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May 19, 1899 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-05-19

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Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in.
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St,
We have recently fitted up
a commodious photographic
dark room, complete with
trays, lights, etc., and offer
its use to the public free of
charge. Anything needed
in the line of supplies, or
chemicals we would be
pleased to furnish.
0 1Dap an NiUht.
During the rest of the college year we
will sevs lusches t all hoss. dyr
night. Full lisseofPipes, Cigrs, and
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
L Green Slides.. ......4c gross
W hite ............60 "
%No.1covers.........85c oz.
No. 2, sq.covers......555 oz.
Boxes for 100 slides....30c
We will Meet Any Price.
Calkins' Pharmacyy
You can't do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices are right.

First Game at Champaign---Michi-
gan Fields Fast.
Special to the U. of M. DAILY.
Champaign, Ill., May 18, 11:15 p. m.
The baseball teams of the Univer-
sities of Michigan and Illinois again
crossed bats today and Michigan won.
The rivalry hetween the players on
these teams is intense and games be-
tween them are always hotly con-
tested. Today's game was not de-
cided till the last man was put out,
as it seemed that Illinois would tie
the score in the ninth.
The play was at all times fast and
was often brilliant. Sullivan par-
ticularly covering himself with glory
by accepting eight hard chances with-
out an error. Miller pitched his
usually strong game and was invinc-
ible except in the fourth inning. He
also surprised everyone by making
two hits, a single and a double which
was meant for a home run, but struck
in a large heap of cinders in center
field. The entire Michigan team put
up a very extra game in the field,
and hit and ran bases well at critical
moments. Illinois made her three
runs in the fourth. Wilder con-
nected with one of Miller's straight
balls for three bases. Flaeger then
hit to left and the ball disappeared
in a brush heap, before it could be
recovered, Flaeger had scored. In
the eighth, hits by Lunn and Flesher,
a base on balls, and two errors al-
lowed two more runs to score and the
game was won. The team play here
tomorrow. Score by innings:
Innings .........1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-R.
Michigan..........0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 *- 4
Illinois.+.....'.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 3
Batteries - Micigan - Millerand
Luon. Illinois-MhCollum and Johns
ton. Two base hit, Wider. Home run,
Flaeger. Bases on balls, by Miller 2,
by McCullum 2. Stolen bases, Flesher,
Johnston 2, Wilder, Wernham. Struck
out, by Miller 4, by McCullom 2. Um-
Spring Tennis Tournament.
The annual spring tennis tourna-
ment begins today, and while the
number of entries is not as large as
might be expected, the interest and
rivalry is greater than usual, due to
the greater evenness of the players.
The tournament has another interest
because the team which will represent
the University in the dual meet with
Northwestern here, Friday, May 26,
will be chosen by the showing made
in this tournament.
The following are the drawings as
Friday, 3 p. m. Mon., 3 p. m. ...
Russel, bye
Asheraft k,...
MCoy |
iday, 3 p. m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. ..
Ripley, bye.
Friday, 3 p. m. Sat. 2 p. m. . ... .
Strasburg, bye.
Felker ..
3 Friday, 3 p. m.) Sat. 9:30 P.M. ..
tWilber, bye.

Monday 3 p.m.
McNeil )
Hibbard ... .J
Fri. 4:30p.m.
Sat. 9:30 a. m. Toes. 3p. m.-} .
Hlovey II-.
Sat. 9:30 a. m. ) Sat. 2 p. in.
Ashcraft & Felker
Wilbert & Gore ....
Sat. 2 p. m.
Danforth & Ripley)
lilovey& Bishop
Sat. 4 p. m.
Contestants are requested to be at
the courts promptly and to be pre-
pared to pay entrance fee before
playing matches. All matches sched-
uled will be forfeited for nn-appear-
anice of either contestant unless
manager is notified in time. 1
Called for One O'Cloch---The For-
The G, A. R. will form on S.
Main st., right resting on Huron St.,
under charge of Patrick Irwin,
The Veteran Corps of Company A,
will form on W. Huron st., right;
resting on Main st., under charge of
Major Millard, marshal.
The K. T. will form on N. Main
st., right resting on Huron st., under
charge of W. W. Watts, marshal.
The Volunteers of Spanish-Cuban
war will form on E. Huron st., right
resting on Main st., under charge of
Col. Nancrede, marshal.
The civic societies, students and
citizens, will form on E. Huron St.
right resting oi FourthS t., under
charge of Mr. Hutzel, marshal.
The school children of the differ-
ent schools will line up on each side
of Division St., between Liberty and
Jefferson sts., under charge of teach-
ers and general direction of Mr.
Teachers, representatives of the
public schools, with the seniors of
high school, will form on the east
side of court house square, right on
Huron st., under charge of Supt.
Slauson, J. F. Breakey, marshal.
The bands will form on Main st.,
and their positions will be assigned
Hr . SOULE, Chief Marshal.
Detroit Alumni Cup Debate.
The final intersociety debate be-
tween the Adelphi and Jeffersonian
will be held tonight in Law Lecture
Room-G. Hon. Edward W. Pendle-
ton, who represents the Detroit
Alumni Association, will preside.
The following will act as judges:
Prof. B. A. Hiisdale, Prof. E. F.
Johnson, Dr. R. S. Copeland, Rev.
Henry Tatlock, and Hon. A. J. Saw-
Question: Is a federal graduated
income tax desirable in this country
Contestants - Adelphi, G. W.
Maxey, S. W. Utley, H. J. Holland.
Jeffersonian- A. M. Cloud, L.
Cole, J. G. Donaldson.
All members of Oratorical Associa.
tion are admitted on presentation of
their membership tickets.

Track Team Leaces this Morning
for the Wisconsin Meet.
The 'Varsity track team leaves for
Milwaukee at 9:10 this morning via
the Michigan Central. Chicago will
be reached at 3:00 p. m. and Mil-
waukee at 8 o'clock. The meet with
Wisconsin will be held there Satur-
day afternoon, and from a compari-
son of records made by the two teams,
it looks as if the Michigan team
would come off victorious. Wiscon-
sin leads in the mile walk, 220-yard
dash and discus throw. She dashes
are doubtful, and nothing can be
foretold about the bicycle events,
nothing being known about Wiscon-
sic bicyclists.
The following men will be taken to
represent Michigan: dashers, West-
phal and Thompson; quarter.mile,
Hatch and Teetzel; half mile, Hayes
and Barrett; mile, Wood and Conger;
hurdles, McLean and Bjork; mile
walk, Odle; broad jump, Russell;
high jump, Flournoy, Tryon; weight
events, Caley, Lehr, and Avery; pole
vault, Adams, Runnels; bicycle men,
Sproat, C. C. Wood, Baldwin. Many
of the men will compete in more than
one event, so that Michigat will have
at least two men in almost every
event. Trainer Fitzpatrick and Man-
ager Mehlhop will accompany the
team. Director Baird is in Milwau-
waukee already.
Most of the men are in excellent
shape and feel confident of doing
good work. Returning the train will
leave Milwaukee at 7:30 p. mi., Satur-
day, if the meet is over in time and
arrive in Ann Arbor early Sunday
forenoon. If the meet is delayed the
team will arrive here Sunday after-
The result of the meet, together
with the time of the team's arrival,
will be posted by the DAILY in See.
han's window about 6 p. m. Satur-
The '99 and '00 literary teams will
play at Regents Field this afternoon
at 4:10. The teams are evenly
matched, and a good game is ex-
The senmi-finals im the class base-
ball championship will begin Satur-
dap at 1 p. m., when the '01 dents
and the pharmracs will meet. The
game will be played at the Fair
Dr. V. C. Vaughan, dean of the
medical department, left for New
York city, last evening,where he will
attend the banquet of the Michigan
The faculty concert arranged to be
held in Frieze Memorial hall, May
27th, has been dropped. The last
faculty concert will be given Thurs-
day evening, June 1st. All lovers
of music should not forget this date.
This will be the last opportunity until
next fall to hear the artists compos-
ing the Faculty of the University
School of Music.
Friday, May 19-Finals in Cup
Debate, Adelphi vs. Jeffersonian.

Up row.
state St.

Dawn Town
,Opp. Coprtious,
main St

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