THE UNIVERSITY OF MI CHIGAN DAILY. 3 f+ fI++++++++++++++++++++ .................*+**+........ +**+++....*** *t4 +*.. AND FANCY SOX ARE SWELL Ins ~$1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $.0 +SOLE AGENTS HANAN SHOES. gVUILL yd U~119 SO. MAIN ST. "4ITe ~NiaaaalsRoute. ECITYLISH TAILORING.1 EN £1 5. TAND.I) Dl)TIME Tking Effect Aag. 14, 1898- tlail a d Express . .........31 .M NY. Bs~toln Special.........4 585 Atlantic Fxpres............745 A. . D~etroit 5-45 loixres... ......5 5 Grand1 1Ra 1pi s pits-........ 1 .l10 " N1-sili& E prs... ....... 8.940 A.41 Roston, N.Y & h tl< ...... .91 " Pas, W -tern Expresso .........1118. M Chc 1 oN 't Expres.........t 94 Pacifi xa - .............12511 A.51 O. W JttG1f, , H W.HAYE4 0 .,1'T Ar'.5410 in, A't An hror It ts O TIME TABLE T l i Snot.fe-t, 3ae 1, 181). "r icnsee Asn Arbr y nr al 151StasS- NOl ItI-I 50(711 4:-)6 8 40 . IM. _%1otltran iJ I xetSundsiay. E. S.GILMORIE, Agent. ut ' 1",11YIPnLANn & ANN AR- fIOR RAILWAY. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equalI any in tlhe State. We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. All garmnlts malide by us kept pressed and in repair for 1M6 HE fuon. Ne-w State Phone 43 THE $5400 GRAPHAP3HONE Tihatwe sell now TALKS, SINGS andl PLAYS These 51a11 s 4fl1ip 1.s-ihe -pr11 ice ilhinso, and14 USES TI-ElSAMEIJ RE1CORDS4. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114w. Libety St. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Eimblmigseie 51a ISly.No. 10915. 4'b Aves Ami1i oncSe Lglt and le . tos- 1ide1c4, 102 IFifthsAve. The Revised Schedule. May 18, Illinois at Chamopaign. 19, Illinois at Cbhaopaign. 20, HamiltonCblob at Chicago. 27, Northwestern at Ann Arbor. 30, Wisconsin at1 Detroit. Jons 1, neloiit at Ano Arbor. " 3, Cornell at Ithaca. 5, Lafayette at Easton. (1, tPennsylvalnia at Plliladelphili1. 10, Notre Damle at Ann Arbor. 10, Cornell lat Ano Arbor. "17, Cornell at Detroit. Abou~t 70(1011oueniir ftans were sold during tIlselMay festival. 'The origi - 1111 co(505g1111t 111101,50(0, anld the 11ppular1Iityioftil uen1 11irassures thle dlispiositionii of the remaindler dluring collllieilceIsleilt timle. CALENDAR. Friday, May 19-Finals in (Cup D)ebate, Adelplhi vs. Jeffersoiiiail. Thiursdlay, hMay1 18, 5:01) p. 44n., M~citlnitisielect~in of11he1 iii( claso. C______ t l ocklThJs LOST-SoIllewlxere inteigho-'Au ot ftegma i)asle1o151 cross5 use~d as a weatch chalrm.l in.r' Mich vii", I ! please return to 627 Southl 11hayeirA 1,- Leading street. G. A. 1iI. i. X imi Arnold, Jeweler LOST-- A seasoa ticket to1bsbll55)l gamiles, ((lil gamnes punchd, li 1410The Only Full Line of andi address on back olltic kIl I Findier please retuirn to 418 Kingsley Lowney's Chocolates striet. e._____ _- In the City, Just Received by Notice. vTu4F-r---.- -Ia t [ f t it t i) Ctirs IleAnn Asb 1)r or Ypslilnti otaND-A smiiall grip iii Souithl All canidates lfor 1002 lit. lrsii n1 1 Detri1)t eveiy Ihaslf hsi beginning hitite near Packaird. Oiur e mnay report for piractice daily at lie Fiair1 t1.5 . n . T.of Mt car leavseCity lhavel saneiy poying 114111 an I[,i, Detroit, every night lfter 'tlieater.IgY 1 ijibty Grouiinds. ms'(at ieal1511 lS11iielr(151payinig for this notice. ----- ions. Baggage,41 express5 ind tu odents' The Anil Arbor Mulsic Co. lass 14 ilpllies 5r51101iv d ddelisvsied. Wait- Salariedl polsitioii loii aIfewr mni$22 WasliburiimanllliinSl ihtl letoos, iicioirer onssid street urinig summser ioth~tls. Apply M. used, thlat they oifer fur $12. I havle )oiroit. Bigelowr,1003 Last CUnive-rsity. -seeii io suichi saluinllmiandioliins. 1 r -s- °O asne -aa.erA ALL.r --14~o - -- 50 504 1511 1entscbter, the plhotograpber. ,5i APOTIN !HE VU. U ... 5.7..B..AI liK 7 S 338 So. Slate Street. W't-iilt Fts Tansmaeit possibler (ii ou -o ak re--kr i-n iAnn Arbor, 1)44- ne i t.114141is uncheoni i~in a.First- Yuleave Asn Aibor,;Ar rivt .Loits, 6:25 p in.;\rrire 1C111-ag1 110 ( 0 p 11ml;tKa 5sasi i I 0:15 a. , DOi ixa 8:11 a n Feas Tito IsOrha -Ooly One Nigbt Oui 111) Conitinessnl itssnite(l, Asuperib fast trainrmagniicent sersvicr, betseeii Detroit and1St.tous,Chicag:-, Niax ara Falls, Buoffalo, Nets Yoik and Boston. Free Reclining Chair Cais ion All I'reins. 0ouswill 140 homes for raia- tion soon -better write to us for a new folder of Wabash traino. F. A. PALMER, A. Go. P. A., Chicago. C. R. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Loois, M~o. RI. S. GaEEN iNX0D, M. P. A., Chicano and Ann Aibor. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Boswliung Green, Mi. i ettL 1Fittollnay, AMs n5, 0o4unubius, Mitth11polt, and Clarlestota, W. bra. -Columibus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at -toledo. Through traiiis with Sleeping aiid Drawring Room cars fromn Detroit and Toledo. MOULETON HOUR. General Passenge~r Agt MENN I!f NN _ _WMEN NI 44mk 444AN D IXAtSW A NDlillltllllttllS OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT iN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West H uron St. Stints Phuill 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now Yortk - (hicango. ATHLETIC GOODS. fficial ouifitters So ath 1le adinig colileges schosand atletic chub5 llsis thcosunnry. The Spaliding Bicleririddenl by She Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Chamspion~s. a414 all She letadinig college riders. Evety IRequi- site ftoer Bse Batll, Hist Ball, Golf, Tennis4 Athlietics, OFtmn4as4i. Spaling's Official League Ball Is She Official Ball 4f(lie Natil-Le1 aue antd all She 1leading cotllege ssocisaionss. Hlandsome Ca1144 talgus o1 Athletic Sitttts Free I totinyaddress. Spalinit's Offlil B asesBixl Guide fsr 1899, Mtarch 30. 10 CeisIts. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS.. Nesw York, Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Line4 HasingUnion 1)epots in BothlToTede and (Colums~,. (NO TIRANSFERS TO ANY POINT. 3 o Fr raiiss BIetweeie 3 11rAbove Cities. 3 Rates always the lowest and accoma- modationo tile best. For particulars call on local agento, or addreso L. W. LANDMAN, Gen'l Trav. Agt., 67 Woodw'ard ave., Detroit, Mich You can get COVER GLASSES at 55c per oz. and SLIDES at 40c per gross at Goodyear's Drug Store.