THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpeelalOffer! r The New Werner Edition1 -OF THE- COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE SuPrruu's Goldnti S6DotPG i Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Nome, the Office, the Library. GET YOU R ...... RG S FOR H"'T HE G A ME AT JOS. W1 KOLLAUF, Foreign and Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 East Washaington~ St., near 5th1Ave ANN ARBOR. W .BOOTHPRES. fT1 W. AROD 1ast 1 ieprey J. V. SHEAN. ad ic-paco oa. sC. WALTZAst.CashierStVNG8 BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Ogn d1 Capital, 1100,(00. Surplusad Profit, x40tt0 Ttransttttts nrbankin bsin~tess. Foreaign excthangebottghtaaandtsold.Furnttis letttf credtit. E. D. KINNE0, Pres. HISOSn OtULE. Vice-Fcc, S. W0. CLARtKSON ashtier, Nt--tly six feet of lprintedl tatter. EU - ..a..U.-/ (Eatch vttltttttit 11 in. lottg; 9 itt. witde; abtttt 2ttichestitick, atd IntrGonouaiato Bureau O1f-IGadCllIG GOtU MC. eighial b tout 5pttotds. ) GOTRELL & LEONAORD, Catiit ill go tnttt your toad ? Not AcLBAY, N. likely!T Bott(er hve the totrk itoelf .' Caps, Cowno, and Hoodo made to otder and rented. AstuClass t e tottwlictintt dottbt. Caneo, Ciass Hats and Caps, Class College ftns. Address W. C. KERNaaWesttrns S~aa., ni It notlre set of Thtirty Superb HaskeialltaauseuaasUniv. Osi cag o Octtavo XVtltatt deliveretd ufttit pay- mueit of University Booksellers, AGENTS, 320 eittlia tate Street. Shimt Wats ! Wetmakesa speciattsofitttttesis tthst. Sat. ttfactitotznntes. Doptttsscattor ingaus Student's Laundry tlssociutioay, Agte. tortGrnd Lattatday,Osetrttit. 202 a. State St. Neat'Phone, 441 A TRIAL ORE. That is all I ask fsi- syIaadyAgency. P. C. MEYER, Tel.a Naa. 1tS. 60(7 mo. Wallam aSt. BOYS ! STOP ! AT THt KINDLIIOIIITN FOR A GAME OF POOL. OR BILLIARDS Huron St. East of F.an5dM.Bank. State Phone 144, Peninsular Engratving C ompan~j DETROIT. MICH. i ~CoroMatnad iiottts. A ttendion S oke s I Capittl, 550505).Suist t50Tanatger al atat uie st. 101) lstoler C'igars for 5 cents 1 06egarot igars for 2-5 cento Fats. H necos, Cashier. 4 ltittslttttg Stogies for 5 cents I i hill Antitony (igars for 25 cents 11 Alfonzo (igars fro5cnto 14 IBrutswitklCilassfot 2tcents Ifl ' fil lph' S sl tfI Pank I Lorti estet edCgrsfr2 ents 3 _tat latodwtn tioars fot )5 cents51051aUi53)Ltit The above G I ood s have a to rputatio st a e ut fetttoequals ino tis mkt.ttaitalStttTo tt! 45100. Surpltts,$t15C,000. 1 AN ts AH OH ItCH. fttttstt att Receivesttt50 t tstt-tt- ttt atttttstlts ( Safettltpsto xe~ts-to t Class Baseball. iralke, Day, Kelley, .P 01 stllO Oseasts Chrtstatt Stalt Ptes.,W. ODlttoti 'fIto lollytttitot list tf pliycts h 15 taltllllgtC, C. 'I'li st ittett B110atty, . '.Fr t A stattcattietF'ce a is ltcti ItittiatiIll tt'ti(- ttttttsii B Vi ii l it l A. A, H. .Dtt i=-it XX 'hit iJBt-ltp 1Ita et C. and 1F11itzaic.G. Lutti Blaitt, Hites, Mcee,, P H E. '02 iLit asFtrance Sirt Koiit, Hick, BarownIusseal, AX lute. Ulmer Slcalt t It i I Viii itiontoli 0 ,Bi.attCiaCinilt~l . lRichi HltiiquisI Oootrn- DatrI hCaottn0iina Cli ut yCtlbtttiiUt-oats- anCy -o t s Obell, Scottden an 5a coal t Os alt li elILHhutLti i >~l V Fr-tot' Koldias illis , 11-Sunosit G. Milleir, Morris,\lMcElligott, ie- VaWe keep everything usually kept iiia Dailttatli bitt tiey, Costs.>-Welle, Greor, F. 1aiec RandatllRood, first-class Grocery and Bakery. Cslt HiitotiiI o1t c ta utr . 'ol, anal see ue. PARMSi~ACS -Stoenusat He tlaPeltttiiatidiDi sic 318 S. STATE ST. Baitnet Sniith, Gretusoll P-atoni Mnagers notice the chi-itge in tlie FACE STEAMING AND MASSAGE XX iko l~ctncrPe-i-sit roi Ibasball sahdl. Firci Potter lots ' 'ot X ttii Lliin 'sCiiIbeau n lroo te0uus~ Treatmt forPirmales, llt allsr-niietiteitcock.niutire , t. o f M. BASSES SHOP and BATH ROOMS. iitgs uStl SuciuO wekHodg, liii be it-ie Isby ini All ProtessoJ. H. TstaoNwtaI. Prep. 122 S. State 5at- B ackaueistei Obot, PIeltonFloa1o Iutb i on w dy eoePATRONIZE 01111 Walker, Cati, WeliileXXWalker each gatiit TH Atatliatott Alleit. F. H. LANCASHIRtu, WRE l ABR 01 L.-S. Ili on 0111 eed' As't Baseball M'gr, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS 1008CornreilBE IN LINE Mc o earglo Listea, L.(Childs, C. 0$Crwl lc. SATISFACTION NGUARANTEED. Scott, FLyott Xnisi iltasJ.Notice. THE MODEL of State Street Ftrazer, HikeMilbansoH. Han- All candaitdates fttr 11102 itt. totitt BARBER SHOP If you desire set, J. GootldHoovesoa ndutuoi, Greptoitloirlaractice cdaily- it thie Fair first-class work and coarteous treatment McINe ili Giounds. AAt1S, Capt. ry George and Hlarry at 332 S. State St. 00IL.-Geake, ichirist, C. Cciii- -Ebamr n vcite, XX ley, R.Pettit, B arrH. Pst U's defetated te Dekes, S to 2. ENOH DITERLEuneal ector~H Don't Throw Your G lasses no matter bosw badly they are brokeit. We A way will repaii eye-glasses and spcacles wihile yout wait, or lend yoti antothter pair while yours are being fixed. Nithing baitte best: materials, expert work- nianshtip and boinest prices. Eyes examined free of charge.- yt~~I1lmo- fio -Calls attended Day sr Night. Ns. i6iE. Libety Statet. Resid ee i3t Faaut AtvaPhsne 105. SPRING OF '99 MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST 5At ° _ , , 0 ' - It1 Spring and Summer Make an Styles are is. Early Selection.