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May 23, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-05-23

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VOL. IX, No. 173,


ATHLETIC MATTERS. into shanpe in time for the lig meet, Banquet to Co. A.
________especially the litter, who lias recent- A Ibanqluet wvas givenu to Co. A aind
S H W IL[) C Ohaly been ill. tie Ann Arbor sildic rI ot the His-
6ur H. ILDwitCOood scelebratedteirce at Dual Tennis Meet. jano Aercanwar ini the urmory
Will announce that we have now the Athletic Field y'esterdayr. Most Friday aiteriiooiitext at 2 p. iii. a lastnigted inhed, ht e aetilyue
received our Spring and Susinierofteteoresntdeuteieet dual teiiiis nieet will take place he- anti all the aivailabde sar s> t
Wolns ursocefo he~ that they hatd little sleep Friday anid twreen Miehigttu andilNorthwestern roeelwthtblsanicir. as
Woolsens.Ouris to largete "in - evrSaturday night, and were pretty well Universities. Thierc is is double ii-icriwedalctithtablesii-dcha~is.tLit5
shwn i eclsie ndcofied us f eldwsrattier erigged, disc to te teasireceefateNthesthcagoites centtation of the arsnsry ti Co.
excusie fel reenty efetedtheCiictgo by Willard li-sikes. Ii his plre-
bot foeigs md ometicgissul, ou sghness itt the grosundcs. As otte team sit Evansltn. sttiis isctleoss istii oi
ist foreigntaediofmin estcgfdantdcs of the plauyers expressed it, "After Aithoueghs irospects seefu etsgetiaitistee" h e sitt htotoi
everymluted thetusbesotfaics eiayissg sit the grounds at Chtamtpasgis, hih ststn bgsitg5fgu ertetleao s.Atue i rssutilti es
tvr ine ithget clutbe ofbtaie.sWewhich tire asitistlasaiiistifusegslessitetiethysireo iire to ttyccCiiitot te
cary Siieoplaymuig i sir escsisis." 1lke issi hte 'isy islaeeligtdueserveud it swsoulld ut asiotewtst
tine city. \We invite visitto cal andselavliing sts isslei il. letecompa~crisoins hbetweessthe platyes eitis it
osittieldi owingugbai uuth i isl eisiMctiatsscsi .the sapp~recuitussioofthte
inspectthe sam. playe good bll of oth teails~licigall sould wltelhiwl.inbtngrcc.pesle ofiAntArelici. Itrtierthtii
btsettn ase esssll e1 t uitsgprs tie uetetassiwill be selectesi probsab05y242 eitiesositAnnitArboi hdrurtpacie isteuneroeisifomte givesWen-shrft
. dHiisete viiWeIitLerotcth tsts"h sisc sg usts-slest sthe necessiry amounssst, 2,tiO, tutd
CO rest si thesceekeit inier to prepaure Riley, Mussel, Wiilber, Gocecta ttssli i t 'ietiicsttse
6. H.W- e~tbmeuStra olMs c Fekr and anforth. Th~eretrill trustees for the use and benefit o
108 E.WnslilngtoiiSt , are const Iainintgof sore sinusfro blesAansiAevery Infstnttylsndsithab
ANN ABOR. their continusediShakingig hasnds, best le s, d eertite s5Sitshs it s Cs. A Itaricnttcotrpratted
__________________________________ tey sdesereeall the essigratushatiosn 1'Tle mue5 etill in promuptly a2 te sprv eisit i Stisei vt
and________________________ tulpraisepssibIle for captusrinug bothi p.-mis. tandhthe admsuissionwl eCoe ae rmIlniadta nIl-t tfv et.Tesociiaionbe5 Pest, E .TCaster s aeewasttoast osu
PHTORAHI si n d ssi aihnstd fteahuatli-eet -hv eus u soutus'utWtrTnts'sich twas
susisRAPICgroud au' bfreaiutI ssunder coinsidleraulleexpemnse to reislete wlhitth odstories. 'Ile lies-
DARK ROOM. csec.britug lf tentuis smeetslucre aussit it s grainwastests olous
htopuedhusliege crotwdi will tiurn ussdStes touh se
We have recently fitted op Music.
a commodiouspthotographic Auniiiter fratertnity leasgues was es- euneourauge te players Mayor SG. Luiek hintroducing Judge
dare room, complete with tublisleth last uveelk comprisitngte Yesterdaty's teunnis matcheies recult- Newkirk us..........soastasaster
trays, lights, etc., and offer Dekies, Psi U, amid Alpham Delt edl as follos: Address of Welcome.... . I.iscock
its use So the publicefSees of fr-tertities. Thus teamsssee S toply First ClasnsSigles-Wihber besnt Meettinorusoiy.
charge. Anything needed -eetto fAmr
in the line of supplies, or sins a percetage- systemo and itics gasmes Felcerfl-h, fl-0....... Wih....1ituard Beaskes
chemicals we wuld be hsave al henushotly conttested. TIhe MRussell bemt Whterry 2-fl,fl-h, tResponse........sat. Itoss Grantger
pleased to furnish. sutures of this gamues so fuse see as fol- 6l-4 Music.
los:Tisinsatcsemis very clttse amid IHow hue Foundh Cot A. .. . Beal
WInLDEHISIke ,o lhttO. , iteetig go qaiy -ftensWhast we did to Belss. te Fed hientoon
DUADIIF1f1 Dees , Apha ei~ 3. ituceetiug, s psui etuhit oftessusWomans's Reief Corps ... Mrs. Col. Dean
Dehess 1S, Alpham Delts 7. being displaedt. Music.
1b IhIIfIII JI- Alpha Delts 4, Psi U's 3. Seconud Class Sinugleso Hitbbard Experiennes......Dr. Mt. L. Beleer
PiUs8,Dks2betFelker 6-2, 6-3. Salt Water Tastes.... Pent. M. IE. Cooley
hn hi itseDekes tseladad Dsuble- Itipsey andsiDaunforths Song-Ausid Lang dyne.
0"DGI1 DdU adM RNStt. thuspertaueuiges sre: beaut Bishotp amid Hovey I)-3, 6-0. TtsPedagogical Society.
Dusung tunhetstunf tesolnge year we WON. LOST. ECENT. M5ATCtSTODAY.
wlseretlunhesumat sese,,, ay enDoen .2 2 .050 .FitiClvs Sielhes-S3 tm uls- - PegstegtdgcysiSociesy ihelti i
milSiu llotilinse ie t s, a D eks...1 .30S m F nas
PTtSaccoDustgaostianvs. Wihlser, 3 p.1tins. mueetitng yesetsy evensinug iIisppn
R. E. JOLLY & CO, AlhaDets_12_ 33 pSeeodClansSingles -Finals- tallk suos.Siteuthuis uS tavahorut
308 So. State Street. Tle001.clssha calenedthe McClosy vs. iHibbarci, 3 p. i. to-onthemethd- - ftachn
-- - ---~------11"1101-11--"sessssnisisee. sa Trictniuioiy es.

IGreen Slides.......40c gross
*White ...........S6nc
I uNo. 1covets .....85e oz.
* No. 2,sq. covers....55c oz.
Boxes for 100 slides ... n0
We will Meet Any Price.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Too can't do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices ace right.


f 1

University So us muile relay race. The Musical Collection. isisd thi-esrationalmea uthodsiamut said
There are to be four mntsin thus race Aduditionms are beisng masde diaily So hatoutpeiils shmuld besinht mstreucte-d by
stud each muaen is to rnta quarter muile., obhject lesos s semuchuis s osilie.
T'he race is ts take lilacseint thus mter- tins collections of muesicalsistrumtsl After Prof. Hitl's tauktashosrst
schousttic muest to be iheini mt the att- u inse umussum. Itits thusintenstionsut siness meetinguselcd.
letic field Friday. Catpt. IMcLean sof iMl. Steans, suits dolutedul isumb
still cluosse te menutotunm againust csilectimn, So keep adinmg slpecimtenis Thueurtenities huelul their asnnuual
thus lateteem andcise lut race is guais-.unmtil thus cuiiectisom us comspete tt in liaeoru lcissa .mn
anteed. Thuuoms, Teetzel, Harts.-avmg represenutationus fr vey dcoysedyi om .Teewsvr
of instruments. Thus tewest ar-as stds-imesuut9'Iuescsscy
sung and Wuestphsal will reun for thises erns little interest intthie electiomnussly
a: a barrelorgant, stnt olidicarveudsvutf-teoiinlyhiguelestts
Enuglisis fiute, us rottat, violhiun isceihuo, 1
us isln e gume b, asc usPeeusicTlie fuoiloseingseers elected:S Bumsiness
Sinuce tins tuet of Saturday, Michui- maciette. Thuis letter instrumuentis a Maneager, Haerrisonm S. Smuaulley, Delta
gamn'a huopes of wcinning thus Intercol. uiu-fui.Iti ssuto sU sit Chilcago. Memubers tot boasrud
leiae av rse onidraly O eercurosafa' t si or faRoy E. Woodwtorths,AlhDeto
isitb ev rsncusdeasy ffreak instrumenmt, and maesusa must- KtseoCh; Aluu lcto
courese guesses ated estimsates on time t; Kaenrstssltrcaist at P ity, Theoore Pobisosn, Zeta
results are numuerous. One of thus it hues a veiny gosod touts and can lpro- Mc eeuSsuso0mbAnnulAiusbsr.
mnost prominent atletes teio, has tot- dnce passable muusic. It teas maule M ms Srss fAuu eu
losedsIthsis year's rectords chusely, hum Madeira. by Augeusta da Costeseiss
maicee the folioseinug estimaue: Michi- is en iinventtor- std performer sunSlhis Frisends of Miss Filurenuce Helen
gant, 54; Chicago, 39; Wiscontsinu, 20; and other instumensts. Tweoieces Poimueroy, '9 lit, are iue receilpt tntin-
Notre Dame, 18; others, 13. mauke up tewteleinmstrumnut. Outs vitatiomus to tie graduatintg recital at
is a fourstrintg violist orunamented " 'flue Alberti School uof Expressiont,"
All of ties muesttwho participaed seitih a peacocik lead anud tail. Bet No. Vh West 55tht street, Netw York
in the Wiscontsin nmeet except Odle thus string pegs are peaucock lesauls. city, May 25, 1899. After finish-
and Tryon are at thue trainming table Time otiher inestrumuenut is a large pet-meg leer studihes weith Mactene Al-
for the Intercollegiate. All oftnttimu cock tuacihette simsilarly ornaenstedi berti, Mios Pomueroy still visit Pleila-
are in good saite in spite of the fast It lins six chords of focurstrinugs ech. delphsia, Buffalo and Cleelandu, aned
comnpetition. Barrett and Wood,'Tieswtelei is arranuged ont arsi return to Anmin Arbuir ties second tesek
hsoweven, are not its very good con- stanud covered with muoss anuddeoa in June.
dition as teas shsownu by tiheir efforts ted with smsall carved peacocks. '1bsbl enrpr tFi
Saturday. Neither of thnemn has douse '__asebllmnreprtaFai
mnucht training ti year stud it is Cainapus Views iti Colors i the Grundus at 3:30 touday for practice.
doubtful if eitiher of them still round Michigtsmensiaia. GRASYSON, Capt.



up raw.
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