VOL. IX, No. 174. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1899. THEE CENTS ATHLETIC MATTERS. Entries for Meet. Interscholastic Meet. If lD Pfl The following men have ee The Michigan Interscholastic meet G. ii W I L ~U. The 'Varsity had the fastest pra- entere by Michigan in the coming whilh will be held here Saturday tire of the year yesterday afterneon. intercollegiate meet to be held at promises to be at big affair. There The infield played a fast game in Chicago. Of course the list of en- are 16 scolsihowl( will sed rere Will annonnce that we have now spite of the roughness of the grounds, tries is very large as all possible sentatives an over 120 competitors received our Spring and Summer and nearly all the mnnhit the ball on candidates have been entered. are entered. This is the annual Woln.Orsokfor the incom- a line. The 'Varsity have evidently 20yr ude-' .Hrs meet of all the high schools of the WoolenskOurwsocki22-yardthrdles-.wiVl .mrte-state and is esecially fostered by the log season is the largest we have ever agdstrh oing dwg at.n il aeburg, C. T. Teetzel, A Bjrk, J. F. University I te tae. ti shown, is exclusive and confined, inagodswigonest McLean, N. B. Ayers, W. 1'. .s it- made a gaaaoti iscsnteti both foreign and domestic goods, and The 'Varsity will cross bats with I igh, HI. C. Federson. setshldaMdionllili- is composed of the best fabrics in the D. A. C. team of Detroit, this Mile walk-G. L. Odle, A. D. (((is at Chmpaig. At both these every line that can be obtained. We afternooi, and a good gaimeis assured. rookeitheldleco.lee.turow.u CFl .A . held the Columbus Running high jump~-A. E. Bjork oplcace the y( ollgevistunat carry the largest lne of Woolens in TeD .J. iE. McLean, T. W. Flournoy, A. viti a- Giants tos the samse score we did, 7 to rtr Tfes. henrisa each o h the city. We iusvite yo(u to call and 3. Foley pitched for them asd eld Amtog, '' M. Tryon, M. ough, tese places nunier over 500. As inspect the same. the Giants down to four hits. Bacon, toi, A. Barrett, C. C. Adamss. this is only teseodyaofbic- their (tier pitcher is a left hander, Running broad jumlp-A. E. gls u esclilityearotMicht anid las a big reputation. George BokrJeFaceaXVcih',gi er scllgtirpoit nas otye C .Cied and some othe 31 i (( eli 3. Hougto G ,..Aths ~1 esledwosuads I oInprllsa 1 Gil H.eWILeDei witih the team fin'ters Runnell, H. Rsel h oswl urv eeFia 108 E. X.ashigton St , areonliy four 1(10r011011(0glles, and Poe aut . T iheg,11Huho, .C dm,11. W isorrrns adl ill licentr tanedmt evroesu d cove ut Hoghdnydaiil, the 11ratritisAnd other huses. ANN ARtBOR. ecy Slhlh ai yl unels, L.. eea.Whllisetywllieuit(fte for the 'Varsity, munilgive the . A. Trowisg 1 pound lhamier-HT.UWiesheeithey idl eogests1(o11the -C a good welcome. E. Lehr, V. H. Cley, X. A. AverUnier sity adsortheiingtsoulmebe PHTGAHCDirector Fitz sstrick is giing the C. Jutier, P. XW. Jones. afid iter a ingthr ighat4ols.Onka h slitaTOG11111PHIC pl raiitg b ~putting 16 lpoundi hshot-H. E.lo es mgtsrli' cnl.O DARK ROOM. a1su e s ndsit Leir X. 1. Caey, X. A. Aver, tiltch h ( liiii110wl s of shrt srintImitagoodstarIis . .Joes, W. . atlic ietin.rehimirie is ill oter We have recently fitted a half the battle Avery is doisg goodGe uteIhedis1 hr, ahsL rIVt . alXT. JA, Avery ime the bicy cli.acs ii. smll le rums its use to the public free of C121ttnr,11.1101 Joe1,X. L lcusu ciiliostnVsj charge. Anything seeded 11,1290118,sad 1-31 fet. ItilatterCooe.otTeewl b odo h p in the line of supplies or throswibruecaks tiieinterolegiate e I iiti tck (ie plesccL IA. X. chemicals we would be cord over ix flens 0 hrrisrer9+ Mile brcycle- Ssa, XWosid, 1 ~ncm rai e e d:rta ae day. pleased to furnish. ing Iis 001(1k inithecst put is cisn- 1ski 10Fraer,(rml, Ruubis 'rXiiFriday eveniatetricl outer. 111 IA(I ver 40 leet thsree1111diffemitnton 00ysilImeXXetsilfoX.r11111tuh0 eil huh theol tigh riji. IYILI.LJI I ~~~~Hrteistohus pCIThomipsol, J. E. N suus-'oi ii iei s hshg fer H JonsnA. V.GarenrSciseho h.AfItIr Sis eseraiu- Thle sweedimsnet sitthe class teams cm If JisusimsA.. V. arseieunt the is Issitthe igh iiiSchiool thehpast nweelsmaeuscthe 1 Fa PBieteircsC.''.'0etl wsill holsa rceptsi o hichi will le pn adGmounsisihlook sleseted mnowYste- 211yamdsh lil-W. TA.pX . esthslhIfillissed by adncesoIir (le visiting 0 Iii dl llt day there 50010e(sily four teamsiouot-F Hi b] o 0, atliete.St rmrnirgii'at 10 0mism~ ii.e 1 I sn.Inil~m ~i oh, 1 amd Higs EBiitcusbrAct l.C I' 'eetzeH. tsilP. um st.ise Duri i sg t e t otl oes Cgnee 01,nst1 cd h aos . ba CIll,'c 1111(1rae il h m e nih.i le ieorPpeciasadAll re paying good clBatbal__andwille__ruoff Tobacos the gmsext week swill be closely Bartt_________ g.EiOL &0 . otse. 440ysrd das-C. Topsssn, J. Saner and Harrison run he Free 108 So. State Street. E.____ .JhsoGT Te-Tad rzs __________________________ '01 d defeated last year's d teams zel R BarettIf.cXVW . Hayes, T. XW. '[le Nosw Englandis Free Trade by a large score at the Fals' Greons idatch G XXlegu rcetlmocusssriesofsb10 ytrla. '[lie ols teamo evidemth lfHil mu n s-R..Barrett, H. ague50,rescli vfeeluriteest 0 LID Sand lacked patieyTi woe .eta VHayesI X. atch, F . H 11( 51,rsiciey,o h ss SL Sadeprart cmtiscor e stithorc etals.NiheryCAueros . essys by studets (of several colleges COVERStwee.uti Src t oo. eberyComigem I sXV J.HI. B'ood ionthe subet: "I'Iall foreigi pro. td' I' S B Cngr.Mile ums duchouldmibehil milsttelito ths This esult of yesesdayespay inXWoidnh 'T.B W.C atcgr, J 3,cosntry freeof dht, sshat rolor. *tensile sosoasfsslosws: ,S BEsne, i.L sriss.tinsiof persuonswoul suitr sdirect Green Slides .....40c gross 3 Firt-Cas Singplesm-Semifinal- 120 hig umrdisle-F. X. Hart-ijuy, White ".......60c Danfoithsbeat XWilbur, 6-4, 7-5. burg A EBjork, . . 3McLean,-imTherea. lrenubro aNo. 1 covers.....oc o. SecosdClus Singles - Final - N. B. Ayers, V. FP isleigh, H C.esas subiteanhumtrodayus terif No. 2, sq. covers ...5c oz Hbbard eatMcly 5-7, 7-5, lFiZe5scmsrs50umlc Boxes for h00 slides .. ..30c o6-, f6-3'lie Athletic Boardiatitsmi muetumg SigssomsuiSngmer '99 l.,swhssot I Douibles--Semi-Fial-XWibr and lst evenings unanimosusloy decidlesdto first pize c1sisucuember otXMichiga'es We will Meet Any Price. Goe beat Ashraft amd Felker, 6-4; grant the uIseof Remgemts I'edh for the debtnge teamus shicixxmimithe chasms. q 8 - 6 . F a c u lty g a m eli . 'I h mc p mr o c e e d s o f th is i s i p of th is w es t . I n si ws se r t uo 10a.m.Frs-Cas inle-fo C.A. 'lie Athletic Busard threaoe-'uhasch ll phrcenC st woul HIT THE BALL . Semiac Inl-Aoshucra f tvs. Russell. thouugmht that i ie01w ofthemansuffrdrcuijr.Wc1.Hri 4 p Iin Dsuble-1iml-Dasi. csureses wschilithudAthlstic Asn-on '9 d'6mmilt1 l., iihscums seconmd forthiamd Ripley vs. Vibtr amndheciations hash emiced ruism tie sliscs cis lsiupromient sum deautig Bo a' otwtota.Gore, or finals i hte ht cas singes iithe ipast, they culdnittuingly shousm cmudsls.t r t se ogrtu- LOIVLESLUGGEB T.betwceensDanforthm andultie swinner of their gratitudel by siomiatig thuc atdonsusthei usi ccssmmiii tieirie Neither can you play a winning tie Ashecraft-Rultssell match. grousm'o li aueI cl u 5su.ui i simmi iesiumr game of TENNIS without a ilayeduilmisFriday Jue 2betieninmuthec othec clles re11s folsos: WRIGHT & DITSON RACKET. Tie tounumriient withm Northwes tie facutie. of theUnivsest ins1 UnivcrstofmlPIndsll)visis-First, Our Stock is complete and ternt wi lbielcd ons riday afternuson. the High Schol. WaXter irchlic Sush scrndmu iss or prices are right. M~ichiganm has me goods teams this yells-- - hStssum as is shuon by tie result of tie tosrn- Vernonui Bust, 'Ohhaes t o'y Uierity ofl C id gus First, W mo- nreuemt. Northwsesterni has somue finst fr hus lhome ini Ba tle (CobekwhcueXWiliaum H 11 et "] players, amdswhien tie two teamshesilipreiare lust his. tillsabumoad.sh CrnelIl-imtheG I XX Watinis; smot tie comepetitionum wil be sharp He mwieve Scuday Ifor Nmemu Yor.secondsLe1o00111Cmii). ANN ARBOR andshinteresting. Seatsowiii e pro- usrtmosuth -1Fisut Hrry ILe Uip rown Dawn Tewn videdh for secators, mndhudies sol 'Vrsity vs. D A C t If , smutSolnocsudIAtir State St. Opp. CurnHouse tasBro aitn eod .Atu vin t L o e admmitted free tos the rmet. Field, mt 4:10 today. Aetcsit