2 FPulshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'OFFrvcE: The Inlaed FPre.IHening Bitch. Both Phoest 17. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. IoENGLIARD, 1It L. BUSINESS MIANAGER. I0. II. HoeS. O L. EDITORtS. Atlettic Editor, P. W. JOES,'9, T. Ii, Woelao, 0t L. A. IH. McDoccce.L, 'It5E G. D. flceoeo'01 EtI. J. IB. Weo), '0, C. L. NIE-, 99, C.D. COOL, '99, L.J. MONTOcoeoeea,'IO,'WX. 0. ICeKEY, '00oM, A. G. BenowN,. 'I2. The subscriptionic 110elf1the0DAILY ie 12.50 Ice the collegepetha01 regular110 dtlivery befoec nocon 001h deo. Notice, c00mmunictonsc, ad etheerematte nteotld forepulliation mus t toe haded in 00a10thDAL oceti boe 8 pt'm.ea mled tohe tceditoro before 3 p. inl. othtoo lo areviouo tha011111 01 ich11t01101105 001ectoed to Subscriptionay 10btooloeftatte DAILY oficec, Meyer's, 00 Stotltooc ooootd, cor001111Bosiessc Maaoge. Subscriberscowill ocoerlaofavorlop reorOtinlg ptosootly a00thioff01001a1y15failorecof 010011000 10 detiveropape. All echanges 10 adertisingo matter mus~lt tbe in theoc e oclop4p. ia. 011 theosayoprevoiousto that oshiochothey aeotoOaOOvea. to CHARaEcOF TOAY'S ISSUE C. Dt. COOL. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY intg the itttrviewo froit convettieatt G T pttinats,lotethittaintothe tojoke, and G T also the profits of 11i1 room troett. The lanlor a rgteog osetat lito wvas"stutckt,"blot tried to IalI S tog oiff011ntte oxcuse thtat loo woo too old for suchb Ioys' tricks. However, 110 11as0givoeIIup1111 prettnionslof Art Nove boinig a pthysiogitotmist. FOR Fine Fra A New Feature oif the Interacho lactic Meet. Foor thintersho'Ilasltic:Metto nettxt 217 S. 4tha Ave. Friday atttiSaturda~y, theoreItave booo 16 ihighlshlslnteIottred, owhich is tnerly twico thtat of latst year, an11d FRESH- thte evotit promoises t) to etheo tost Strawberry imptfortanlt over hldo. Soays D. WV. Sptritgeor facttity thatn- AND ager of theo Ann~ Arbtotr Hight Sotol, Pineapple " Tie Uaniversity of Micitigatt has got to pay ttmoroe tatttiont to 1100hese _________ btttditng athlotoo,00s1100y'a0e0tite mttaterilal whtich will eventllyrle ~rprsot0110utniversityp, 1a1d1Iringn ac ooetlitere of sutchtimptoortantce 0010ve0 tito 'Varoity a groet 01011100 to gota -Wo itttend oltt a m1 iIovementI dulrin~g theiomotitng ittct tooatoizel0 1011 itant 110111011011 hight Solhool too represenlt i i titloticemtters, an110d .\\o i topet to formt a fotbat~lll 101(dI baebll ~ .. leagueo,tattd, if pootsible, get fottr higitseltools froomttil theeaterntl to foucr frontt thte wesster t retr00100 os tteod. It is toeintenottibhn to scold- j........ Art Store elties and amne Mouldings. Pl one'173. Nothing Better Coo be furnished thee what we arc now puttingfortto in the way of tHnt Weather Drinks at 000 new Soda Fountan- Special coolinog apparatuosad everylthinog10000 clean ad at- J. J. QUARRY Campus Drug Store. PIiS 18S - ylooo M. SOROSIS THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN... The Room-rent Which Wacn't ole prelimtintary contebss11101dlhave jumped. theo deciding ceto me 00t10off 1in Th'1 recettt trill of thlelaseblall Attn Arboo; for football 0011 Tlttotks- teatttwa11stotaole'theooccas1~in of antIgivintg daty ttndlfotr oaseboall ottDec- affair 1111101, whilo it wais a jooke (on1r0111011day-theodeciiitg gatmtestoo sevortal palrties, tlsoo tlauglht otto citi- be East vs. \Woot; 111101tillistoo 110no) colt thtat lie wt oilit suteltan1 adept at tatteor whethtor (te A. A. H. S. 11 choaracter reatdittg 11sto lbacklis11repreoeted inthtlefinals or tnot.' opitniontwithilltloott0). Ottoof thte memberO~ts of thte10ase10aol teiatt before Pat Egait, presidlentt of (hebenoir startitng or C( matioogntloft itle key law olasso, has1retotritedfom0011hlis Itome of 1111 roottt with hlio lanidlored, remallrk- i Ohio, oanol will inoisha (110yeatr witlo aig that toeowouldl be back Sundooay. 1111 01011. The othter boys inthleltoutse halppene~d too halve 10key to tte balll-pltayor'srooio, so thte day lafter heIto othtey entereodA hils roomt, gattheredcuptill tllIio 10(0 S050101S, storool themtt eir01roomtt, tnd ocedtedoregain. Then u iera i ia thtey galve (110lantdlord o n clfidential U ies l Atla (i1, thttheyo's believed lte ltad lost a roomer unaware. VTle ltattloord, FORl NOTHING wo isa111edoitoir of a lotal 101000, and ever suspioust of thle deceitful By Saving 25o purchase checks at studen~lts lasteed1110p(t(110h00011m111101 the following stores. found it strippe1d. His wr'athl rose attAlack & Co., Gruner &O Lutz, 00 atd10diottd(b btl-Cutting, iBeyer d&Co., It. BrownI, player 1in stronlg termtt, atndl declalredl Staeber & Co., Groceriel, Wtu. Arnold, bie lad aliways oizedl 111m1u01100 a1Eberheach bHardware Co., J. J. (Quarry, rogue because1 of htis inntctIO appear1111- Seabolt Bros., Groceriel, Anton Toolfel, .11n00. VToe mtera111 lctuse ofth(e W. W. Wettmore, G. H. Wild Co., laitolord's ailtger lea~kedl out weneu t E. V. Haagsterfer, J. Leuheagayer, admuitteldthtat (heroerwas quite an C. F. Pardoa, (I. G. Lodholz, amomt ofbackren duefromthe 300 Coupons get the Atlas. abscontder. Onto oftile stttdets, yo caonoose e exainete look et Quaery's jtust to show lis faithinit studoettts hol Dugt Stoet. goiteral, offerod tot boy(lie bill, aiod F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING after a little dicerinlg, (he lanlloordl gave a receipt for (he reiot itt (tll for AND SUNDRIES GO TO half (leo atoouttin casio. Ainother 1TWm . J.I ~AJP 1T1 student for (he 01am01 disinterested ~ " * VJ.~.~LL umotive offered ts hot five dollars (blat HIGH GRADE WORK. his follsw studeto uld be back 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE.I Suttday. Thle latidlsrd took (lhis up alss. Oii Sutaday (he ball player 1'fI IN BR 0 8. retitrued atnd asked for (lie key to New State 'Phone 307 his rootn. Thle landlord, duntb- No. 113 East Liberty St. fouiided tI see hiamthtere, gave it to Mufaicuers o enallInstruments biun. In a few motmetnts (here was and Floe Machinery. an uiprosar anel the retitrued stuideiit Special Attentioo given to Bicycle Repairing rusohed ldon stairs indiguanotly do- A Full LieoBeeale Sudies io Stock. mandiiig frosm(lie landlod what load fNour Bicycle bleeds becosme softhe (bingoslieload left in TO BE R P IE the room, Psor mn lie had no TO B RE A ED idea and (lie itudentha to go fum tug hack to his room. There, his GO to BIE R IVIANM S, fellsowrssnoers wo hlad been enjoy. W. Washitngton. ;: s.:. ' SOROSIS SHOES ARE SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THEY ARE THE EXTREME OF STYLE AND THE PERFECTION OF COMFORT ....Alotooevoeyoailtoriags u cllloocof coooooeodaoiotn fr00 omoe o have ttbeeno fortuatol obta0n00n000toi SO ROS IS who th ooisfoer oaviong p10cedowithintoheoieteach schbeutocooifol, stylish anod coomofoooablle foot~woe,atcouch a reaooosoonle rce ..... $3.50 EVERYWHERE too Europetor eAmaerica IF YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBED ToterloSh oe e wouolot dvist SOROSIS becetheyl arle iHYIENOIC. IF YOUR FASHIONARLE MILLINER Reomoonded aloooart Boot to bewora withanew Hot, itowoold behoR01051. IF YOUR SWELL TAILOR Sugooooololthe hoesttloobe prcheodowith toeFall Suil, thoe would toe 50011051. W.C.Reinhardt 212 S. MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR. For a UAI E1? CRUIS E3 take the C NEW STEEL The Greaest Perfeetio PASSENGER yeu uttained io Boat Coo- STEA M ENS. sturuction: Luourieus.. SPEED, .. Equipoent, ArtithicFee- COMFORT y . y nishing, Deoratioand ADSAFETY. Efficient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noo oteLio ofers a Panoraa ofi.Om~ies ofoequalovaiety and t~eest. Ftorr iser Week.I Beten10aand1.1 t i et een Toledo, DtotadMcia o1~'oo; DETROIT AND CLEVELAND , Deroi andMacina andNigt Bewee Faet, $1.50 Eac Dict.ion. rEOSKEY, iTJW 500," iIAR1100110 IBerths,,a5e., $1.OStatttoomo, $1.75. AN DLTeIo L i. ' Cleveland, Conooociooooooeaeat C leeldwthoi LOwuRAESr toricotrequo3knoae and OPut -in -Bay ErlioestTrinsfoteal points00010, iSooth R.etur, inelinooeaols andoBert. pox . to and Toledo. andoothwestoandootoDotro~ilfollooints 1100000 It f o C lend, 10.50;0 tinfrom o t Itn orthw e le. Ooe lelee, 01.t0 lo~o Itoe,,l, 000.0. lSunday ooeoTr ipsJu eJlyloA stoi llead ow cG'aqont etaod too13.75 . Ades, Iro(liI f( l Iloloe lle~mn ei oe On mses, relA. A. S Cuae d Asc, a. P. aA EROT c CHot e. 00 1111 Ulhihni i Ittv'l o ntlltUtltiltt Tandm sCrescent Comlbination (for Ladly ansd Gent) Taildem-s for rent by the floour For Pent. or day. RatesResnb. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Phuones No. 8. 119 West Washuingtom Street. EU i Manutacturer of ICE-CREAM. UPON l Ito Special attention given to Socdate, M a cw h ite Societies and Picnics, on Shrt Notice. Quality and Prices Guaranteed. Both Phoues,. t110 South Main St,, Ann1 Arbor, Mich. I