4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES ITS MARK' All around the world. Every One Warranted for Five Years. Don't lbe deceivedl by fake signs and advertisements offering the Wat- ernman Pen front $1.00 up, as there is no Waterman Pen made at that price. We have the socalled Waterman Pen, which is extensively advertised and which leads the unsuspectig public to believe that they are getting the Watermans Ideal at tis remsarka bly low price. At aty te prospect- tve petsbyers have a fewv momenets leisure we will glaly sow theit the swindle that ia being perpetrated upon the public. SfltfifN S& 60., University Booksellers, Stationers, and Engravers, 320 S. State St., AimArbor, Mih. S.L A. (Students' Lecture Association.) Tickets for the entire course are now ott sale at W ilder's, on State St., and at Goodyear's, on Main St., or they may be had frott studett solic itors. The price is only $2.00. Think of hearing RILEY For 20 cta,, BOURKECOOGKRAN For 20 ct., INNES' BAND For 20 cta., or "IAN MACLAREN" For 20 cta, James Whitcomeb Riley will open the course Oct. 21. The other dates will soon e made public. Watch the Bulletin Boards. S LA. CORRECT MODERATE STYLES PRICES Theinost complteelins sf sn-to-date Men 5's rnisgtsnte'citby, ts at D. A. TINKER & SONI, 3321 S. State St. deas n laIts, Cans, Fins Neckwear, F.& W. and Cuetti tCotlarsans~d SC, 1anc~y and svhite Shirts, Night Robe'.,IPajama',Blats Robes, GymSuitstbn ad Sthoes, Laboratosy Ssits and Aprons, Underwear. Hosiery, Jnws toy, Umibret- las en's ltotes toodsr at low pus es, St, is altyt and styte guarasnes. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TJ1 I Ls O T , ussreceived a new ail servicealie lineoftGoods o TROU SERING. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SWEATERS AGENCY FOR THE Bestof Workmanships. CELEBRATED aoF~ ahnta5. os4hAs LONGLEY $3 HAT 214_ast___________t.,near5thAve A a base added tossour asatSsf inehorses sisd carriages, a rTALLY-RO, wich seals L tosatlrn persosn ssaehing tiesuwnillnow be noder.Seura datesfosrthe L y Tally-Ho. Calt ap y H HOLMES LIVERY H O Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0 LAMPS S TUJD E NTS We call sttentiotn to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lanmps, ranging in price front 75e to $2.50 each. 'These Lantps are of the latest and msost improved patterns and makes. Including "'rise'New Roshester," '"T'he Yale," "The Royal," " The Bertin StuslettLamp,"'"The 1 ertection Student Latmp" If you want the best Lamp f:.r the Leo t alssiepy come and ire us Old Number:S0 9 44 SO. MAIN ST., DEA N& O ANN ARBOR, MICH Candidaites for sophomoretiteaIss i T'he Enintter's society still ineet tueet on camspuss, near Gynas, daily it Issnight, in the Enigitseerinsg Hail, ar 4 p. its. H. L. BEGLE, Capt. So'ocek. 0. K. Atwood was elected csiptaitn of the 1900 football team yesterday f ternootn. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, dean of these Honseopatic Meslical Departmnts, still speak itt Newbierry Hall, Sun- slay miorniitg at 9:15. Arthur J. Bleazbsy, '99, was elEect ed presidetnt of the Anti Sailson League, at the tueetitig Wednesday msorning. Word has been received of the death uf Clias. Ws. Retmitngton, M. D., a sttudenst duritng the early '50s of the Medical Departmntt of the U. (if M., also assistanst surgeotn of the Thir- teentlh Michigan Vol. Itnf. duritng Entrance Pinjsice. A class iii sreparastory physic'sstill bse formted atnd mieet for tse firt time Alouday, Oct. 17th, at 3:15 p. Its., ini the lecture roominof the Phiys- cal Laboratoty. K. E. GUTHS. LOST-Openi-face goulsiwatch istll part of chain attached. Ittitials F, F. C. Fitider phease leave at 603 B. Liberty and receive suitable rewat'd. 18 'rTe Unilversity Schosol of Datncitig sill give te first rotgr'amtai rty sit cisc sasoni5 at Grasigers Acaemiey, Stiturdlay Eve., Oct. 14. You are cordially invited. 17 W. ANOsi, si viiresi S AT J. .iV AezdAst.CshierSAVt1INGS~ JOH. . N' ATZ Ast B NK Transacts a general Blankitng Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANI(KOIat AiArbor. Capital, bi00,, (0. Surplu5~sadPrfeits, 140,000 'rescs sgeeraselibankingtbusiness. Foreign excae ugshitad sold. Furnish letters of credit. Ei. 1. KINNE, Prs. HARBISONt SOUL. S. Wc. CLAIIICSbN, Casier. ('. ai.Sn ad ttisroStreets. Capistl, 50. sSssipii $3si,000.'ranas-a geealankiting ttsnss. Ri, n Pes. C. E.Gus, aVire-Pres. Theo flfrbor Savinas Uank Csaitil tocket. S0,00. Susrptisi,$151,000. Resurces. s51100,i100 Oreganisedsundesrsth e eeralint Lsws ofthlis State.Beeivisi depsis, ii ts d res exchasne on thetprincipal citisesiof the United Stsst, s. Dreftesebased upon Feister identifications. Stfety deps'sii boxs to ren~t. OFIR:is,: ChisinttMack.Fes.; W.tD.IHarri- msa, Vicees.; Ch'tas E. Iliesen, Cishier; M. J. Fritz,dAsistantCashier. IAMB & SPENCER, . THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usuaily kept in a firrt-ciass Grocery and Blakery. Cal and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WIM. VOUGIHIT-W M. It. FOX, 1 HE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The best high grade tiundry ia the State. Ttse only manssie domsic'sfSnish is the West. Gloe fsistsalsgissn. Alt curbkpromptoly, nesaty and careelly dune. The Excelsior Laundry Co, OF KALAMAZOO. Collars .....................1 Cent Cuffs............................... 3 Shirts................ Either Sinisb. Satifnetion gunsanteed. (ine usa trial Offiee 202 S. Slate St. Residencee6t0 Lawrence et. Nec State Phone. 441. t ANN 4RBO'2T the civil war. Bureau of Lasw, Washington, D. TheIntr cea, eadngChicago C. Informiatioti pertainitng to this Talis hante edOceaF, headitig Laws of chicUttitesi Sttes, of the dpay, e i s D ep .F.STiltseveral states andshterritories of te supsriptonH iyouse ,News vet 1rst ltited States, of Fosreign Coutrties subcritioi, laiy ttl, dhivreditfurnished tuponi applicatison. niots, $1.50 for 3 tmos., payable itt_______ advanice. _________ Retteniber the piace where you jLOST-A blste mackintosh cape. can save motney eta shoe repairinsg. Leave at Steswards officc or 511 Bill Shoes fixesd to your owti satisfactiont. St. 1S Shoes tapped, 5ttc. atid60ce. Rubber General Agency for DetroitClii- heels, 40c. antdl50c. Bring youtr caoNest York asd Toledo p act'sstock swhen you cotie to thec P. 0., at12sgsVi, nS.,Opr Hose to A. Levy, U. of \1. Shoe shop, 217 Nests Depot. N. Main Sc. 1 Try the Portland Cafe for boardl, Reserve seats fsr the S. L. A. first-class, atnd only $13.00 per week. csorse will be ont sale Oct. 20, 9 a. Meals and hunches at all hours. Opsenlini., at Wilder's ott State St. and day and night. Goodyear's sin Maiti St. Price 50 cts. All O portulhlyDs you know what a Full Pique Kid Glove in? Most of the gloves sold as Pique newed are what is known to the trade an hal Pique. '[ttl thia seaso we have been usable to buy Fall Pique Men's Kid Cioves to sell at $1.00. But we have thems now. You just think Men's Full Pique Kid Cloves, Imported Stock, a~~ 10 12 .MANS.WAGNER 4 CO9