VOL. IX, No. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICIH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1898. FOUoR PAGES. ITOOK A BRACE. Choral Union Series. Freshmen Law, Caucus. X V L in _Owing to the uncertainty of the There was held yesterday an all. 'Vlarsitil Put up Best Practice oif date of the completion of repairs in state caucus of the freshman law the Season Yesterdatl. the roof of Unversity Hall, it is m- class. Several schemes of nominat The 'arsiy go doso to usin ospssihle to announce the exact date ing candidates were proposed. First Th Vriy o lw t uiesof the opening concert, in whichs*tlea oinvamdeteupvr FIEFLiUTNS Hysedyatronadftefrt Choral Union, eminent soloists, and committee, consisting of oe man tmthsyear put up the real article the Chicago Festival Ocehsta willfrmctisaeelrets.tone thsaeo oohl.Tecl take part. Anmong the engagements the candidates of tihc caucus, ut wahrofth last two days seemed for the first haf of the series are this arrassgsemnt did not smeet with to aveputne lie itothe5005.Alexander Silti, the great pianist, generslaispproval The caucus h- T WE CARRY THE LARGEST Tie go inotegm ingo WilBsreeravilnswhhalivdiod occy ssdfrd shape and put somte snap into the made a tremsendouso imresion arad, ioe ososteyfsofs ih STUCK ay Tewate.ascl adwtand who cusses to America for the nore easily ho convisced hy the A ~~~~~~~~ad there were sot sorsthan hallif first tiime this seasonoaidBoss Davis, sitsd ftepltcas osm IN TH CITY a sozessspecatorsotstto vtels te tgeat Esglislh tesor, who will e oe iropisosed the goosdol-fasioned practce, hut that did soot make asyIeardl iso a sossg recital. It is ins cyo aliisga-so odcd clttrise tote laes. Tsepossile to anouoince any Festival te matter. Hot older hesds believed coachles feel sonewhat encoraged to esgagemsents at this tisse, ut ts therwasosilfrlistostws moe E. see tse ssirked uprovesient, st oanidassd set last year will e mai-finally decided to allow a ree isois 10 .WASHINGTON ST. O thse cay in whlichsthse 'Varsity's lisne- t sssoo soke iorugo tse crho ooseamesdo if sot improved uposn. Tickets atnosn of al casdidates oasnd then ad. o i ssghn roesiherosshote tocreep cacrss ill e isudosseoon0010as the dates joorss for two weseks. At the end of Bosks el' fc.cal e definitely fixed. twoswoeeks it is sp posed the soen- '1'here is tll roomoi for tesnoro ssd hers of the class silishave Becomoe X V I -,- ~~~ I liTe entire prasctice wsas devoted to basses andit afewrsoprassoosiso the hte sqsii e ctiteqssiia kicksing ploys. First the Scrusbtertosedwihth Chor al Usiosn It is to heehoped ohns of the aspiransofr hooir. _______________________ wer___ esogivens the hbi]ando the 'Vority that the oloer mesoblers of the Chsorus Filial sactionii on Sle canidailtes wol .....4.1s+4 + ++4 +* isractced reakiing through the line whlo have not reportedolol do 5 sot te etoes u olsoio soi You May Have idloolsikikwihtesu-one, aso their old ilaces will e 5- isationo were smiade. Fr president, Fogote teidall sosgdivfeqsothy.Tharsit served for them if they notify the Kerr, of California; Lyomis, of ll thehosl as ivn t th 'arstysecretry' isimsediately. The poi-lois; Deiches, of Pnssylvasia; YOUR TOOTH BRsUSH, + assdl Hannon did sose good work atgesoisldot + ss,*pomtsgand was well soppred hygratmelaidrothefor this year wiii Feddersos, of towsa; Heal, New. YORBAKIGBUHfpnig o eqieteextra rehearsals de ou mo ae filcmgis o or a'YOUR WH5O0-BROOOM, fthe lhne. 'Teetzel sas triesh on a feseot-an sgiihia.so + lc ikhtsa o het ossake osied y the swoks of the last two vice presideotTihle asoolEassam, of -h o n emy -or us ayof them. McLeanoscarried the ___________ MY""'m o myanomosywnt tossepisuon it. we.+hball ino afine ron of 00 yards, ut Student Volunteers Discharged. The Freshman Celebration at Chi oa lso ine orC Druggist' sudies is wos overtakeon and downed hy Niel At the request of Presisdent Angell, cago. conmopete. fSnow, just hefore he reached the SeeayAgrla ussldt Vs one slg a oapee WILDER'S PHARMAOY +hoetr ilgr as osomed soheJunorCtheg hspren ltt 0353 Osuoii S~~s~s. 55 coO. ~~ m+ide noemstoefited.etiet plays ever ggrooat discharges to the following tt- tlso o ofefososclhoto 4 44+44444444444+4 +dents of the University of Michigan whlicho will behe ldoelnm Moday evei- _4._44.elw.itselie-uo-ysrdyY: nowuoiso omiitary service: Law De. hg, Octoer l7th, los ent Theatre. DON'T FORGET vxlSssv 000000. lpartment: Jeromse B. Stockimng, '99, Thou exercises will sopseitho a hband the OLD RELIAXBLE tLye, Smith.......Hampton, Brown Foit. E. Roinson, '19, . F. Nichols, cmcratrwihsom ommes House. Slot and cold lunches Frasoce.r. g Allen >8,John H. Notes' '98, Algernotalhor.CooltsadIaCey.......1g.....Ir spekromainloeuainwl Cream Soda Water, Pipes,,eCigars aod Steckle......r. t.. ..t.Mcnald M. Green 'Oi0, Floriaon A. Caronal, imake a short address. Bot tiem sost Wood. I t......sWitn0iOq.ooe,'9metra o Tohacco, and full line of Smokng Sup.........." 0 Wit '0,0 P Cle'99 Lteay uniqu part of the programmne mii plies. R. E. MOLLY & CO Snsome............. r.c. St..ichordeon partiment: Corporal R. L. Flynns,hetmreesiisftmerelomsosd .08 So. State Street Tetzed...........1. 0. e ... Hicks etercpinoftefehe n _________________________________- fahott q.....Streeb Atu .Wstad'9 u-thouceressony of presentig theim owith _____________________ IN'itcumb...r. h...Fetean, Mohr poral . V. 1). Fagoffis, Earl A. a sovemir of thou occasieo. This will tp~j arabee......1,h........Ialdoin Cheimomes, H. T. Danfoortho '01, H. esone by so memboer of tie Juniior ~~rd~ ~dHannon.... ....f....toover, Lhr Heitimassi '99, W. B. Bach, C. S. College seectedh frommotie muppe i- W ardUU U Tie XWetern Reserve elevemn a. Kennmedy '98, Careoce B. lurrey visionso at a mass meecig held 'Iue- Tooth rie astosight from Ceveland and '99; Medical Depoartment: A. L. say. The~oothBrushest are inexcellent shaspe..for tody's Coye, X. . Woarresn '98; IDentalt 'tie freshmosens wihhe reresested Isell for 25c, rmr ae gss. A good. hand game may e Detpartsment: A. A. Baker; Engi-hy0 osoerfDiiomVInie good brushes, and 'are expected. B. B. Hodgmoan, ex'00, soerimg Departmuent: Wino L. Kim-o. wiii deiends theism mod try to turnsotie welt made. If you should sol play hatf ack for tie visitors. ml, Will. P. Baker. All are osehso- tbhes 000 the spholmsors. A te the get oe that sheds its He phayed ssh-fuslbachk on Michigans hes of Cosmipany A, 31st Milchisgamn celebration ioRemt, all this studlents, bristles ~last yea. 'Ihec Cleveland mnm are owssyisoCaosmp Polasnd, Knoxville, led by tie bad, wsi11 have a tenets. I WILL comsparatively light ion seight, hot Tenni. T'lime osoofPenny C. Church light upocessiono arosund the campulse REPLACE IT. play fast amdsith prohahhy afford of tie Lasw Deparmnst will probsahly amisSisotie near vicinity. The even- E. E. CALKINS. our mensomie stiff ipractice. e added to this list. hg swil close with a hes-fire ansd per- This afternoonootie imemn miii, e ihaps a cae rust. All departometts -- luned up as follows: Judges Chosen. ot the University are invited tos e GE tye,shithBrown.c...... olie d a l ~S;ist of teodehfordhe bratio -U.fC.Weky UUAINT DCatey, Kramer .. .g.......Fagle Diebatig League. For thefinaol de The first openmcetimg of Webster ACQUAINTE SteckeMc~onald..r. t -. ...Laub -ate tihe jodges will e ex-President society will e held this eveing at Wood, White, Dayl. t...-..Grown HarrisonJudgeWom. H. Taft 8mocock, F oosmo 24, University ust st thio time we wanteverst- Snow, Richardoon..r. e..... Howels C al-A 'rn cnitigo denttoviitour eeBookstoreso,whtereeTeetzel, Hicks.i...e........ Funk Chanocelor McLean, of tie Ioa Law 1lt.Aprog two ontww att act.Sre...q.... ika olgadPeietE .Etn ns m romueoaiting of ge acqainted wiOh yea and isvite WdaAey, .~.moeea,.po eut, w ye t mkeou sors yarrind _W dmnAer ...1.h-eahaCt o eotcollege; tfor the seomi-finaohlseate wmulsbegivem. An ivitation u en o ~~ cem ~c0annsn, Keena .........-.CiumpsHso .A.hsshsilstlosmtotoattendisisextendledlto all. UNIVERSITYand can otte specialO Whitcomb, .McLean.r h...... Hldman HuJ.O.seeJA. H-iado orno ow priceommseccosmnd i5ofboo-rfo ReserveJ. onbar-e,,(,r'oledo eer e irpaen sowe can spply Western Rsre usGMIaywooud, renof lo>do; Mr. JoshnmS: Cwsgil, H. S. (F .) ai your needs and mt prses gmmo . Scivinger; t., Frbes; e., Wickham; C., Judge WtYil. C. Wooods, ot Indian- ',t oa snis ooMs oil os ani 00 - andks orecon-isnd Cue' ak, aeCobb. '.8,wsmridtMssEihBo- ooks boug~htasd aold. ,bcs aeOstone, with Frnsok S. Moromttat- imgto, oT 'hroee Sivers, GemOu. t. C Phefrmtie go heoce tsr oey-gc-ierslof otOhio, aternaote. svloW~ swhih isotoo e organized hiinisce- Lamy Department Enrollment. Michigan vs. Western TWO STORES tiso with thou University Scihoo of The Loom Depoartmsent enrolmoent Reserve, this afternoon Up Town Down Down Fusic miii eh eld too Frieze Femo boatpssed tie 90 mrk yesterdaoy, at Regents Field Game State St. Opp. Court douse ia Hall on uModay, Oct. 17, 1898, ass increase ot ie amoo smpoaredi with ! fain Street at 7:30 p. m. sharp. tie samedoay host year. called at 3 p. ml.