iaa--- 'i. olc AMVPUS DRUG STORE.- {, Caucus ofl '99 Girls. NE"TRE aNE TC The gi~ls of'99 inet and And can- Sn fact, acrytlalas ac-cw bltathea'peopl-hey haveasl, Th usrpinpieo he DAILY, s,.75 ora cussedl yesterdau fenonfrthe choangaed latsaio. -- ha.' loll agaao. le aoa', it t a~la la ryeo reloaca v lttrliil liA S. 1 4 p S i aoncihlaay.-Noticea'.omaaaaaacatiaaa, ad electioniciflaS ufficers. They de- IJAS J 'v A, L hlaaalande in a helDAILYlance beforeis 1>.am.aaor.11tiaedl Slt to co iiit thieimselveo for .'a .c.cuA a''a.ca a. 'a -.a pcao o thea sisal c befoaeolapalan . ac hay'u a nyi-l aa diate fr presient sr aniy f Olua oa Uecui a~~the otier ofaices'. IBl) te oiailteidA L OP N Mey,..s, f 9ofla~ts nu~ln, Inc l isoBarnardl fr vice-presidet, 1an11 Maaaiaeoa. Saalacaaalaoo. wcll ceafav aSao ob ias price fr ausu es Plv r calll1ng aahry a ica nyiooaaaa rSaaiaaccaS 11e cordially extend t you an tuvtaton to e ai155<1 nr i 1arei'. laalou laopiped. vstesd to) ssillport these two cndidaltes an aitr lse. Y01 vll111clatt seI a II All alaaa.iau a alaai ias attrs tbeiiadNcuer Soaaaaawlotl([a[lf leawo e cr. th nma l iya, . acn 'iauapaeios'o iaalaaiac far tile oiciesinamlied. lasts and with popular prices. HIt ilEMI3TlS a1 ii 11. Kildi h a. '01 Oracle. ass . MAIN ST. WFtI &:II W SCaO O Sao far as kniaawiifour U~niversity The '01 .raceiWiill be issiuedtoal of Michigani imeiilost their lives ini Decembter 10thandus many origiiial i a $ theilatwa.Tewee JonAfetrsaepoie.Teanl hcp, Chailss A. F. Von IWaliuauuseiu iill le sold at the sISmeIPprice as in HEADOluASTFxsS 1V J. O'Brien anld Oliver B. Nortoi.als years, 25 cents. Th'le filliisingFoLAPofalkns .Jahan Alert Rbbh, Ml. D '86woselai ries lre aofferedl.For the best orELAINS CftaMlItndsT. sssian l s u~ii irgeaaaiaaltiac Flity. civer deign, $11; for Staebest story DIVRTS aInd FANCY INAT. fourth Daehiganinfialintry, ied Aui- $10; far flelist poaem, $3. All cii- 115 Sot Mai St. Japanese Goods and Novelities gustl 1J., on1 the tirasposrt Olivete triluitis lasto)le in bly Niiv. 15, toa___________________________ svhile eiiraote fraii Sanitago de Mr. Steveiis, 10 Csornwasll plaice. MAONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE (Culpa tao onstaunk Poiiit.IHis final ScWSlao-Ooosi.Waaao-Is c irauraa ue Is, ie, iifaar'Ini' coSut' Announcement, n5athe, 11aonscaaiaoei. rsthrcer iiy lily regret is thia) I have not ao Studenuts iwishig toIai iile chainges WATCHES AND JEW/ELRY REPAIRED BOWLING ALLEY. hiindredh iiire lises to ofertsr ter.'' in their electioanaoatstudlies shiio ldoca aat -eiancac, 5551 aLibetySIAac Aa- 30S. Man St. IHe seas5 hiirriedl it sea. obsersvs'this'followisnugpoints: b og A. AllnSaab sconf1111 ial.a 1 iiaa' T IIHO E , - P op itr 111to11300m:1nd ioc0ndop Cs.iTs. n11iN 7~ tr ('laaries Auigaust Fredl Vaon1Wult- Fron1)111 uintil 11han1ksgiving h per. iai coaailaaalJ5oseCaa Wattaadslcoaoa. (pn 0). y igNhtpr Bagi nScn-adwlhsadDf-nhauaaein P C.'16 9 0 sitrivate I inla',noadrsopilhiwork'5wsll Ihe r~lanted___________ ihia r ut irst 0) ileaigala illfa lut ')'.iluuupa 5-alltatialaof goa d su ff11 icitlel5 Ileit d iltulCIampllThoaas, Chicka-asonsl111. Rs' talatu ucs.tulleho ts shouuuhhd mill III I XU II 110, latthe ageofat23. lsiiau wlushher their' seork issuolhevy C L E E S U NT Ila, atern11'ins-awere1'taken oe foual sr r 110. It is naows'too11late aotake 111p hulil. newsourk'alwsitlihlhp'eaofucces. Alier f~ Pu iihliIaias IO'lReien, withi Sieothis ueeks tulltsllla be11 Ia ahhasel o i 1111 itrr alleys'' ~o.98 hurinugIthe v