THE VNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 mm mmmm HILDEBR-AND, tHI NEW TAILOR, WsingtonS. " The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAi, STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. 'latllaod Expres........57 P.m1S. NY.& Boston Special....... 4 58 " Fast Eastern ..............9 432 Atlantic Expres...........7 45 A. M Detroit Night Expresa ....... 5 55" Grand iRapids Express .......11 10 MalI&Express. .......8 40 A.M. Bost . N. Y. A Chicago .......... 1 FastWestern Express.........iS34. rM G. R.& Kal. Etoress..........5 45" Chicago NitloprenS....... 9 43" PaciicE Oesq...............12 20A. M. (), iV. 5RUGGLoES, H. W.HAYE , 1P.&RyT. A.)t.' heago. Av't Ano Arbor tsTm lok op She The Corner Candy MLore, NrhoQurysDuStrBcceQ eto sTenders a kind invitation to all wiohing Bicycle Question. fresh goods at roasonablo prices. Lounieo R P17 . Yoo will Find ail ihe Leades- at all hours. lHnt cofise and sandwiches That wo ols n Columoobias, Rambsilers, atw. S. PARKER'S, 315 S. STATE. TAKSi~l , SINGS v Stearnes, WlVeley __The samas s iehigher-I StrigAAMCOKx10.andUSSTEAM adoters at U. OF Mi. PINS , 50 Cents. THE SCHAEBERLE P Fine Waich Repaiia, a Specialiy, No 114 W. Lil 'DONE mnd PLAYS priced Machines, F RECORnDS. MUSIC STORE berty St. TWO NECK+Si '. 1 o ___ - IFor the 5Satisfortory LaunderinofECollars 0 About three moonths ego The Norrio L I . RA - Collar & Cuff Co. began the manofacture T1 1tE TBLEof colars and cofo at 123 Jeifersoio Ave. TIMM ABLEFor two years the company lion deoired TakioUl t r , 1y 1, 1099. to lucate in Detroit and has had on rrainsaleavnAnt Arborby Central tnd- ee u o rI 11, eagency hrbtntutil September NOR tt SU~il lost Oils the plant moved sore. Detroit MDII ~l SUTH had no laundry up to that time that 4:43 A. 0. :25 A. M. could doo the worko satisfacetory. A :1,,:10 AY.:2A.. montufactory of that hind waosan inno 4:)6 t,. a. 8:40 P. M. cation in this locality and tilenoanu- ______ ___________________ facturers had ano endless number of ltw110 letween Ann Arbor and Toledo oniv difficulties to overcome, One of tile tRun between Toleda and ticwelil0on eon chief ones was the qoestion of launder- dlay only. i h tc od o h akt Ail otlher trains daily except Sunday. log teaokgoosfrteSak N. e. GIUORE, Agent. -'We tried every laundry in the cily of ,v H. RENNI1TT. r. e. a. any coosequence," said (ieu. E. Noerie, "I ~iT YP~LANI 6eANNAK-president of 1110 company this noorning v BrOR RAYP ILNTI & ANA "[here wasn't one of them that had BOR RALWAY. either proper machinery or other facili- -aslae v rorfrYslnti ties for tile prepalration of stuck goods." an 1 Detroit every half hour beginning "Wl tidodm l1usccsful at 7:15 a. in. U. of Mt. ear leaven City an fnally were compelled to send our Hali, Detroit, every night after ''heater. work to 't'roy, N. Y. S he difficulty with Special U. of Mt. ears for all extlra occa- the laundries is that they do not starch sionos. Baggage, express and' Stodents' themo properly. Tbe ordinary method sopplies received and delivered. Wait- of wlashing is shout half as effective as lugy rooms, corner of Ann and Mtain~ it ought to he. A collar cannot he strets An ArorIIIGriwol steetwasheod in 21) minutes. It takes time. Stets n Abr l' Gisodstet New goods require a certain amount of IDotroit. J. L. OHAPMAN Sioc. , M. M RTIN,. FUNERAL bleachling. We finally induced the pro. T prietor of the Grond Laondry Inoniake DR C O the imlprovenments to meet the require- Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th mento of our business. Ace. Amhulance night and day,.lRes- "It took him soume tinme and it coust idenee 31)2 Fifth Ave. hlim some thmiusanrds of thoueandn of -_________________ tdollars, hut nowc 1l1can turnl out work -_ r'I IJ; that will heat buylauondry that there is in roy.In hatfaunry telcllar ,I are washed, they are not pot in a vat filled with soap~ and water. And they m[J111 starched by hand; nist put in a mlachine W h~ l and rollect, a process that produces mcire wear on collars thaln anyting ex-W . rn l Ladn cept polishing, at an enormous preosure. ,vflJeweler "'lie lundry had ho im~port thlreeAr o d eig girls from 'Troy In dot he hand starchl- lng. Tihey are now instructing othmer The Only Full Line of girls in the work. It is work tha t no novice ran perforno. We hlave sue- ceeded in getting what we wonted and are turning out now at least d4l0 dozens of collars every day-Detroit Evendig In the City, Just Received by News. The labove laundry is represen ted in Aso Arbior by the Studen sLaunodry 338 So. Slate Street. Association, 2 ,2 Sooth Slate. Newr 'hone 441.. 'The PAnn11ArborMiluisiec(C1. liave a 9 OUR PHOTOS $22 Washblurni malndo~lin, slightly used, tflat they offer for $12. [ have . .. ARE. 00011 110suchI valle in manlidolinls. DCRFCIT ilkfTVI FrAsn cluseu 15 j W -._. . 1 11ececsje WabsohFont Traissnakn Se it possible fon yo to shke breakfaot in Ann Arbmor, Din- nerjinSt. Louis, ad Luncheonton aFist- ClassoDialog Car 0n route. You leaee Ann ,Arbor7:25 a. m ; Ar- rive St. Louis, 6:25 p. in.; Arrive Chicago 3;00 p. m.; Kansas City 7:15 a. in.; Oma- ha 8:11 a. m. Font Time to Osnaho-Only One Nigbt Outt The Cootinemtal Limited, A superh fast train, magnificent service, between Detroit and -i. Louio, Chicago, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, New York and Boston. Free Reclining Chair Cars on All Trains. You will go home for voca- tion sost-hetter write to us for a new folder of XWaash trains. F. A. PALMER, A. G. P. A., Chicago. C. R. CRAN, G. P. & T. A., St:-Louin, Mo. R. S. GRENnWOOn, 3M. P. A., Chicago and Ann Arbor. Ohio Central Lines, THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling Green, Mariettas, Fimndlay, Athens, Colaombuts, M~iddleport, and Citarlestom, W. Va. Columbus traino use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawiiig Ruom cars from Detroit and'Toledo. lRentscbler, the Pl~hotographer. z S .ulz enLA ruzo . xn somoniuono mi ud1 J H - H n H N H PURgmITAN SHOES~m FOR w MN~ OMEN THE Berryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. Stote FPsone 11i A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New 'York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offical outfittern to all the leading collegeo schools and athletic clnbs of the country. The Spailing iclycle, riddeo by the Intercollegilate A. A. A. A. Chamlpionn, and all the leading college riders. Every Requi- site foar Base Bali, Fool Bali,Golf, Tennis Athletics, Gymnasiumo. Spaldings Official League Ball is the Offical Ball of the National League and all the leadinlg college associations. }Iandnoemle Catalogue of Athliconrtn Free to any address. Spalding's Official Bose Bali Ouide for 1899, Marchk30,0 IICents. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS.. New York. Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Line H~aving Union Depots in moth Toledo and Columbuns. NO TRANSFERS TO ANT POINT. 3 Hosur a i Between Above Cities. Rates always the lowest and accom- modations tile best. For particulars call o local agents, or address L W. LANDMAN, Geni Tray. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mieb Spring and Summer Stock Complete. New Shades of Taii and Russet Leather. Controlled by us. ALL STYLES $3.50, The Purita9 8oe Qo. Ann Arbor Store 11 0 East Huron St. FACTORY : BROCKTON, MASS. Near CoskHlose 23 IH I !VTTIII TTTTITTTTTTTTT" TI MOULTON HOU1K, Gencral Passenger Ac't. a You can get COVER GLASSES at 55c per oz. and SLIDES at 40c per gross at Goodyear's Drug Store