THE UNIVERSITY 0] STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION. Announcement for the Year 1898-99. A SPLENDID COURSE OF ENTERTAINMENTS. A Sufficient Variety to Suit all Tastes--One of the Best Lecture Courses in the Country. HIGHEST GRADE OF PLATFORM TALENT It is an Important Part of Ecer Students' Education--Ecer Student Holding a Season Ticket is a Member of the Association, and Entitled to Vote at the Annual Election of Officers. LIST OF ATTRACTIONS AS COMPLETED THUS FAR. For the benefit of the new students ally fortunate in securing the best in the University who are not famil- talent in the country. iar with this organization a brief The course as conpleted thus far history of the association would be a is as a whole superior to the high fitting introduction to this announce- class of entertainments that have nent. been given in former years, and con- Nearly a half century ago, the stu- sists of the following numbers: dents in the Univrsity of Michigan 1. James Whitcomb Riley. realized that an nportant part of 2. Russell H. Conwell. education is an opportunity to see 3. Gen. John B. Gordon. and hear the public men of our 4. Boston Temple Quartette. country and those who have won 5. Oratorical Contest. honor iand distinction in the realms 6. George Riddle. of literature, music, science andi art. 7. Chicago Alumnae Number. To meet this demand the Students' 8. Innes' Concert Band. Lecture Association was organized 9. Bourke Cochran. in 1854. It was not the intention 10. This number is yet to be filled; of its founders to make the associa- should the board fail to secure some tion permanent, but the experiment of the prominent actors i the late proved so successful that it was con- war it will probably fill this vacancy tinned from year to year, groweng in with a renowned foreign author popularity with the student body whose name has become a household each year, until at present it is word. acknowledged to be not only the So far as it is complete the above largest but the best association of its course is certainly a very attractive kind in America. Through the one and one that no student can medium of this organization the stu. afford to miss. dents are furnished with a series of JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. entertaiiiments of the highest order No living poet has a stronger hold at a price that is within the reach of upon the hearts of his readers than all. A list of the attractions that James Whitcomb Riley. His poems have been offered by this association are enjoyed alike by old and young, in the past would be a register of the for in them is mirrored the life that meni wo have moulded our country's we see around us. No child is con- history in the last half ceitry. It sidered too poor or too deformed to would be a catalogue of the men of become idealized by his pen. No man, genius, not only of this but other however common, but Riley discovers lands together awtithe greatest in him some happy trait or some un- musicians of the world. known nobility of character that can In 1893 a new constitution and be glorified by his poetic touch. He by-laws were adopted and the Stu- does not rob his heroes of any of their dents' Lecture Association was in- naturalnessby puttiig them in rhyme. corporated under the laws of the "The Raggedy Man," "Jonesy," State of Michigan. Section 4 of this ''"The Liz-town Humorist,"-all are constitution provides that every stu- simple, natural men, whose quaint dent whether male or female, in any originality is delicious. To thoroghly department of the University, who enjoy the Hoosier Poet's verses one purchases a season ticket shall be a needs to hear them given by himself. member of this association and may The Hoosier dialect can not be fully vote and hold office therein, appreciated until heard given in Ri- The. members of the association ley's inimitable style. * * meet in April of each year and select dianapolis Journal. representatives to conduct the course Mr. Riley is a revelation. He is for the succeeding year. The officers not only poet and humorist, but he is thus chosen at the last election are also a most versatile actor. Every- as follows: Pres., J. S. Lathers; body has wept over the pathetic por- Vice-Pres., A. C. Thompson; Rec. tions of his poems, and has laughed Sec., S. F. Hodge; Treas., W. S. over the exquisite humor they con- Durand; Asst. Treas., A. J. Bleazby; tained, but nobody can realize the Cor. Sec., H. J. McCreary. Direc- beauty of it all until Mr. Riley intro- tors, P. W. Vorheis, J. A. Mont- duces to him these creations of his gomery, C. W. Whitney, H. Eaipen. He is one of the few people to Douglas, D. L. Harris- whom nature has given talent upon The board went to work immedi- talent. As he recited the different ex- ately to secure attractions for the tracts from his work he was, to the coming season and have been unusu- audience, the living representative of F MICHIGAN DAILY." the character he portrayed, and every love. He never saws the air with emotion was reflected by his features. theatrical gestures and never use- His first selection was, " When the violent language to attract the attes- Frost is On the Punkin." This was tion of newspapers. He has i lov followedby "Tradin' Joe's" descrip- dseliberate speech, a resonant voice, tion of his courtship. His represen. uses the simplest words, recites anee- tation of the little boy telling a bear dotes, gives much popular infria- story, which the child makes up as he tion in his talks, rises to eloquence goes along, was simply convulsing, occasionally, and always speaks ex- and that of the object-lesson professor temporaneously. He has not writtes was even more enjoyable, if such a a sermon or address for ten years and thing be possible. His audience fell often changes his subject after he completely in love with him. Mr. takes his place in the pulpit.- e's Riley is weithout a peer in his particu- York Sun. lar line.-A tlanta(Ga.) Constitution, The only lecturer in America whis December 5, 1888. can fill a hall in this city with three And who can do Riley justice? thousand people at a dollar a ti-ket From the time lie appears and recites --Philadelphia Times. his first dialect poem to the last wordr Mr. Conwell is one of the mosss, he utters in delineatisg the schooli m- noteworthy men of New England- structor, he is simply perfect. Every- He has already been in all parts o thing is natural, nothimg overdrawn the world. He is, a writer of singis- We recognize, in all lie imitates, peo- lar brilliancy and power, ands s, ple we have known or seen. iHe is popular lecturer his success has beens short, homely, with a nasal twang that astonishing. - London (Eigland is tecuhiar, yet well adapteto ts thTimes. dialmiect poems. Ansi as has speaks-at Ttis least whmem lie sasys, "' Gonh-bye, Jim: Logismi, esmtertamismg, huimorsta 'Take care of yourself "-we forget and origimal, it is not remarkable he is homely; his face begins to look that th engagements of tis eloquei- like the face of a friend; for the faces and talented lecturer are constantly of those we love grow beautiful tous, multipying.-Boston Transcript, no matter how homely they may be. It is of no use to try to repor; And amoment later we are convulsed Conwell's lectures. They are unique _ at his expression as he takes off the Unlike anything or anyone eln.. unique old story-teller intent on "that Filled with good sense, briliant wt wounded leg that needs medical at- new suggestions and inspirimg alway tendance." We have read that Riley to noble life and deeds, they ahns- was discovered and his genius encour- please with their wit. The reades a aged and brought to light by some his addresses does not know the ful . one-we have forgotton who-but we power of the man. - Sprinititsf'- do not believe it. Such talent as he (Mass.) Unssm. has discovers itself. * * * O- GEN. JOHN B. GsRDOn Scranto (Pa.) Truth, Oct. 24, 1889. LASTD a -mof THE CONFEDERACY RUSSELL H. CoNwRLL, 'o PHILA- General Gordon, with one excee- DELPHIA. tion, is now the sole survivor wct The brilliant preacher, author and held high rank in either army ani orator. Pastor of the largest church prominently participated at th elose congregation in America. Presi- of the great struggle at Appomattox, dent of the Temple College. who is capable of giving to the people. His Present Work-Over in Phil- a vivid picture of these thrilling adhphia thrre is . Baptist preacher events. An orator of the highmese sir- nalied Russeli H. Conel,seo has der, a soldier without previous traia- thi largest church and the largest ing, whose rapid rise from therank Nf congregation in America. So sharp captain to the command of one wing- is thi desire to hear him preach that of Lee's army reads like a romances hundreds arc turned away from the who was designated in official report- doors nevry Sunday, and visitors sho as the "Chevalier Bayard "' of the do get in hunve to appdy several ays army, and who has devoted his tite hm advance for tickts. Sometimays andtalents to the reconciliationtf hue has three services going on at the sections, General Gordon must omc, and 8,000 or morn persons are necessarily accomplish great good by istnming to serm mns in thes building, his lecture tour, as well as furnish t But that is only a small part of this the young men of the country the preacher's claim to public attention, only opportunity perhaps that wll1 He has built up a college, chartered ever occur of learning of these great by the State, with a curriculum mod- events from a living, capable and eled after Princeton's, where 6,750 faithful witness. students are getting instructions day Senator Vilas says: "I coisiuler. after day and night after night in all a very great privilege to have heard sorts of studies. This college has a so distinguished an actor in, the tragic faculty of over forty professors, who events he so graphically dsscrilses, give their whole attention to the and it was the most pleasing, instree- work. In addition to this is the Sa- tive historical platform oration I ever maritan Hospital with forty-two beds. listened to." There is no busier place in Philadel- He told the story of Lens surrea -* phia than this church and college. Ev- der in a masterly and most effective ery day from nineo'clockin the morn- manner. He briefly outlined the ing until ten or eleven at night the early stages of the war, and rested church and college buildings are the burden of his narrative-on Get- swarming with persons, and activity tysburg and Appomattox. His hm is going on in a form that might be mor was keen, his pathos affecting. characterized properly as intense. Withal his story was simply told. Mr. Conwell, the man who has accom- More than one incident brought tears- plished all this, started to preach in to the eyes of the audience.. All the Philadelphia fifteen years ago with a incidents cited were illustrative of church of ninety members. Mr. the spirit of ' American manhood Conwell is not a sensational preacher which pervaded the ranks blue and in the generally accepted use of that the ranks gray. Grant and:Lee were term. He often speaks on topics of faithfully pictured. The shosing; current interest, but he also preaches scene of the bloody drama was - what might be called doctrinal ser- splendidly presented. It was a tale mons. His gospel is the gospel of inspiring to the young and- intensely