2 lobiehed Daily (5ndaya ec'0r1]2 Irio!the22 Collge' yar. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA'. '2125 2The1inlnd Pres, Henn0ig Blot, Both P12125 1Ii HMAG~XING EDITOR. F. ECEoAttnoa, '01 L. IIUONES MANAGER. 0 II.I oANS,'0tL. EI)ITOS. Atheicl Editr,. F'. W. JNES, '9, T.uft. a'ooo, '00 L. AllRM20uo LL,'01 (. D. nllt 0001. '01 E. J. B. W002l2, ', C. 11. 19"'0 C1. 0.Coot., '0, L. J.MttoNTOMRYo,'0, W. 0. tICKEY, '0M A (G toan, '02. The uobcttiot 1rice1of t0e DAILtos2"2.0 fo -te olyear10',22.withta1gular delivey 121f02e noon0 2190 tay. Notce, ommune oication,ad ohrmtotr22tened or pubt'licatio122101t022 mailed 22to te editrbore391,291m.atof tdy 020acrit'i2i o 222 ,a , left 021; 22'e1DALY o22221, Myes'eor21 22,221t's 22902210222, ot th Busiess Manatge. 0221oorib29o. will 2'onfe o faoroby repor22ti2n 221222o1m21 02 a t.tsoffice an ty 122112212of 222222.12222o deliver 2222222. Al changes in2 advert21is22g0222ter2meet2be in 212h22222'i y 42.222.2212 telay 221e0i0221 2o 22a0 on 01h1c222 010 21e222o22222222 ELEVEN IINNINGS. Cotined rom2200r0102p2g. Innings.. .1 2 3 4 5 (6 7 8 9) 10 11-R. Mihigan....000 1200000 1 1-4 H'amiton... 0 0 00 100f1 0 1 0-3 Errors-Mattesono 2, Lonn, leher, ier, G. Clarke 2, Adkison 2, H. Clarke. Stolen bases-Matteson, M- Ginnis, Blenoe, Snow, Davies, Plesher, Blrown 3, Jooes. Firt base on balls- By Lehr 1, by Clarke 1. Hit by pither -By Lehr 1. Strok out-By Lehr 3, iy Clarke 1. Double play-Mocinnis to Matteson, Blencot to Sullivac. Pasoed ball-Jones 1mtareGrogan. Tme of game-2:10. NOTES ON THE GAME. On Saturd~oay the '01 (dets owon a oe-sidedl game P rom fte 90112000by a score(of 25 12) 6. Batteries: Las- Andersont a1121She2rman;t1 dents- Herrig and McClure. Te hileop2C0and4111plarmtac5 2did not play berauose tie law-det game 0211 cot fieshed in tlle. 'Te owill prob ably pay 011 Saturdlay afternoon. LOST-A black cacti case 011 camlpus. Retuirnc to W. J. Stone, Alpha Dela Phi ouse ando receive reward. To Further International Peace. Arrantgemxents are beinfg aic by w201010ill the countries representedl by thte Inlternationcal Cmitteet on Peace and~ Arbitratin, to hod mss mleetinlgs for the purpose of passing resolultion~s favoring tie boliioia of war as a meamns of settling interna- tioncal diputes, acnd the establish- cnct of a Permacent Court of Arbi- tration : Such a nmeeting will be hld in Newberry Hall tiis afternoocn, at 4:15, under tis suspices of the Women's Leaguie of the Uciversity and otier organizations of wovoenc in this city. Tile citizens of Adn Arbor acd vicicity are cordially invited to be present and wocmen are especially urged to attend to express by their vote thteir sycmpathy with the mItove- mecnt. Tile meeting will be addressed by Mrs. Crooker, Dr. Vaughan, Judge Lane acd others. Solace B. Coolidge, '98 e, haa been spenldinlg ihe past fewr days in towcn. He is at present interested in the coal antd coke busicess in Detroit. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Sonic Fair Shooting Done. Thte Gun Club held its regular sobot last Saturday nmorning at its groun~lds 011 SouttlStatle street. The scores madile were very fair consider. in~ thte stiffoind thtl ttas lowlting. iNortonllrepeatedl Ills performantlceO of, last week anld broke 20 (out of 25.j 1119 score is as fslloovs: ((firer, Capt .......19.......6 Coifom ............18............. 7 W'i ttleaey . i..............1..........0 Norton................. 20............. 5 FlaDtsbu rg ..........14 ........11 Peck................... 10.......15 Carter .................12.......1't Seabury ...............11.......14 Roighard......231...........27 Tite scores 1 in oules:20 Collins..*...............6............. 4 Flansburg ....... ................... 4 Norton .................7 ............ Oliver............5............... ...0' rile Serentade Citub mtade its first pucblic appearce last11)Satutrday 112g11 after thte cocncert, and~ favored a few of its friendrs. Tile clu~b is a d1021112 quartette anld is complotsed of inleml- bers sf tite Uciversitv- Glee Cluab. Prof. Kelsey in thte close of last. oveek aitectded tihe annlual mieetin~g of tite manallging commitittee (If tihe Ame~ricanl Classicatl Scitool at Rlomte, ield inloNeow York. lHe w2215platcedl (o tite execultive corntinittee, andthis to be prolfessor of Latin at tile Scholol for tile yealr 100-1901. Thte Chi Psis (lefeated the Sgllil Pis 30 to 21 on Satturday. The Attn Arbor H. R. will s212 290012200 22021210 for te followittg mee21ngs at 22n0 fare U'aversity of 012c217222n Musical Festival, Annt Ar'boe, 911ch. Titon sa22202le y 10,il,,122 and 22. Heturen limait Moy 15. InteationaolConvet'ttiont Y M.C. A.ttfNorth: Amteritca, 02000dHRapits, Mih.tTicketson21sale2, Mayt24oand 2.lRettr ltt Ma20 2o'9. AnnuatlConvetiontTravl.ersot210122121 111 sole Moy 1572161. 22e2t22' littit Maly 21. Attual Meigra atis920 122112 01ts2, Roanokeo, Va1. 2290222s 00 2010May 16, 19, 211 andtt21. RHo turns limtiJue24. Notional Baptist Annesais, SantFancisco, ('a1. Tiokets oalel01 14:y1, 2522nd 16. Heturn~ Moeeting oOld Order German Baptists121, 5nio0n Bridge, Old, 'rickeotson as le M0116, 19,,201 00a 22. Returnt limait Juno 24. For tse Annal 012e21ingOGetorl Assemblytt Presbyeianttchurchli Unitd1Sate,"Mnne apolis, Min t oneafor102122uad tipu GBfiflINB1O8. New Stale 'Phoce 397 No. 1 13 East Liberty St. Mfanufactures otDentalInstrutments and FinneMachinry. Speciat Attectioc givncto aicycte Itepairicg AFull Lice sf Bicycle Sundries in Stack. Rand McNally Universal Atlas FOR NOTHING i NUBLE'S SUMMER SHIRTS ! ARG*4,ST STOCK, A PEST STYLES, OWEST PRICES. I.OOI% Ir WELL 3-'1t iA t-L ^ 6OOL, 01VrFORTABLE, HEAP. If you want a Shirt, come where the Shirts are. CLUB ASCOT TIES FOUL.-IN-IIrND TO MATCH Noble's Star Clothing House wmwmm GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING* $3).oo0 ec 21ernt of 1:2 -Avieit~. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointmtent. Beli 'Phone 24(6. IMPORTERS AND IMANUFACTURERS OF CH1-EMICAL and PLHYSI CAL APPARtAT US. MLICHOSCOPIC FIND)INGS. hleadquarters fosr alt Latbora- tory Soupplies Il2lS.Main Streat. Anni Aense. Mieh TEINLfXND FR58S PRINTERS, BINDERS, and Bloc20kng BLANK BOOK MAKERS ANN ARBOR. FOV a iUMAIAIEJ? CRViSE1 take the COADST U tLG A NEW STEEL The teatest Perectin PASSENGERyeatandiBotC. STEAMERS. .structin:duuin os n. SPEED2 - 61,~t ,' EquipmcentArtistic Fu- COMFORT oniahinc, Decorainn ADSAFETY. Efficiecntervice. To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Noaoth~oe Do ofea'anoate t'22 of22 60222 mile,22 of2.2qua2l varity and in2trst ForT rie eps, 1.enkclBetween 12, ,t, .an l~~t S022,2 Btwee Toledo, Detoit acd Mackinac t:ery, Day tand DETROIT AND CLEVELIAND I iossareo 2.012Far120.'50aEtclDirnction to Dll 1a.Ctevn Berhsdc o ate . " tom. $ ,1.75. 50 LO'WtA I)ct uresque.22..nckinae and , Put - Ir- Bay 2221,12.2 2..'t2.2 tes ~ 0ott Retur, intluttint0 1el2an2d2 IBeths.0122.ettt and Toledo. 22 auht ndat.'Oo o t fo r att lints.222 To1200, $10.15, romle..tItot, $.5. 0142012.l.2sJeOt ul y,Augus2221 Sed2. A. SonANee, . . P., nn'ERO To, soonIC. SDeid !IIII n i nta tttlllIt'tI OIIISUI By Saving 25c purchase checks at the folowing stores. Mack & Co., Gruner & Lu tz, Fan 'i Cutting, Reyer & Co., H. Brcown, Staebler & Co., Grooeries, Wml. Arnold, Eberbach H'ardware Co., J. J. Quarry, J7"11 i Seabolt Bros., Groceries, Anton Teufel, W. W. Wetmore, G. B. Wild Co., E. V. Hangsterfer, J. Laubeaayec, P'ioates No. C. F. Pardon, H. G. ILodholz,______ 300 Coupons get the Atlas. ern12s Cresetnt Comtbinaltionl (11)1Ladly anid Gent) landem for reint by the 110u1 'ent. om day. Rates Pasnbe M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. 8. 119 West Washaingmtonn Street. ToosteeDr Sore.t akalQ~e If you want a nice bdacke or tan If ou BcyleNeds-S e hamtd-srwed Shoe, at $3.00,1$3.50,1$4.00 f Yor Biycle eedsacnd $5.00, call an~d see us. TO BE REPAI RED, ~1( We guarantee satisfaction in every Go to BIERMAN-9S, ac *rspect.Wa S. W. Washington.fRPRII[L' SfSHO[ STOKF~ e ~lA Arben .