THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ITF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen'hats of high quality, such as Knox and IStetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up--Thus insuring you exclus- Iive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you look around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex or previous condition of servitude. It takes quality to carry the Goodspeed label. 117 Main Street.j M'6G'61RM GENTRIIILCRETADSYIHTIOIG "The Niagara Falls Route. " O R C N TY I H T IO I G 1 CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mvailad Express. .........57 P. m N. Y. &BositonSpecial ....... 4 58 Fast Easters .........s..as3 Atlatic Express............7 45 A. X.. Detot inh,'t Express ......55" Grand RIapids Express .........if10 Mail A Express. .........8 45. . . Boson. N. Y. A Chicago ....... 179If Fast WesternI Express........ 1 3p. 51. G. R. & Ital. ExprEss..........5 45 CJhicago Night Exp~ress ........94.7 Pacific Expres ........ It27 A. SI. 0. W. ICUGGLES, H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Ad's. ('hirspSa. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE TfakinlgEBrett, Msy 1, 58995. "gisslease Ass Arbb C enctral Stnd- NORITHISOUTH 8:43 A. At *.1E:2: A. At1 N.:4S.P.ILMOSIR, A5 r.s't. 4.:St 1ENE. St. F.A.____________ ites l5e Asnn Arbor af oYl nti tad D etwitenveohadhorwegi nning )p1cilhrii'nst.dailryforaleptStrdayoc. 5100.Btagae, xESs and Stud Aenta' supp. liesrevEd .CT A.dlvrd at ingTROoms,cornerAofIAnnANdNAin Str aets Ann ArbolGrioldYpstreet, nd etroit eeyhl ou einn at 715 .o .crlae i Speia U o M cas oral ts occth silss Baggage, eprertss ad tuens Yn oo our~eAnrofAtnos75a.151arn sreet.,1Aosserbor11tGriveolistagot Detot.e eri iu'tlus hct titta xon-ettr Irite tto s0for a ew foaberhoFatrahisineitS osbl. o F.uAoItaebrafasti A.GnP.A.b,in-go,LoS.sP.andV.LunchSt. LititFisto Clsii.-S.arGenrsvout. 5.P . Couleve cnnAror 7:da. I;Arr hia Central.Line TH ETheCut illLIlNiE TO AFsuerblas trat agient e ie bewen tot and 5t. ILis, Chica tyoso NiaaraFalsuf'o,New.Ylk n CluTbransYuseilakooe hor vnion Sinsonbtationwratleo.u o e foldersofgaastrains.t leil n a. Rd Tolesto .P.&.At.LusMo MOLTNhURgoseadFAnnst Ao. We operate the finest tailoring traide ill the city, and equlal any ini the State. W\e l'espectfully solicit yourvYlulted paltronagel~. All garmlents made isy us kept pressed and ini repair' for one year'. 10(6 E. 115ro)H. (XState Phone143 4 CALENDAR. Friday, May 19-Finlals it Cups lDebate, Adelphli tVs. Jefterstollall. Juiuls IB.'sood, last year's phall- 171011mile'Irunnler, whl)olllilt beest oult tis year tillaccotulnt of ill hlealthl, 15 algalintrainling for te trlack team~. Jun1l5ius isvwillthouttoubt thlebsat tie unne Il in lthe110west,.11171 every- tois usoed, that they oifer for $12. 1I have sCen noltsuIchlsaluelin' llIanldolins. Ptrof- Jalles At. Craig will addtress the 131i1'blelasses tof lte Unitarlianl tclhurtch, lnextSund~lay 117711, o1Thle Booik of Jonahl~." Tile publlic ale coriatlllly invsited. W~. A. M\alonte, ex-1902, ISilli townv. IF. G. Mead;., '98, of Detrosit, is it Anni Ar'lbor for thte festival. ilobi. Y. JLarnled, is Vlsitling friendts ill towna'lt ini thg fief'stival. regim~enlt has 1r511urnedl tt college 1111d Cha~s. 0.(Cookl, '97 e., svlho is locted eiIll D~erot, hias 1Se11llhuntillg wceek. ('arl''. Stotrml, 1)8 ., sifKirks-I Annl Arirtt, fotr Ite prt't't'sice Iis ptrofessionl. THE $51OO GRAPHAPHONE 'lTat twe sell nows TALKS, SINGS land PLAYS Thte sttrtie as te hthler-prieed ltaettiities. taid U1SES5TILE SAMIE 1511(01l1S. THE SCHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Nto. 11.92W Libuerty St. 0. M MATIN.1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Asmbulance night 1117 day. Ries- idence 302 ilfthl Ave. Win. ArnolAd, Leading The Only Full Line of Lowney's Chocolates 'In the City. Just Received by 335 So.Shale :street. -LOtST--AtIathletic fieldtinlllg All candlhidthes for '02 lit. team re S- lThura's" gamhe a lhacklhlfoulntailh OUR PHOTOS port at 111ir grouhndls, Friday' at 3 p.1)011 with1tile trad~e namllOelhar'edlohtl. ii., Sahturdaly lat 9 a1.hI. tPleahse returnll-todasy.. ARE ... H. L MA~Rs, Capht. dsxa---rs B. Wools. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH Berrya THE di lentsch~er, tbe liphotographer.ymn tui 112Weal Huron St. __________State Shonse la9, - 1, " ZZSldHS~~ IIRZ2ZZZZZZZZZuim~t~iLiiS.lii Z:HSTIiiZlIitHlSZLZ177S77ZZHTRUilN" PURITAN SHaLo FOR Spring and Somnmer Stock Colmplete. NewI tsse't Leather. Controlled An1rbrStr'11 as o FAT"YH CKO,{AS -----",A. G. SPALDING & BROS. IV0N "iTH5LETICo S5GOODS. " Oficil otfitersto llShie headingcoettiges "stchoolstand athlet'i'lubsftt777hiv'utry. 1The SpalingllIB1icyce, riddentthe t AND 77Intercoltlegite A. A. A. A. Chaultiuts,an tlthe leadting.' vtlleiie riders. LEvory eui 5- 77sile or tirse hall, FottBil,. Go1f,'tennis, 12 Um W 77Athlticsie, GtT. aiuar R IfW W71 HH Epaldhrsg's Official League Bal I s thtetOfficitt all;,11 it'eNatinl Leagae and at tll ,htk clti cotlee associaios. N llaasoal'ttluir 'talttgte of Athuletic Spuorts Shadbes of Tssaand 77 TSpaldigis Officiatl hase IWIi (uideSfor 1899, Alatrchi70. 10 Centsx. Iby ns. 77 A. 0. SPALDING & BR0S., New r k, Chicago ~The Hocking Valley Ry. Ii Onl ineY1.11Hating Un~ionC Depats in l Bthi Tolerand Colum.III~nbus. Ii NO TRIANSFERIS TO ANY POINT. ii3 1u Traiuns Between Q 0 N IIou Above Cities. Dx7 ates always the lowest and acsom- 'on St. x modations tile best. Near Cook Hose i For partinnlars call on local agents, or address L. W.V LANDMAN, Genil Tray. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich You con get COVER GLASSES at 55c per oz. and SLIDES at 40c per gross aut Goodyear's Drug Store