2 2 THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY PbihedDaily (Sundays ecepte)uring the Colleg yaroat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tettio: The inland Pees, Iening Block. Both Phese 17 MANAGING EDITOR. F.NEARDt~tt, '1L. BUSINESS MANAGER. to.. II Hoc.'O L. EDITORS. Athletic Edito, P. W. JONaS, '99, T. R. Wooow, '0L. A.l. EcDoaLL,'IO E t4.5D. HIcoeee'01tE. J. B. WooD, '00, C.'L.ILENS,. '99, C. D. COOt, '99, L. J. MOo'TaoMEae,'O0, W.I. IltosCEY, '0 M, A. ttw, 1?. The cahoctpti o pice of tto DALYtu to:2.00fec tho collee yea, aita regla deliey bhoroe no o aci idy. Notice, cottonicatios, ad otheecmatte inteded foe pulicaioomuat e handed i at the DAIofficehbefoe8p .,oor tooiled to the edito efooe 3 p,. m. of the day areiouo to that on oihlthtey ae execcted to pppae' suthscriptione ay he left at the DILYyoaice, Meyers, o totle~ttoo'ewtanotr00wittt Bsiet Mattger. Icthccihee twiltcofea facetriby reotigpottptly at ti oie any falurte of c rcsttt deivepap. Aliltages itt :ttcciitg tatte tttst e in thtt'ttlce Iby a p. ton athce cay Ieaiotts to tat o0 twhichlthtreto accIt ttette Atllhotghlthiee 1as bleett smetlop.. intsistd it'l Otrictt taintinug byall ttack candtetts, aOditaston ~sisetly t- ftusedto Itaillow tny oe ol ll tetatm witt refused to tai. Tey htave thlt the couge to etforce strict trainitg regulatonls, ad it ias now' bee'ntrctogized by all te cadidates thtat tiey muton eoformo if tey wishi ttoocodse tite teaml. A firmn stand ils bent takeot ogtitst allttwittg aly unworty 1men snithe tetas titlt are to represent tioe University abroati in track cotest. ITheblyno aheewohapnohve otuperior piysical qualificatiotts whiicha eable hito to wil witout re- gardinog aly training regulations ad whio 0ow115 11 obligations to lis ata ottter is not to have a place on a Michigan teaml. Thte ealtity sentitent of tle t- dent body ought and srely will 011- taill the managenment in teir action. Grantig-for the sake of tie arg- mlet-that a particular evet wocld he lost ecase of toeahselce of scil alI atblete, it were still htter ot to have him on the team,. For experi- ence has soown eyond dipote tia alt athletic teanl- can Only hope to will by regular, systematic trainig. eTie inlultence of one memaber of a teat)nwo bctlraks taining is extremoe- ly demoralizing. WhenOIIschi a man11 wi115stere is the strogest tempttioin for othters to follow his exampllle, s0ome few becase tey tik it creditable to be able to wi under scl circumlstances, ad thers becase thley rebel at fie manifest ijstice of beiug com~pelld to keep 5110te rigors of traininlg when all do not have to. Once a wiole teana becomes lose ill training and all hoepe of wninllg is past. Til en101wh1oork so hard and faithfully to make as good a sowing as they cant for their University alone are worthty to be on a teamn. It is a sacrifice in nany cases to go trough a season's training ad tle reward of it is the satisfactioln of exerting ones self for his alm~a mlater ado ear- in~g the good will ad respect of hils feloss As a reslt tere wii be more faithful work on the part of track athletes. And sportsmanlike athletics wtill tenld ore to win that high re- spect tiey deserve. Challenge Extended. No reply having been received fromlatie college pres in response to tile DAILY'S challenlge ftr a baseball gamte, the DAILY is justified in claim- ing tile belt offered for te college press baseball championshlip. But ill order to stimudlate interest in the great Amlericall gme, ad 1s well afford tie wearied etitorial staffs of thteInlunder, Wrioale, S. C. A. Bl- letin, etc , anl opportunity ttt gain a brief respite from their arduoutsuena tal labors, attie sane titte givig tetnsomae mtuch-Ieededipysical ex- ercise, the DAILY will exted its challenlge to include tie reptr~ial a111 editorial staffs of tie city papers, bottti weekly and daily-cTcis will give tile college prsste services of suchilmentas 11Bo Needhatmt ' aler of the Argos andol"Jos-awty" Cramter f tie Toiins. Mien of wide antt variedi experience illbtse all matltters, besides llollnerols ottlers, like "Specks" Person of te Ctur- ir. Toe DAOIY sicerely hoplies tiat temetiaro tf tie city ad college press, if tie)' possess ay love forthe11 "gtame of all galme, twillnott{'itol1 ttke advtntage of tis opporlnily. If nto reply is receiveti by May 2it te DAILY iii be eiluctntly otligdo tot cironicle tie decaence of atilticc spirit illtie Unlivesity attticity. Address al olttlllotiatiots to Tnae SoRrINe EnITRi, U. 01'X. Dot . 'Te Ant Abore R. IR. ill ell -u-o tickets olte 0teltJitgnmeetitg at oee forc te ond tip:: InternatioalCottvetinaY M C. A. oNortt Atmerc, OGotnd ORapil, Mih. rieetonotale Maty'4antd 2i. BRtet limt M0 ay 2.. Anual t onttoTraeersc Potetie Aso citinof Amertica,.LoivilelKy. 'Tiehttot sale Mayt5 tnd16. RetutcrnttmitMa~y 2, Anntl: Mting Germtttt ti~tste.Rloaoe, Va. Ticetseo sale May 1, 19,'21 attd 21. Ie. Ntittnal Batist Attttiveeeoies. SattFatceco, (a. Ttcket ott ale 91 y 1, 10 and 1.ORetttrn Metigold ode Geteon Bptit, Uiot Bridgt, ad. 'Tickec ttstoon aeMy 1, O9, i0:tnd i'2. RtOotttlimit otto 24. Noc tie Atttta Metig Geneal Asetobly Peyeito ectuteh itt United State, Minnte apollo, Mitttt at ono fact. fo the rottnd tp, lit $4 onaly 1, 16ndl17, wthetrn 111i0ittte Ne tt'Plne 397 No. 113 Est Liberty St. and FioaMahiey. Special Attention given to Bicycle Repairing AFll ine of Bitale Sundrie in Stk. Rand McNally Universal Atlas FOR NOTHING By Saving B5n purhase checks at the following stores. Mack & Co. Grner & Lutz, Cutting, Beyer & Co., H. Brown, Staebler & Co. Groceries, Wt. Arnold, Eherhacha Hardware Co., J. J. (qarry, Seaolt Bro., Gcoeries, Anton Ton el, W. W. Wsetmore, G. H. Wid Co., E. V. H3algstrfer, J. Laubegayr, C. F. Pardo, H. G. Lodhol, MOO Coupons get the Atlas. vYou ate andexattinte theootQuaacry' DruggStoe. GO TO Stabler's Art Store Nothing Better Catt bacfocistu-d thatn what we ace note putting foeth ia the o ay of Hot Weather Drinks at Art Novelties and ( Secial coolong aparatus ndt FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. eeryting aew, cleanndat tcactive. ____________________ J. J. QUARRY 1~J7 S. 4th Ave. Phaonae 173. Campus Drug Store. FDE S H - Strawberry S1 AND Pineapple1I9 SOROSIS THE NEW SHOE FOR WOMEN... SOROSIS SHOES ARE SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THEY ARE THE EXTREME OF STYLE AND THE PERFECTION OF COMFORT ....Almost 'ecytmailhbims usletteersttf coataendatiolo fromo those alto have heen fortunace int obtainintg this shoe atttdecywhee we taco are weacers of ...... SOROSIS who thank an for lacing placed wuithinthetr rcacho scth heaatifal, stylish and cotofortable footwear, atnsuch a reasontahle price ..... $3.50 EVERYWHERE In Eurcope or Atoerica IF YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBED Your Shoet lit outld advite SOROSIS heatse thtey acreIHYGIENIC. IF YOUR FASHIONABLE MILLINER flRecommtended a Sarat Boot tohcbeo W . C. einhart witha new Hatit wouldhbeSROSIS. IF YOUR SWELL TAILOR 212 S. MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR. Suggested thte ttoen to he opuechaaed with the Fall tit, they would bte SOOSS.t For a 6ZUlMJSR CRUISE take the COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfection PASSENGER yet attained io Bool Con- STEAM ERR. struction : Luxurious. . SPEED,. Equipment, Artistic Fur- COMFORT ni' c saing. Deotration and ANn SAFETY. Effiient Seroice. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago N'oothrcLntoffes aoanoa of 400mlesof eqal artyand iteret. FouTaript peWetkBtwetetn Dayea0ngtSeneBeteenntt Toldo Derot ad ackn EvSey Dayand0 DETROIT AND CLEVELAND rToando,Detoitas.d MacacNigaht1 00Bettweenttt vaneactossetemadCateCelandnwit LOW BATEft i ctu estue Ma cktoc ttd Put- in - Bay Eanliast Trainfoeral lontat, Sonut Reur, nluin Ma sanBethn. Appol-a not e. antd Sothwoeandateteoittoroallpoitas matte. C tdos t randeelndToled;frm ortthand Noethwest. faltdo, $1a.2fom fetroi t, $sno7. 5,eteato Oa oy. O Hf 1 I; etme Oj~ioe end to. foe Illuntrated PamaphleL.Addresn,a Ta nd em S Crescent Combination (for Lady and Gent) Tandems for rent by the hour F or Rent. on day. Rates Reasonable. M. STAEBLER'S Phnones No. 8. Bicycle Emporium.. 119 West Washington Street. If Your Bicycle INeeds A Manufacturer of ICE-CREAM. TO B REP IRE Special attention given to Socialo, Societies and Picnics, on Short Notice. Goto BI RP ARED, w iii Qalt and Prices Guaranteed. W. Washaington. Both Pihones. 110 South Mains St., Ann Arbor, Michi