THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WE ENGRAVE; VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their resp~ective sizes, in CCRR CT= P'lates will lie kept lbytie for our pa- tronis, unless whe ore request- edi 1(1returntsainie. Yonur -Nam n Copper Plnte andi 100 Cards, 81.530. Every Senior wiletant them ini sending eoit their invitationis. HAVE YOU READ David iHrnm, Mr. 1Dooley, Aylwin, or, Wheit Knighthood was in Flower. WE HAVE THEM. SHEEHAN & CO. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONEIRS AND ENGRAVERS, ANN ARBOR, DETROIT. Shirt Waists! We suave aspcitealty of launadrtylee theaa. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Droiaa cadorring us up by phaone. Student's Laundry (association), Agt. ot Grand Launidry, IDetroit. 202 S. Stte Si. New 'Phane, 441 A TRIAL ORDER. That is all T ask for may Lanndry A gency. r F-l- U COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUN TROT OVER SMOKE Sru'sGoidnil SGotrc III l GE T YO0UR O H E G M __AT InterG~llCaidte Bureau o1flacm116G ostamo. GOTFCELL &LEONARD, ALBAnNN.Y. Capjs, Gowats, and Heeds made to ceder and rented. Alan Clas Canes, Claso Hats arid Caps, Clasas College lin. Address ' W. C. 0 JU.1N. Weterne Nigr., t 11laskell N ant ,aiaa, lInIV. ,ofChicago ,attention ! Smokers!I 10 Rambler Cigars for t5 cesntos6 Segaret Cigars for 25 censt 4 l'ittsbarg Stogies for 5 cents 6 Dill Anthony Cigara for 25 cest 11 Alfonzon Cigars for t 25 cents 4 Brunwick Cigars for 2,5 cents 6i Loyal Cheterfield Cigars fsr 25 eents 3 Nat Goodwia Cigars for 25 eents Th abegosehveaNtioalrepationand alle btfewequlstisarket. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. E I ' CALENDAR. FRIDAY, APRIL 26-Receptiona to Graduiate Schltt at ihe resitlence of Presivdent Anigell, 5 pi. Deal tenanis mleet wthl Northwaes- fern, Friday, May 26th, at 2 p. in. The Revised Schedule. May 27, Northwestern at Ann Arbor. 30, Wiseonsin lat Detroit. Jane 1, B~eloit at Ann Arbor.. 3, Cornell at Ithaea. 695, Lafayette at Easton. 6, Pennsylvania at Philadelplhia. tO1, Nsotre Daime at Ann Arbor. 16, Cornell at Ann Arbor. 17, Cornell at Detroit. Cornell Students Celebrate. Thte stitdents at Cornell celebraieud their btaseball victory' over Princetona Slatuirdlay night in a lively mnnler. Late in tlae evenaing they siartedl a boanfire in one of the ptrincl~ial streets, which itie pslice aided by the volun-a tser fire deparinient tried to extin- guish, antIiii the fight wthich restultedi several stndentis erseinjurved mitre or less seriously. The townsople011 are greatly incentsed at thetsitdenis aiid thsreatenitois qualeh ally'aitemipt at a celebratiotn afier the Memorial diay race, while thle studensts, ona the 10$. W, KOLLAUF, Foreigns and Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 Ease Wahigon S.,,near 50thAe ANN AI BOI. W. J. Bass, Pass. SAT W. Assayn, sltt ie-pres 2.V.Sl "eAee2sa dVtise ST1T C aaC.WAsse, Ass.Cashier SA IG BANK Transacs a general Banking liusnes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAss.''lB Capital, $:100(00. Srlanee d Profit, 80,00 'rrauaetaongseeltbauitoreabnies. FNettle eaetaesciaogt and etlsol. Paitesitletters of redit. E. D.EKINNE, Pr. IABItftN asUt. S W, CLARKSON, Cahitr Cer. Mate nd atrsa trets. Capital, 50,0010. Strplus, $80010. Trascts a geerl batigbtiles. R, ExPn, Prs.e . CEEs s, Vivsf'ra FReDa'lI Bet Elta Cashier The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitl Statek. $50,000. Saralas, $150.000. Resorces. Silitof" 1O0 oraniedtindrite CssrtlloBaning Liw of a it, tat. Restlves l7e tsslts lnd ~ttsell, oicag n the1raeial lr fte ni ited States. rafts caaled upasproeras idetiiatonle Safety depoisit liaiseto itnt. OFIERssarisiti noel.,,i'res.; W. DBar mana, VePes.; Cite. le. Iisoso.Cashier; , T Frite AssistatCasier. LAMB & SPENCER, .THE. . Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a frst-ciass Groery and 3akery. Call and see us, 318 S. STATE ST. FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE Treatmenrt Csripes, Blaek- head, Ese., a seeialty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP ad BATH ROOMS. J. R. TaOAsOwa, Pop. 32 . Stair 81 PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of Stats Street raBes& eL' BARBER SHOP I yan esire first-lasa work and eourteua reatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, F ramDetr Clia ateeded ay oa Nigh. N. asa E. Lierty Sret. esides,, 30 Feartha Ae, Poees"1t. OF '99 TAILOR Spng and Smmaer Make an Sty learne is. Early Seletin. P. C. MEYER, ________ TelN. 179l. 607EWlliamSt. heAnnArbor li. Rill sell excursionaohrh~d r ltrnndta h tikt io h ollowiglmeetings at oae ars leaaaOsratisla at tihat timae shialilibe IntrainlCovetionsI N. C'. A. of North te biggest the college iaas ever seel. BO 'JT I STI OI , Ameia, 0rid Rapids, Nicha. Ticettoerasate AT THE Annual Convention Trotveiers Protetive dAteo citofAmeica, touisoille, Ky. iekets-ona The arranagemseauts cettmittee of te salMa 15 ad i6.IRetatrn lieut Ray 21. '' rlit, chasesitas iecideviiti selid In KI D R A T Annua lesgn ;German artBptits, .Rooantke.~i~ tIrDLliGmIII hN esalteNay 1e.,i19 20Oarid 21. lt.e-achi memaber ot the class aii aa- FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS NtationaslBatptist Anivlersarits, Sa Franciseo, ltenacemaelai, confliaiaatg at prograina ea Cot. Ticetis on rtile Roy 14,15isatd 16. lRturan ieeecssdllgeiaaalcle Haron St. BEat afF. and N. Bink, limtlJuly 16. teeecssCtIigCntlnelei _____________________________ M eeting Gad aOrder rmareneBaptitsionae Veek also the alounni of tile class Bridge, 1Rd. 'Tisckeas eratale Nay it, 19, 20aned AN ) L .22 lii t Jitee 3. tax anad its appertlnelat. ProeralasAnnanMeetirag GenerralAssemably ANDALL, Presbyterle iathrchiniiCated Staest, Mn aoais, Minn., at oeasfars for lie round trip, jt iris Lasw' Library for sale. SWrlte L. State phone 144. $4, eta Nay i5, as aad 17, cwiiihsrernl~iitJaetE. Stewart, AibOla, Slack. Peninsular Engraving CompangJ, DETROIT, MICH. Don't Throw Your Glasses no matter how; badly thley are broken, We' A way will repair eye-glasses and sectacles while you wait, or lend youa another pair while yours are being fixed. Nothing but the best materials, expert work- mnanship and laonesi prices. Eyes examined free of charge. ©c_ ' - o t - ! C vrx ,Ln'c .8 '; , I