THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 III-AND OUTFITS. GY m uIsGODJ ST&.O MGMN6 01~G[INTRflL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STA.ND~bADTIMIE. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mai and Expres . .......347p. N Y & Bosto pecil ....... 4 58 Fast Eastern ..: .......94.3" AtlanticFExpres ............7 43 A. %. Detroit. Ni in Expres.....55 Grasd Espids ltspress:....... 11 t0 Mall & Express .... . ... 9 19 A. M. Rost's. N.TY. &Chicago....... 8 13 Fant Wstern Espres3 ....... 1 :V P sM. G.YM &tal. Eooresso.......5 45" 4'hica'so Night Ex press .........s943 Pacifis Espeess.............12.30 A. M. 0. W RUGGI,E-4, H. W. HAYEA. G. P. & T. A'tillieos. Ag't Ass Arbor. J OA ,. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, May 7, 1898. Trains leave. Ass Arbotr by Cotral Stasd- -rd titte. NORTH SOUTH 8:43 A. 9. * :30 A M *l,:40t4. tt 11:25 A. M. 44:, .. k :40OP.M. 1.9::35 A.41 t9:05 r. M. *Runs bettween Annrtstr antd Toled Ilontly. tIThlesetrasiter on Sundyonlyand rosnb- tween Toledot and1 Howell. All other trainst daily excrpt Pasnday. E. S. GILMIORE, Agent. Il. W. BE N FTT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- B09RIRAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. us. and op to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour tip to 12:45 a m. Cars l-ave cbrner William! and Main bs. Tickets on sale at Brown's D~rug Store. .THE.- KINDERG ART EN CIGAR STORE 'arres oPete75ttraode oflTobaoi, 50ibateosf 'igart and 80 brtesdeofCigaretes A chance oil5aPipe frtewill: every puechase,. "102 E. HURON ST. U, of MV, Shiaving Parlors ad~ Bath Rooim 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladios' artistlicHole Dresting op sairs. OR. friens callagain. Steowelomeneons. J. IR. TROJANO)WSKI. Now quaeters in 11he Thompson Building. Only First-Class Barbers Employed THE MODEL of State Stree BARBER SHOP I yosu desir, first-clann work and coorteoun treatmen try George and Harry at 332 S. State Si ALARtM CLOCKS, $1.00. Students ! Students! . ElFAl. PINS, 50 Cents. If dissatisfied with yoor laundry service omes I Fie WatchsRepairing a Specialty, EXCELS IOR LAUNDRY J L. CHAPMAN A. F. C(OVERT, Peop., 209 E. Wosh. 51. Tolephono No. 211, 2lRings. 200 Sosle Main StrecetExcellenlt Worknand Quick SevicetGusanteed. Your First Duty after securing your room is to REGISTER your namo and address at BROWN'S DRUG STORE User. Main and Huron Sts. IT'S FREE... . CALENDAR. Notice. Satu~rday, Oct. 15.-Michliganl vs. Candlidates for the All-freshman Western Reserve. footbsall teanm are reqoested to report Satorday, Oct. 22.-Michigan vs. to "Ikey" Clark at the athsletic field Notre Daiie. each afternloonl. An otit of town Ft iday, Oct. 21.-Jas. Wliitcoinb schedule is being arranged which will Riley 011h S L A. Core e pulished soon. the . L. Colloe.HARRY B. POTTER,' Manager. "The Girl I Left Behind Me." "The Girl I Left Behind Me," whlichi sill be preoented at toe Athens 'T'lieatre, nlext Mtonday, isonoie of the trongest ~f soar dramias now5 on the road. It is fi'omi the pen of such autlhoro as Blelasco slid Fyles,' and siul be presented hy Julius Calmn's soperb colmpany. 'Thle play io very artistically written anid developis rapidly. The seconid act is a great piece of dramiatic com- position. The action is qoick anid exciting and the authlor socceedo in inicreasing0 the effectivenless of tile sconeity varyinig anid stirring inci- dents of war and peril with the inter. rupting gaiety If strollers from the hail roomi,uniconiscious of the danger witih shicli ail are alike imuminently tlireatlieoed. The stosry is that of an osutbreak ttf Blackfoot Indians and the locationl of the second act is at the nlearest liililary post. The scene ini this act bettween "Lieut. Hawks. wcortli" and "Lient. Parlow" both ill love swithi the daughlter of Gen. K~elnioll, anid "Parlosw" enigaged to marry hler, is one otf many strong scenes in the play. The senior law class muet yesterday morinig for the purpose of electing an edtior for the Micigaensians, but none of thle canididates received a mnajority, so another, meeting woas set for this mnorning. Notice. There will be an exanilnation of candtidates for the Freshman Glee Club this afternoonl at 4 o'clock in Roton 24, University Hall. ROLAND BARRETT. The Free Press, the old reliable and leading State anid Sporting paper 10 handled by F. Stofflet, Opera House Neso Depot Call sand subscribe. Good delivery guaranteed. Recruits Wanted. 'I'here are a large numuber of vacan- cies in the U. of Ml/. Rifles. Any men desirinig to join he at the meet- ing~ of the company,' Friday evening at 7:00, Roomo 9, Ulniversity Hall. STANSELL,' First Sergt. Very desirable iRoonis for ladies at 536 Tihompson St. Modern improve. mnts, all lady roomers. Price low. 17 Notice I All captains anidnianagers of clas football teams swill please mneet melOill Rooii 9, University Hall, at 5 o'clock, next Montday' afternoon. F. W. POTTER, Assistant Manager. The finest Stock of Music Rolls in thle city is at the Music Co.s Store, Washington St. Prices from 75c. upwar'd. 17 AT LOWEST RATES. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 Went Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Only 3 doors from Main Streak. 0. M. MARTINI.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Are. jMAlum61ocks1 Win. Arnold, Leading !Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 I12 West Huron St. Slats Phone 110, °A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Tho Nose Ithoe uaranlee. YFOOT BALL Offilcial outfittern to all thn 1eading. college, shool and athletic club teams. Spalding's Official Inter- ' , collegiate Foot Ball Used esclusively hy Yale, Princeton, Harvard Pensylvania. Cornell and all other leading colleges and univernities. Managers nhoulwiefrpcsansmlsbfoerdern elsenhere. Spaldinsgo Official Fsst Ball Guide, edited byy Wvlter, Camp. Records. phnte' ggra~phsof leading teams. 1898 rules, with in- exndxpaaory notes, 10n. A. .0. SPALDING & BROS.. New s'srk~sChicago 1Yover s LangllrJ Auocy Al Newa Shoed. 607 E. William SI. Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. lentschter, the I~botographerv. '- [ ntercolloulate Bureau otf RlaIdomicGCostumio, GOTRELrL & LEONARD. it ALBN, N. M . UCaps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also ClassPALMYR Canes, Clans Hatn and Caps, Class College Pins. Address F .SHED W. C. KERN, Western Mngr.,ofCia. F.JSHL DE Haskeli Museum n ia , of icg. .340 5. State St., EOHDE E mba~Ilmer andOALndEveryo00014re25c. snd upwnrds, asp tells EN CllonttcndedDFueralttDirector. RAN OAELTHE PHOlTOGRAPHER, eykind.BLRWaterman Fontain Pens do*.5aadup. Cals atenedDayor igh.- 119 West MahignStSreet All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. No. 141 E. Liherty Sireet. Residences533 . WashingtonLOCK.StreetOR F'outAvo, Phone 125. WSIGO9LC. ANABR Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Finest Stationery in toe city at lowest price. WE PATRONIZEI GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.