THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 IIF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and IStetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up--Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you took around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex or previous condition of servitude. It takes quality to carry the Goodspeed label. 1. 117 Main Street. M IGilIGIN 6 [NT#IL "The Niagara Falls Rouste." CENTRAL. STANDARD) TIMF Tainsg Effet Aug. 04,198. Bail and Enpeess .5....... 47 P. t N. Y. & Boston Special........45 " Fast Fisten..... ....... .94 " Atlantic E peF .............t5o.M Detroit Night Fxpres........55" Grand Basidls EFoot ..........1110 " Mtal & Expes.. .... 40 A. M. Boston. NY. :Crlaii ......... 1 FasttWesterni Eopres.........15538P.m. B. B. &Kailoixrs s ... .......54 Chican.o Night Ex pess ...... 94 FacitoficEpes 12 20 A. M. O. W. RCOGItoS BH.XW.BAYEo, G. P. &T.At. ihiesgo. A't AinnArbior ri SE TABLE Taking EF Spit, 3tay 1, 1899. Trsoapven AorbyCentral Siad aid liii p Alt1!t:i0 P.atlityt 8:05tPSuna 4:5 B . BNtT 6:4 P .A Crs btoaenAnni Arborfor Toonti at~ ~ ~E 7:Sa.n.Uo ILMOcRlEAenCty alls Detroit every hnightoftr heater.n Special U. of 121. cars for all extra occa- sions. .Baggage, express anod Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing roomso, corner of Ann and slain streets, Ann Arbor, ill Griowold street, Detroit. __ its Time looupto The Corner Candy Store,~ ~j ~ North of Quarry's Drug Store, Bi~cycle Qu~tesLione Tendors akindiniotatiton totalsitoihinig fresh goods it reasooiable priceo. Lunches Yoo will Ftind oiltoe Leadles- at all houtrs. Hot cotee and oondwiches at Cohlsssahs, Pasis11lss W. S. PARKER'S, 315 S. STATE. Stenriss, vvoos tesr~ing, L 1: CLOCKS, $1.00. ond othessat U. OF Al. PINS, 10 Csuts. Fine Woatci Repairiig a Speia~slty, 1U tr.Drug J. L. CHAPMAN, 200 Sooth MoinStretoo. The Hovised Schedule, CALENDAR. Friidty, Maty 19-inials it Cuii May l16, Aibion at Aim Arbor. Debate, Adolpiii vs. Jeff ersoniati. 18, Illinois at Chtiopaign. 1'9, Illinois at Champiptgn. Staltaried positiotn fur a foss men1 20, Hamiiilton Cloth at Chicsgio. duiriiig stuotmer mthitt. Apoply Mt. 27, Northiwestorn .at Atn Arbor. A. Bigelowv, 1003 Etast Uttiversity. 311, Wioconsin at Detroit. Josne 1. Beloit a t Ann Arbor. LOST-Soitewiere ini the nteighblor- " , Cornell at Ithaoa. ltoiod of the gymtnasstiu, ta smll 1goldi 1 , Etafayette at Easton. crioss used ao a wa tlclicarti. Finduer 6i, Peninsylvania it Philadeltphi. .plealse rettirn to 627 SousthiThsayer 10, Notre Danselit Ann Arbor. street. G. A. M ILL~r. 16i, Cornell at Attin Arbor._________ . 17 Corsell t Detoit.Lost--A season ticket to batseball gamoes, four gatmes punched, namiie We htove beein requested to prnittasnt address on Ibtck of ticket. ih fllown orrcin o h omFindier please retisritto 418 1K'iltgsley ite last Inlanoder, eittitled Civiles, street. by S. H. Ltstgtlosi,as the stidstiot All canldidattes for the '99 loasebal11 tranlslatiing it fiounld ificulty withi it, teamntreptort tot Ftair Groustislodtay at becttise of tlteoesmitstakes: 3:30 to play thte High Schoool. Lite 6 read interjectiiog 0 afier BANNON, Capt1I period at esid of the linle. Lite 10 strike outt peritodl tfter The Ann Arburtr MusicCit. lttve a onil. $22 Washblurtntiandlolit, slightly Lite 13 issert ainosoafter pli- used, thttt they tfer fttr $12..1 itave 1ri1mos. seets00no schtvolute in mansidoliiis. THE $5.00 GRAI HAPHONE TA~LK] SING 0S ad.PLAYS TOto saute rto li tutttoe- Ite~iced lattthttto, anid 1515 Toss:S.i AMiEl.UCORlS. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 WV. LibeitySt 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embhalming a specialty. No. 2093 S. 4th Ave. Ambuiancse night 1101 day. lRes- idence 102 1FifthiAye. 1 r a n lock~sI n~r, l llmw iii W in. Arnold, edng The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates In the City, Just Received by 338 So. Stato Street. OUR PHOTOS .Ate.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berrymuan Studio I112 West Huron St, State Pliosse 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NewsYorIs - sthle. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offcltt totustittetrst ott tal ,1, itt ittlocttleges HThe tSsalii;ic. lycle, itlitut by the Inter otto"'ts i. AA . A . I tt.piosito and slittifSetBasta ait toot, tall, olf", Teitois H Athtis o I ~ iur Spaldin a'sOtfuruat Loague Rall y Is thit Otliot .Bll. f ie1st N sttuoti a r said sliotth edr oi n asxtat~ ir b adoeCtalottgtettt ,i hitst'tSots H Feeo anyaddtss H Spssldirtt's tttOt tliei L- ' ;itt o rIt s}3111, March30.itt l et s A. Gs SPALDING&OS 3., Niw-torikChticaos The Hocking Valley By. NOnly Osine loosig Vinion Despots On ~ostis 'nToedso 'ssO itisColubs. NO 'IRANSFERtS TO ANY POINT. 3 Hoitr Talos 51ctvveess Aboave Cities. 3 Rates a lwtiys the lowest and aeuom- niodations the best. For particulars call1 on lentlnagents, or address La. W. i.ANI)15IAN, Gen'l Tray. Agt., 07 Woodwvard live., W abash S's vi . it oses Ib r 0\IosTHE 0 3300 p i toa Isy 1 an fnsi-- hasth:1 a st rismk tpsil o you to stak srekst I in nnArors,Di-sr nervin et oistand iLohoni agost BotosDning Free cnot(air(sso Yinon beaettei svrbt o on foa. newAr FieS. o ois :5 Ap.m.; AveChiago eq C;0 . .; an asI ctP15 alt .LOui m'an- Chicao:an1Ann.sho Oh'ie o ietal Li e " A sperIfaty tainaficensrvce CetweensoetsoitanSt.Loi, iando,' Costn. r Rlinin Chir arsonV ClTrinsuouinsluseLake hor Union Sinso -ettion itatou o e lrofgWbastrais.ii lepo sd A.vissg Mons A.sGrsP.sA.,sCieasost ,. isiR. CRAElT. P .AS.L us o leutschtet, the oIbotocwapber. - comics sooosooiosensassnnn no ZZ Z ZZZ~ PURITAN FOR Nh HY HY NY H MY H1- Nh Nh HY 'MEN Hr hQ' Hr AND i Hr Hf Hr H> Ni Hr Hf W Hr W WOMENH>H" NHNS NC NI 1 i u N IH H IH N : } 'N H iH H H W W H J-1 H Y :H eH