THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 0lclDaly(S'nooyst ce ooptedo) olococg the. C.ollege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, I t' :I :Thl ilandoPressccRe.nin;oloBlock. Both Phoncs 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGctEHAR, '01 L. BiUSINESS MANAGER. 01.1cAS,'O L. EDITORS. Athletic Edtlo, P. W. JootS, '99, TI. B. Wcomowt, '00 L. A.1D.,McDoLGALL,'OO E (. D. IlNt T, cc1 01 E. J. B. Woo)o, TO, C.L. No.S, '1.), C.B. COO, 9 L.J.MloN'cOoooo.R'II . '1. It.H CKLY.'ION., A G. BROWtN, '02. '010sucripct~tioototic of tto DAITtoito$2.50 for tiecollet-eycar, wilt aocgttlacrcdelivery beoroo nootathdoy. Noticco, communoications, and other motter intended fttc publicationtmutobe hantlddinot tcettAIYoficIteforeo8Op"I.toot tmailcd to te editor tbefoe p.I.tof t te doy previoouo 1110atnwhticht they ateexptedt ttOto Sttbtcriptiosotoy to left a1tte DAILY office, Meyersor00 tofileto ooewtnd, 00 wit Bttsioess Mttoageo. Stobsciboersttwilltconfra aorc by rotoiogoptlly 00ttis tffic toy falurettofc thoe parkl. ''This1110scausedolgeneraol cootol totitotoiO am B ilonh stuooent t o i1Madiontt, ondI tiey coatnot tell whlere thoey orc at Outtil ttomnorrow. Capt. Lyle, of tetrtck teaoo, is lhere End statcstloat unoloss thec oottter is scttledl ttomorroo ow i il choaonget'hieilacc of thoe oeet to Madiooo or Dcirttit. Chlebs Batirolwsos all1d11tip by 101000hone i'crgarod to 1110 abovec. Staid ltc: "'I do ntot knoow anoytloiong oboto it. W had/It jusplt assoon ooooot haeca track moect with Wisconsin os noot, itt order tco savcecurselves fotr the Ittter- cottlegiate. Hlowever', I tltinok tte Mlilwooaukce odispatchl is only 10 1110011. I 1110 gtoong up ltheetontigltt o ttoko' thte flnal arranogcments. S. L. A. Board. 'T'he firot omoctinog of thoc ocoly clectecd S. L. A. boarol waos foedd1ast eveoolng. Nothinog of itomotpotccetwy transacootedl, beoitdcs proposing 11111111 of lcctourer's or ioext ycor. 'Ili mattetlrowill occupy0 alll tioc timot he l tooarod orthoe toext feowtoeetiongs. =OWN" i S SUM LR SHIRTS Alt(ii sI , T<)C K, A EST ,*-T I I'', 011'UST PIZU'PIS 1A C) IV EQA W E L LJ OO.L, Cti3z; AT- FO RTA 11 LE, ltl+,A.P. If you want a Shirt, come where the Shirts are. CLUB TIES ASCOT j I< OIJJ r -IIA I) TO MATCH . Noble's Star Clothing.Home n4' t _ e All cangesin advertising ttma ttmutohetoio JReprecootative Mc~alluoo, '98 1, 1100 offcebty 4 a07re1iou tto taortot' ltol od onttich Itoevooa00 ttocot'. waOSs sriouoslyhuti abcylac- odent ot Ltaising ycteirday. 'lie re- poort 10 tlhat 110w0110 nconslcilouOIs ltd _______delirious for soooe tille. 0N CHARGEof cc A'Soc lEt.0Kraeinzleion, whool1111 tte recordl C'. L. 011.10. for broad jumpojoing, broke his pre- ___________________________ viou100 recordolof 24 feed 31 iclhes. Michiganensian Election. into thtird ott 3 trial juimps a lt Fraonklion Fielod yestcrday. Fiost 01011,motetioog of tloe class ot 1900, trial 28 feet 8 iotches; secooto, 23 walledl fotr yesterdlay afternooo a s 10 feet 11 ioclheo; thoiro, 24 feet 41 inl adjouorncoluntil Tbursdaly oafterncotto at 5:00 p. tn., becauose not eonotugli Th'etoAttoArbtor1. 01. willslexu-o ineoooters of tile claoo turrnedotot. A ticoke t otoe following otmteetngs atotteftt' f1111 attenldanlce otf tile class is odesiret(] O'niversity of SMichiganottOotocol lest itval, Attt Arbtor, 00101. Ticket tttso Not lay , 11, 12 s mlembler'ss otie1le 'elnslio Iandt113-S tRetrn Inuoit Slot'1;. Btoard owill be elected and otber 111 Inttrttatiottal1Cconvt'oiono '' 10 C. A.O Ntotht AttoricaGaRpd, ootoMOltit htlickeotson too poortanot bus1iness5will coooie ooi. Ma.y z4 nd 2.i Retrn liitMatyIt. __________________- coatiot of Atmettica, Louisville, Ky. 'riton Porto Ricans Enter the Universit s.aletMtt15 an016M.og toRe o ltan ltt, ay. Itooo 'rlore 100010Iticotos laveentordVa. T'1ckobtsooo' aleoy 10, lt,10 otntdl21. 11- tile UnT'''st .Notitoota lotatiot Attttlt'totr'ies.Sootrani'sotco, 3'.oieso.Colt. Tockts t'ott- cl' 20_5'14, 15t and 16.llR'turnt El Senoor Ml. L. KaufmoannI has litmit July 10. tiMlo eeotingtolot OrderocGte'maonotBapltists,uiont nade arranogem~entis toSteaochlten)thoc lidce,.Sod.'Tckets ott soltoMSyoty 1120 taOtntdo iEnglishl language for the nlext tour'22. Rtuttro limiot Jtune 24. g gFccote AtnootaotMctintg(Geoncrol Asblottty and one-ha~lfBmoithls.Presbyterioanoc'huch'lointo ootttcS in-aoiMn. toefr o trotrip, lus cavooGuerley, to ~e, 54, ot 010115, 106'tootl1, owitho 001t0rn lioit Juneo of Rafael and Jose, whoo accompolanied ,1500. thlemohIls returined to New York. 1110 N sons swill take up tbe stuldy ofthciem-ol. fIt I -- F istry next fall aood Jose Figueras owto JNew State 'Phooo SOS acc~omplanies thlem will stoudy 1la0. No. 113 East Liberty St. Tbese youiog men have lately finishled Manufcoturerof cDeBnoal Intrumoents and Pine Machinery~. ait acadenmic education in SpoilnItnd Special Atentiogloen co icycle Repairing are nlglly cultured. A Full Lineof i cycle Sundries in Clock. It seems thlat tbey cloose thle Uni- versity of Michigatoi hiroulghlthoe inluenicice of somoe Portoo Ricains 0110o lre alumoniofthteooUniversity. pn j4 1M11 n ~I lit CIRFi l('A I. a001-11 I0I SI('A. A111I'AlIA 'S . MIBOS('OPIC FIND1I1NGS. Ife'~dqeorters ftor nil Inbtlj-- tor'y Suplies 1120S. Maint Strt.AnnotAoot, Sloh THE 1LINLfRh4D FE PRINTERS, BINDERS, and LI Hnng BLANK BOOK MAKERS ANN CARBOR., GRANGER'S 3CMO0LOFDANCING. $5.00 per Tei- i of 12 'Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Privote Leosons by Appointmelnt. Fell 'P1hone 246) For a iUMMT1A1? GRUI SEItake tioc COAST LINE to M ACKINAC ' NEW STEEL Ihe Greatest Perfection PASSENGER - yeiattained in Boato- STEA E S. srciro on : Loxoriouso Equtipmeont,lristicfPot- P ECOM FORT 0 1.yto 00000ilo Dcortion and ADSAFETY. a EffcietlService. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Nioother Linec offr ormaofooooo6oO milosofo equaltvariety ano uo'ooot. Four TripsperotOWeekOltoBe i toeencool Olooit Servict, lw Toled, Detoit ad M Eci ery Day andooo DETROIT ANDB ILEVELAND Toleo, etrot ad Mckinc Cgl~ Beteen Fit, $1.50 Fe0,0retin PETOSKEY,"THr, 000," AoOI tVETTlOO Cioel~and, Oceth0,7, I. Stateroom00 L.OW BATES o ilotqooolini andtoO Put- in - Bay Earliet Transb o aI pins 00 .So Retrnincudng eal an Brth. Aproi- and Toledo. Noth ad othweso't. matel o t 0010ro .,Cl tvelan, $110.0 rmludT riso.tune,'ooo l ytotoho. 00.0 AICA.. 5f0or 0 0P. 0000000, MO. n. lrol ang G lvl n iliiII ol nail Trouble in Miltwaukee About the Tragck Meet. MII.OVAUKICIO, WIS., MAYtv16.- It is poossible thtat thte dolitrack moeet betwleenl thoe universities of MichoigaonoandolWisconlsinl willbehoeleld at either Madisoin or Detroit, next Satulrday atfternoono, instead of Mil- waukee, as originally scloeou'ed. Tis detpendbs 0upon1thoe actioonoofthteo tracik owniers2 at Nationlal park, so have thoe poster to hayethoe blaclklist oil tloe track raised, but swioo have thous far refused to do aoything in tie matter. Chairman Gerlach, of tloe L. A. W., granted a sainctioin foor tile 101et1yesterdaoy, boltlie odidl iot 1k001ow at thoe timeolthoat thoere 00010 1 blacklist ointioe traock. State Haiodicapcer Harback, ot this city, and Frank Van Valken- burg, state represenltative, tootth de- cliioe to act ini the matter uinless thoe application conoes fisin flhe oowners of Universal Atlas FOR NOTHING By Saving 20c purchase oheoko at- the followinnesores.,'~ ,~ d.T Mack & Co., Gooner t& Lutz, Ta nd 'is'OOCil .dlloiltltjolLoy no Cutttng, I'Leys & Co., it. lBrown, Gont) Tandelom~s for renat by the loour' Stoebler o& Co., tGrocerie, Won. Arnolod, For Pent. ordy