2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the College yeae. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'bwavuE: The Inland Pecss, Hening Block. Bth Phoe 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENELAD, 01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. liANS 00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, P. W. oes, '5, T. . Woeeae, '00 L. A. H. MDOALL, '01 E G. D. HeeNee.'0O E. J. B. WOO, ', C. L. NLE, '5, C. D. COOL, '9, L. J.Eoeeeou avY,'O, W. D. HcEe, '0 , A. . BOWN, '0. The suhsciptin pice of the DeILo is1.0 foe the cllge yea, with a egle deliey efoe neon eah day. Notices, comuanction, nd othee mettereintended foepubictiocmsot e haded in at thc DsIL office beoree 0p ano mailed to the edite efoes 3p. so.. ci the bay arevious to that on which theyere expected to pppsar hubciptionsoay ho lft at the DILY office, Meyr', oe Stolete ewtand, o ilk Bell eec Managee.Shscihewill coereaefavooey rpooing pomply 01 thi office any failrec of caresto doelirppero. All chanescic derotii r m~atrmst111be i the officec hy4p. .o the eay peeiocelo the on which the are to appear. IN CHARGEofTOAY'SISE A. H. MoOUGALL. Prospects Excellent for One-Fourth Mill Tax Bill. Wliein Representative MCalicim woe in the city lot Strday, le woo cked what the propect were of the one-efourth mill tax bill pasigthe boue, which will be te lot stage except getting the signa tre of Governor Piiigree if the hene acto favorably. The bill as paoeol the ccittee of the hoisie reported it out favorably. Hocwever, the big battle is to be fought iii the looe. Rep. MCallumi did nt hold out ay hopes of ito paoage in the house, aid virtually cod it was cure of defeat The Tioies determined to get a forecast of (le sitation, aid there. fore telegraphed Fred Britton,(le Detroit Journal correpondet, who is tbe most reliable and bet in- formced newspaper 1man ncow doig legislative work at Laiiing. Te following answer cws received at 3 o'clock, yesterday: STATE HouoaE, LANSING, MICH. (Special to The Eeenin Time), May 18.-There is oppooition of a very vigorous character in (le house to the Univerity oefourtb mill tax bill, and the sitationi is complicated by a disposition on te part of some ot the farmer element iii (le legila ture to hold the bill up util the senate passes tlee ocgar bounty bill- A great deal depends on just what the senate will do with that bill. However, Chairman Lusk, of the ways and means committee, Repro.- sentaive Carton and ther members of the University committee, see no occasion for any alarm over the one. fourth mill tax bill, and declare it ultimate passage almost sure. BRITTON. Seniors Will Pail Three Dollars. The senior literary class yesterday decided to fix the class tax at three dollars per member. The tax wil he divided ao follows: Memorial, one dollar and fifty cents: and invi tatioss fifty cents. Each person who pays the tax will receive eight invi- tations and extra ono may e se cured for five cents a apiece. The tax is as low as it has ever been in former yearo ad as the claso is generally satfied with the memori. oh it is thlought that everyone will pay the tax. Former oenior classes have uually been divided over the miemoisrial or reception, mattero aid i 00000 clase only a siiall per cntage of the members paid the tx. '00 L. Class Meetin. A meeting of the junior laws woo held yesterday at 3 p. in., in (le law buildiiig. Chairmain Dandridge of the Washington Birthday Fund Col lectioii Ccncmittee reported at deici till of $12 and a tax of lc per hieail woo asocsed to cover the amount. A. M. Cloud woii out over J. F. Has- kett fr asistant managing editor of '00 Mlic/iipoeeioiai. For miemibers of the board (le names of R B. Tlayer, J. F. Barbee, C. L. Coii- verse, M. C. Tcrer, 1'. S. Wright, A. P. Ccx, aid C. C. Woiiilw1e01 placed in lonililltiilmi. Messrs. Tlayer, Barbee 0111 Coinveroe were elected. Engineers Banquet. Thie egineers hbanlqet 01 liis given every year u1111r the direction of thle egineerinig ociety 1111 met1 willh111111 reverses thislsprjinig. It 0wa0 to h111ve ben gveenithis owee, but was00potoneild oil aciountiOof Prcfs. Greeiie10111 Cooey teinig ii Cihicago.The tacstmas~iter 111101n111 yet beeii deinitely upo, bct it is ex- pected t(lton010will1 be seletedin a tim~e 00 that (le banqcut call be 110l1 next Friday evening. MPOTANT NOTICE. MP OTANTSTUI)1E W'J S are wanted by a reliable educational in- stitution, to represent them. No oots. Drawing accit advanced. Address JAS. T. WOO)WARD. 91 East Adams. DTRcOI, AIC. Rand McNally Universal Atlas FOR NOTHING By Saving 25o purchase chek at the following tores. Mack & Co., Grner & Lutz, Cutting, Beyer & Co, H. Brown, Staehler & Co., Groceries, Wi. Arnold, Eberbach hardware Co., J. J. Quarry, Seabolt Bros., Groceries, Anton Teufel, W. W. Wetmore, G. H. Wild Co., E. V. Hangterfer, J. Labengayer, C. F. Pardon, . G. Lodhoz, 300 Coupons get the Ala. Yee cn s endeemie the oh at Quarrys Drug toe. F OR BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES GO TO Win. J. W ENG ER HIGH GRADE WORK. 106 N. FOURTH AVENUE. G~ttIINBROS. - New Sats 'Phns 37 No. 113 Eat Liberty S. Maufacturer aof Detal Intrmet and Fle Machier. Special Atetion glass to Bicycle Repairig A Fal Lins af levesle Sudese in Slck. f Nour Bicycle Needs TO BE REPAIRED, Go to BIERMANAMS, W. Washigto. GO TO Stabler's Art Store FRArt Novelties and FR Fine Frame Mouldings. 217 S. 4th Ave. Phone, 173. Nothing Better Coo he furnished ta whet we are now puttingfthk 1ik te cay of HoE Weather Drinks at our cow Soda Fountain-. Special cooling apparetusad everything now, clean and at- tractive. J. J. QUARRY Campusa Drag Store. F R E S H -- Strawberry AND Pineapple r iish I , SOROSIS THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN... SOROSIS SHOES ABE SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THEY ABE THE EXTREME OF STYLE AND THE PERFECTION OF COMFORT ....Almcostoeeymilbig us0 letiers of 001m1en11a01i0n 001,101hoseo i e be fotu11ate i11obtaining 1this 01111 andeeywhr etr a ew aesof... ...... SOROSIS who 1thak u 0. avu plood w~ihin t1h1ei1 rech suc011beautliful, stylih a10 comfotablelfoowea,oeat1such a reasonable0 prie ...o ... $3,50 EVERYWHERE 1,1 Nuropeor00Acmerica IF YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBED Your Shoes he11woul~d 1adv1s0SOROSIS because lthey are HYGIENIC. IF YOUR FASHIONABLE MILLINER RecomomeeddaeSsmartBoot tohbeworn with1a1eow HaI, 1it1woulld bh OR1OIS. IF YOUR SWELL TAILOR Suggested tll Shoeseto0beporchased with 1110 Fall 0u11, 1hey wold hobeiSOO. W. C. Rein hardt 212 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. Nov a 0iULVI1e,;J? CRUISE ta ke the COAST LINE tMACKIAC NEW STEEL The Greatest Fesfection PASSENGER _ye atainedin Boat Con- STEAMERS. _ s truction: Luxurious.a SPEED, ~ .- . . Equipmesnt, Artistic Pa,- COMFORT y - .jncshisg, Decoration and ADSAFETY. Effcient Service. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago N cthe inoffr a nlo rama1' o f 40I i le s ofequal vsretyand intret Four TripsereekcisBee1nsayand igh10t01S5evcBtwe Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac IvrBtwe n DETROIT AND CLE[VELAND Returna,1,Including Mals and B1 eths. Afeewah and Toledo. and d Soothco eof toit forall points nm sate ostfrm la n, $1 9.00; feanm5Norhhaddyothrhest.Jua10, ly,Oaol Tlol, $16.a55 fosam troita, .5. undy5 Tpsanallif tube n~I SrtA. A. s c1HNeen G . P..e., 1100501,dMInCH. [)INitI ( U a lelanN~is oUIa s a, oale 01110011 Tandemns Crescent Combination (foT Lady and Gent) Tandems for rent by the hour F or Pent* or day. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. Phsomes No. 8. 119 West Waslingtom Street. I Manufacturer of ICE-CREAM. C Special attention given to Socials, M ac W hi Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. Quality and Prices Guaranteed. Both Phones. 110 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. I-,